Trump Lashes Out At Ilhan Omar

For a minute there, Blompf sounded like a White Nationalist this morning:

As with the pageantry of the 4th of July military parade, the Social Media Summit and the targeted ICE raids which deport “thousands” of illegal aliens, this is all part of a calculated political strategy to create the optics of nationalism and to trigger the Democrats into polarizing the electorate in the hope of reviving enthusiasm in Blompf’s former nationalist and populist base.

It’s going to fall flat too because we know it is all a scam. We’re being jerked around here with dog whistles and token gestures. Even if “thousands” of the worst illegal alien criminals were deported, thousands more are pouring across the border every single day. This is all about stirring up maximum drama for both the Democratic and Republican base without doing anything of substance to solve the problem.

Personally, I am content to continue to read and review history books and share low-carb recipes from now through the 2020 election. We saw what happened after both the 2016 and 2018 elections. As soon as the election was over, it was back to business as usual for True Conservatism in Washington. No amount of rhetorical or literal fireworks will compensate for the fact that Blompf has failed across the board to make any progress on his populist agenda and has even made things worse for us.

He could call Ilhan Omar a n***er and I still wouldn’t vote for him!

He followed up by retweeting this.

The future of the conservative movement looks like a negress grifter!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “This is all part of a calculated political strategy to create the optics of nationalism and to trigger the Democrats into polarizing the electorate in the hope of reviving enthusiasm in Blompf’s former nationalist and populist base.”

    Good call.

  2. “He could call Ilhan Omar a n***er and I still wouldn’t vote for him!”

    No, but I would get a really, really good laugh out of it. Which is about the only positive thing this administration has provided for me these last few years.

  3. So what if Trump is screwing us over and we’ll soon be a hated minority thanks to him. At least he’s triggering the shitlibs!

  4. I give him credit for being smart and going on his own and breaking away from the Charlie Kirk campaign strategy but it’s all fake.

    This tweet was 100% targeted at his shrinking White working class base. Trump knows he has to do something to get those poll numbers up among non-college educated White voters. He sure won’t do it in the form of policy so tweets and rhetoric are all he has left.

    • Heard on the Nogger Public Radio earlier — Number of invaders rounded up by ICE so far today (Sun. 7/14)? ZERO .
      Thus, the tweet.. And the obligatory @ss kiss to the Blax.

  5. The President is right regarding these women of color who are adamantly opposed to America First, and not Making America Great Again. The legal issues surrounding them whether campaign finances to illegalities involving marriage and immigration should be vigorously investigated and addressed.

  6. You’re correct, HW. Too little, too late, too tame. Now, if they did a complete “Operation Wetback, and imprisoned Adelson, Soros, Schumer, Pelosi, and every other SOB that is destroying the White World, I’d believe him. But then, he’d have to follow through with the ‘six million executions’ to show his base what MAGA really means. Dear Lord, deliver us from the Pagan, the Turk, and the Jew… and DT. Amen.

  7. It’s when (((they))) can no longer jerk whites around like Pavlov’s dogs that the real fun begins:

    The 2nd Amendment movement realizes that interning people will be way harder than confiscating everyone’s guns, particularly given that psychiatry has no scientific basis. So calling for due process to intern citizens will only ratchet up the pressure in these twilight months and even days of a free republic.

  8. Blumpf reverts to basic bitch talking points again, says these women are from shithole countries despite all being born in the jewnited states of weirmarica. The only one who wasn’t born here is Ihan Omar who is a raging antisemite democrat according to Bronald Blumpf blumpf is boomerposting to appeal to the q anon crowd

  9. “where they came from”…………. can also include their shithole congressional districts………………however, if the hijab fits………………….. did y’all know there is such a thing as the ‘congressional muzzi sqawkus’.. rug buddies w/CAIR, they’re having a ‘do’ in DC…..

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