This guy answers why Jews were Kicked out of 109 different countries. pic.twitter.com/H5HFsNIPEG
— ???? ??? ??? (@DoYouKnowWhy2) December 5, 2019
This is German mainstream conservatism:
- Prostration before Jews
- Living in a state of shame and guilt forever
- Importing non-Whites to replace Germans
- Giving German money away to Jews
- Stripping Germans of free speech
It has gotten so bad in Germany that non-Germans whose ancestors fought the Nazis are now saying Deutschland erwache! We don’t fear the Germans anymore.
“German Chancellor Angela Merkel will reportedly pledge a donation of 60 million euros ($66.6 million) to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial during her visit there on Friday.
She will make the announcement during a ceremony marking the museum’s 10-year anniversary, with half of the money coming from Germany’s government and the rest coming from regional governments, Reuters reported, citing the museum. …”
“WARSAW (Reuters) – Angela Merkel will make her first visit to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial on Friday after 14 years as German chancellor, bringing a 60 million euro donation to help conserve the site where the Nazis ran their largest death camp, the museum said.
Merkel has not shied away from admitting Germany’s responsibility for its atrocities in World War Two, but her visit will ensure she follows in the footsteps of former chancellors by seeing the site before her term ends.
“Auschwitz is a museum but is also the biggest cemetery in the world … (memory) is the key to building the present and future,” museum director Piotr Cywinski told Reuters ahead of Merkel’s visit at the invitation of the Auschwitz foundation.
Merkel said the donation, half of which comes from Germany’s federal government and half from the regional governments, would ensure the memorial is preserved. …”
This is the 21st century.
Nearly everyone who fought in World War II is dead now or will be soon. It is time for Germany to move on and join the rest of Europe and those of us all over the Western world who are trying to oust the liberal elites who are killing off our civilization.
The Hebes are making one last grab for as many shekels as they can get into their greedy little claws.
Perhaps they sense their time is short, madam? Once they seize control of their gentile host they cannot help but to become ever more covetous, boastful and arrogant.
Yeah, I think you’re right. The 6 million obsession will die out with the passing boomers.
Should we read anything into the 666 symbolism?
Appears there are some sins beyond forgiveness. America will pay for slavery forever as Germany will grovel for Hitlers crimes until the end of time.
Blood money from the whore of Europe. How fitting. Stone the bitch in the Potsdamerplatz, and restore the Monarchy, Deutschland!
From your lips to God’s ears, Fr. J. Gott Mit Uns!
We here in Eastern Europe laughing that it is very good that they preserved Auschwitz. When we start collecting liberals there is a place to hold them…..:D
Nice thought.
Tovarich Juri, what do you think of restoring the Romanovs, Habsburgs and Hohenzollerns to their respective thrones? After we deal with the Jewish Problem once and for all, of course.
Of course, there arent any poor ppl in Germany that could use that money for food , utilities, housing or any of those trivial essentials of life.
“It is time for Germany to move on and join the rest of Europe and those of us all over the Western world who are trying to oust the liberal elites who are killing off our civilization.”
It’s also time for the former United States to enter the 21st Century, too.
The only reason Liberalism holds on is because the Liberal Elite keep us firmly rooted in the late 20th Century, and in the Cold War. They also never let WWII really end, either.
The North American Reich shall consist of New Albion, a reconstituted CSA and the Pacific States of America. Its capital shall be Rockwell City, near the site of the soon-to-be-razed ghetto of St. Louis.
Check out that dollar amount, guys and gals.
60 million euros is….66.6 million USD
The Eskimos are trolling us so bad.
66.6 million = 666 the number enshrined in the jewish star. pagans will deny this symbolism
Liberals have been bought out and controlled, same as the Sierra Club, rich whooos.
B4 u put too much blame on the Germans, keep in mind they have been a garrisoned nation for the past 75 years.
All I have to say is just look at this woman. A picture is worth a thousand words. The real question is who the hell voted for her. It’s a shame that all the good genes of this great nation perished in two world wars.