Editor’s Note: We have a single rule on this blog which is, “This website does not support violence. Do not promote, suggest, glorify or incite violence in the comment section.” It is because of days like this one. Otherwise, you are free to discuss and argue about anything you want here.
Here we go again.
There has been yet another synagogue shooting by another self-detonating accelerationist:
BREAKING: Shooting at the Chabad synagogue in Poway, California. Multiple injuries, gunman detained.
Developing…— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) April 27, 2019
UPDATE: At least four people injured, including two children, following a shooting at the Chabad Synagogue in Poway, California. None of them are believed to be in a life-threatening condition. https://t.co/Jbytqh1s4i
— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) April 27, 2019
BREAKING: 1 dead, multiple people injured in apparent ‘hate crime’ against Jewish Community following shooting at Synagogue in Poway, Calif.
— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) April 27, 2019
DEVELOPING: Pawoy gunman name is John Earnest. Wrote anti Jewish manifesto before the shooting at the Chabad Synagogue – reports
— BNL NEWS (@BreakingNLive) April 27, 2019
“A 19-year-old was arrested in connection with the shooting, authorities said. The gunman entered Chabad of Poway on Chabad Way about 11:20 a.m. and started firing.
He was identified as John T. Earnest, a Rancho Penasquitos resident. He was arrested and is being questioned by homicide detectives.
Earnest appears to have written a letter posted on the Internet filled anti-Semitic screeds. In the letter, he also talked about the planning the attack.
“How long did it take you to plan the attack? Four weeks. Four weeks ago, I decided I was doing this. Four weeks later, I did it.”
Earnest, who is white, wrote that he was willing to sacrifice his future “for the sake of my people.” …”
Of course.
I’m currently writing from my smartphone while on the way to going out to eat at a restaurant with family to celebrate my wife’s birthday. Undoubtedly, I am missing all the usual hysterics on television about the rise of White Nationalism, which was recently on full display in Congress.
This is precisely why I recognized the need for a 3.0 movement over a year ago and started working toward that goal. After the Michigan State debacle, I was sick and tired of relying on the failed paradigms, discourse, strategy and tactics of others. It was clear that fresh thinking was needed. We’re currently relying on a way of dealing with these issues that was constructed by Boomers back in the 1980s and these tactics have gotten us nowhere whether it is through the dead end of voting for the GOP every four years because Republicans are our secret friends or the dead end of these mass shootings.
I’ve already said everything that I have to say about these people. I’m not going to read this manifesto. I didn’t read the previous one either. We’re watching a vicious negative feedback loop between the accelerationists, the enforcers of political correctness and the “journalists” who are fanning the flames of division and resentment that is covering everyone else in toxic shit. I’ve only seen dozens of these mass shootings over the years and doubt there is anything new about this one. These things are bound to happen as the political correctness is ratcheted up to ever greater extremes.
UPDATE: I decided to read the manifesto after all and will write something further about this in the morning. Essentially, I think Jewish power, wealth and influence is a passing phase of history, so I don’t see any need for violence to rid ourselves of the MIGA oligarchy.
You can denounce it all you want. It won’t prevent it. Living through a decline is agonizing. Some may be content to be perpetual keyboard warriors pretending that they are making a difference. A few will simply decide to end thier pain in a blaze of glory. Many more will just go out by themselves as part of the opiod-alcohol epidemic.
These people have been doing this for the last decade and nothing I say or do here will change anything.
I’m just going to make it crystal clear that’s on them. They believe that what they are doing is strategically sound and tactically wise and advancing their cause while I don’t believe that at all.
Deny all you want it doesn’t change reality. Reality and nature are synonymous.
HW, Cultured Thug concurs with you.
“I’m just going to make it crystal clear that’s on them. They believe that what they are doing is strategically sound and tactically wise and advancing their cause while I don’t believe that at all.”
The Palestinians didn’t become a credible threat to Zionism until they stopped practicing international terrorism and started the peaceful BDS movement.
Actually, the jury is still out on that claim. I have followed the Palestinian plight for years, and remember when even the mainstream media outlets like Fox would bring on Palestinian voices. But ever since the end of the suicide bombings, their visibility has disappeared. I don’t like violence, but it is clear that legally and morally, the Palestinians have the right to resist. Israelis have shown over and over that they do not care about justice.
The only time the PLO made international news was when terrorism hurt their cause and helped the Jewish cause. The knuckle draggers had their chance and blew it.
Now the women are winning hearts and minds and going after the Jews income streams.
See the latest win in the US court system.
Is anyone out there really thinking that making comments on a blog will change the world? I’m here to relate with people on certain issues, not plot to take over the planet. My name’s not Rothschild or Soros, dammit!
Mao said all power comes from the barrel of a gun. Actually, changing minds is how the world is changed.
Commenting on a Pro White blog is peaching to the converted. If you want to change the world, you have take your views where they are not welcome.
I don’t want to charge the world. Change yourself, and you change YOUR world. That’s how it works.
See shooter’s open letter here:
A 19 year old wrote this?
Not a stupid kid by any stretch of the imagination, but God damn.
This is not going to take things any further in our favor.
Free speech is the alternative to violence but our enemies have no intention of going in that direction. This will lead to the next mentally unstable “white nationalist” going over the top which will begin the same vicious cycle all over again.
Don’t forget that in the meantime more and more normies are becoming aware of our enemy’s ultimate genocidal plans for them. I see our foes in desperation mode.
Us “Easter worshippers ” send out our condolences to the Satan worshippers in San Diego.
“Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer … – and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.”
— Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to Senator Jacob Javits R-NY
The inevitable cannot be stopped, only delayed- underneath the Thin Veneer of Civilzation man is a violent animal.
Frequent non white on white crime = “Random”
Infrequent white on non White crime = “Hate”
They say they are anti-hate but what they are is anti-White.
Anti-hate is a code word for anti-White.
Yeah, isn’t it interesting how in the almost daily event that a white is raped or murdered by diversity, the establishment don’t care enough to comment. Yet whenever the tables are reversed, both the powers that be and pro white leadership have hysterics.
Yes, it’s true, there’s nothing unusual about this shooting. It’s yet another false flag HOAX “shooting”. There was no shooting at the jew synagogue in Pittsburgh and this latest synagogue “shooting” is yet another HOAX. The Dylan Roof shooting at a black church in South Carolina was also a HOAX. No blacks were killed. No jews were killed in the Pittsburgh synagogue. No jews were killed or injured in this latest HOAX “shooting” in Poway, California.
Sandy Hook was a HOAX. Parkland was a HOAX. The Pulse shooting was a HOAX. The Ft. Lauderdale airport shooting was a HOAX. The mosque “shooting” in New Zealand was a HOAX. It gets tiresome, all of these HOAX “shootings”.
The only attacks that weren’t hoaxes : The bombing of Christian churches in Sri Lanka on Easter morning, that was a REAL attack with REAL deaths ; And the fire at Notre Dame was also a REAL attack — as the fire was caused by ARSON. There were 2 dead bodies found in the rubble of the Notre Dame fire, both dead by bullets, they were killed before the fire started. The MSM is totally silent about that. If 2 muslims or 2 jews were killed by gunshots and found in the rubble of a burned down mosque or burned down synagogue, the MSM would report that, and the MSM would be outraged.
Dead bodies in the Notre Dame? Where are you hearing that?
Well, I read the manifesto anyway.
It was thought provoking. Maybe I will write something further about this after all.
We’ll blog (or vote) our way out of this mess.
Surprisingly, yes.
There is a black swan coming we hadn’t considered before: mass unemployment caused by automation of working class jobs. We will simply vote to overthrow the oligarchy.
They have other plans; this black swan to you is a grey pigeon to them, something they have been working towards for some time.
Consider Clark/Kubricks classic 2001 Space Odyssey; the HAL 9000; Frank Herbert’s Dune – they’ve been planning this for decades.
As a youngster, 1994 I believe it was, I became aware of this decades old plan for some chosen ones to “merge with the machines” and achieve immortality in this life. The rest of us will accidentally on purpose not make it. What I thought would happen in 2010 is happening instead in 2020, perhaps because of 9/11 and the recessions.
Once they no longer need our labor, we’re dead.
The US government spends 100s of millions in special security for )ewsh institutions, yeshivas, temples, colleges etc. When will it spend money on Whites in “multicultural” schools, neighborhoods, parks etc. Oh, no money for that.
(Certainly, none for our border).
I am losing interest in these massacres because they follow a predictable pattern of hype, hysteria, thoughts and prayers, conspiracy theories and mass suspensions of PayPal, YouTube and Twitter accounts. That being the case I don’t think I’m going to examine this particular incident, except to say I hope it was real.
“Essentially, I think Jewish power, wealth and influence is a passing phase of history, so I don’t see any need for violence to rid ourselves of the MIGA oligarchy.”
I’d love to know why you think this brood of vipers which has been around for more than 5700 years is suddenly in a “passing phase”.
Two reasons:
1.) They’ve been booted out of countless countries throughout history.
2.) Their wealth, power and influence in the United States has only lasted since around the 1920s and is based on a number of historical circumstances like the backlash after World War II and everyone watching television.
Yes, and when they sense they are about to lose power, they start a war or a depression, and neutralize the violent, white males.
There IS a pattern, you just haven’t followed it through to the fruition.
This latest HOAX false flag “shooting” the Jews pulled-off in order to paint all White Americans as Nazis, especially the White Americans who voted for Trump ; This yet another false flag hoax “shooting” brought to us by the Jews, it gives the Democratic presidential hopefuls yet another great opportunity to show the Jews how much they love the Jews and how much they dislike us White Americans. This latest JEW HOAX will help the Democratic presidential hopefuls in their fund raising efforts, that’s for sure.
And this latest HOAX “shooting” by the Jews gives Trump another great opportunity to show the Jews how much he loves the Jews and how he worries alot that White Americans at any minute could turn Nazi — the false flag JEW HOAX “shooting” meant to defame all of us White Americans gives Trump yet another great opportunity to suck bagels out of jew assholes.
The Left accuses White Americans who support Trump as being “Racist” “KKK”. What a joke, for Trump is more concerned about the well-being of blacks [ and browns ] than he is of White Americans. And The Left accuses White Americans who support Trump as being “Nazis”, and that’s a joke also, as Trump is very much about looking out for the interests of the Jews. Trump’s first and foremost concern is Jews, his second concern is blacks and browns. He NEVER mentions us White Americans, he can’t even get himself to say “White Americans”.
It’s going to be yet another bagel-sucking-banquet writ-large, with both the Democratic politicians, Trump, the Republican politicians, the TV talking heads, the Hollywood celebritries, sucking bagels out of JEW assholes to show the Jews how much they love the Jews and show the Jews how much they dislike White Americans.
Everyone will pretend the shooting was a real shooting, even though many of the politicians, probably most of them, and definitely most of the Jews, if not all Jews, the TV news talking heads, the Hollywood celebrities, they know the shooting is a JEW HOAX false flag shooting, but everyone will pretend it was a real shooting and everyone will pretend that White Americans are on the verge of turning all-out Nazi, like it’s Germany 1933 here in 21st century America ; Modern day America, where almost ALL Whites like the Jews and respect the Jews and support Israel. For liking and respecting the Jews, for supporting the Jew country of Israel, White Americans get labeled as “Nazis” “haters” and “violent monsters” and “mass killers” and everyone acts as if the Jews are the most innocent people in the world, the Jews wouldn’t hurt a fly, that’s how pure and sweet and peace-loving and non-violent the Jews are.
With Jews you Lose. The expression seems to be true. White Americans get NO blessings for supporting Jew Israel, NO blessings at all. Quite the opposite. Everything gets worse in the USA the more White Americans support Jew Israel. God has bestowed NO blessings on America because White Americans support Jew Israel. The USA goes more downhill all the time the more White Americans support Israel.
The USA has turned-out to be a total joke of a culture,a total joke of a civilization,a total joke of a country.
“White Americans get NO blessings for supporting Jew Israel, NO blessings at all. Quite the opposite. Everything gets worse in the USA the more White Americans support Jew Israel. God has bestowed NO blessings on America because White Americans support Jew Israel. The USA goes more downhill all the time the more White Americans support Israel.”
That’s how it’s supposed to work. The goyim were put on this planet to serve jews. God is the jews’ god and all the blessings go to them. At least that’s what they believe. And they have fooled idiot Christians into making it happen.
Essentially, I think Jewish power, wealth and influence are a passing phase of history,
Maybe so, but they’ll do a lot of damage and hurt a lot of people before it’s through.
May God have mercy on this poor boy’s soul. But he is correct in one thing- the constant, overarching, and satanic CONTROL of the Deicides over our Nation, our commerce, our laws, our VERY LIVES, is what drove him to this act of folly. Had I been that ‘woke’ when I was 19, who knows how different my life (and America) could have been… Because all of the evil he mentions in his letter, was present in that part of the world, back then, as well…
A Chabad center is a conservative (Hyper-yid) colony of antichrist Esau/Edomites. May God bring their lies and machinations to naught- for God does NOT hear the prayers of Jews.
And may Christians all over, arise to effect our own ‘reconquista.’ Deus Vult.
Ask a Jew if it would be morally ethical to go back and kill all of German males PRIOR to Hitler’s birth to PREVENT him from ever being born and they’ll state emphatically YES!
So maybe Earnest John simply prevented another Yitzak Rabin from being born then…hmmm?
its gonna come down to attrition at some point
Jewish support for uncontrolled mass immigration and, oddly, Muslim immigration into the West was bound to have repercussions sometime.
“UPDATE: I decided to read the manifesto after all and will write something further about this in the morning. Essentially, I think Jewish power, wealth and influence is a passing phase of history, so I don’t see any need for violence to rid ourselves of the MIGA oligarchy.”
Brad, you’ve lost your damn mind. No other group is more powerful or influential, that’s not just going to pass away with boomers. I take it you’ve completely given up and accepted the blue pill. Sad. I used to respect you.
How long has this situation lasted? It has been like this since about the 1930s. You seem to believe that the Jewish grip on power is eternal, but history shows us otherwise.