Meghan Markle Gives Birth To Prince Harry’s Royal Baby


“Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, gave birth to a baby boy on Monday, per the official royal Instagram she shares with her husband, Prince Harry.

Details: The child, weighing in at 7 pounds and 3 ounces, is 7th in line to the British throne. According to the birth announcement, which promises more details in the coming days, both Markle “and baby are both healthy and well.”


  • Harry’s line will never inherit the throne anyway
  • Darwin wrote about natural selection
  • The British monarchy is a huge joke under liberal democracy anyway
  • The inevitable divorce between the happy couple will be epic
  • We’ve suffered through actual monarchs who were literal retards, homosexuals, moral degenerates, etc. It goes with the territory and Harry will never sit on the Iron Throne, so …
  • Is the United Kingdom even going to still exist in 2050?
  • We shall endure as we always do
  • The future belongs to those who show up so launch a counter-offensive
About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • Is that really his kid? Wow! It is very dark! LMAO

      When White Nationalists rise to power in the UK, I wouldn’t be surprised if they deported the royals. There is an older royal blood line that still exists, that it is said was cheated from the throne by the ancestors of this family. However, I would support a return to Anglo Saxon chieftan rule and choice of leadership by mortal combat. If anything, a system like that would rid us of many useless people.

      • That infant was probably in a Haitian hospital during his, and the Mrs., most recent visit.

        The baby with the red afro will be his.

  1. That whole relationship was a set up and I’d like to know the juicy details.

    Everyone here knows how I feel about the dreadful monarchy and want it to be destroyed in spectacular fashion. Then followed-up with a good flogging starting with the ugly lizard Prince Philip and then sneaky Lizzy Borden Welf Hanover Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Windsor. I don’t care how old they are, 100 lashes each it is!!!

    As for the boy, I’m expecting him to look like a quadroon version of Alfred E. Newman, perhaps even uglier.

    Little Prince Cheddar it is.

  2. This is going to make my family’s re-conquering of England easy as pie. Goodbye Norman Invaders, Hail Harold Godwinson the 10th.

  3. The God race has made history once more. I am told Miss Universe, Miss America, and Miss Teen USA are all black for the first time in history! I call them the God race for the fact that white sports lemmings fill up the sporting rink every Saturday and Sunday where they worship athletic exploits by the God race as white cheerleaders scream in orgasmic glee! The stands are overwhelmingly white, the athletes are overwhelmingly black. What is wrong with this picture? As for myself I was once a devoted fan of an SEC team but now I boycott both collegiate and professional sports. It is just another tool in the arsenal of our enemy to destroy white society. The system uses our life of sports to advance a multiracial agenda.

    • we invented humanity. Africans invented everything you see here on earth. White people just modified. Nevertheless you just a beneficiary of white supremacy and privileges. You came to Africa as poor as a church mouse. Your very on David Livingston wrote to your evil queen that when he came to Africa there were no beggars or poor people in the stream ets. Europe was a shit hole that’s why you decided to come to Africa. Europe was full of theft, murder, diseases, corruption and all sorts. You contaminated us with your barbaric ways of living.

  4. When someone in the royal household requests a “nappy” they wont know whether to grab a diaper or Prince Harry’s son.

    • @November — Okay; a lot of hilarious comments but yours absolutely takes the cake !!

  5. A crime against creation and evolution. Whichever one you believe in, it’s a crime against both.

  6. Well, mom will know how to do its hair, that’s for sure.

    I can’t wait to hear the kid mumbling King’s Ebonics.

    Any guesses as to the name? My guess:

    Darnell Marquis Jamal Mohammed Philip Arthur George Henry

  7. The ONLY person who has ever lived (and who ever WILL live) that could be called ‘The’ (as opposed to ‘a’) Antichrist, was NERO Caesar. Not Napoleon, not Hitler, not Obama, not Harry!

    The book of Revelation is not some wax nose ‘manual of fortune telling’ for heretical pseduo-Xtians to interject their apocalyptic speculations upon. Apart from the fact that the proximate date, and intended recipients of that book, were the Judean Christians living in ‘that generation’ who heard Christ’s prediction, that ‘not one stone (of the Herodian Temple) will be left standing,’ such conjectures are blasphemous.

    The ‘generation’ [i.e., 40 years] between Christ’s Crucifixion and the Destruction of Jerusalem is ALL that book was EVER about. Everything points to an AD 70 culmination point in history. And nothing else.

    • Unfortunately, most are too wedded to the Futurist interpretation of Revelation to even consider the alternative. Don K. Preston has written many great books on the subject. Brian L. Martin’s Behind The Veil of Moses is a great single volume work.
      Surprises me that sola scriptura folks are so influenced by creeds that they don’t give the Preterist view a fair hearing.

  8. Ever since Harry wore a swazi armband at Holloween party, the media tormented him.Harry did a 180.

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