Ramzpaul's worst case scenario otherwise known as Monday https://t.co/qhx25HlwjA
— Hunter (@TheCptBlackPill) April 11, 2020
Here is Ramzpaul on St. Patrick’s Day telling us what happens next.
60.8 million Americans were infected and 12,469 died from swine flu over the course of 2009/2010. COVID-19 passed that milestone on April 7th also known as Tuesday and three weeks after Ramzpaul gazed into his crystal ball. It should lap swine flu again on Monday and this time it only took six days. By Monday, twice as many Americans will have died of COVID-19 than swine flu in one month.
Note: The Dissident Right got this staggeringly wrong.
This virus hit the West like a truck hitting a crowded zebra crossing on the green light.
We really were let down by the military, CIA, civil service, various state level officials and finally by the President. It’s unspeakably sad to be this badly let down.
Liberal Capitalism ain’t coming back. The future looks very bleak after this systemic failure to mobile state powers when it would have made a difference.
Something might happen but that means we can’t risk doing anything
Something is starting to happen but action might make it worse
It’s happening and so rapidly that there’s not much we can do
Sure we could have done something but the damage is done now.
There has been plenty of realism, perhaps even much more than hoaxerism. To take just two of the more prominent voices, Richard Spencer’s and Greg Johnson’s view are scarcely different from your own.
Greg Johnson is the exception to the rule. Spencer doesn’t identify with the label. I pretty much agree with Greg’s take on this.
Nice try, Brad, but no.
Whether YOU identify with the label ‘Dissident Right’ or not, is utterly immaterial.
THE JEW defines you as such, and, as such, you will forever remain.
You are trying to distance yourself from your previous record, Brad. It’s not allowed.
You finally named the Jew, after about…. oh, eight years, and then you realized that the PTB were going to ‘shut it down’, about the time Drumpf started to show his real colors, and after Cville, and now you are trying to distance yourself from everyone else, in the hopes that you can weather this out.
But the Talmudic class is not going to let you. So, stop pretending. Embrace it.
Because Christ was the Dissident RIGHT (as in, correct) of His day, and the only way through this, is crucifixion.
Christ is Risen. Glorify Ye Him.
Hey, does this “Glorifying Ye Him” thing make people as psychotically hostile and relentlessly miserable as you? I’ll pass, thanks.
Ridged ideologies and philosophies (like liberalism and conservatism) are lethal because they do not allow any room for change, adaptation, or even considering the possibility that you and your political ideology could be wrong about many things, including COVID-19.
Believe it or not, there were leaders and officials in Russia during the 1960s and 1970s who could clearly see that ridged state control of the means of production and the media were not producing the type of society that Marx and Lenin had promised.
But, they were enslaved by their own communist ideology and the media only reflected back their own mindless propaganda. That Soviet the system lasted until 1991 was surprising.
Ramzpaul and others are reading from a script written long ago by people like Adam Smith and Ayn Rand. These conservative and libertarian thinkers were not gods and could not anticipate every disaster and pathogen that befalls Man.
Life and humanity are not “black and white” but various shades of grey.
If you were a Spanish Catholic in 15th century Spain, and were terrified of Jewish and Muslim influence and infiltration of “Christendom” would you object to the forming of the Spanish Inquisition? Or would you welcome it? Human societies and circumstances change: we and our ideologies should be open to change along with it.
Listen to this 1959 interview with Ayn Rand. Like her disciples (Ramzpaul) she never even entertains the idea that she can be wrong about anything. (Much like Trump)
Everything Rand said there is great. Wallace came off as obtuse, if he wasn’t being (((deliberately misleading))).
If Rand ever said anything to suggest contagion control is not a duty of government, I myself haven’t encountered it. If she did, I would say she was wrong on that point.
(((Rand))) was detestable, and her vile ‘virtue of selfishness’ theory has helped to destroy America. I personally think she was a Soviet plant to help wreck us, and she did succeed. Before you get your undies in a twist, tell me how she got out of the Soviet Union when the borders were basically impermeable
I have no idea how Rand got out of the Soviet Union or whether its borders were basically impermeable.
I’ve wondered why Rand is said to have advocated “selfishness.” Maybe she herself used that term; but if she did, she was in error. She advocates the opposite of selfishness: she urges each person not to parasitize others. So-called socialism is what advocates the opposite; there’s nothing social about it.
She was a JEW. That’s all one needs to know. Denise is correct. And so am I.
There were a lot of former Alt-Right people who paid attention to the coronavirus, noticed the threat and talked about it, when the MSM was still denying it.
Unfortunately, those people were drowned out by conservatives, conspiratards and libertarians who somehow became associated with us due to frog memes, but who really never changed their views. (Some conspiracy like thinking is understandable here, but “our” people fell into the same anti-containment / pro-Wallstreet / pro-Trump conspiracies as the Q-Anon Right.)
The optics debated proved it already, but this just reinforces it; there are a lot of downsides to having masses of stupid people superficially adopt aspects of your ideology.
Not sure what to make of this, but I don’t think there is any easy way around this if we remain powerless, inert and limited to just making “content” on the internet.
(Some conspiracy like thinking is understandable here, but “our” people fell into the same anti-containment /pro-Wallstreet / pro-Trump conspiracies as the Q-Anon Right.) @JS
Hmmm, amazing how many still think that (((Wall$treet))) was somehow “anti-containment”, and against “lockdown” …..
Bill Ackman advises Trump to shut down US, says market would ‘soar’
You goys remember (((Bill Ackman))) … don’t you now…???
How Bill Ackman Turned $27 Million Into $2.6 Billion During the Coronavirus Crisis – Barron’s
The Corona Panic worked perfectly for the Hebes. The America Goyim did EVERYTHING TalmudVision told them to. And still are.
Medical personnel, meanwhile, are making dance videos, during the “worst threat to the Human Race since the Black Plague AAAAAAHGHHHH!!!” or are coming out and stating that anyone that dies is put down a a Corona Victim, even though relatives deny lies. Field hospitals are shutting down. All kinds of scams are being revealed. Yet Saruman Gates, Dr Fraudci, and Third World Gifters the WHO are still trying to push all kinds of bs; badge and Israeli Microchip poison vaccines.
THOUSANDS of people are having their lives ruined, while Big Kike nails down every single thing on Earth.
THAT is where we are .
You aren’t kidding in the slightest.
Get a load of this:
NPR – Army field hospital for Covid-19 surge leaves Seattle after 9 days. It never saw a patient | KUOW Puget Sound
And this, Seattle, was supposed to be a raging hot-spot for ‘muh virus’
“The optics debated proved it already, but this just reinforces it; there are a lot of downsides to having masses of stupid people superficially adopt aspects of your ideology.”
You mean, like universal suffrage, a Democracy, and ‘All hominids (but not including MY slaves- T. Jefferson) are created EQUAL’!?!?
Whites have swallowed a bitter pill, and only now are seeing the golem of a Jewish making, in the aftermath of the WBTS. There never was any ‘equality,’ there never was the hope of ‘freeing the slave’ from his ontological state. There never was anything but a White, Christian, English/Nordic hope for a Republic, and anything less, is a predestined impossibility.
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit–fruit that will last–and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”
– John 15:16
Instead, thinking we had the commission to cast our ‘pearls before swine,’ this is what we achieved- the satanic antichrist order. It’s quite clear by now, that unless a complete revolution (with guns, blood and dead on the streets- as one did in 1776-1791) occurs, a certain (((SUPREMACIST CLASS))) is going to work relentlessly to enslave everyone but (((THEM))) and create the only thing they have EVER been able to do- Hell on Earth.
“Ye are of your Father the devil, and the DEEDS OF YOUR FATHER YE WILL DO.” – John 8:44
All talk of ‘muh democracy, muh First Amendment rights, muh freedumb of religion’ is OVER.
The only thing we have left now is the proceeds of the Second Amendment. And what can we do with that?
There’s only ONE ‘final solution.’ Gray Ghost has been shouting into the whirlwind, and no one has been listening.
Here’s what Solzhenitsyn said about all that is coming:
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” ? Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
Because it is the same (((tribe))) then, as it is, now.
And a fool is their pawn, whom we thought wise.
We deserve everything they want to throw at us, unless we rise up, and repent.
Christ is risen. Glorify Ye Him. “We WILL have this man to rule over us!”
Thank you, Virtus.
I went back and forth on this virus scam. Oh – the bio-weapon is real – but it’s not, apparently as deadly as the Heebs are saying. When I began seeing the videos of “doctors” shaking their asses to nigger sounds, in their videos – I knew it was a scam.
I am just sorry that so many of my Race are so easily suckered, spooked and cowed.
I wonder how many dedicated Christians stayed at home because the Uber Jew told them to.
Christians are cucked cowards.
NOW the mail service is being shut down, so kikes like Bezos can control distribution, It’s happening so fast.
Hey Hunter – are you gonna take the Gates vaccine?
Alright, as someone who basically agrees with all of RamzPaul’s takes on the reaction to the Corona Virus, I feel that a comprehensive explanation of the position of “hoaxers” like me is in order.
Here’s the narrative of how this pandemic has gone down: In January and February, COVID-19 appeared on the scene in Wahun, China, and there were concerns that it might spread to the rest of the world. Since COVID-19 is a more deadly form of the 2003 SARS virus, this was obviously a cause of concern. Then in March, those worst fears came to fruition when the virus spread to Europe and the USA. In response to the spread of COVID-19, the governments of Western nations responded by going into lockdown mode. First, professional sports were shut down, which never, ever happens. Then, “stay at home orders” and “social distancing” measures were enforced, with varying levels of teeth behind the enforcement – America didn’t clamp down as much as European nations did.
The justification for these “quarantine” measures was that they are necessary to slow the spread of COVID-19, and thus, were necessary to prevent mass deaths. Within the Pro-White Movement and within society at large, an incorrigible divide has formed between those who support the quarantine measures and wish they were stronger, and those who think that the governments clamp down measures are not justified in light of the record high unemployment numbers that happened as a direct result of the government enforced shutdown.
Basically, the two positions are this: The government should let us go about our daily lives, and if the virus spreads like wildfire, sobeit. The other side believes that the authoritarian measures are justified, that an economic depression is the price we must pay to keep as few people from dying from the virus as possible, and that if the virus is allowed to spread, an economic depression will result from the mass deaths anyway, so why not shut everything down and have the government give people $1000-$2000 per month so they can buy food and pay their rent?
There’s a lot I could say here about the authoritarian motives of those who support this lockdown. Suffice to say, they worship at the alter of government power, and if they were in charge – Richard Spencer, Keith Woods, Matt Parrott, Marcus Cicero, among many others – they would abuse that power at every opportunity. It is unironically better for the the White Race that Donald Trump or Joe Biden will be our President from 2020-2024 instead of those leftist “pro-white” voices. That all being said, there’s a side of the Reopen America position that I feel must be explained:
We acknowledge that the virus exists, and we acknowledge that it’s no fun to have. What we deny – indeed, what we really don’t even care about – is the body count that it racks up.
I’ll answer the question everyone who supports the shutdown measures wants answered: 100 million dead Americans is the threshold to justify shutting down the economy. Anything less, and life should be allowed to carry one as usual.
Where I totally disagree with those who support such radical authoritarian measures is in their belief that this virus can or should be eliminated. Everything I’ve read on COVID-19 says that its probably here to stay, and that it will come back in waves, possibly as early as this fall. If COVID-19 is indeed one of those viruses that just comes back every once in awhile, then our governments should not even bother trying to beat it. We should accept that it is here to stay, just like the flu, or pneumonia, or bronchitis, or any number of other diseases that we’ve never eradicated.
The only justification, in my view, for these authoritarian measures is if COVID-19 was as deadly as Small Pox or the Black Plague, in which case, the future of the human race would be at stake, and in which case, I’d support the measures. The Black Plague killed 1/3 of Europe between 1347-1350, and 1/3 of the American population is 100 million, hence the number above. It’s not arbitrary, or designed to “shock” you guys. It’s designed to force y’all to put everything in perspective.
Moral of the story: We should never shut down our way of life just to save less than 100,000 people, and I’m bitterly disappointed that so many in the Pro-White Movement feel differently. Whether the motive to support this shutdown is a lust for top-down, authoritarian control of the lives of Middle Class Whites, or whether the motive is “saving lives no matter what,” both motives have no currency in the eyes of people like me who, if we were in charge, would never have put in place these social distancing measures to begin with. We would have let life carry on, and yes, some people would have died. We wouldn’t have cared, because the death toll wouldn’t have even been nearly high enough to bother us, and also, because when you have the freedom to do things like drive a car, own a gun, or, in this case, just go about your daily life, the result is that some people will die from car accidents or gun shots or, you know, diseases. Death is part of life, and I don’t want the government “protecting” us from inevitable diseases. They should protect us in other situations – immigration control and foreign policy comes to mind – but they should never shut down the economy to prevent the spread of a disease.
“We shouldn’t shut down our way of life just to save less than 100,000 people” “…the death toll wouldn’t have been nearly high enough to bother us…” “…they should never shut down the economy to prevent the spread of a disease.” Jesus, what a psycho! Feel free to make yourself a blood sacrifice for the money gods, serial killer. I needs my monies, so f off and die? What a sick s.o.b. Your rabid greed and disregard for others is extremely warped and psychotic.
“We shouldn’t shut down our way of life just to save less than 100,000 people” “…the death toll wouldn’t have been nearly high enough to bother us…” “…they should never shut down the economy to prevent the spread of a disease.” Jesus, what a psycho! ”
Actually, one of the saner voices in this barrage of bullshit.
The problem is, people like you think you are a free agent, and that somehow, God is not watching you, or that your sins don’t matter. Got news for ya, bud. He is, and they do.
This is the outworking of the Arminian Heresy, and (pardon my using your person as an illustrative example) our Ms. Denise, who is one of the more cantankerous individuals on this forum, is so, precisely because she was raised Methodist. Let me explain.
Methodism, as the largest force in American ‘religion’ prior to the rise of another Arminian cult (known as the Baptists- perhaps you’ve heard of them?) believes that MAN is in control of his destiny, and not God. This is the theological underpinning behind the Horatio Alger, ‘Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps’ mindset, that worked in America…..up until about 1918- and the Spanish Flu.
Not because it is correct, but because the Predestinating hand of God was giving BLESSINGS of a covenantal nature to the WHITE MAN in these United States, UNTIL…… we made the negro our equal (when God clearly said, ‘No’ in Holy Writ via verses such as Amos 3:2 & Jer. 13:23- we fought a war over that one, remember?) we allowed the Deicide to come to our shores, and we entered into ‘foreign entanglements’ directly in contradiction to the Bible, our founding document.
Never forget, we ONCE had a COVENANT with God over this!
America is a Christian Nation.
“These, and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation.”
– https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_the_Holy_Trinity_v._United_States
The issue at hand is this. God can raise up, and can destroy ANY HUMAN, at any time, per His good will. WE ARE NOT IMMUNE FROM GOD’S RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT.
Not only human beings but any Negro SLAVE, CHINK, AMERINDIAN, MESTIZO, or JEWISH hominid is His to do with, AS HE WILLS, as well. Yes, only White Men are the Adam of God. Deal with it.
So, because we have denied God his primacy of Place as the Potter, and we as the clay… we think that we somehow ‘have to control this pandemic’ by destroying a nation, and worrying about those who are already old and going to die, and should be preparing to meet their maker, rather than worshiping a godless, amoral state that merely extends their days, yet asks for their soul in return!?!?
“Jeremiah saw the potter. God, he knew, was the Great Potter, with absolute right over the clay to make it what he wanted it to be. Paul argues this with keen and clear logic in Romans 9: “Will what is molded say to its molder, ‘Why have you made me thus?’ Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for beauty and another for menial use?” Of course he has. The vessel is shaped according to the image in the potter’s mind.
Jeremiah, watching, learned that an individual or a nation is clay in the Great Potter’s hands. He has a sovereign right to make it what he wants it to be.
He has the skill and design to work with the clay and to bring it to pass.
And if there be some imperfection in the clay, something which mars the design, spoils the work, the potter simply crushes the clay down to a lump…”
– https://www.raystedman.org/old-testament/jeremiah/the-potter-and-the-clay
Even those of us who call ourselves Christians are being asked to repent of the IDOLATRY of TRUMP, as he shows himself a lousy ball of clay, and that our lives should be submitted to Christ God, instead of the Blasphemy of Democracy, or the false prophets like the CDC, OD, Fauci, et al.
THAT is what is behind DP84’s inexorable logic. Men like you, and HW clearly, are worshiping at the golden calf of Scientism, and fear that you might die, rather than trusting in the Providence of God, that He might be merciful, and spare your miserable lives, to live unto His Law and His righteousness.
[ Matt. 6:33]
Christ is risen, Glorify Ye Him..
Shame on you.
You’re trusting in God for the purpose of serving Mammon, which makes you a hypocrite. I’m concerned about how the vulnerable are affected by this virus, and all the other viruses scything them down. How many souls are you willing to sacrifice on your altar of self-righteousness, preacher? If the answer isn’t zero, you need to do some serious self-examination.
I agree. Unless you are literally going to see human life eliminated by any activity or situation there is no valid basis for either potentially ruining countless millions of lives by preventing income generating activity or allowing total control of life by any authority. Either solution to life’s risks would be more harmful then the negative consequences of carrying out the prohibited activity, or as mitigation for nature’s fury.
All life is a risk. It is impossible to insure against all danger. Yes, prudent steps should be taken to mitigate known harms, but those steps are subject to effectiveness and resource limits. Anyone advocating sterilizing all risk from life is your mother trying to boss you around forever because she is a know-it-all. Do you really want to be governed by your mother? I don’t, and neither does any functioning adult.
Yes, the facts may be debated, and sources on either side of the debate need to take into account human motivations and past proven validity, or lack therein. But the bottom line is the bottom line. There is not enough resources in the world to shield us from all risk. As a result, choices must be made on how to deal with any risk. Telling the working and middle class employees and small and some medium size businesses who have no financial cushion yet are locked down they alone must bare the burden for corvid-19 is like your mother locking you up to save you. No thanks, that is not fair, and won’t protect you anyway.
Hunter is correct, protection of public health is a basic function of government. A good government will also stop foreign agricultural pests and diseases from invading or spreading in this country. The U.S. has done a poor job of protecting us against these foreign invaders. Corporate factory farms don’t mind these invasions. With their high tech spraying equipment and giant open fields they are able to control onslaughts of new pests and diseases that small traditional growers cannot.
“Hunter is correct, protection of public health is a basic function of government. ”
NO. Not at all, IF by that you mean an overarching NANNY state that rules from cradle to grave!!
NO. The only thing government was supposed to do (and no longer does it, except maybe in Duterte’s Phillipines) is to RESTRAIN EVIL.
“According to Romans 13:4, government is supposed to punish the evildoer. It is a “minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.”
Romans 12:17-19 tells the believer to, “never…pay back evil for evil,” and “never take your own revenge.” It’s not that God is telling us to forget or ignore injustice. God will exercise vengeance now or later, and the government is one of his tools for doing this.”
– https://tifwe.org/bible-role-of-government/
As this Protestant clearly knows (Better than you!) he quotes another Protestant (Tim Keller) to the effect that:
“This was the very first theory of limited government in the history of the world…Give Caesar the money because it’s his money—he printed it—but don’t give him the allegiance…What Jesus Christ is saying is that you may give Caesar some of what he wants, which is his money, but you cannot give Caesar ultimately what he wants, which is to completely accept his system of coercion, his system of injustice, his system of exclusion…but we can’t give him that.”
And again:
“There is no expectation in the passage that the nations and rulers were to provide positive rights for people. ”
You are either delusional, a mental child, or a slave of the Moloch State, that you want some HUMAN to rule over you, so you don’t have to rule over yourself. You’re as bad as those obese n*ggers in American today, actually thinking and wanting ‘reparations’ (i.e., ‘gibsmedat’) from people who never even owned slaves.
You aren’t free. You’re just like a n*gger. There’s no other visceral way to point this out. Like the observations made of the black man, perennial children who cannot contain their lusts, have no place voting or opining their views in a grown man’s government.
And we elected Trump. There’s corroboration of that statement, right off the bat….
So the government, and the media, downplayed Covid-19 for three months.
Now, they want to shut down the entire economy, put half the country under house arrest, and steal multi-trillions of dollars from the public – and buy up all the productive property in the country for pennies on the dollar – while everyone is out of work, going bankrupt and confined to their homes.
But NOW we’re supposed to believe they are doing this because they want to stop the spread of Covid-19. They didn’t before, but now they want to – it’s totally not about the money.
If you disagree, you are a retarded conspiracy theorist.
No wonder the White Nationalist movement has been so successful for the last 50 years.
DP84 – thank you for your intelligent and thoughtful breakdown. However -nothing had to play out this way.
A sane. responsible, and loyal government would have not allowed critical industries to be sent our of the country in the FIRST place. A sane. responsible, and loyal government would NEVER have allowed every sort of grifter to infest and exploit the country in the FIRST place. A sane. responsible, and loyal government would have kept a hawk’s eye and a very, very short leash on any individual or company conducting any type of germ or virus research. And executed anyone who attempts to transmit any research to rivals or malicious actors. A sane. responsible, and loyal government would not have panicked and buffaloed enormous swathes of the citizens livelihood in the LAST place.
The “American Government” has been an absolute horror show show for decades.
All of the underlying issues I’ve cited can be addressed and corrected. But nothing will be until we go all the way down, and the country is in smoking ruins. Because we are not one country. We are a chaotic aggregate of assorted peoples, who have nothing in common with each other. The population, whether intelligent or stupid, honest or crooked, kind or malicious, will tear at each other for whatever scraps are left, whilst the kike overlords and their cronies strip anything of value that’s left.
That’ the worst case scenario.
The best, or better case scenario is that people, all over, pay attention to this. And act. And people are. People are learning that Civilization is fragile, and worth preserving. People are noticing Nature. Skies are clearing. People are noticing each other. Yes – this shut down is going to be financially disastrous for thousands – but the social consequences may be worse. People who make bad choices and are involved with bad people are going to SUFFER. But it’s always been thus. People who have made bad choices, and possess a shred of self-awareness may decide to change their ways and make better decisions about how they live their lives. People may may discover what they thought was important isn’t. People are being forced to stop the mad dash for consumption of stuff – and are re-connecting with family members and friends, and spending real time with each other. The smarter, more astute, and functional people will thrive. So be it.
I’m hoping that the sea change comes from the Groundlings. The Hobbits. The Ordinary Folk. This Virus Panic is exposing he so-called Elite for the absolute MONSTERS they are. The Hobbits are notcing. We live in interesting times…
“A sane. responsible, and loyal government would have not allowed critical industries to be sent our of the country in the FIRST place. A sane. responsible, and loyal government would NEVER have allowed every sort of grifter to infest and exploit the country in the FIRST place. A sane. responsible, and loyal government would have kept a hawk’s eye and a very, very short leash on any individual or company conducting any type of germ or virus research. And executed anyone who attempts to transmit any research to rivals or malicious actors. A sane. responsible, and loyal government would not have panicked and buffaloed enormous swathes of the citizens livelihood in the LAST place.
The “American Government” has been an absolute horror show show for decades.”
Never a truer thing could be uttered. The treacherousness on the part of the political class of the national government over the last century and a half, and, most particularly since the 1970s is simply outrageous and a unrivalled disgrace.
The Founding Fathers put together a system that, though imperfect, was brilliant – SOVEREIGN STATES, with a small Federal government to do 3 straightforward jobs…
#1. Protect the physical borders of the country.
#2. Run the courts to resolve intra-state disputes
#3. Conduct tarifs on imports – to protect American business.
As of 2020, one could make an argument for #2 still being fulfilled, BUT, it has been a very long time since The United States’ Government has done anything but the very opposite of duties 1 & 3.
Our Founding Fathers knew this day would come, and, for that reason the 2nd Amendment reads, ‘For the maintenance of a well-regulated militia, the rights to bear arms shall not be infringed.’
No matter how much we treasure peace and value human life, all human life, that remains the only option left, other than our current submission to unmitigated tyranny of a type and magnitude that I doubt any Founding Father would accept as ‘legal’.
The Stonewall Jackson treatment is now the only apt medicine to be administered.
The only questions that remain will be what prompts the administering and when that shall be, for the majority of the populace has become constitutionally shy of both the medicine & the medicine cabinet.
One hundred million casualties is an acceptable loss to you? Okay, as long as you and yours number among them.
That said, The whole idea behind “Shelter in Place” was that our emergency medical response and hospitals would not be overwhelmed as they were at Wuhan, the epicenter of the virus.
Do I think it could have been handled better? Yes. We had an underreaction and then an overreation to correct it. Though there is a part of me that thinks the overreaction is to cover up the real reason behind any depression, i.e. the usual hijinks of the banksters and hedge fund managers.
That said, it behooves WN to also NOT “let a good crisis go to waste” and exploit this for all it is worth
1) By demanding that we return at least half of our factories and industries to the United States or we can expect every third world country they are currently based in to bend us over a barrel and screw us without lubrication.
2) By demanding that we return to the practice of vetting and quarantining new immigrants before they leave their country and before they enter ours as was standard operating procedure at the turn of the last century.
Government could also make itself most useful by working with companies to enable people to work remote. We have had the ability to do so forever and there was no reason for rush hour to be as congested as it was all these years.
I know several high school teachers who are loving having to deal with their students over the computer. I guess you can do your job better when you aren’t having to worry about being assaulted by some hostile “minority” student.
I might add, as a woman, I love “social” distancing. It’s pretty hard to mug or assault people from six feet away. People of every stripe are far more courteous, both men and women opening the doors to establishments wide for each other.
There are lots of delivery jobs in my area, and I noticed quite a few cars outside of a restaurant where delivery people were picking up food, so I think people can drive and run errands for people to keep body and soul together while they are furloughed.
Some people where I live were not furloughed but had their hours reduced. With careful budgeting, I don’t think their after tax picture will look that bleak.
So, I am thinking that, if we can find some leadership that doesn’t have shit for brains, we can see remote work become more standard, restaurants and other retailers tooling up the delivery aspect of their services.
Last, I could see the forty hour work week being reduced to 24-32 hours to get everyone employed. I do think that we will see some kind of basic universal health care because I believe companies who will be “talked into” doubling their workers by cutting their hours will insist that they can drop health insurance coverage.
Most likely, I think it would go to some kind of universal healthcare, but the average person would be able to buy a supplemental health plan for more exclusive concierge services.
So, the important thing is that things cannot and should not go back to normal. Otherwise, we’ll be going through this crap every year; under-reaction followed by overreaction which masks wholesale looting by the Usual Suspects.
I have a different understanding of what “Normal” is, and what “Normal” should be. I was born in 1989, and I grew up during the 1990s in the lilly White suburbs, which were created as a result of White Flight, which only happened in the first place because of the Civil Rights Laws of the 1960s. It’s not an ideal situation – White families should not have been effectively forced to commute an hour to work every day, and then drive back to the only neighborhoods that were safe anymore after the inner cities were forcefully integrated. But, despite the costs and inconveniences that come with commuting from the suburbs, and despite their “ugly” cul-da-sac look, the basic way of life in the suburbs is quite pleasant and nice: White families there live in cozy “McMansions.” Their kids attend safe schools and can play outdoors without much to worry about. There are grocery stores, restaurants, and business services everywhere to meet the daily needs of life. Most suburbs have at least one public park subject to strict zoning laws that’s kept in pristine condition. Life was good in the ‘burbs when I grew up, and it remains that way today.
All of it is made possible by two things: Regular, Middle to Upper Class White people going to work every day and engaging in commerce. Those communities need business activity in order to survive and thrive, and the government enforced shutdown from COVID-19 is preventing that from happening. Given the choice between:
1. Shutting down the economy in order to save 2 million Americans (or 500,000, or 60,000, or whatever the numbers keeps getting reduced to)
2. Letting the economy stay open, risking the spread of the virus, but ensuring that tens of millions of normal White people continue to work, continue to make money for themselves and their families, and continue to engage in commerce to keep their communities thriving.
The obvious choice for me is No.2.
Like I said in another comment on this thread, we tolerate death tolls in the hundreds of thousands every single year for cases like cancer, heart disease, and car accidents. But we NEVER shut down our economy to “flatten the curve” of those death rates, because we accept that even a first world society isn’t totally perfect. Our response to COVID-19 should be working to develop a vaccine, isolating those with the disease, and, if necessary, having the government distribute free N95 masks to everyone. But no, we should NEVER be forcefully locked in our homes like this unless the death toll reaches Black Plague percentages, which in the case of 2020 America is just over 100 million people.
There’s a balance between having our freedom and minimizing death, and for me, this shutdown is so radically lopsided in favor of minimizing death that the long-term consequences of a shut down would in fact result in MORE deaths – ultimately, death from mass starvation as the supply chain collapses from government enforced inactivity – then whatever number deaths were saved from Corona Chan. The 100 million number is intended to demonstrate how bad COVID-19 would need to get in order to justify shutting down the economy and risking the destruction of the supply chain, resulting in mass starvation. I refuse to risk that, and would much rather instead let Corona Chan run her course.
I don’t think that was ever a major risk to begin with, but in any case, now that we can see all those hospitals with nurses being laid off, or dancing in the hallways, or doing anything other than treating “mass numbers” of corona patients, it’s clearly time to reopen the economy and develop herd immunity, which Texas is going to take the lead on next week when Governor Greg Abbott signs an executive order with the intention of reopening the economy by the first week of May. Other states will follow suit.
I disagree that this should become the new norm. The only way its possible for a sit down restaurant to survive primarily through delivery service is if the business already has an established name brand. For example, I read an article where the CEO of Cheesecake Factory said that most of their businesses transitioned to a sustainable delivery model that, at the very least, keeps them in the black. But imagine a new, mom-and-pop businesses trying to establish itself, and it’s not even allowed to serve customers the traditional way. The only reason anyone would order take out from such a business is if they already knew them and trusted them to begin with. It’s not fair to small business owners to force them to rely primarily on delivery. The ONLY fair way they should be allowed to be driven out of business is if another business opens up and offers better service/products at a lower price. That right there is the whole point of living in a capitalist economy, and I don’t care how many frothing-at-the-mouth socialists hate it and want to destroy it.
A better policy would be passing a law that maximizes how many hours a business can make an employee work per week, which currently does not exist in the USA. This is something European countries do better, particularly Germany. They do their 8 hours per day and their 40 hours per week, then they go home to be with their families. They pretty much never work weekends. The U.S. economy should have a similar culture, despite our reputation as “work-a-holics.” The government could also pass a law lowering the minimum number of hours required to offer health insurance to their employees from 40 hours to 30 hours. If that doesn’t work, only then would national healthcare be justified.
I’m very much against national healthcare for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that our country has too many selfish assholes who would exploit the system for everything its worth. I don’t want those kind of people to receive ANY public benefits at my taxpayer expense, not free healthcare, not student debt forgiveness, not food stamps, nothing. I’m not selfish for wanting to protect parasites from using the force of the government to take it.
There is no virus. The sooner you accept that this is a massive hoax the sooner we can understand what’s really going on: the installation of global communism aka the new world order aka the Jew world order.
Don’t forget that every government on earth is playing its role in the conspiracy: China, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Russia, Israel, Mexico, Venezuela, Italy, Poland, France, Spain, Argentina. The HOAX extends down to every nurse, doctor, EMT and county coroner in the country as well as everyone who claims they had the so-called “virus.”
The actions of other governments is irrelevant to the actions of our governments, state and federal, since we cannot influence those powers, and their citizens are the only legitimate arbiters of what happens overseas.
For the 10,000th fuc*ing time, no one who opposes perpetual lockdowns here on OD is saying corvid-19 was released by anyone in order to justify totalitarianism in response. That you feel obligated to continue that line of response to critique of your facts and opinions on the situation is a reflection of its weakness, as even the Greeks’ rejection of ad hominemism as a debating tactic makes clear.
If you can’t argue you point beyond ipsi dixit then just go back to worshipping those trustworthy government and mainstream media representatives whose facts you take as gospel, and continue to support policies that harm the 99 percent in order to save humanity from that Black Death we are facing. That’s what liberals do, sacrifice people for an Idea.
As I said on another comment thread, reopen everything subject to already in place social distancing. Businesses will figure out how to make it work in the real world, and citizens will comply with business in order to be entertained and get their materialistic fix. The “essential” activities organizations are already doing so with their floor six foot separation tape and limited numbers entry policies. Entertainment venues can sell enough tickets to separate spectators while video broadcasting to other fans outside, for a fee. Capitalist ingenuity will figure it out, backed by nonstop media shaming that will cause customers to demand safety.
There you go, a plan to limit the virus while we live and produce. Not so hard if you care about everyone. And I didn’t need to hide behind the skirts of Drs. Birx and Fauci or Don Lemon. Your turn. When does it end? If “no more corvid-19 deaths” is your view, say it.
Don’t forget that every government on earth is playing its role in the conspiracy:
So what Hunter, that many countries in the world are doing these lockdowns as well as in the US.
Most of the world, outside of Germanic, Northwestern Europe, absolutely loves tyranny, and exploiting and $hitting on the common man and people. Like these tyrants just wouldn’t jump at the slightest chance for even more power to personally wield over their masses.
Also, how utterly ridiculous to think that the elites — of any and all countries — wouldn’t work together toward forwarding their own collective wealth and power — at the expense of the common folk of every and all countries.
Globalists the world over are having a heyday, again, maybe not immediately, but if you think that CoronaChan ‘discredited’ Globalism 1.0, than just wait a few more weeks or months … cuz were going to be getting a supercharged Globalism 6.6 after the fallout and the dust settles down.
Globalists around the world are having a heyday now that globalism has suddenly crashed and come to a halt. There are also 200 fewer billionaires than there were before this. It is all a part of a gigantic conspiracy to make our political class look grossly incompetent.
Hmm, interesting Hunter.
You might want to do a separate article thread on this topic, whether or not globalism has suddenly crashed, or is crashing, or, like I postulated, has merely “Globalism 1.0” been discredited, possibly awaiting a deeper, more entrenched version of itself. Love to see a deeper discussion of this particular issue.
*Also, I of course agree with you that liberalism is the cause of much of our problems – however, I would take it one critical step further, by an indictment of the whole “Enlightenment” religion & ideology in general that has destroyed the West from the root and branch.
Perhaps a nice discussion we all can have over the holiday. Happy Easter man.
Globalists are having a heyday!
And then there are the kikes of Blackrock Inc.
People like Brad and countless others suffer from a naivety of thinking when they think that in order for a conspiracy to function and work, every particular participant of that conspiracy must have knowledge before hand in order for that conspiracy to be realized. The key to understanding conspiracy is understanding how COMPARTMENTALIZTION functions!
Not everyone is a player!
“Don’t forget that every government on earth is playing its role in the conspiracy…”
Yes. EVERY ONE ON THIS PLANE IS TO BE JUDGED BY YHWH. Duh. And you call yourself a Christian…..
“I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God’s throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books.” Rev. 20:12
And ALL the conspiracies will be made known. So, don’t act so surprised that evil men all over the world plot and plan, and that the godly man cannot even live under his own fig tree, because of lockdowns and ‘social distancing.’
With every statement you make, Brad, you show yourself more and more an empty shell, devoid of knowledge of either God, or His Grace.
“The only justification, in my view, for these authoritarian measures is if COVID-19 was as deadly as Small Pox or the Black Plague, in which case, the future of the human race would be at stake, and in which case, I’d support the measures.”
Are you sure COVID-19 had no chance of racking up a body count in the smallpox range?
John- Who are we, to pretend to be God, ‘numbering the people’ – even those dead… BEFORE THE FACT, and then presuming to utter pronouncements on how the world NOW should be run, as opposed to trusting to God?
At least Anglin isn’t acting like such a G-D secularist, as Brad has been, these last few weeks….
“I hope you’re all able to have the best holiday you can. We are banned from church, and the Jew media is gloating about that fact, even whilst Jews violate the quarantine for their own religious purposes and suffer no consequences.”
Christ IS Risen. Glorify Ye Him. And not the stupid Corona…..OR the Jews.
“I’ll answer the question everyone who supports the shutdown measures wants answered: 100 million dead Americans is the threshold to justify shutting down the economy. Anything less, and life should be allowed to carry one as usual.”
Well, I will give you credit at least for answering this question forthrightly, because it IS the necessary question to answer. Anyone who doesn’t give an answer to that question, and who responds with a snarky evasion (like Tony Martel) or who obfuscates by dismissing it as a “gotcha question” (like Ramzpaul) is mendacious and not to be taken seriously.
But you have given an answer, therefore I think that at least you are taking this seriously — or pretending to do so (just as well).
And mmy response to your proposal is this: your number is so absurdly beyond what the answer reasonably could be, as to be nonsensical.
Do you really think that the rest of America would continue functioning normally as one-third of the nation died?
Do you think that the economy would continue in such conditions?
Do you think two-thirds of America would just putting on with their daily lives, working and shopping, as every third American died?
Utter nonsense. It would be a Mad Max scenario of complete panic. Civil order would have completely broken down long before half that number were reached, and some form of military junta would have to be ruling for there to be any order left at all.
By the time a SINGLE million, no HALF a million, were reached, any politician who was not advocating a complete lockdown would be immediately voted out of office. The public would be DEMANDING measures infinitely more draconian that what is in place today.
100 million? Every family of three to lose one of their members? There would BE no America as we know it long before anything close to that number were reached.
NOTE: The above comment is meant to be a response to DP84
But Karsten – that’ not what’s happening. A third of any population hasn’t died, anywhere. Can you try sticking to reality?
You are free to break quaranteen and pay the fines if caught out. Start your revolt if you dare. See the people you go near to recoil in horror.
Captain you pathetic boob – I already have, and no one is recoiling in horror. In fact – people seemed to be relieved to encounter a shred of sanity.
FYI I’ve been trimming my own hair – and it looks terrific! The Hubster complimented me. So have others. Optics do matter!
Okay–then what’s your number?
I’m not an expert on the history of the Black Plague that happened in Europe between the years 1347-1351, nor do I have any deep scholarly knowledge on the subject, but I do know two things:
1. The Black Plague killed 30% of the total population of Europe, and by some estimates, as high as 60%. That was horrible, to be clear, and life in Europe was upended, but, contrary to your claims, it did not result in a Mad Max/Apocalypse scenario. Life moved on.
2. In the years following the Black Death, life was better for the average peasant – which is to say, better for the average White person:
”From the perspective of many of the survivors, the effect of the plague may have been ultimately favorable, as the massive reduction of the workforce meant their labor was suddenly in higher demand. R. H. Hilton has argued that those English peasants who survived found their situation to be much improved. For many Europeans, the 15th century was a golden age of prosperity and new opportunities. The land was plentiful, wages high, and serfdom had all but disappeared. A century later, as population growth resumed, the lower classes again faced deprivation and famine.”
If 1/3 of the American population died from COVID-19, the main consequence would emotional devastation from the loss of loved ones, not physical devastation. Our world would look similar to the world portrayed in “Avengers: End Game,” where we see a 5 year leap between The Snappening and the events of the film. Sure, people would be sad, and they’d be going to emotional support groups, but the world as we know it would have adjusted to the new reality of drastically fewer people in the world, and life would move on. Those of us that remain would almost certainly have our own lives materially improved, just like the survivors of the Black Death.
For all the reasons explained above, my answer to this question is “Yes.”
The economy always adjusts to changes in the size of the population, and to be brutally honest, a smaller population is good for average people. Its not good for the corporate elites, who thrive off a flooded labor market, and its not good for those at the bottom who can gang up together as a mob to “overthrow the system,” but its good for the average person.
Besides, the current American population is over 330 million. It didn’t even reach 100 million until the 20th century. We could handle a 1/3 loss in the population without life as we know it coming to an end.
Like I said, they would be emotionally devastated from the loss of loved ones, but I am confident that civilization as we know it would not collapse. Civilization would adjust and carry on. It always does.
1. You seriously think public order would break down, and that people would call for totalitarian measures, if the death toll reaches only 500,000? Buddy, look at the death numbers we tolerate every single year in America:
Heart disease: 647,457.
Cancer: 599,108.
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936.
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201.
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383.
Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404.
Diabetes: 83,564.
Influenza and pneumonia: 55,672.
If we can tolerate all that, then we can most definitely tolerate 500,000 dead Americans from a disease.
2. If what you are saying is true – that Americans would riot on the streets and demand totalitarian measures from big daddy government if the death toll reached 500,000 – then my response is this: Those type of Americans are goyim cattle, and they deserve to be exploited and reduced to serfdom. I’m quite confident that half the White population wants this lockdown to end and hates the abuses of liberty that are inflicted on us, but for those who would demand totalitarianism in the face of 500,000 deaths like you say they would, they are everything the Talmud says about them, and it would be an act of mercy on both them and us if Thanos existed to snap his fingers. I don’t care what they think, I don’t care if they would riot. They aren’t worth saving, if that would be their reaction.*
*This clearly doesn’t apply to those who support the current authoritarian measures but are otherwise living their lives and not bothering anyone. I’m talking about people who would protest and riot just because they can’t emotionally handle an insignificant reduction in the loss of life.
You first. Start your revolt. I’m not being facetious. Do you actually think it’s safe for you to interact the same way you did before March?
Captain – the revolt is well underway.
Are you going senile or something?
Buddy, look at the death numbers we tolerate every single year in America:
Right DP, but there is no status to be accrued thru virtue-signalling for karsten by caring for these types of “irrelevant” deaths
Those type of Americans are goyim cattle, and they deserve to be exploited and reduced to serfdom.
DP – I don’t know if Hunter will publish my comment – but if I were the virus, and I could pick and choose who I could “take out” – the numbers would be a more like 50% minimum, and America would be great again!
“By the time a SINGLE million, no HALF a million, were reached, any politician who was not advocating a complete lockdown would be immediately voted out of office. ”
You say that, like it’s a bad thing….. WE NEED TO “Burn this B*tch down” as they say.
Again, the FEDGOV is NOT GOD. And if we treat it as such, then WE DESERVE to die.
Blunt? Yes. True? Yes.
And it would not be MY 1,000,000. I am not a jew, or a black, or a sodomite, or any of the other ‘protected classes’ that have comprised the vast majority of these cases in the observable news.
I am older, yes. And if I die, I die. God knows I can only plead the shed blood of Jesus on the Cross for my sins. And no gerontes should be asking the State to be their god, anyway….
But I refuse to give godlike powers to a state, to determine how to rule us as Satan’s seed, rather than worry over ‘numbers dead.’
You merely prove your godlessness, in advocating such scenarios.
“Those type of Americans are goyim cattle, and they deserve to be exploited and reduced to serfdom. I’m quite confident that half the White population wants this lockdown to end and hates the abuses of liberty that are inflicted on us, but for those who would demand totalitarianism in the face of 500,000 deaths like you say they would, they are everything the Talmud says about them, and it would be an act of mercy on both them and us if Thanos existed to snap his fingers. ” – DP 84
Exactly. GOD IS IN CONTROL, and your absolute DENIAL of that fact, makes you prime clay to be used by the Potter, ‘by any means necessary’ to achieve His Divine Will. Even a Baptist can understand this (grant you, Spurgeon is probably the greatest Baptist ‘Catholic’ that ever lived!)
Christ is risen. Glorify Ye Him. Then, Submit to the Theocracy. Or perish.
I can’t really articulate as to why I have such a strong aversion to
“Ramz” –ugh. I get the same feeling with that Collett weirdo.
My instincts have rarely failed me, something is off with those two.
I agree.
Paleo-conservative boomers going on and on about who is relevant and who isn’t. Does anyone even care what “Ramzpaul” thinks? Too many just trying to either get rich or make a living off of the whole white movement. Just because someone has enough money not to have to work, or worry about losing a job, doesn’t make them a leader at all. In case you haven’t noticed, the younger people don’t care about the dinosaurs.