Emergency UBI Is Coming

A year ago, I alienated a lot of my readers with my Yang Gang articles, but the Yang campaign pushed UBI into the mainstream. Now, the Overton Window has shifted and a radical idea is rapidly becoming a consensus. We’re going to get UBI without Andrew Yang being president.

Note: Yang Gang is going to be the only thing we did during the Trump presidency that shifted the Overton Window.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • horseshit. Your one-time pittance has already been walked back to

      April 1st.

      AFD. And that’s what it was about:

      some more debt-juice for the stawk-mkt.

      deport all chinks.

        • The fat sheboon that talks is going down and so are all you trolls on this site. Trolls paid by ngo’s = “accomplices,” under RICO in addition to treason etc. Bye trolls. You won’t get a computer in Gitmo 🙂 When you see military police on your streets they’re there for you. YOU are accomplices of deep state.

    • Yes, but…. as was noted when Bloomberg dropped out of the ‘race,’ had he taken that 600 MILLION dollars, and merely spent HALF that much, EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE USA would have been a millionaire, overnight.

      And that is what HE should do, even today, to prove he’s not a lousy KIKE.
      $1000 a month is something, but it’s NOT ENOUGH. People will be dealing with this (if we live, God please) for years to come. Return to the gold standard, and watch America shoot to the top of the currency market, overnight… but that would make the Christ-killers angry.


      • Math isn’t your strong suit, is it?
        $300 million dollars is THREE hundred pallets of ONE million dollars. He could have given 300 people a million dollars each.

        He would need 300 TRILLION dollars to give each person in the USA a million dollars.

      • 600,000,000 divided by 333,000,000 (est. 2020 US pop.) comes to 1.80 per person. I hope you don’t keep the books in your home.

        Gold isn’t necessary to establish a currency’s value, either. Why, there was a European country that brought themselves out of the Depression with a set of economic policies that included basing their currency on the labor value of their citizens. I think the country’s name started with a “G.”

        Besides, the precious metals market (like every other market) is manipulated by central banks to control prices. Notice that the massive gold hoarding by Russia and China hasn’t significantly raised prices.

        • That’s right. Germany used its own purchasing power and had no great depression. They didn’t use metal for money. Purchasing power was in the form of their Bill System, MefoBills and Oeffa Bills.

          By the way, there is already a UBI of sorts in Alaska, where oil profits are recycled back to the citizens. It hasn’t turned Alaskan’s into wastrels.

          Also, there is a large body of economic thought, not taught in skoools. It is Douglas Social Credit, named after Clifford Hughs Douglas. Douglas discovered a gap between labor’s wages, and what said wages could buy. He noticed that labor could not buy their output.

          In mathematical terms, it means there has to be some sort of direct injection into the population, so they can buy what they produce. Has to… The math is clear, despite the feels.

          This direct injection would be debt free money, and then taken up in taxes. Germany’s tax roles almost tripled between 33 and 38, due to their injections of what was basically debt free money from their bill system.

          But then again, we lived in Jew world, where money has to be issued by the “merchant” and also suffer hypnosis on what money is.

          WW1 and 2 was mostly an economic event, where (((finance capitalism))) was against the industrial capitalism of Germany.

          Canada also injected debt free into their economy from 38 to 74, and it was their most productive period.

          • Britain knew it couldn’t compete with the German economy fairly and honestly, in the long run. That is the reason for the Two Chapter War.

      • Retards like you are the ones who should be gassed. Learn some basic arithmetic before you start spouting off solutions to the worlds problems.

        You make rational dissidents look bad by mere proximity. Do the movement a favor and actually think before you speak.

      • “600 MILLION dollars, and merely spent HALF that much, EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE USA would have been a millionaire, overnight.”

        Do some math !

        600 million would only be less than 2 dollars per person , in USA.
        To make each person in America a millionaire would take 330 trillion dollars,
        It would take 500,000 times what bloomberg spent.
        Bloombergs entire fortune would only give ea american $200.

        People’s math is appalling, small wonder america is in a fix.
        Learn some simple math !

        • What ???

          1000 per month, that would be over 2.5 trillion A YEAR !
          Where would that come from?
          The inflation would be insane, we’d be like Zimbabwe.

          • As I said to the other critter,

            Would you care to explain why throwing trillions of dollars at foreign wars, and trillions more at the bailout of financial businesses, didn’t turn us into Zimbabwe?

            But giving some fraction of a trillion to the ordinary people who are not able to/allowed to work for several months, (I doubt it would be anywhere close to a full year) so that they don’t lose their homes, get evicted from their apartments, and have their vehicles repossessed so that they are unable to resume work, is somehow a complete and utter disaster?

            People like you view throwing away trillions for nothing on financial bubbles and killing Iraqis on the other side of the world for no purpose as fine, but if someone attempts to help ordinary Americans for a couple of months, it’s the end of the world.

            You are, in short, lying vermin. You just hate people and love corporations and the military-industrial complex.

            You’re willing to give away much more money and say it’s excellent to do so if it’s going to useless fat-cat corruption. But you’re all austerity if there’s even a whiff of helping ordinary people survive a crisis.

            You’re disgusting and inhuman, and traitors to your country and your people.

      • Give the good Fr.J a break. HIs heart’s in the right place.

        As an engineer with an undergrad major in math, I have – much to my embarassment – occasionally made similar errors by losing track of the zeros when making a hasty computation.

    • If you think Yang has been vindicated, you might like living in Zimbabwe and the feel of a pocketful of crisp billion dollar notes as you walk to buy a few groceries. Purchasing power manufactured out of thin air is a euphemism for theft. It’s backed by theft by definition—or at least it should be so understood—, and it unambiguously amounts to both an asset stripping of savers and investors as well as a very real cut in the wages of American workers who believe they’re getting something for free.

      I have no use for the Christian-hating Ludwig von Mises, but he was right to point out in Human Action that such handouts of counterfeited money amount to a de facto cut in the wages of those who actually produce something of value. Goldman Sachs’ and the Jewish oligarchs’ puppets we mistake for our government can only hand out unearned purchasing power with the one hand what they’ve stolen with the other.

      • Just a few minutes ago on Fox Business News, Neil Cavuto and a teleconferencing guest walked through a script about why gold isn’t the counterplay of choice it otherwise would be. The idea is that gold is also being sold along with stocks because—wait for it—people are fleeing to cash so they can buy necessities. This is straightforward, lying propaganda on behalf of Goldman Sachs and the rest of the cabal on Wall Street.

        The idea that the most sophisticated of investors, the ones who’re about the only holders of gold and gold mining stocks, would need to sell gold holdings to get chump change in cash to buy necessities like groceries is not just absurd, it’s proof we’re being gaslighted now 24/7. If you had any lingering notion that Fox isn’t as much propaganda as CNN, this should dispel it.

        • @ anon

          U r so very right! Tv is just a lying machine, Judas goat to the masses.
          Those that have, have no need to sell anything.

      • Would you care to explain why throwing trillions of dollars at foreign wars, and trillions more at the bailout of financial businesses, didn’t turn us into Zimbabwe?

        But giving some fraction of a trillion to the ordinary people who are not able to/allowed to work for several months, (I doubt it would be anywhere close to a full year) so that they don’t lose their homes, get evicted from their apartments, and have their vehicles repossessed so that they are unable to resume work, is somehow a complete and utter disaster?

        People like you view throwing away trillions for nothing on financial bubbles and killing Iraqis on the other side of the world for no purpose as fine, but if someone attempts to help ordinary Americans for a couple of months, it’s the end of the world.

        You are, in short, lying vermin. You just hate people and love corporations and the military-industrial complex.

        You’re willing to give away much more money and say it’s excellent to do so if it’s going to useless fat-cat corruption. But you’re all austerity if there’s even a whiff of helping ordinary people survive a crisis.

        You’re disgusting and inhuman, and traitors to your country and your people.

      • I have no use for the Christian-hating Ludwig von Mises, but he was right to point out in Human Action that such handouts of counterfeited money amount to a de facto cut in the wages of those who actually produce something of value.

        It doesn’t work that way. When Benjamin Franklin injected new debt free money (from the state bank) into the commons, he noticed the Philadelphia economy improving. It was not a cut in wages.

        In other words, there has to be money in the producing sector of the economy, so labor can buy its output, and further can pay off debts.

        If they cannot pay off debts, then you end up with a Plutocracy. The Plutocracy is finance.

        Ludwig von Mises was a friend of Plutocracy. The Austrian Jews who moved to America were tax collectors for the King, or were themselves plutocrats or agents for the big landowners.

        They created an economic theory, (Libertarianism) that was a form of hypnosis that allowed the tribe to take usury and rents.

        Germany’s national socialists gave free money in the form of inducements to the population – and it worked.

        Why do you think the national socialists were attacked by hidden string pullers from globo homo western democracy?

    • 1000 per month ???

      Just the suggestion has sent dow futures limit down.

      Traders can see the signs, the gov is wildly desperate to contain this massive CRASH .

  1. Just watch….

    These ‘experts’ are going to keep loading the dollar wi burdens, loans , bailouts, buy-ins, subsidies etc. And they will put a final straw that will break the camels back.
    If they cause the dollar to fail, it will make the current stock crash look like a slight summer breeze.

    Easy money and debt pumped markets have been the speed of our markets and they are trying to avoid the natural consequences of breaking an addiction.

      • it will do just that: there’s a limit to how much debt even the Rothschild Third National Bank, alias “Federal Reserve”, can warehouse. Yesterday,

        I made an interesting discovery The Austrian Kreditinstalt, whose 1931 collapse triggered the world depression, was a Rothschild shell. It’s right there on the wiki page.

        • “Austrian Kreditinstalt, whose 1931 collapse”

          That’s old.

          Paul erdman was preaching that in the 1960s.
          He popularized that concept in his books.
          That was his sorry excuse for the great depression.

          Look to Eugene Meyer as the real cause.

      • Demand is extreme for certain things as I can’t buy toilet paper, sanitiser, potatoes, onions, rice, pasta, or canned beans at the moment.

        Bitcoin has crashed, gold has dropped, the USD will drop to its real value soon.
        This correction will show what the USA has become under diversity. A third world power and a third world currency. A country that hasn’t made anything of value for decades, can’t be anything else. On the other side of this, China will be the new world empire, and the USA will be the next Brazil.

        • The japanese have been calling America ‘a hollow shell’ since the 1980s.

          Anyone wi plain sense can see that America has been hollowed out, bit by bit.

          (They) gave away one industry after another.

          The great (((gurus)) of finance told us how selling our daughters is so profitable.

    • The cattle are weakened, they must be fed. Our whole “economy” is nothing but debt slavery and consumerism; they can’t let that die. And it will come with even more control by our overlords.

  2. The Fed has been continuously e-printing money for the elites for years. But it’s acceptable, even in the minds of some here, to do that. It isn’t okay to let the peasants have paid sick leave or guaranteed income, though? Why? Through system manipulation (QE, repo, bailouts, “plunge protection,” etc.), the elites get their money no matter what, and plenty of it. This bitching about helping out the majority is going to engender even more hatred of the pampered minority.

    • I honestly wonder if there could be an armed insurrection in the US. Crazy talk I know but the dollar isn’t the reserve currency anymore. Or at least, its a big question mark now.

      Trump ought to have been draconian with rationing and curfew in mid February.

    • Not that UBI is a cure-all. There will still be mortgages, rents, health care, insurance, utilities and more to be paid, costs that UBI won’t cover. There need to be guarantees that will, for the first time, put the needs of the people above the managerial class. No one should lose their homes, go hungry or lose out on medical care because of elite greed. If the pampered few want to avoid hanging from lampposts in the near future, they should start taking care of the sheep they usually fleece.

    • See my gloating below Boomer X that Andrew and I correctly anticipated the need for ongoing income assurance, through social risk sharing like UBI. You have also pointed out that need many times here at OD. Huey lives, in spirit, in those people who want to force wealth socially created to be shared with us all, for once. Brad is dilly-dallying releasing my comments from moderation, perhaps wishing he, like I, had stayed in the Yang Gang, the first true functionally economic populist movement since Share the Wealth. Time to let the bastards know this time is different. Who else is with me?

  3. That’s only 200 per week. Will taxes be owed on this sum? Chump change. Will (((Goldman Sacks))) will be offering loans, to businesses be shut down, won’t they? If the owners can’t pay back the loans….well…the (((banks))) will be forced to foreclose on property and assets. They can’t help that….

  4. I’m just hoping that the respective governments are calling curfew at the right time and avoid the catastrophe in Italy.

  5. Not, I never thought toilet paper would be harder to get than a steak. The Great Toilet Paper Panic of 2020. Mbi, well that would be a switch from the elites always getting their money, while the rest of us suffer. What a time to be alive. I just wish George Carlin were alive. I would love to hear his opinion of this mess.

  6. It’s a start, but with so many people being laid off or fired, they will need to put a hold on mortgages, rent, and utilities payments like France did.

  7. Indeed, HW. I was right inasmuch as we’re gonna be Italy on steroids. I’ve been watching John Campbell vid’s, and we’re not about “flattening the curve”. We’re about mass death. We’ve always been about mass death. Our ruling class wants new serfs, and they’ve found a way to do it quickly.
    This new Plague will impact them peripherally but it will decimate the common Folk. Are we willing to let this happen? A thousand dollars will buy a decent cremation…do you want this, Americans?

  8. I wrote in this space as a comment, after Andrew Yang dropped out, that he was twenty years ahead of his time.

    Twenty turned out to be just one.

    Personal update from here in Cologne: About half of my job, and half of my bride’s job (ten days happily married), has been affected. We’re supposed to go on our honeymoon in July, which would involve not leaving the continent but crossing many borders, but who knows if that will be even legally possible then. My next business road trip, end of next month, has been canceled.

  9. Good. Giving people money directly is America First policy. So sick of hearing about goofy tax cuts to corporations to ” offset” everything. I mean life is short after all. Uber capitalism is not the Bible. It’s just a concept created by man to keep rich people rich.

    This is good policy as is a universal income. Hopefully the first step toward it. The rich have been receiving socialism tax cuts and payments for decades. This is just normalizing things and giving it to the 99 or 98% of the nation. This will also give Trump a boost in his ratings.

    Uber capitalism has failed. Tons of people worry about health insurance, obscene costs for housing in many parts of the country, paying the rent, costs for schools, food and on and on. Giving money to various big companies for a long time has helped to put us in massive debt. Give the money to the people who will actually spend it! Hopefully this emergency money for the wacky virus will begin the trend toward a universal income. ” Muh supply side economics” has failed!

  10. In Europe similar issues are considered. Thanks to EU, we are all poor and most people do not have savings. When people are out of work couple of weeks, they run out of their last money and can`t buy even food anymore.Then the real fun begins.

  11. Andrew Yang and yours truly stand fully vindicated. While this is not a permanent UBI, when the policy is shown to have served its purpose as social security for all, helping smooth idiosyncratic income loss for a majority of risk adverse low and middle income voters, they will ask why not a permanent policy of socially insuring against income risk that is no fault of theirs
    Life is full of risk to income, due to job loss or reduced hours, illness, divorce, big ticket repairs, macroeconomic mismanagement by government, hostile acts by foreign governments in a globally interconnected world, and many more risks that cannot be covered by salary. JRC’s Social Security for All provides ongoing income risk socially shared insurance.
    Government already covers politically based risks, to businesses and other already wealthy people and organizations. Time to cover the rest of us. Read David A. Moss, “When all else Fails: Government as Ultimate Risk Manager.” That is what governments do, they help groups achieve their goals. Help the common man and woman for once. Boomer X agrees.
    You people complaining about costs, no one worries about cost for war or disaster relief. Global Capitalism is an ongoing disaster. Time to pay the piper. Share the Wealth, Oligarchs, or face the consequences.

    • Many make the false analogy that gov’t needs to live within its’ budget, like a typical household. No house (without the name of Rothschild) can print its’ own money, or has responsibilities beyond the limited scope of family. It’s also disturbing that whenever programs for regular people are proposed, as you mention, the elites squeal, “How will you pay for it?” Fine, Scrooge McDuck. Give up the constant QE that goes into your pockets, the regulations that protect you from competition, stop socializing the costs of your shipping jobs overseas and importing cheap labor, refuse to accept bailout money, etc. Do the aforementioned, give your ill-gotten profits back to the citizens and treasury you stole them from, and then maybe we can talk about “personal responsibility.”

  12. This idea of neg interest rates, in the world’s reserve currency, the dollar, is a dangerous idea.

    What will happen to pension funds, like Calpers , teamsters, UAW, collapsing stock market, nothing yields on debt instruments? How will they generate income to pay retirees ?

  13. UBI is not coming. In fact, a month from now you’ll be lucky to have someone show up if you dial 911.
    Better get your affairs in order.

    No one will be laughing at the “preppers” in May. Once the orcs realize that they can loot and pillage with impunity, all bets are off. The first city to burn will wake up a handful of normies. National Guard will be deployed next month-watch and see.

    We’re on our own.
    No one is coming to save you.

    • ” orcs realize that they can loot and pillage with impunity,”

      Only within their immediate area.
      There are too many guns in America and ppl who REALLY know how to use them, for it to spread.

  14. What they need to do is “press the pause button” on debt, rents, bills etc. until crisis is resolved. PRESS THE PAUSE BUTTON.

  15. Who are the tens of millions of Americans who will be receiving these checks?

    Last I checked America was well over 300 million people.

    Unless Coronas already thinned out the population, huh.

    • It better not be everyone. I’m still working, as are most others. I am fine if they only give it to people who have lost their livelyhoods.

  16. If this thing is real it’s a blessing from the Gods, and all our side is doing is amplifying the msm narrative.

    Good God folks this is a massive opportunity for our ideology, let’s let’s use it!

    • I’d be skeptical.
      (Probably some minor fraction of pre wuflu levels.)

      If they are, I’d look for a swift resurgence of the epidemic.

  17. What does “tens of millions of Americans” mean? I’m curious what criteria they are going to use as there are around 350 million “citizens” and probably 400+ million residents… Which means we are looking at FOUR TRILLION+ dollars. It would total about 1/5th our current national debt…

    In one swoop

  18. It’ll be interesting to see how the infection rate changes after today. Everyone is being told to stay home and limit interactions, but it’s St Patrick’s Day and I bet the temptation is high for people to get together with friends and drink. Will we be seeing a spike in cases?

    • The Jew world order is on the march, and everybody who claims to oppose them is cheering them on!

  19. Please read “In Our Hands” by Charles Murray. He makes a case for giving every American money and getting rid of welfare. I’m not knowledgeable enough to understand what to make of this but I do think that Murray is brilliant and he knows about and understands the complicated issues he talks about. I hope you will read this and give your opinion.

    • “…giving every American money and getting rid of welfare.”

      How can careful thinkers even discuss this issue when the words in which it’s framed no longer have precise, agreed-upon definitions.

      It is suggested that we ask our overlords to take our money via taxation and then to “give” some of it back to all of the people. It is suggested in addition that they end “welfare,” which, last I checked, is essentially the same process as the fomer – i.e. levying taxes, then “giving” back some of it to some, if not all, of the people.

    • Good lord. That is eye-opening. We have been bled dry by the (((aliens))) and this only further illuminates what’s in the cards for us. Once they have sucked the last of our blood, they will jump ship and find a new host, while we become a third world, multicultural hell hole, with a civil conflict all but guaranteed.

      I hope that every single person in our movement can find Christ. At one point, that may have saved our people, but now the consequences are much more dire.

  20. The Federal Reserve Bank is bringing the system down! The whole Covid-19 manufactured crisis is for public consumption so that it appears that ‘the virus’ and the ‘protective measures’ by the governments of the world are in response to the pandemic rather than the economic crisis created by the Fed.

    Just think what Treasury Bonds would be now had the Fed not purchased billions of dollars worth in 2008 and just let the market ‘correct itself.’ They have never let the market ‘correct itself’ because the role of the Fed is to maintain its centralized interventionist function for the banks. Having interest-rates at zero serves ONLY the banks at the expense of the greater economy.

    As Mike Whitney stated in a recent article, “The Fed has become the market, the whole market, and nothing but the market!” and as John Rubino (dollarcollapse.com) asks in the ‘Keiser Report’ below, can the Fed with all of its bailouts, ‘easy money,’ and ‘QE,’ methods create another ‘up-cycle’ in the system or are we finally at the end game where the whole economic system is going to come crashing down due to the enormous insolvency and debt. Dark times ahead!

    • @ ed

      “The Fed has become the market”

      There is profound sense in that !
      (We’re going to if the paper tiger can withstand the deluge)

    • At around zero %, there is no Federal Reserve, the NY money center banks set the interest rates. That’s a fact.

  21. My Commie loving, Bernie supporting friends are upset that Trump and Republicans are taking the lead on this.

  22. Lindsey Graham, who never says no to the Israel lobby when it demands billions of dollars for Israel, is opposed to giving a thousand dollars to every American.

  23. Obviously many here are aware of the ‘stay in place’ order in San Francisco today. I predict that order will be nation wide by the end of the week; two weeks at the most. Talking heads are already calling for it tonight on the networks to get the masses to acclimated to it.

    In Italy, they are making people sign a ‘consent decree’ that an individual must carry with them when they are out on the streets. Without it they face 3 months in jail! The more this ‘mission creep’ is tolerated, the worse the situation will be.

    In a recent tweet, Sheriff David Clarke has called on restaurants and bars across the U.S. to defy these recent quarantine orders and the youtuber ‘Algo Rhythym’ has also called on a defiant disposition within the public. This type of attitude needs to spread far and wide- BEGINNING NOW!

    • Good job Brad! You’re endless screeching has single handedly brought about ubi! Have a pat on the back buddy.

  24. Y’all Trumptards can kiss my toilet paperless ass, if you think that I’ll ever jump in your talmudic “trump train.” Your beloved moron in-chief’s locomotive is going to derail epically when the bodies been to pile up. You’ve be conned. Neo-conned by a contemporary Nero.

  25. How in the hell did the RCC acquire the Roman Colosseum?!? That’s just all kinds of wrong. Was it given to them as “reparations ” for being fed to the lions?

  26. The gov is scared witless, that the medical system will be overwhelmed.
    Ppl dying from lack of oxygen supplies and ventilators.
    If ppl cant get critical care, death rates would jump, sharply.

  27. If Trump really wanted to help Americans without printing a ton of money, he’d attack the big banks and credit card companies who have made credit slaves out of a good chunk of the nation. Imagine how the economy would take off if these jackals were chained! $2000 is several months of credit card bills for many families.

    • Exactly. If they want to increase real wealth, they have to reduce debt, not create more of it. Also I’d be for UBI if it came from the pockets of actual billionaires and overpaid CEO’s. Extracting it from the pockets of the taxpayer really doesn’t do any good.

  28. (Musical interlude)

    Rand Paul is in the corner cryin’
    Aqua Buddha is so sad.

    Trump Train is fully rollin’
    Thousand dolla’ You-Be-Eye
    The Yang Gang so glad!

    Helicopter Bernanke full of envy
    Deplorables gettin’ You-Be-Eye
    The Midget Reich is actually mad.

    Milton Friedman in heaven smilin’
    Chairman Yang deliever You-Be-Eye
    The Orange Man is truly rad!

    Trump Train is fully rollin’
    Thousand dolla’ You-Be-Eye
    The Yang Gang so glad!

  29. Disclaimer First: I am not an economist, BUT:

    The entire world is awash in debt and all this “emergency UBI” talk is so that people can pay their debts.

    Wouldn’t it be simpler to do a “reset?” Have an international debt jubilee and just write it all off?

    Wouldn’t a jubilee enable the least amount of disruption and generate the least amount of inflation?

    And it’s not like food service people wouldn’t have jobs. There are tons of delivery jobs they could work to keep afloat until things go back to normal. Not having to worry about debt while they take temporary delivery jobs would create great peace of mind and eliminate the necessity of calling out the national guard in every state.

    The very least, banks should be forced write off the interest that people are paying on their loans and government should let people take their payments off their income tax returns.

    Yeah, we can listen to belly-aching from/about people who either paid off all their school loans getting shafted. Let them write it off on their income taxes.

    Yeah, we can listen to belly-aching about people who never took school loans having to fund those who did. Do you remember that our “representatives” in Congress pushed through the bank bailouts where they gave billions of dollars simultaneously letting the banks KEEP their “toxic assets” rather than simply buying them? And then, surprise, surprise, all these bankers and hedge fund managers took very public bonuses despite their mismanagement which triggered the whole 2008 recession to begin with.

    Yeah, LOLbertarians can yammer about people not seeing profits from their 401K pensions, but it looks like they took a huge haircut in 2008 which is going to look like a mild trim if this coronavirus scare continues. And no banking facilities (and that includes credit unions) are paying interest on depositor savings accounts anyway.

    It just seems to me that this emergency UBI is all about keeping those hedge funds and bankers making obscene profits.

    We can lay all our current problems to the fact that greedy stockholders and corrupt politicians created a big national security crisis by outsourcing almost one hundred percent of our production … even medicines to China and kept it there (even after it was clear that China is the epicenter for all kinds of viral diseases, natural or man-made.

    There is no reason, except our corrupt, treacherous political class that at least fifty-one percent of what is sold here isn’t made here.

    And, besides all these endless wars for Israeli hegemony, the reason we are running these ridiculous deficits is that Chinese slave labor and unemployed American workers can’t and don’t pay taxes to fund the government.

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