Jeffrey Epstein Found Dead In Prison


EVERYONE knew it was going to happen.


I was planning to write about yesterday’s big release of the tranche of Jeffrey Epstein documents this afternoon that implicated former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson and former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell as his clients, but Jeffrey Epstein was conveniently found dead this morning.

Note: Some people are speculating that Epstein “died” and will be resurrected in Israel. I’m withholding judgment on that.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • no it isn’t. When SDNY discovered they couldn’t use (((Epstein))) to get Trump w/o also bringing down the Clintons, (((Epstein))) became disposable. So he was disposed of:

      Arkancide’d or


  1. There will probably be claims that Epstein is still alive and was secretly flown to Israel.

    However, never discount the fact that the Jews won’t hesitate to sacrifice one of their own, for the good of the race. Especially if they expose the tribe’s nefarious and evil activities to the Goyim.

    • My thoughts exactly. A touch of cosmetic surgery on the “corpse” and the “corpse” goes to it’s “final resting place” in a beachside condo in Tel Aviv. Or any one of it’s other houses.

      • This is like stranger things but instead of cia faking will bryers death its Jeffrey epstein, his real body is in the upside down…

  2. Countless people online predicted that they would kill him to shut him up. Think of all the bigshots who visited this bastard’s “pedophile island.” No surprise here.

    • It’s the house in New York that should be the focus. The Island was a distraction. The house was nestled in the highly populated 5th Avenue Museum district. Lots of school girls on 600 meter radius. House was a former all girls school.

    • Where is the proof of death? This one is the most idiotic (((story)) yet. Probably done as a lark, to see just how gullible the Goyim ARE. NO extremely high profile detainee commits suicide in his cell, which would be watched 24/7. Especially by hanging. Hanging is a relatively long process. If he is dead, he was murdered. But I doubt he’s dead.

  3. My big question is how the hell did Epstein manage to procure so many little teens for his clients? Where the hell were their parents?! What kind of business man would offer a fourteen or fifteen year old a job with a high profile title that sounds decades beyond his/her expertise?

    I know a woman in her late eighties who was offered a “modeling” job in her early teens. She had acne, so she didn’t feel right about the offer and went home with her mother. Her mother told her that she would keep that appointment but she, her mother, would be coming with her. Her mother had already called the police who arrested the guy once they all got to the appointed destination.

    I have no idea if the pimp was so ((special)) that the police quietly let him go later OR if they locked him, but they did arrest them to pacify the mother and father.

    The mother only had a fourth grade education. Why weren’t the parents on top of this?!

    In any case, assuming that parents these days have lost all sense of street smarts, the best, most socially responsible thing boards like this is to encourage all readers to quietly reach out to their normie friends with children to have them warn their children about job offers from strangers.

    A lot of victimizing from these traffickers could have been prevented with parental diligence. That is what is so damned tragic about this entire Epstein affair.

    • Cly – apparently Epstein and the Jewess Maxwell targeted poor White girls. And the girls would recruit other girls.

      Do you think those girls had fathers on the scene? Times have changed dramatically since the era of the 80+ woman you cited. Considering the massive attack and wreckage of the social fabric, and moral codes, I’ll bet that many of the Moms thought that the “special attention” and money their daughters obtained was just dandy.

      • The area around that house in NYC is a target rich environment for jailbait shiksa girls in plaid skirts. It’s obvious that he was hiding in plain sight. His house was a former all girls school. Nothing would have looked out of place.

      • How many times do you see a young girl out in public and her ass cheeks are hanging below the shorts? And, there’s mom – and sometimes dad – right next to her.

        How the hell did Kylie Jenner become a billionaire? No shortage of wannabes vying to look and act like her.

        • The final four things: Death, Judgement, Heaven or Hell. We should want all souls to end up in Heaven, none to be damned. Final judgement is God’s, not man’s. Earthly judgement for crimes such as Mr. Epsteins is man’s province partly for a last chance at forgiveness for his wretched life. Even the Good Thief repented just in time.

          You sir, have just expressed succinctly Catholic theology 101 even if by accident.

          • 12ax7,

            I might say that the Good Thief was saved under the Old Dispensation not the New.
            The New Dispensation of Christianity and it’s mission began on Pentecost. That of course was after the crucifixion.

            As you would say that is Catholic Theology 101.

          • The New Dispensation is one of mercy potentially available to all, even to the wretched Jeffrey Epsteins of the world.

    • God cannot have mercy on jewish souls because jews do not have souls. They are merely material manifestations of Satan’s fingertips.

  4. Who was responsible for the “camera malfunction” in his cell? (Hahahaha) Who did it?

    Jews/Israel? Clinton syndicate? FBI?

  5. Don’t forget goys and girls, the faggot bureau of Israel (fbi) now consider “conspiracy theories ” domestic terrorism.

    Zog’s gas lighting about “camera malfunction” at the NYC MCC is less believable than the holohoax fable. I’m just surprised it took the deep state so long to liquidate their quarry.

  6. Epstein lived in the most exclusive and hidden spot in Manhattan. His Mansion size terrace/Townhouse was smack in the middle of the museum park area of 5th Avenue. There were dozens of junior high and high schools within five hundred meters and an infinite number of young tourists and many ambitious girls in schools like SVA and Hunter College within spitting distance. It’s the most glamorous address in the world.

    If a slightly older cool woman invited you up for drink to his luxurious house most of the girls would say yes.

    It isn’t complicated. Girls are up for it unfortunately. What we should be doing is vanishing these yids from our societies. If we let them live among us they will defile our daughters.

  7. The espionage, the betrayals, the arrests, the tortures, the executions, the disappearances will never cease. It will be a world of terror as much as a world of triumph. The more the Party is powerful, the less it will be tolerant; the weaker the opposition, the tighter the despotism.
    –Orwell, George. 1984.

  8. “BREAKING: Two guards at the MCC who normally have overnight shift that watches over suicide risk inmates, were both told to leave area 3 hours earlier for scheduled “Maintenance” to jail cells and hallways. This morning Epstein was found dead”

  9. It’s going to be interesting to see if the guards “guarding” him decide to commit suicide as well.

    They don’t even try to hide it anymore. It’s right in your face.

  10. Listening to the mcspencer group podcast with Lee stranahan had some info on the network of guys around Epstein. It’s interesting that what happened with the alt right is only one or two steps away from the Epstein case. We had dershowitz, who is connected to Chuck Johnson, who is likely in with Richard Schwartz and smartcheckr, the employer of arch-amnat and GOP shill Ricky Vaughn. The particular -r style branding here is similar to other ventures involving Johnson (freestartr, wesearchr), so that leads to speculation that he was also involved with Schwartz on this project (Schwartz and Dersh both being deep in the NYC Jew/mob political scene with guys like Giuliani).

    Also interesting is that Chuck Johnson attempted to help prince Andrew by trying to obfuscate some scandal involving a photo (stranahan talked about this on mcspencer), and prince Andrew was one of the guys accused in the recent Epstein case revelations.

    So the thought here is that the same guys connected to Epstein and dersh are also involved with trying to divert the alt right to trumpism. Perhaps blowing smoke up the asses of certain well known white nationalist news aggregators and/or sending them anonymous bitcoin donations. And at the center of all of it is mossad and Trump, the most pro-israeli president ever. Then there is also the genie energy thing (not even covered by MSM- I had to see this story first break at Anime Right News by their writer Zanting).

    Long story short, this rabbit hole goes very very deep, and likely directly involves the alt right and can possibly explain some of the strange turns it has taken in recent years.

    • Forgot to add that Stranahan said that Marc Randazza is Dershowitz’s lawyer. Coincidentally, this is the same lawyer that Anglin retained for the lawsuit involving the jewess who was harassing Spencer’s mother. So we have all of these guys like cernovich and anglin who have attempted to cause trouble for Spencer, and they all work for or otherwise have connection to Dershowitz.

  11. Has he already been cremated? No point investigating further, case closed now since Jeffrey can’t testify. He did all of it, all of it. He flew the 727, fixed the plane too, prepared the food, mopped the floors, fixed the cars, did the laundry etc. so no one else was involved, no one I tell ya. Move along now, nothing to see here, go back to your TV shows.

    Remember the Jerry Sandusky/Penn State homo diddling scandal? Only Jerry was prosecuted yet it had gone on for years. There were wealthy men who flew in on private jets to watch Penn State football games even though they had no connection to the school. None were even called as witnesses, the State Government quickly prosecuted the biggest dope they could find and called it a day, case closed. The Feds of course were typically incurious about the whole thing in spite of numerous violations of Federal law.

    These people are Satanic. If only there were an ounce, even a grain of justice this side of the vale.

    • Same with Dutroux. If you haven’t heard of him look it up. A guy found trafficking and murdering young girls, who had unexplainable wealth and properties similar to Epstein, who also had connections to high ranking European officials. The judges and media shut down any questioning quickly. Just a lone nutjob who happened to have tons of unaccountable money and properties and connections to power.

      • I just read about Messr. Dutrox. He is a walking argument for the death penalty along with all the other criminals like him starting with government officials who are their enablers.

  12. Fox news is giving the story little airtime, brushing past it quickly and pushing the Trump personality cult again. Unbelievably CNN was doing a good job reporting the story, WTF? Fox is a bigger disgrace than CNN.

    • My thoughts exactly. When are people going to wake up to the fact everything they do and did for centuries including our history is a complete lie?
      Probably never…

  13. He was not a pedophile.Teenage sex is perfectly natural and not pedophilia. If it was not coerced then it was consensual ; teens can choose to want sex as quid pro quos; for money, for climbing the social, career,prestige, wealth ladder as much as adults can. This was a feminazi puritanical persecution. Where were the parents? He was not traficking them as they were not being held against their will. The vicious media, prosecutors and feminazis did him in.

    • Slut! Laws are laws for a reason. He not only raped/trafficked UNDERAGE girls, he probably ate them too. Jews will jew… Have you heard of blood libel with these satanic beings whore?

      @Nellie Bly

      • There is definitely a subculture of perverted, sick fucks on the dissident/reactionary right that “unironically” defend such ideas. That person is trolling though.

        • Once you have reached puberty , you are a sexual person. And being attracted to people who have reached puberty is NOT pedophilia or sick. If you want to regard sexual promiscuity as sick, fine; that’s your opinion. But the reality is teenagers can be calculating and rational in choosing when and who to have sex with; i.e., can choose to prostitute themselves. Much ado about nothing, but mass puritanical hysteria which unfortunately killed Epstein; a man who had consensual sex with; “city girls just seem to find out early, how to open doors with just a smile, a rich old man and she won’t have to worry, she’ll dress in silk an go in style”.Go prosecute the guy who wrote that popular song for pushing “pedophilia”.[ manipulated puritanical hysterical sheeple, you all are, taking your cue from the vicious Rachel Maddow/MSM and her ilk!

          How old was Mary?

          • The reason they’re called teenagers and not adults is because they’re no longer children but not adults, either. There are a lot of gray areas around consent and development in general for that age group, for the obvious reasons.

            What there isn’t is any doubt that you’re either here to troll or an incredible sicko. Get the f*ck out either way.

            Brad, think seriously about banning this individual. You could be seen as promoting trafficking and other red flag-worthy behaviors or something. There is a limit to free speech on someone else’s blog. As a representative of pro-white, Southern nationalism and whatever else (how about common decency?) I implore you to get rid of this demon.

  14. This is complete BS. If an inmate in any jail or mental health program is suicidal or has in the past contemplated suicide in these situations, they’re classified and automatically put on suicide watch for the remainder of their lives. These laws are similar to the red flag laws .gov is pushing.
    Epstein in my opinion is not dead. Go back to your TVs goyim, everything is OK, Israel is our greatest ally.

  15. Stop asking so many questions or suddenly there will be another spree shooting and everyone will be talking about rednecks and guns, again. That’s their new MO. If the goyim get too restless and inquisitive about what’s happening at the (((top))), then suddenly there is a mass shooting somewhere and everyone gets hysterical about muh guns n kids n sheeeit.

  16. No evidence or compelling logic suggesting Epstein escaped to Israel or another place.


    There would be no benefit to Israeli intelligence, the Clintons or the British Royal elite or whoever killed him to keeping him alive.

    Somebody simply decided Epstein wasn’t a problem worth having.

    • I’m not arguing it. But staged deaths are a possible though unlikely part of a contract.

      More likely Epstein’s relatives were threatened or promises made to keep them comfortable if he did the right thing and take one for the team. That’s how it’s normally done.

  17. Just when I think this country has reached rock bottom, it sinks even lower. Time to secede from this shithole country and the shithole people in it.

  18. Way too many people suspect that Epstein was murdered. Epstein undoubtedly felt horribly ashamed at having gotten prominent persons, friends of his, into trouble; also, he probably felt that he was too weak to not break and reveal more information, such as about Bill Clinton; also, he was Mossad, and any good Mossad agent would kill himself in Epstein’s situation; also, he might have felt that he would prefer dying to spending the rest of his life in prison. There are other possible motivations, as well, for Epstein to commit suicide. Personally, I think that being a Mossad agent and feeling a sense of duty to Israel is the strongest motivation.

  19. Who could enter a federal prison, order the guards to take a hike, turn off the cameras, murder the most important prisoner in the country, and leave without the law chasing them?

    Only a US alphabet agency would have the authority to do that.

    • Those pesky camera’s are always going down at exactly the time it starts getting good aren’t they? Gee, I wonder what the odds are on that happening every single, hold on someone’s at the door, brb,,

  20. I know a guy In California that did some serious prison time. He got depressed and tried to kill himself. From that point forward he spent the rest of his years in prison in a separate prison. Inmates don’t just get taken off suicide watch after a couple weeks. Doesn’t happen.

    That stays on their sheet forever. My guess is they drugged his food, or whatever meds he was. And after he lost consciousness they staged the hanging. It would only take one of two people and about five of ten minuets to do it. Prison guards are often sadistic and everyone in prison hates pedophiles. It wouldn’t have been hard to get someone to carry this out. And with him out of suicide watch less questions will be raised as to what was used to hang him.

  21. I favor the idea that he was threatened by Mossad and encouraged by them to kill himself if he found himself caught up in a serious retrial. He’s got a rich brother who may have conveyed the message. Probably promised eventual reburial in Jerusalem and a cushy life for all his blood relatives if he ended it all.

  22. “If you believe what the government says, you’re part of the problem. If you believe what big media tells you, well, then you’re just an idiot, incapable of discernment and a total failure at critical thinking.”

    Jeffrey Epstein is living large overseas, with his ‘insurance papers’ that insure he is the most protected creature on earth.

  23. I thought everybody knew how hard is for the feds to find good niggra help in Manhattan. Silly me.

  24. The MCC is not a normal prison, it’s a Bastille like fortress for political prisoners or people who are seen as being a threat to the establishment. The neighborhood it’s in is full of massive government/security buildings: Courts, police stations, federal offices and every alphabet Deep State agency. The secret telephone intercept facility that Wikileaks exposed is near there. It’s a windowless concrete skyscraper with no signage. The whole areas is deserted late at night except for the numerous blacked out SUV’s of federal law enforcement pigs that are parked idling outside of these buildings. This area would be the last place in the continental United States to be taken in any kind of uprising.

    I have no doubt that Federal agents entered the MCC and strangled Epstein to death in his cell. Everything else we are hearing is a cover up. No one fell asleep.

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