UPDATE: Spreads to Tibet and UAE.
Viewer discretion is advised ?. #CoronaVirus pic.twitter.com/btI3ugbfWk
— Nungua Wiz Khalifa ??? ? (@brother_ofori) January 29, 2020
In #Wuhan, houses are being sealed and labelled as infected with #coronavirus.
— Darren of Plymouth ?? (@DarrenPlymouth) January 29, 2020
They did this during the bubonic plague outbreaks of the dark & middle ages.
Medievil. pic.twitter.com/wzwnA3xyug
The number of known cases rose by a third overnight to nearly 6000 and a shortage of testing kits is stoking fears the number of infections is far higher. Our latest on the outbreak and the American airlift out of Wuhan (and the hundreds left behind) for @NBCNewsNow @NBCNews https://t.co/eVlKZIrPlr
— Janis Mackey Frayer (@janisfrayer) January 29, 2020
So a new strand of coronavirus just got confirmed in UAE…ahahahaha we’re all gonna die? pic.twitter.com/f7sodVZ4ky
— Abu batata (@HoodSheikh) January 29, 2020
My Hong Kong relatives just forwarded this, now making the rounds on China’s WeChat. Staged or real, evidence of humor and resilience in #coronavirus scary times: pic.twitter.com/pukus9WFql
— Cynthia Gorney (@reporteracg) January 29, 2020
It is getting worse than predicted. #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/XzJSmi0RKu
— Mahmud Reza Khan (@MahmudRezaKhan1) January 29, 2020
I should correct an error with earlier tweet the 9000+ figure is “suspected” cases which is actually a bit more serious. So Officially: 6003 infected and 132 deaths. 9239 suspected. (8000 infected by SARS 2002/2003) And 109 “cured”.
— Stephen McDonell (@StephenMcDonell) January 29, 2020
BREAKING: Confirmed case of new strand of coronavirus in the UAE
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) January 29, 2020
Thailand admits it is ‘unable to stop the spread’ of coronavirus: https://t.co/DOGoQVrTpI #???????????
— Richard Barrow ?? ?? (@RichardBarrow) January 29, 2020
? Health minister said there are too many Chinese visitors
? At least 22,000 people from Wuhan visited in January
? Thailand is the worst affected country outside of China pic.twitter.com/zTfRSWm43w
UPDATE: IMO, it isn’t racism to criticize the Chinese obsession with freshness, aversion to frozen foods, penchant for eating weird foods especially wild animals and particularly unsanitary wet markets which are breeding grounds for viruses. See the video below.
the amount that racism against asians is normalized in society is so fucked up and you can see it with the xenophobic mess that are coronavirus jokes. the deaths of individuals is not a laughing matter, and your blatant racism isn’t funny either.
— maia (@mxmtoon) January 29, 2020
i had to deal with people making passing comments about eating dogs and saying “Ching Chong” to me my entire life. now i go onto social media only to see it’s plagued with jokes about avoiding Chinese people with a cough, and barely anyone lifts an eyebrow.
— maia (@mxmtoon) January 29, 2020
UPDATE: Contagion (2011) which was inspired by the Nipah virus is now playing on Bitchute:
UPDATE: Netflix’s new show Pandemic:
UPDATE: Alex Jones and Zero Hedge are on top of the coronavirus.
#? #coronavirus #facts pic.twitter.com/nB2P5IHp7D
— Worldwide™ (@bmxministry) January 29, 2020
Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic? https://t.co/AVaOzrYBn7
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) January 29, 2020
UPDATE: The official numbers out of China are coming twice a day now. Over 6,000 cases now. Next update around 1 AM.
7\ A good graph of the global case total (til Jan 27th) of the outbreak. The figure is by @MackayIM, a great Twitter virologist also tweeting about the #coronavirus epidemic. As you can see, the incidence of new confirmed cases aren’t slowing down. pic.twitter.com/vpCFiafW3q
— Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) January 29, 2020
#coronavirus timeline-
— Michael (@Eco11C) January 29, 2020
Jan 16- 40 confirmed cases
Jan 21- 440 sick
Jan 22- 571 sick, 17 dead
Jan 23- 830 sick, 26 dead
Jan 24- 1287 sick, 41 dead
Jan 25- 1975 sick, 41 dead
Jan 26- 2748 sick, 80 dead
Jan 27- 4515 sick, 106 dead
Today- 5997 sick, 132 dead
Tommorow? pic.twitter.com/9TdPlhyFlX
UPDATE: Number of confirmed coronavirus infections in China—5,974—has surpassed the official number of SARS cases during epidemic 17 years ago https://t.co/GVipyBY41y
— Bloomberg (@business) January 29, 2020
China's national update:
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) January 29, 2020
– 469 new cases, which is in addition to the 840 new cases reported 2 hours ago
– 1 new death, raising death toll to 132
– 103 total treated and released
– 9,239 suspected caseshttps://t.co/XQhLD5wMuG
UPDATE: Number of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide surpasses 6,000, death toll rises to 132 https://t.co/XQhLD5wMuG
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) January 29, 2020
What on Gods earth is this shit pic.twitter.com/ieEEFpLKdA
— Young Simba? (@Mufaa6) January 27, 2020
Cannot be more safe #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/EX4s2dDByx
— Geoff (@geofflo610) January 28, 2020
police-civilian conflict in somewhere in Fujian!
— Harry Chen PhD (@IsChinar) January 28, 2020
Due to the spread of pneumonia in Wuhan, cities, districts and counties in Fujian Province have also started to block traffic in their areas from #coronavirus #coronaphobia #CoronavirusOutbreak #WuhanVirus # pic.twitter.com/J5n3FnfnUk
— scott budman (@scottbudman) January 28, 2020
From NBC News: White House tells airlines it may suspend all China-US flights amid #coronavirus outbreak.
China: why have we got the #coronavirus?
— Harvey (@Rivsy) January 28, 2020
Also China: pic.twitter.com/05Xsov5oJZ
Steven Sodergergh's sci-fi thriller 'Contagion' — about a China-born virus that goes global — hits top 10 on iTunes movie chart amid coronavirus outbreak https://t.co/Gvyr5u6jv1
— The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) January 28, 2020
BREAKING: Epicenter of virus outbreak reports 840 new cases and 25 new deaths, raising death toll to 131 https://t.co/XQhLD5wMuG
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) January 28, 2020
#BREAKING: Germany, Taiwan and Japan have all reported the first cases of a new strain of coronavirus in people who have not recently visited China, where the deadly outbreak originated: https://t.co/HZXW9SRznS
— FOX 32 News (@fox32news) January 28, 2020
BREAKING: The White House is considering China travel restrictions amid concerns about Chinese citizens traveling to the U.S. – CNBC
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 28, 2020
Generally, I have a positive view of China, but I am under no illusions that Chinese culture is anything like Western culture. It is not even like Islamic culture.
If the Wuhan coronavirus which originated in these filthy wet markets spirals out of control and kills millions of people, I can see China’s global image taking a major hit.
Corona-chan better get the body count up real soon,
or Ebola-chan will laugh at her.
Two columns of note:
These events remind me a song from the Dawn of the Dead movie. It could have been a classic if they hadn’t ruined it with all the swearing at the end.
” Generally, I have a positive view of China ”
If you knew the number of ‘slaves’ being worked to death, you wouldn’t.
You only have a Potemkin Village view, that the PRC allows.
The chinks do organ harvesting, suicide nets around sweatshops, etc., to their peons. China uses its’ people like they’re merely resources to be drained for the elite. Our elites admire China precisely because the commies don’t have to hide their exploitation. With their thievery of intellectual property and reverse engineering of tech, along with their abuse of workers, the slants mercilessly squeeze every last drop of value out of the marketplace.
Plus “brain mining” of foreign engineers and experts.
Sad if not tragic on a simple humanity level, and historically the Caucasian West would help however it could. But the fact remains, if they couldn’t come to our shores we wouldn’t have to worry about the bat eating peoples of the world at all. That’s what Nations used to be about. We better get that notion back, and soon.
‘The bounds of their habitation.’ – Bible
I cant look at these people the same after seeing these videos. Extreme measures in starvation scenerio is one thing but this…….
Our ancestors had stereotypes based on reality and experience.
They weren’t frivolous bigots as current media portrays them.
The Great Influenza, John M. Barry, 2005, Penguin Books, London, ISBN 0 14 30.3649: A history of the Great Influenza epidemic, 1918-1920.
Even worse than the corona virus:
Scourge, The Once and Future Threat of Smallpox, Jonathan B. Tucker, 2001, Atlantic Monthly Press, ISBN 0-87113-830-1.
In the case in Japan, it was a tour bus driver that was shuttling tourists from Wuhan China around. Logically, these Chinese tourists were seeing popular locations, therefore they most likely encountered tourists from other countries, and with the nCoV 14 day asymptomatic window of contagiousness could have infected them. Now those non-Chinese tourists have returned to their own countries and may or may not have caught nCoV, but if they did, they’ve spread it to family, friends, co-workers, and strangers.
I’ll take phony epidemics for $500 Alex!
Millions of dollars in profit are to be made from this fraud virus! People have already forgotten about the hyped-up viruses in the recent past such as the swine flu, SARS, and Ebola. Now the big, bad coronavirus! Run for your lives!
Just the fact now that there are countless videos now on YouTube, Twitter, etc. that show these Chinese health care providers in Wuhan not even taking the most rudimentary precautions such as wearing masks, covering there eyes, wearing gloves, etc. when dealing with these supposedly infected patients. This just shows what mass hysteria can do to the sheeple! You must be afraid!
From the link below:
“And now we come to THE VACCINE against the virus. This is where some very bad rubber meets a very bad road. Several of the novel vaccines being rushed towards approval and production are completely experimental. They have never been openly used on the public. So the stage is set for a grand planet-wide guinea-pig test.”
Broke the SARS record of infections in China at 6 PM.
You can’t use that picture of the Chinese flag with the virus instead of stars on it, the Chinese are offended:
Being too skeptical has its own faults.
So you are saying this isn’t real ed? I dunno looks pretty freaking real to me, impressive if this is all Chinese crisis actors playing a part to hype hysteria of the virus
God that one young simba vid with the girl squirting a geoduck wtf? on a plate full of octopus embryos or fetuses? is nauseating shit my god thats fubar maybe the Chinese are insectoid alien savages after all I need some drugs or eye bleach after viewing that maybe both
Those are not phony panics. We have sitting on the time bomb for a while.
Viruses are living things and despite human immunity, vaccines, hygiene and other protection, they are still here.
Virus is very small and mutations are very easy and very fast. Viruses mutating all the time. It is like burglar checking one lock combination after another. 100 000 times wrong but then…click.
Virus breaks the immunity barriers and will spread like wildfire. Most people think that black plague is history. Well, no. Those mutations, for what humans developed immunity, are still here and mutating…until click.
Same with Jews. They may be harmless for centuries and most people forget maybe even their existence. But then Jew see break in the society, gets in and there we go again.
Priceless. Molodets!
Da. Vee gavarete pravdoo. No cyrillic keyboard.
Not everything is a conspiracy. People are idiots and bad things happen.
Fake – and gay.
If anyone is interested in watching “Contagion,” here is a link to the full movie on Bitchute.
Be warned though that both a jew Elliot Gould and a negro Lawrence Fishbourne, and a White female are portrayed as the heroes of the film.
Didn’t even know bitchute did full movie releases, once upon a time youtube did it in the golden era but then it went to crap and now they charge 5 dollars to rent which is unbelievable bs. I don’t mind Fishburne decent actor hes at least less annoying then Morgan Freeman, Will Smith or Jamie Foxx Can’t stand either of them
True. I was just ‘noticing ‘ that none of the heroic protagonists in the movie were White men.
BTW, you can add Samuel L. Jackson to your roll call of extremely off-putting negro actors.
The planet would be better off if these guys get knocked down a notch or three, but it won’t get that bad.
Spoiler alert everyone on ‘Contagion!’ The virus does it in the end!
Bat soup anyone ????????
On a serious note.
Is this a play on the CAPCOM game, “Resident Evil” and the “T-virus”????
Thought contagion looked really boring but now that it is becoming real life scenario, I might have to finally check it out. btw since when did Itunes do movies?!
Islamic culture calls us dirty filthy christian goys for eating pork but these stupid backward arabic sand dwellers pos don’t even attempt to critique the chinese funny that huh?
Yeah, we all know about the bio-lab located by Wuhan and the “if it moves we sell it” food markets. Here’s another possibility to add to the mix. Did you know that the 2019 Military World Games (sorta like an Olympics for military athletes), at the end of October with over 100 countries participating, were held in – you guessed it – Wuhan, China.
I respect China’s govt. and the Chinese people a lot less after this whole thing. I think we can all sit around and have a good debate over what animals we should and shouldn’t eat, but there should be no debate on at least keeping everything sanitary and not raising random animals together. This is something the Chinese govt. clearly could have done more to prevent.
What a perfect song for the corona-virus……
Just perfect:
Down with the Sickness (Richard Cheese Cover)
People are now googling for ‘Corona beer virus’. And they can vote too.
Well I can safely say that I definitely have that “virus”.
Loooooove Corona beer – with a slice of lime !
(one good thing that comes out of Mexico)