I think these clips are from his latest stops in Iowa and New Hampshire:
Charlie Kirk was once again was bombarded by groypers at his Q&A tonight about identity politics, Jewish nationalism, USS liberty and legal immigration. @charliekirk11 you won’t be able to run from us! This will happen at every Q&A until you have to stop them.
— ZoomerNat (@ZoomerNat) October 25, 2019
Charlie:”Next Question”
— ? Trick or Trap DSA ? (@HitorMissDSA) October 23, 2019
“Hi Charlie! My mother always tells me to smile and put on a happy face. She told me I had a purpose to bring laughter and joy to the world. She told me to Google the USS Liberty!”
Charlie: LEAVE ISRAEL ALONE pic.twitter.com/vtptpDUQqB
ABSOLUTE KING. Charlie Kirk must answer for his hypocritical views about nationalism for Israel vs. America pic.twitter.com/Id7rKMD5KM
— american nationalist (@NationalistTV) October 25, 2019
Charlie Kirk again DENIES the USS Liberty Incident and REFUSES to debate a real America First conservative like @NickJFuentes pic.twitter.com/3ZT6QhdOgc
— Catholic Groyper ?? ?? (@catholic_goy) October 25, 2019
.@charliekirk11: What makes America exceptional is losing possession of your own country and becoming a minority pic.twitter.com/f5z0bYS9hc
— american nationalist (@NationalistTV) October 24, 2019
HELL YEAH. Identity politics for them but not for us? We need a new direction. pic.twitter.com/q0Z4QMGMTg
— american nationalist (@NationalistTV) October 25, 2019
Optics check on this one? pic.twitter.com/yX2GXsQ3Af
— ??Spring Easter Toad??? (@SpringToad) October 25, 2019
Here’s the last bit of that video that twitter wouldn’t let me upload (past 2:20) pic.twitter.com/8GDEuKhYz6
— ??Spring Easter Toad??? (@SpringToad) October 25, 2019
I guess from now on the questions are going to be heavily pre-screened, if not scripted.
Groypers are going to have a cuckservative type question ready for the screeners, then when they’re given the microphone they can ask their actual question. These tpusa college tour stops are being live streamed, so the questions will get asked, but whether or not charlie “the enuch” kirk answers is not assure, and they won’t allow for follow up questions either.
I reckon so.
And thus ends the experiment of the false doctrine of “America is an Idea”, BS that the conservatives have been peddling for decades.
If I were there I wouldn’t have a question, just a comment: Charlie Kirk and his ilk suck. I wouldn’t be able to help myself.
“When the boomer began to Hate.” By – Warren Hurst
““I’m not prejudiced, a white male in this country has very few rights and they’re getting took more every day, said Hurst. “
Give Charlie the Murray Franklin treatment, Arthur!
Hey shabbas goy, hamm, I mean Charlie Kirk. About your ‘greatest” ally crap.
My answer to you and your LIES that you peddle about America’s “great” ally is this guy…….
Is Israel “Our” Ally in the Middle East?
To those who say that the USS Liberty incident, is a “conspiracy”, I say that they are a lying disrespectful piece of sht and a TRAITOR
Just a thought.
The event/presentation by C Kirk and others is named, “Culture Wars”, right?
Whose Culture is being presented by C.Kirk and his guests, in these talks ??
Is it an African Culture ??
Is it an Asian Culture ??
Is it a Middle Eastern/Arab Culture ??
Is it a Inuit Eskimo Culture ??
is it a White European/American Culture that C.Kirk and his friends are presenting AND defending??
How can you CONTINUE to enjoy this American White Culture WHEN there are no more White Americans to propagate it ???
Are Cultures and Civilizations INHERENTLY linked – (HEREDITARY) – to the people to the race that gave birth to them, or are cultures nothing more then “ideas” that can be adopted by anyone and survive with anyone ???
According to kosher kahnservatives like Charlie Small Face every group is entitled to their own culture except white people. For some reason we have to share our land and resources with everyone else. Toilet Paper USA is fake, gay and astro-turfed “opposition” to the Left that is meant to steer racially conscious whites into a dead-end.
“that is meant to steer racially conscious whites into a dead-end. “
Exactly why I despise this type of conservative cuckery.
Because it destroys the lives of Whites who are not yet red piled.
C. Kirk, also panders to the zionist jews – This is a person who is WELL AWARE on the the real history of the jacobins and the French “revolution” (genocide).
So I have to assume, C.Kirk is a dangerous gate keeper for the JQ.
Thank God for the American Nationalist, for exposing this clown.
The young men doing this are absolute HEROES! I love them! They gladden my heart and soul.
FYI- Anglin’s Daily Stormer told his followers to do exactly what this column is discussing. I think it’s a brilliant strategy. Muzzle us in one arena, and we multiply to declare the Empire/Emperor has no clothes, in a thousand other spots. BRING THE EMPIRE DOWN!
Kirk (“church” lol) and TPUSA are basically the GOP version of a Leninist vanguard. Their goal is to educate the proletariat lest they stray too far from the main talking points.
I’m not the biggest fan but I gotta give a little credit to the Nickers and the Groypers. Excellent work men, many whitepills. Also IMO this is IRL bullyciding.
I support this action.
We don’t need to succumb to our own version of Trump Derangement Syndrome where we must take the opposite position on everything because we disagree with someone on this or that issue.
I absolutely agree, Fuentes just has a tendency to punch right and act like a little cunt. Hes good at what he does though and hes got the Zoomers zoom’n all over Kirk. Keep up the excellent work men.
There is no point to talking to someone as dishonest as Charlie. The people who take the mic should just make statements and leave.