Charlie Kirk is hitting the balls out of the park tonight on Twitter:
The top 0.001% of taxpayers pay about 3.25 percent of all income taxes
The bottom 50% paid about 3% of all income taxes
Tell Breadline Bernie the top tier of Americans are already paying their fair share!
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) April 24, 2019
Some “Republicans” are challenging @realDonaldTrump ?
They are launching a attack against the most successful President of our time?
The President who delivered:
Best economy ever
Energy Independence
A safer world
Tax cuts
They are a embarrassment!
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) April 24, 2019
Terrific article by my friend and American patriot Jared Kushner
He is delivering MASSIVE results daily for the forgotten men and women of our great country
?@realDonaldTrump? is lucky he is on his team! https://t.co/q9Mqp8oeUT
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) April 24, 2019
Officers at scene of Robert Francis O’Rourke’s 1998 driving drunk crash say they believe he tried to flee
Where is the media and Democrats?
They tried to destroy a INNOCENT man’s life on 30 year baseless allegations
Robert Francis O’Rourke is a disgrace
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) April 24, 2019
Amazing event at Penn State with @TPUSA@kimguilfoyle and @charliekirk11 and I had a great time to a PACKED HOUSE!
Students love @realDonaldTrump
RT! pic.twitter.com/pTwBoNhoLo
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) April 24, 2019
I shouldn’t be too hard on Charlie.
It was by watching Charlie Kirk pander to literally every group in the world on Twitter but mine that I saw the complete absurdity and uselessness of Conservatism, Inc.’s brand of identity politics!
Note: I’m going to have a blast helping Yang to defeat Blompf and Charlie Kirk and win the Southern states in the 2020 election. Many of you doubt the lasting power of the Great Yellow Hope but I have confidence in my analysis and his ability to pulverize these two clowns.
Great Yellow Hope? You have got to be kidding.
It was a tongue-in-cheek remark.
I do think Yang would wipe the floor with Trump in a general election. I also think he has a number of good policies. I think the country would calm down considerably under a Yang presidency. I also think that some of the issues we are dealing with now are transient, not permanent, and that the future will be very different than lots of people have imagined it.
I think it’s rather obvious that Charlie Jirk and Candace the Coon are being paid by powerful “conservative” jewish interests to spout their right-wing horseshit.
Spahnranch1969, The sheenies aren’t getting their money’s worth out of this awful casting of Ebony and Ivory 2.0. For a people that prid s itself on getting the most for their shekels, they rolled !snake eyes ‘ on this duo.
These two kosher cuckservatives don’t even resonate with voters in their own age group. Both of them are empty suits that reek of contemptuous arrogance and lack of sincerity. Even the most addle minded MAGApedes cannot be buying the BS these two flim flam dullards are selling.
Your comment deserves 6 million upvotes.
Great comment and thanks for the good laugh. “Ebony & Ivory 2.0” was very witty.
Actually, I thought the .001% was Charlie’s code for worldwide Jewry.
Look at those narrow shoulders and that effeminate demeanor. Charlie Kunt is clearly a pillow-biter.
A biter after fully drenching it in saliva. We won’t dare discuss the next phase.
Well, Spahn, I just looked up pillow-biter in Urban Dictionary and I was clearly at the wrong end. I learn new words on this site all the time. I firmly believe he was, and still is, a pillow kisser. That’s how they do most of their luvin.
Conservatives are funny. They think the ultra-rich have little or no obligation to their fellow citizens and humans. It is a moral and religious travesty to have billionaires in a society while millions of their fellow citizens lack the basic necessities of life. Not only is that a religious principle but a logical belief based on reason. Since it essentially states that humans have no value unless they pay taxes.
Morality aside, how can a society continue to function with such opinion makers like this Kirk man being influential?
I argued this before:
In many countries, the ultra-rich in the modern age still feel a kinship with the poor however diluted the feeling may be. This is why you don’t hear of Swedish cuckservatives aside from a tiny minority of weirdos that nobody listens to. Sure they may be Moslem-loving cucks, but they still feel obligated to provide for society as a whole thanks to their privileged and affluent status in life.
Enter America, which has an economy and elite culture that naturally selects for the most greedy, selfish, and cunning individuals, and you have the makings of a vicious class warfare scenario.
Again, even in the South, which held firm longer than other parts of the country, you are now getting an elite class that has been naturally selected to be rootless and unconnected to the peasants in their sphere of influence.
So private property – a bedrock of America, as well as prosperity anywhere – should simply be looted at will? That is called “leftism”. I’ve never heard of this idiot Kirk, but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong (except about the despicable Kushner).
If you want to bash capitalism today, focus on all the deviations from capitalism which benefit the Top 1%. Abolish the Federal Reserve, the linchpin of the 1%. That would unite conservatives, libertarians, nationalists, and even some progtards. But wealth honestly acquired belongs to the people who earned it. Whenever the rich get attacked, it ends up costing the middle class. And the middle class is where most White Americans are located. Attack all the welfare freeloaders and overpaid government “workers” instead. And focus on ending immigration – or all these issues will be lost.
Yeah, let’s demonize poor white people on welfare rather than rich Jews. Die you fucking petty bourgeois, boomer, lackey for the 1% class enemy. I hate you and your kind with an undying passion and when the revolution comes, it ain’t gonna be pretty for vermin like you and Charlie Kirk.
Wealth belongs to the exploited wage slaves, not their fucking exploiters. Again fuck you. Fuck you in the ass to kingdom come. And this post better not be censored.
Marcus Cicero,
I believe you are correct
Although I don’t agree with HW on Yang I enjoy reading his blogs and have done so for a dozen years or more. I see a new paradigm emerging. The closed system of left v right, rich v poor, capitalist v socialist, D v R, conservative v liberal, white v non white, man v woman, is all about divide and conquer. It’s what keeps the anti-White regime in power.
The old paradigm may have served a useful purpose at one time but now it is literally killing us. The primary, number one concern of the new paradigm will be “Is it good for White people”? If current ideological lines get crossed over to fulfill the concern so be it.
“Many of you doubt the lasting power of the Great Yellow Hope ”
I don’t doubt Yang.
I do believe, however, that the system will close ranks and destroy him. He represents the future that they’re trying to stop.
As they say on the X-Files, “Fight the Future.”
If the choice comes down to Yang or Bernie in the primary, I think the Democratic establishment will throw in behind Yang because he is the moderate centrist.
HW, do you think the Democrat Party would allow Comrade Kamala to be their nominee, or will they try to humor her without giving any real support and encouragement?
Capitalism, with an extreme focus on the financial reward, is clearly different than basic free market enterprise. The former rules our world from top to bottom. Even with the lowly manual labor class, money rules everything. No one any longer sees or serves the greater good.
I don’t understand why you aren’t showing love for Tulsi. I will be voting for her for sure. She is busy calling out Trump for buddying up with Saudi Arabia, and by implication, Israel.