More antiwhite hate …. are you noticing anything?
— Mammy (@JoeBrow67457841) October 27, 2019
“A model of the future in which homogenously white communities continue to exist is a model in which white supremacist fascism continues to exist” – Lesbian Writer Nymphomachy pic.twitter.com/fSjqA1sJzO
It’s an emergency.
Gay Jews in New York City don’t have a voice! People should be outraged!
Note: This looks like a market opportunity for Buttmitzvah to open an American branch.
Moshiach is gay. Everything the Jews do is to prepare the world for their Moshiach. So when Jews promote assloving and tranny rights it is for Moshiach. Everything is to prepare the world for the Jew messiah, the Moshiach.
Oy vei iz mir……. hehehehehehehehehehe
I’ve got a suggestion for these yid queers……… GO BACK HOME to your tribal middle eastern SH*T HOLE !
To our friend @Brad Griffin:
Brad, it never ceases to amaze me how White Southerners used to fully well know that Jews were subversive back in the 50s-60s. Now, they virtue signal about “Blessing Israel”–failing to realize Jews push degeneracy.
Most jewboys are faygelehs.
Huffpo disabled their comments section a while back. I wonder why?