Matt and Tony thank the several people who stepped up to assist with the lawsuit fundraiser, cover some current events, then interview Nick on the subject of welding. Not only is he a master of his trade, he’s also established a successful foundry where he mentors and apprentices several other nationalists.
His proof of concept has inspired others and we’re hopeful that we’re kicking off a growing trend of nationalists establishing our own guilds and networks capable of helping our young activists financially support themselves, their families, and their cause. Regardless of what you believe our strategy ought to be, our movement is stronger and and more stable when its vanguard activists are stronger and more stable.
A special thank you to Paul, who donated $75 and “lostcausemonaut,” who chipped in $50. A pseudonymous donor who goes by Eric invested an incredible $10,000 in our lawsuit. That’s a game changer that will empower us to subpoena even more antifa and crooked officials. Trust me, you want to see these people who are guilty dead-to-rights forced to answer for their corruption and their actual conspiracies to initiate violence.
While we’re up against millions, we don’t actually need millions. But we do need more. Our victory, smashing the public consensus on Charlottesville, is a necessary next stage in the maturation and sophistication of the cause of white identity in America, one that every faction, scene, and subculture in our diverse cause can and should become stakeholders in.
The Sines Complaint is our biggest defensive lawsuit. A cursory review of the lawsuit will confirm how hastily and sloppily assembled it is. In the very first paragraph, they charge us with having a “neo-nationalist” agenda, which is a made up word that nobody involved has ever used. And it just gets worse from there, with major and easily corrected errors, like claiming that TradWorker participated in the August 11th torch march.
Just a couple weeks ago, just under the wire for the filing deadline, some dude from Ohio cobbled together a duplicate of Sines, Burke v. Fields, with the big innovation being that the proper jurisdiction for an event that occurred in the middle of Virginia is Ohio. The proper jurisdiction is Ohio because some of people on both sides were from Ohio and because some of the communications and transmissions passed through the state.
It contains even more naked and easily avoidable errors, including falsely stating that Heimbach was an Ohio resident. It weaves together an amusing conspiracy theory charging Andrew Anglin’s father with being the mastermind and financier behind Charlottesville. Both lawsuits contend, with no basis in fact, that the membership and leadership alike were in on a bonafide conspiracy to terrorize the town.
I’m not going to litigate the lawsuit here, as I’m not an attorney and much of this boils down to technicality. But an informal layman’s review of these lawsuits demonstrates that the suits are starved for credible charges while binging on prejudicial accusations and speculations accusing us of every -ism but Communism. They have two ways they can win this; a politically biased judge or an incompetent defense. Given the weight of case law and risk of appeal, the latter is their best hope.
Washington v. TWP reads more like a BuzzFeed hit piece than a legal document, weaving together a gripping narrative before admitting, “It is a bedrock principle of American law that to be a member of a conspiracy, one need not know all the other people in the conspiracy or share the same goals. Co-conspirators must only share a single unlawful aim.” In other words, they admit we didn’t actually “plan” violence, but insist we probably pretty much were down with it.
Disregard all the footage, from police body cams and even publicly available NetFlix documentaries, featuring UTR leadership and membership alike demanding that the police step in and help us de-escalate the situation. There’s no way to find us guilty here without declaring it illegal to organize or attend any political event which is being opposed by another group.
The offensive lawsuit is currently being reworked in light of new information to more comprehensively pursue the actual conspiracy that day which there is actual evidence for. The Heaphy Report confirms that Charlottesville’s local leadership actively conspired to disregard and discard the resources and support offered by state and federal stakeholders in the event planning in order to stage a bum fight. If you don’t have time for the wordy report, you do have time for the breezy NetFlix documentary, AltRight: Age of Rage, where antifa, nationalist, and media alike confirm this obvious, demonstrable reality.
As soon as we’ve refiled, which will be soon, we’ll get that lawsuit posted for everybody’s review.
My goal is to give this entire process the attention and visibility it deserves. While legally litigating Charlottesville is important, and we need more money, this effort is part of a broader effort to relitigate the event which will include documentaries, social media campaigns, and the media and resources you need to prevail when the cases going to court trigger a new wave of media and public interest in the event.
Some believe we should just take the “L” and “move on,” allowing them to frame our entire movement as a terrorist conspiracy without objection. Not only is this position unfair to the men who’ve been prosecuted and persecuted, but it’s also unfair to future activists whose rights to organize and speak up against our dispossession will be determined in these cases.
Kolenich Law Office
9435 Waterstone Blvd. #140
Cincinnati, OH 45249
Note: TWP Defense
To avoid drama, please do not send money to me or anybody else claiming to be raising money for our defense. Send a check or money order directly to the attorney if you’re in a position to do so. If you’re not, please do what you can to help raise awareness and encourage others to join our fight.
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So glad to see the foundry fired back up and hammering away.