The president has some important news to share:

Ann Coulter notices Blompf is losing Texas in the polls and wonders why folks there aren’t more appreciative of having the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem:

Blompf is kicking off his reelection campaign in Orlando on June 18. #MIGA2020

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. He’s probably gonna have a Homosexual Rally and recruit more freaks into the Republican Party. The Conservative vs Liberal game should have been dropped in the 1970s. Same goes for the Capitalist vs Socialist game….that should have been dropped in the 1960s. The future is Nationalism…..Beyond Trump! Deo Vindice !

  2. A Biden (((Presidency))) will be hilarious. He’s increasingly out of it – he’ll twist himself into knots to cater to the demented, warring factions of the Dems. Trump has it easy – he does whatever the Kushner/AIPAC faction tells him to do. Biden is going to have a nightmare – because the AIPAC Jews will still try to drive him into war on behalf of Israel with EVERY-ONE. The growing Muslim faction are obviously begin Jihad for real if Muslim countries are attacked. White Normies are going to have to deal with REAL open Border Orcification all over. One way or another – America is FINIS. We just need to stay our of the way. Set ourselves and families up for the best situation we can, and stay out of the way.

    • A Biden presidency would be hilarious but it honestly couldn’t be any worse then a Trump one or should I really say a President Kushner one. I would prefer yang but If creepy Joe biden does win he’ll be the last white male democrat president thats almost a guarantee

  3. Biden ‘s gonna win by promising more ag subsidies to Yankee corn and soybean farmers, and the return of extinct steel mill and auto plant union jobs to the former employees of those now defunct places.

    Essentially, he’s gonna run a classic, late 20th Century campaign, with Trump “me tooing” all the way.

    Whichever one wins, we’ll all still loose.

  4. Maybe Blormpf is trying to cause an actual American revolution. I mean at some point, someone is going to start shooting at these crooks.

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