I’m sure that our interest in Andrew Yang’s presidential campaign seems weird to lots of people who read this website.
Andrew Yang is pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ, pro-DREAM Act, pro-gun control and so forth. I can assure you that his positions on these social issues annoy the hell out of me too, but he is running in the Democratic primary. Yang’s positions on these issues are understandable because about 44% of Americans are Left-Libertarians, nearly the entire Democratic Party believes in this stuff and there is no path to victory that doesn’t go through them. He doesn’t really have any choice in the matter.
This is the political reality he is facing:
I don’t blame Yang for having for having these positions on social issues. It is Donald Trump’s positions on these issues that make no sense. 54% of Americans are social conservatives and authoritarians. Republican voters now say that immigration is their top priority. And yet, the Trump administration is waging a global crusade on behalf of feminism and homosexuality. It is presiding over the total collapse of the border and is considering banning silencers after the Virginia Beach shooting.
The Democratic Party is pretty much aligned with the interests and values of its base. The Republican Party, however, is totally at odds with the interests and values of its base. It consistently runs on polarizing social issues to win elections only to mysteriously drop those issues from the agenda once in power in order to focus on things like tax cuts, banking deregulation and pro-Israel objectives.
If the GOP isn’t serious about the social issues and is jerking us around, I am willing to listen to what Yang has to say about economics. In particular, the rise of robots, automation and artificial intelligence is a real problem and that isn’t going to change regardless of who wins the 2020 election.
Note: We don’t have any confidence in the David Frenches of the GOP to conserve anything that we care about.
Yang’s an idiot and not the answer. Balkanization is the answer, our republic being Confederacy 2.0. There’s no “lazy way out.” We have to CREATE Confederacy 2.0.
OK, I goaded you into putting up something a bit more ‘updated’ on the Yang Gang, and you responded. Whether it was your desire to do so, or merely in your column line-up or not… nevertheless, I thank you, anyway.
Now, HW, let me analyze this response of yours. You stated:
“The Democratic Party is pretty much aligned with the interests and values of its base. The Republican Party, however, is totally at odds with the interests and values of its base. It consistently runs on polarizing social issues to win elections only to mysteriously drop those issues from the agenda once in power in order to focus on things like tax cuts, banking deregulation and pro-Israel objectives.”
OK, so Dems are basically all immoral bastards whose political party platforms are an affront to God and Man, but they are ostensibly honest about it all. The Party that wants White Men dead at least preaches at you their genocidal hate at every opportunity, so you can be forewarned. And this is the party of Yang- amirite?
Whereas, the Repubs are two-faced sons of bitches, who promise one thing, while delivering something that more closely approximates what some of the Dems want, and all of what the Jews want – saying this, while knowing that the Jews are the closest thing to Antichrist we have on the planet at present; which thus means, it is contrary to the will of God, and the very existence of Christendom, both here and abroad. Fair?
IS that, then, about the sum of it all?
Then, how can ANYONE who [being American- you know, the ‘God shed His grace on Thee’ types] and who claims allegiance to Christ and his Law-word, dare presume to be such (i.e., a Christian), if this is all there is in the field of governance? If Trump is a lying jerk, why NOT at least impeach him? Because the ‘solution’ would have been someone like Hillary? But we’re ‘slouching toward Gomorrah’ ANYWAY!? Slouching? Hell. We’re having a race to the sulpher pits, with damnable and death-deserving perverts [Rom. 1:32] like Carlos Matza-boy faggot, being practically given the Nobel Peace Prize for the recent purge of ANY contrarian voices on YT! [ https://dailystormer.name/that-gay-spic-who-ostensibly-triggered-the-recent-youtube-bans-is-also-jewish/ ]
Why are we not doing what Gray Ghost says, by CREATING a Weltanschauung that is more godly, more biblical in its function and outworking, and demonizing every single godless asshole that is out there, running for office? Why are we NOT separating from this accursed Union, and working to disengage everything we have and own, from this nuclear cesspool about to explode? Why are we not covenantally tearing ourselves away from this corrupt and soon to be destroyed ‘government,’ if this is the case?
For ‘fear of the Jews?’ Shit- those damned hook-nosed IMPOSTERS lost everything, 2000 years ago, and they are NEVER going to get it back. NEVER! Better to die for Christ, than live under Shylock!
We cannot ask the ‘second prince’ in the UK to ‘come over’ to be ‘our’ king, because he’s forever corrupted his seed via the adulteration of whatever morality he may have possessed. Markle’s miscegenated mess, as it were. Yet, we should have a king, and not a President, premier or papal pretender as our ruler.
We cannot reform the ‘Democracy’ that is allowing the brown hordes of hell to enter our land, and render God’s judgment for our sins of sodomy, abortion, and the like. For both Houses of this nation are utterly irredeemable. There is none righteous, no, not one, as St. Paul said.
Lastly, we have been betrayed by the false Theoden and his Talmudic shit of a son-in-law, the Grimma Wormtongue of the Talmud, far more than we were with O’Nigger. That way no longer has an ounce of truth; or even honesty. Trump the Traitor should be his name for all generations ever after.
We not only need a revolution, we cannot call ourselves servants of the most High UNLESS we reclaim the ‘crown rights of King Jesus’ against ALL evil and blasphemy. But one man cannot do it alone. Yet one man, joined to his blood brother, and another joined to them, can begin the process of freeing ourselves from the Satania we are currently mired in. Who will lead us? Who will incarnate Christ and HIS Kingdom for us, in this sorry time? THAT is who we should be praying for…. not some covenatally damned Chink and his Yangbux.
God help us.
I’ve become increasingly aware that few people even remember what it was to be a Southerner so I have been working on my little educational project for whoever might happen to be reading this site.
I see Yang as a kind of solution to the current alignment within the GOP. Who knows if this will even go anywhere?
UBI is the only reason I support Yang. I’m for safety nets that protect people from the changing winds of the economy and the incompetence of corporatists. As soon as there’s a candidate that supports morality in all its forms — economic (safety nets), legal (anti-abortion), and cultural (anti-censorship, anti-Marxist programming in schools, media, and society overall) — I’ll wave bye-bye to Yang. There ain’t yet no such animal, so people have to try to do their own decoupling from the dominant culture, which is a more difficult process. Building networks without a central focus takes a long time.