BuzzFeed: Activists Are Trying To Force Mastercard To Cut Off Payments To The Far Right


“Activists have successfully forced Mastercard to hold a vote by shareholders on a proposal which, if passed, could see the company monitoring payments to global far-right political leaders and white supremacist groups.

The proposal aims to see Mastercard establish an internal “human rights committee” that would stop designated white supremacist groups and anti-Islam activists, such as Tommy Robinson, from getting access to money sent from donors using the company’s card payment services.

It’s been conceived by US-based political activists SumOfUs, who want to escalate the battle against white supremacists and far-right groups from tech platforms like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Patreon, and PayPal to one of the biggest companies in world finance, in an attempt to choke off donations.

Robinson and several other leading figures in the global far right have been forced in recent months to solicit donations directly on their websites via Mastercard, Visa, and American Express after PayPal banned payments to them. Facebook also disabled the donation function on Robinson’s fan page before deleting it completely.

“Spreading hate involves spending money,” Eoin Dubsky, from SumOfUs, told BuzzFeed News. “Whether it’s paying for online advertising or organising violent rallies, white supremacist groups need financial services from companies like Mastercard.”

Imagine worrying about China’s social credit system in the United States while you are getting shafted six ways from Sunday by the incestuous relationship between political correctness and woke capitalism. Actually, the Chinese are celebrating their “National Rejuvenation.”

The truth is that we can’t even have a meeting in the United States these days except on government property or even raise money except through the Post Office. It is the failures of free-market capitalism and the free-labor system that has driven us underground, not the government.

I’ve always taken a dim view of free-market capitalism. I have been an economic nationalist ever since I read Pat Buchanan’s great book The Great Betrayal back in the early 2000s. Lately, I changed my focus though and have become much more critical of free-market capitalism.

Since we can’t talk about race realism and Jewish power, wealth and influence anymore on social media, should we abandon mainstream social media platforms? Why not talk about something else instead? Why not talk about how we need to regulate Silicon Valley and start taxing Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos so that every worker in America can start getting paid $1,000 a month?

I’ve grown bored with the same old debates in the 1.0 and 2.0 movements. I want to talk now about how hilarious it would be to intellectually demolish and dismantle free-market capitalism, end the oligarchy that lords it over our politics and culture and how we should redistribute wealth from the billionaire class to everyone who is getting screwed over in our rigged economy.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter, it is not free market capitalism if it is “rigged”. That is the problem with “isms”. They depend on what someone “feels” is proper in the definition. Free doesn’t equate with rigged. They are antonyms. That is why I have not used “free” in tandem with economics since the bank bailouts. It goes much deeper than that, but the bank bailouts were my red pill.

    • Absolutely. This is the big problem in the West. Because West does not admit the genetic liberal problem, then genetic liberals take over every last thing and decide what something mean.

      In the East sometimes this happens too. In the Ukraine, liberals took over nationalism and now the proper nationalism is homosexuality, mass immigration, poverty and war with Russia.

      Actually we may replace capitalism with hamsterism. Growing hamsters will save economy and planet Earth. There is only one problem, luck of qualified workforce so that we must bring in at least 100 million immigrants and make them feel good. So we also need fight racism and jail hate speakers.

      This is the big problem with institution based thinking. Liberals take over every last thing and decide what something means. Even when we get Nazism, then liberals take it over and make clear, that Nazism lost previous time because they did not had obese black lesbian Waffen SS soldiers and mass immigration to run German war industry. And there we go again.

      Mad white people are the problem, not isms.

    • If members of the US Congress or POTATUS — the government, are unwilling to do anything about discrimination against pro-White groups or are unwilling to enforce our right to free speech, then it is the government who is responsible for oppressing Whites.

  2. I counted the meme ‘far-right’ twice, and the ‘white supremacist’ meme three times in that small part you just quoted there.

    Who said memes don’t work? They are sure doing a good job of dismantling the Alt-RIght.

  3. “It is the failures of free-market capitalism and the free-labor system that has driven us underground, not the government.”

    The biggest threat to Liberty in the former United States, isn’t the government, or a foreign power. It’s the private sector, corporations, other NGO’s, and millions of White stooges, wielded as clubs by the anti-White enemies of the West.

    The only people who can take our freedom from us, is us.

  4. “The biggest threat to Liberty in the former United States, isn’t the government, or a foreign power. It’s the private sector, corporations, other NGO’s, and millions of White stooges, wielded as clubs by the anti-White enemies of the West.”

    The usual suspects found a way around the Constitution and Law, by operating within them.

    The 1st Amendment forbids the general government from censoring or punishing political speech.

    But it says nothing about NGO censorship or punishment of political speech.

    These characters know this. Which is what they’ll argue when or if they’re ever proceeded against legally for their censorship.

    The Constitution only applies to the government vis-â-vis the citizenry. Not private organisations.

    If a company does something like this, it’s just violating banking/commercial law, labour laws, or “whistle blower”laws. Or perhaps, discrimination laws.

  5. “Spreading hate involves spending money,” Eoin Dubsky, from SumOfUs, told BuzzFeed News. Every anti-white policy the Jews and their subservient Gentile lackeys promote is the epitome of hate. The Jewish-controlled mass media spews it’s venomous hate towards the white race on a daily basis. This is a clear case of projection. They’re the Supremacists and haters!! Not us!!!

  6. Free market capitalism is the only way and the best way. IT JUST NEEDS CERTAIN REGULATIONS – WITH TEETH – TO PREVENT “PREDATORY CAPITALISM.”

    All other $ forms have been tried and suck.

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