About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Order: God, man, woman, child, pet, animal, plant, matter.

    Nature: an anarchic mess upon which we impose our invented values

    See the difference?

    By the way, has anyone seen nothing? No one has ever seen nothing. Has there ever been nothing? Is nothing even possible?

      • Sgt. Schultz said that, not COLONEL Klink. Get your boomer references right, boomer! You must be thinking of a different German corporal.

  2. Woods is an accessible, perceptive philosopher. The left/right paradigm is outdated and false, as he says. It has become chaos/order.

  3. Great and very IMPORTANT article .

    Natural order is, our Holy Order, entrusted to Man kind by His Majesty of Creation.

    liberalism and EVERYTHING that stems from those crypto-jews the Jacobins, aims to “create” transform man and his environment in to an ideological utopian ‘paradise” so goes their text books.

    Jacobins, who are directly responsible for making France a truly strong Catholic nation in to a liberal secular HELL whole.

    Those humanoid cockroaches where responsible for the French HOLOCAUST !

    this is the CONTINUATION of that war that was DECLARED loud and clear for all Humanity to hear and see, about 2000 years ago.

    But it’s roots are as old a Cain & Able. Europeans and us Hellenes have been fighting it for over 10 thousand years.

  4. I don’t disagree with any of what he says except in his characterization of the libertarian and liberal workdview as anthrocentric. Its nothing of the sort. They do not recognize the interests of humanity. They only recognize their own individual interests and their right to pursue them to the detriment of others if need be. Their worldview is rightly classified as sollipsistic in my view.

    He is correct that the modern conflict is one of order vs. chaos. The keys that he is missing in his argumentation on the grounds of material/economic instrumentality, which would help him make his point to the libertarians, are time preference and the failure of libertarian instrumental arguments to take into account the full cost of their mechanistic economy.

    When your worldview, as liberals and libertarians both are, is sollipsistic, you only account for the unit cost of the production of a thing and your forethought beyond the immediate only extends to the marginal cost of the next unit of production. This is analogous to only recognizing those expenses that are “above the line” on your organizations income statement and then making a judgement about the profitability of the organization based only on unit profit margin (revenue less cost of goods sold/units sold).

    This is myopic, and fails to consider the cost of maintaining the system, the externalities of perpetuating the system (costs suffered by other people because of what you are doing), and continuing the analogy of the income statement, fails utterly to account for these and all other “below the line” expenses.

    Apologies for the accounting terminology, but any discussion in depth of instrumental economics necessarily requires this technical language, as these concepts and phenomena are not unknown in business. As an accountant myself, I recognize the problems as such and this is the language I know which best models the problem that he didnt know how to put words to.

    The calculus of the organic worldview necessarily is based on a holistic accounting for all factors that effect the intended outcome, which is our survival. Ours. Not mine specifically and exclusively. The cost to the natural world, which is the source of the resources being strip mined by the people operating that factory farm, must be included in the accounting before a judgement of what is “optimally efficient” can be honestly determined.

    This organic worldview is one you must have in order to understand that our people have intrinsic value and that they are worth our effort to save. That our world is worth saving and preserving.

    The 14 words are a mission statement. Implicit in the statement is the belief that, Its ok to be white. In the natural order, it is intrinsically good for an organism to pursue the interests of its kind. The higher order the organism, the greater its capacity and therefore its responsibility to tend to the survival of its kind.

    Order, and its emergence in spite of the universal tendency to entropy and chaos, is evidence of design and cosmic agency. The natural order, is the law of that agent because it was made through the intent of that agency.

    Libertarians don’t recognize the natural order, and so create chaos as a result of their sollipsistic system of values. This behavior is what we have been calling “autism”.

    Liberalism and Libertarianism are two distinct strains of a worldview bereft of perspective or context, mired fully in a myopic pursuit of their immediate interests.

    He mentioned the “power” of nature and that you can feel it if you have been exposed to it.

    He is touching here on the spiritual. This, is what has to be discussed more.

    HW. If you read this, thanks for posting this vid. Its the discussion that is needed, in the context that is needed, which can dig the comment section out of the Paganism vs. Christianity cul de sac its been in for a bit.

    • “Its nothing of the sort. They do not recognize the interests of humanity. They only recognize their own individual interests and their right to pursue them to the detriment of others if need be. Their world view is rightly classified as solipsist in my view. “

      That is exactly correct.

      I would go one step further and claim that this particular community of people that share this libertine (and ALL the other classifications & -isms that this word carries) mindset/world view are pathological in nature.

      Which means, as far as I’m concerned, they have a developed narcissistic mind set, outlook. Thus making them behave in, as you say a “myopic” way, focused only in what are the dictates and “values” that their pathology/ideology forces upon their psyche.

      As I have been writing and stand with this attitude towards them.

      Liberals are a cancerous lot for any society to have within it. They pose, sooner rather then later, a grave issue of social rot, diluting/chipping away social norms/cultural normative behaviours and the very civilization which that society depends upon from with in.

      My solution, simple. Follow a Katyn style of getting rid of that rot !!!


      I think you place it in the most appropriate light. Yes. The 14 words are a mission statement.

      • Your reference to a “Katyn” approach to getting rid of the social rot presented by the pothologically sollipsistic, is an advocation of mass murder if I am understanding.

        My argument was designed to combat the logic, or lack there of in the worldview these people cling to. The context of this argumentation was the hope that with a more complete understanding of instrumental economics, this guy, and others of us interested rhetoric and argumentation could bring these folks along in an understanding of the natural order.

        I dont want them hurt. There is no reason to advocate violence against them. They too can be saved.

        I don’t advocate violence. This site does not advocate violence. Don’t push this line of discussion any further.

        None of us benefit by it.

          • Christy,

            Unfortunately, you will not get the chance to see this be fought 25th of deck, but have a Merry and Jolly Christmas with your family. Since you’ve been a good girl, I’m sure Santa Klaus will bring you many gifts.

        • Many cannot be “saved”. They deserve their own utopia somewhere. Separate them from traditional society and let them form their own elsewhere. Let’s see who’s right and who is wrong.

        • ” My argument was designed to combat the logic, or lack there of in the worldview these people cling to. The context of this argumentation was the hope that with a more complete understanding of instrumental economics, this guy, and others of us interested rhetoric and argumentation could bring these folks along in an understanding of the natural order. “

          That is the delusion and the error of so many, that allows these parasites of civilization these NATION DESTROYERS to remain among the healthy part of society, and siphon off vital resources.

          PLEASE. PLEASE PLEASE look in to history as your guide.

          And show me PROVE to me that what you suggest as a solution of compromise has ever been successful – PLEASE show me when that has ever occurred…….

          I am sure I’ll be waiting till I die of old age !!

          YES ! With my reference to the ‘Katyn’ massacre I AM SUGGESTING MASS MURDER – and PRAY FOR IT !!

        • “I dont want them hurt. There is no reason to advocate violence against them. They too can be saved. “

          Allow me to point out, a not so obvious for you and people like you who – those that advocate compromise and pacifism – fail to realize in their time limited view of the world and history alike, a small but extremely important reality.

          You don’t seem to have a problem with an ONGOING mass murder which is taking place, EVERY DAY for EVERY WEEK for EVERY MONTH and for EVERY YEAR for almost 50 years now since 1973.
          Yes, I’m talking about infanticide, abortion.

          The very fact that you and people like you overlook this tragedy of mass murder clearly means that you have accepted it as an normal event as a given that occurs like the sun rising from the east.
          It has been NORMALIZED in the minds of people like you. You no longer become enraged about these murders that take place almost exclusively in Western/European nations and almost exclusively affect white/European/Western men & women.

          No, for you that type of MASS MURDER has become NORMAL has become ACCEPTABLE.

          Yet you sit there and attempt to play the moral puritan on me!

          HOW F DARE YOU ?!
          HOW F DARE YOU ?!

          now you can go back to your Christmas dinner and smile as if nothing has happened !!

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