The Southern History Series

I hope you have been enjoying this project.

A few months ago, I decided that I would do a series on Confederate History Month for 2019. I had the time, the will power and a mountain of articles accumulated in the archives.

I needed something productive to do here besides covering the demoralizing spectacle that is the Blompf presidency. We’re not doing the rallies anymore because most low information people are so stupefied right now and convinced they are Making America Great Again. There won’t be a revival of that until Blompf is gone and the next great backlash against a Democratic president.

In the meantime, I have spent much of the last 15 years researching on my own time the history, culture, origins and identity of the Southern people. After years of street activism, I know from experience that our biggest problem is the weak and degraded state of Southern identity. It is hard to rally our people to the flag when they don’t even like they flag because they are so poorly educated or because Southern identity has been associated with a bunch of dumb and cringey Boomers who are Rainbow Confederates. It began to dawn on me that few people understand the South the way that I do.

The Southern History Series is my ongoing effort to share my perspective and understanding of our heritage. Traditionally speaking, Southerners have enjoyed having a sense of place and deep roots. We have an epidemic of confused and deracinated White boys who have been alienated from their own culture and tradition because the modern public education system raised them on tales of Harriet Tubman. The goal this month was to write three articles about each of the Southern states. This is only a drop in the bucket of what is needed, but we need to start making an effort to better educate the disaffected.

If you go looking for it, you will find that we have a rich and deep culture, history and identity. It just hasn’t been passed down to younger generations because of the political correctness.


Southern History Series: Review: Planting an Empire

Southern History Series: Nathaniel Beverly Tucker and The Partisan Leader

Southern History Series: Robert E. Lee on White Separatism


Southern History Series: Sen. Zebulon Vance on the Federal Elections Bill of 1890

Southern History Series: Hinton Rowan Helper’s Negroes In Negroland (1868)

Southern History Series: Nathaniel Macon on Jeffersonian Democracy


Southern History Series: The Texas Revolution and Anglo-Saxonism

Southern History Series: John H. Reagan on Texas Secession

Southern History Series: Texas Declaration of Secession


Southern History Series: The White League of Louisiana

Southern History Series: The Battle of Liberty Place (1874)

Southern History Series: James D.B. DeBow on The Non-Slaveholders of the South


Southern History Series: Country Ideology In Colonial South Carolina

Southern History Series: The Demographics of Revolutionary South Carolina

Southern History Series: The Gadsden Flag


Southern History Series: Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens on the Causes of the War Between the States

Southern History Series: Sen. Robert Toombs Farewell Speech

Southern History Series: Georgia: The Failed White Utopia


Southern History Series: The Republic of West Florida

Southern History Series: The Southernization of La Florida

Southern History Series: Florida’s Peninsula In The New South


Southern History Series: Memphis Torchlight Processions

Southern History Series: Review: Aftershock: Beyond The Civil War

Southern History Series: President Andrew Johnson’s Third Annual Message


Southern History Series: Spirit of the South

Southern History Series: Race War! The Fort Mims Massacre

Southern History Series: The Settlement of Southeast Alabama


Southern History Series: Sen. Henry Clay Condemns Abolitionism

Southern History Series: The Kentuckian Diaspora

Southern History Series: Slavery In Kentucky


Southern History Series: L.Q.C. Lamar II on Reconstruction Mississippi

Southern History Series: Jefferson Davis’s Exile In Canada

Southern History Series: Gov. John Jones Pettus on Black Republicanism and Mississippi Secession


Southern History Series: Karl Marx For Hillbillies

Southern History Series: Illiberal Ethnostates In Northern Arkansas

Southern History Series: The Integration of Central High School


Southern History Series: Slavery In Missouri

Southern History Series: How Missouri Joined The Union

Southern History Series: The Kansas-Missouri Border War


Southern History Series: The State of Sequoyah

Southern History Series: Sooner Socialism

Southern History Series: The Okie Exodus


Southern History Series: Forging The Ethnostate

Southern History Series: The Secret History of West Virginia

Southern History Series: The Red Neck War


Southern History Series: Maryland, My Maryland

Southern History Series: The Dred Scott Decision

Southern History Series: Maryland vs. Abraham Lincoln

Are we all one nation? Are we all one people? I don’t think so. We have virtually nothing in common with these people.

Note: Now that I feel like I have sufficiently bounced around the South for a month, I have some book reviews coming up next.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Brad, on another note…..

    I started reminding you, again, about cryptos this year. I think it was February/March time frame when Bitcoin was less than $4,000. Well, it’s now over $13,000 so you would have at the very least doubled any contributions if not tripled some by now. Are you waiting for it to go to $20,000 again? Today, you also have to wait close to a week to physically get it in your possession once you pay for it unless you are willing to pay a premium. The premium in India is $500/coin these days.

    PS: It’s highly volatile but eventually, it will go much, much, much higher

    Just saying…..

      • Sorry, Brad, just trying to assist someone…..


        You must keep in mind the volatility. They are extremely volatile. A lot of the people in cryptos are/were also in precious metals which is why so many can weather the volatility. The precious metals market is rigged because gold and silver are the bellwether of a nation’s currency. Silver is more rigged because of its heavier industrial use. It used to be priced at about 9 silver to 1 gold but now it is something like 90 to 1. I believe that eventually our money will be digital and there’s no getting away from that. I can’t give financial advice but I will tell you what I have done…. I own some of the top cryptos such as Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH) which is a “hard” fork of BTC and holds the original algorithm format of Satoshi Nakamoto’s whitepaper (who is probably a fictitious character), Ethereum (ETH), and Litecoin (LTC) which is also based on the Bitcoin algorithm but is not a “hard” or “soft” fork but more of a code fork. All are in no particular order. I also have a few Ethereum-based tokens but that’s a different area. You do that later. And, remember, you don’t secure a gain or suffer an actual loss until you sell.

        My first investment was in BTC before the BCH hard fork. So, when the fork happened, I ended up owning both. All cryptos can be purchased in fractions. If you want to invest in BTC and you have $650 to do so, you would purchase .05 of a Bitcoin (based on a $13,000 price). There are fees charged by the exchanges on top of that, Coinbase’s fees are posted on its website. If Bitcoin goes to $20,000 then that $650 investment at $13,000 is worth $1,000 at $20,000. If it goes down, your $650 will also go down. To send cryptos from one address to another cost’s a small fraction of the amount you’re sending. In some cases it’s deducted from the amount you send, in other cases it’s deducted from the amount that remains behind in your wallet. The fee will be stated beforehand on both Exodus or Coinbase. People move cryptos for various reasons such as moving to a different storage wallet or to a website to buy something. Bitcoin is one of the more costly coins to move.

        Never invest more than what you can afford to lose. Always pay attention to the website address and make sure it’s secure. And, always, ALWAYS, check the address you are sending to!!! If you’re off by one digit, your funds are lost forever.

        Get a free Exodus wallet to start:

        Sign up for a free account on Coinbase:

        It’s how most people start in cryptos.

        In regard to cryptos, the people who I follow on YouTube for different reasons are:

        Bix Weir
        Clif High
        Crypto Crow
        Arcane Bear
        Max Keiser
        Roger Ver
        Crypto Viewing (Dick Allgire)

        I agree on some things and disagree on other things with each of them. In the end, it’s your decision alone.

        For me, it all started with Greg Hunter interviewing Clif High on his channel back in early 2017. I found Clif fascinating and I contacted him directly.

        Do not chase quickly rising prices. You can get burned if you don’t know what you’re doing. They can go up quickly and down even quicker.

        Good luck if you decide to do so. I’ve been in this for over 2 years but you need to educate yourself first.

          • It is very risky. But I’ve lost plenty over the years in my 401k (Black Monday, the Tech Crash and the 2008 Crash alone were catastrophic for many Americans). I’d say the “fully endorsed by everyone” NYSE and NASDAQ are just as risky. With fractional reserve banking and fractional stock ownership do you really think traditional methods are sound? Try getting your stock certificates on any holding…. it ain’t gonna happen especially for your 401k. They say they issue 9 shares of stock for every 1 actual certificate. I know I couldn’t get my certificates from Fidelity or Euro Pacific Capital….. and I tried really hard.

            I would not bet the farm on cryptos but I wouldn’t bet the farm on any investment vehicle.

  2. Please do an article on Major Henry Loeb of Memphis and the Memphis garbage workers strike in 1968.

  3. Isn’t Gods and Generals the one that portrays a Confederate Irish regiment shooting down a charging Union Irish regiment? If that scene doesn’t get you, you have no soul.

      • @Hunter Wallace

        There’s also a Dublin, Texas. The Dublin Bottling Company produced the first and best Dr Pepper.

        Argyle, Texas holds a Scots-Irish folk festival every year.

  4. The influential Sothern anti-slavery people that were still pro-Confederacy interest me. Copperheads, and why they backed the South, would also be of interest.

    • Mayor John Wimer, the Emancipation party’s candidate was elected in 1843. He was elected 14 years earlier as a Workingman Democrat. He was arrested by US troops because of his support of the Confederacy. He escaped and joined the Confederate army and died fighting for an independent South. Lincoln sat in Washington, a city with 3,500 slaves and ordered the invasion of Arizona territory when Arizonans voted to secede “To join our fellow Southerners” as their secession document says. Arizonans earlier voted to outlawed slavery because they didn’t want it. Unionist New Mexico allowed slavery. So it was not nearly as clear cut as we are led to believe.

      • Thanks for that, Andrew. I looked up Wimer. He served as mayor of St. Louis, and as a postmaster under Polk. What little history we are taught in school is a biased summary of what the victors want us to believe. So it’s always good to research things for yourself.

    • “The influential Southern anti-slavery people that were still pro-Confederacy interest me” I second this.

  5. The perfect next step would be a deep look at how Confederacy 2.0 might happen …

    “IF” you did it right … THAT book would be a best seller. In other words, putting that huge detailed chapter at the end of your book would complete it just right, and maybe sell a million copies.

  6. HW it would be great if you could write on how the South after Reconstruction passed laws that favored debtors in bankruptcy and collection case over creditors. Exemptions for wages and homesteads were especially generous in Alabama and Florida. During the Depression some Southern states passed laws closing courts to foreclosure actions.
    Creditors made this an issue when Congress passed bankruptcy “reform” in 2005 which placed restrictions on these generous state exemption rules.
    I figured Southern states after Reconstruction passed these laws to keep Yankee creditors from looting the South.

  7. You have fine relations, Brad. John Pelham was a brave mam who represents what we should attempt to be.

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