Ross Douthat: The Politics of Dystopia

Ross Douthat:

“Here is a media story from the week that was. In the Netherlands, a depressed teenager died after seeking euthanasia, and a number of outlets reported that she had been euthanized by a clinic that accedes to suicide requests from people suffering from mental illness. …

But suppose you believe a legal and medical system that colludes in the suicides of the depressed is as grave an evil as any populist policy to date. When such a system emerges as a seemingly organic feature of the liberal order, what then should be your attitude toward liberalism itself?

This problem, the possibility that liberalism could through the working of its own principles lead to something truly evil, connects to a somewhat-baffling argument among pundits this week about whether American conservatism is becoming “post-liberal,” whether the post-Trump right might leave liberal democracy itself behind. …

Which means that the liberal order’s defenders need to take them seriously. Liberalism has never done as well as it thinks at resolving its own crises. America’s gravest moral evil, chattel slavery, was defeated by an authoritarian president in a religious civil war, not by proceduralism or constitutional debate. The crisis of the 1930s ended happily for liberalism because a reactionary imperialist withstood Adolf Hitler and a revolutionary Bolshevik crushed him. The liberal peace that followed may depend on fear of the atomic bomb. …”

It is hard to imagine the collapse of the liberal world order from its epicenter in places like New York City, Washington, DC and London.

It is much easier to imagine it happening here in the Deep South. As I have explained at length, we have already shrugged off classical liberalism once before and 1 out of 5 Southern White men of military age were dead before we were dragged back into the Glorious Union in 1865. Liberal democracy also had a near death experience in mid-20th century Europe before it was saved by the Soviet Union.

Ross Douthat condemns chattel slavery as “America’s greatest evil.” I don’t think Ross appreciates the role that slavery and white supremacy played in the South in putting the brakes on the worst tendencies of liberal democracy. It was slavery that made the South the authoritarian and socially conservative region of the United States. The legacy of slavery is that Northern classical liberalism has taken much longer to destroy itself because it was restrained by all these other influences until the 1960s.

As to how the liberal world order ultimately collapses, the final act is easy to imagine now. It will be the return of chattel slavery in the 21st century that finishes it off because free human labor won’t be able to compete with machine slave labor powered by artificial intelligence in the future. The unraveling United States is also in no position to stop China from developing the technology. America’s loss of social cohesion will accelerate over the next two decades due to changing demographics.

After China displaces the United States as the world’s superpower and the global economy reorients under Chinese leadership, the liberal model will come under siege here. The liberal political and cultural establishment is already discredited. I don’t see it surviving the coming wave of mass unemployment driven by automation while simultaneously waging war against White America. Traditionally, it has relied on violence to preserve itself (Civil War, World War I, World War II, Cold War, etc), but the United States and United Kingdom lack the force to indefinitely preserve the liberal world order.

Who is going to sign up to fight China to preserve the image above?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yes, the circus is burning down but when the clowns survive, nothing changes.

    Genetic mad white people just find some another isms to turn into madness and the show goes on.

    Before , some shit happens. Thank God Almighty that the liberal choose suicide, not homicide to sacrify her life to stop Nazis.

    • Liberals are conformists. They conform to whatever the dominant culture is. In facist italy they would be good facists, in the USSR they would be good communists. In America they are good anti-white liberals.

      They aren’t self aware in that they can’t think for themselves and do not search for objective truth on their own. They just side with the mob or the biggest bully on the block.

      About the goyim, the Tulmud says God made animals in the shape of man, so they could better serve the Jews. Well from hard experience, I have come to think there is some truth in it. The genetic white liberal as you call him, is an animal in the shape of a man. Don’t be fooled by his appearance. He is not a man.

  2. ” I don’t see it surviving the coming wave of mass unemployment driven by automation while simultaneously waging war against White America”

    Future scenarios:

    1.) The USA Collapse plays out like the USSR. Obama is seen by History as a Breshnev type figure ruling over a graying decaying empire. Trump is the Gorbachev-reformer type figure, desperately trying to revive a fatally flawed country.

    In the future the collapse occurrs and Aztlan comes into existence. Whites rally to a Putin-type Authoritarian leader who restores large swathes of the remnant by re-invigorating Nationalism and Christianity (note The Russian Orthodox Churches re-emergence in Russia)

    2.) As the Country collapses after the Dollar is replaced by some other currency and China calls in it’s debts a ‘Seven Days In May’ scenario plays out as Authoritarian Military Leaders seize control akin to the Greek Colonels.

    Liberal Democrats flew the Nation aboard chartered 747 jumbo jets en route to New Zealand…. Only to be shot down in flames by F-22 Raptors piloted by Deplorables eager to avenge decades of affirmative action & ‘Whiteness studies’….

  3. Ross Douthat condemns chattel slavery as “America’s greatest evil.” I don’t think Ross appreciates the role that slavery and white supremacy played in the South in putting the brakes on the worst tendencies of liberal democracy.

    Even if we grant that Ross Douthat is insufficiently appreciative of slavery’s contribution to holding back the forces of liberal degeneracy, it remains a fact that slavery was indeed America’s greatest evil. You just can’t to bring yourself to admit this, can you. Thus we get complete tommyrot like:

    As to how the liberal world order ultimately collapses, the final act is easy to imagine now. It will be the return of chattel slavery in the 21st century that finishes it off because free human labor won’t be able to compete with machine slave labor powered by artificial intelligence in the future.

    Yeah Hunter, that’s “slavery.”

  4. Said it before, but worth repeating: the three signs of America’s fall:

    1) The first true favelas appear (probably in California) – if you’ve travelled in Africa and South America as I have, you’ll recognize ’em when they emerge.
    2) China officially passes America as the world’s No. 1 economy. I suspect they may have already – but when official confirmation comes, I think it will be a grave shock to the American psyche. More so for our traitorous rulers in DC/NY/LA.
    3) Bloody nose militarily in somewhere we have no business being like Iran, Ukraine, South China Sea. We’ll realize we’re just hiding behind our machines and a bunch of fat pink-haired trannies tapping at computers isn’t going to stop the Waffen SS…FFS, we can’t even stop the Taliban!

  5. Another entry (albeit out of the news cycle) is the relationship between Killer Tarrant and…. ISRAEL!

    “While the corporate press is correct that Tarrant and Breivik clearly follow the practices of the anti-Islam xenophobic movement on the rise in Europe, North America and now Oceania, the key element they have deliberately avoided mentioning is a strong collective affinity for the state of Israel.”

  6. “Liberal democracy also had a near death experience in mid-20th century Europe before it was saved by the Soviet Union.”

    If you won’t mind answering a question, Mr. W., why do you say “by the Soviet Union”? This isn’t a trick question.

  7. Liberal democracy is just about out of gas being held up by a fake economy and a paper tiger military.

    Trump’s state of the union speech summed up how relevant Liberal Democracy is in the 21st century. Constant trips down memory lane about how America is a great nation because we “saved the world” in 1945.

    Nobody cares anymore.

  8. Slavery isn’t America’s greatest sin, not booting blacks out after slavery is. Had they been given their own country somewhere, Florida or Liberia, the impact of slavery would be almost nonexistent. The negative effect of this so-called sin is the presence of blacks, their general inability to contribute to an advanced society, and the use of those blacks by the elite to further their own power, aka Black Run America.

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