Coronavirus: 5/4

Check out the models:

161,321 projected deaths (YYG)

134,475 projected deaths (IHME)

126,617 projected deaths (MIT)

89,795 projected deaths through May 18 (Northeastern)

Next milestones, 100,000 deaths (1968 influenza pandemic), 116,000 deaths (1957 influenza pandemic), 116,516 deaths (World War I).

Here are the latest numbers:

The South: 5/4

MS: 7,877 cases, 310 deaths

AL: 8,112 cases, 298 deaths

SC: 6,757 cases, 283 deaths

GA: 29,438 cases, 1,246 deaths

TX: 33,027 cases, 917 deaths

FL: 36,897 cases, 1,399 deaths

LA: 29,673 cases, 2,064 deaths

AR: 3,458 cases, 80 deaths

KY: 5,245 cases, 261 deaths

OK: 4,044 cases, 238 deaths

WV: 1,224 cases, 50 deaths

VA: 19,492 cases, 684 deaths

MO: 8,837 cases, 383 deaths

NC: 11,972 cases, 442 deaths

TN: 13,571 cases, 219 deaths

U.S. cases:

3/1: 89

3/8: 564

3/9: 728

3/10: 1,000

3/11: 1,267

3/12: 1,645

3/13: 2,204

3/14: 2,826

3/15: 3,505

3/16: 4,466

3/17: 6,135

3/18: 8,760

3/19: 13,159

3/20: 18,563

3/21: 26,138

3/22: 33,276

3/23: 46,371

3/24: 55,041

3/25: 68,203

3/26: 85,873

3/27: 104,671

3/28: 123,578

3/29: 142,070

3/30: 164,248

3/31: 188,530

4/1: 215,003

4/2: 244,877

4/3: 277,161

4/4: 311,357

4/5: 336,673

4/6: 367,004

4/7: 400,355

4/8: 434,927

4/9: 468,566

4/10: 502,876

4/11: 532,879

4/12: 560,300

4/13: 586,941

4/14: 613,886

4/15: 644,089

4/16: 677,570

4/17: 709,735

4/18: 738,792

4/19: 763,832

4/20: 792,759

4/21: 818,744

4/22: 848,717

4/23: 880,204

4/24: 918,510

4/25: 960,651

4/26: 987,160

4/27: 1,010,356

4/28: 1,035,765

4/29: 1,064,194

4/30: 1,095,023

5/1: 1,131,015

5/2: 1,160,744

5/3: 1,188,122

5/4: 1,212,835 <— YOU ARE HERE

U.S. deaths per day:

2/29: 1

3/2: 5

3/3: 3

3/4: 2

3/5: 1

3/6: 3

3/7: 4

3/8: 3

3/9: 4

3/10: 4

3/11: 8

3/12: 3

3/13: 8

3/14: 8

3/15: 11

3/16: 18

3/17: 23

3/18: 41

3/19: 57

3/20: 49

3/21: 46

3/22: 111

3/23: 140

3/24: 225

3/25: 247

3/26: 268

3/27: 411

3/28: 525

3/29: 363

3/30: 573

3/31: 912

4/1: 1,049

4/2: 968

4/3: 1,321

4/4: 1,331

4/5: 1,165

4/6: 1,255

4/7: 1,970

4/8: 1,940

4/9: 1,900

4/10: 2,035

4/11: 1,830

4/12: 1,528

4/13: 1,535

4/14: 2,407

4/15: 2,763

4/16: 2,174

4/17: 2,535

4/18: 1,867

4/19: 1,539

4/20: 1,939

4/21: 2,804

4/22: 2,341

4/23: 2,325

4/24: 1,942

4/25: 2,065

4/26: 1,157

4/27: 1,384

4/28: 2,470

4/29: 2,390

4/30: 2,201

5/1: 1,892

5/2: 1,691

5/3: 1,154

5/4: 1,324 <— YOU ARE HERE

TOTAL: 69,921 dead

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You’re embarrassing yourself. You are NOT informed. All hospitals & medical establishments got $39,000. for every case they medically coded Covid19. Get it ? They get crap for everything else. So … they laid off staff and coded anything that came through that door $$$ Covid19 $$$. That’s just PART of the hoax. All pre planned.

    Get with it man.
    Empty soul empty blog empty life empty eternity ….

    • I see now that the global conspiracy has gotten so complex that it extends down to my own family members who work in hospitals here in Alabama. Alternatively, conspiracy theorists are just making shit up and throwing it out there on the internet.

      • Just go by the excess mortality tables and graphs.

        Ppl are dying.
        How many ppl are dying, compared to the same time of year in past years?
        Answer that question and the fog of causal criterion is lifted.
        The numbers are so overwhelming that any other alleged cause becomes mute.
        That alone clears all the ambiguity of differential diagnosis and allegations of false attribution of cause of mortality.

        • Chris Martenson does a really good analysis of the viruses origin.
          He makes a solid case for it being synthetic.

      • Hunter,

        For a “conspiracy” to work, you do not necessarily need everyone and everything to be “in on it”, and “in the know”. In fact, that would be a bad thing, since most people would consciously not want to act in an unethical and malicious manner.

        It’s called compartmentalization, and everything is on a “need to know” basis … with only those individuals at very high levels of conspiratorial crimes truly cognizant of what is going on in the big picture.

    • So how much does Putin get for going along with this pre-planned hoax?

      And Iran’s motive for pushing the hoax is what exactly? Do they get medicare payments too?

      • Seems to be dropping, but we don’t have enough days to sample from.
        Plus, most of it is weekend anomaly.

  2. Sven on TDS debunked this tiresome lie last week.

    That $39,000 is an ESTIMATE from Kaiser Permanente of what an uninsured person on a respirator would cost Medicaid; it has absolutely nothing to do with whether said person has COVID-19 on their death certificate or not.

    The idea that hospitals are lying about the cause of death to get cash from the federal government is a damned lie and makes us look like idiots for repeating it.

    (((The usual suspects))) on the right-wing side of the kosher sandwich are feeding this lie to gullible conservatives and they don’t care how stupid this makes us look.

    Stop repeating lies, please.

  3. A hospital in France had gone through pnumonia cases in December and found Covid19 cases. This thing has been around a while and China may only have been the first to classify it as a distinctive disease associated with a specific virus.

    The French findings let the Chinese off the hook.

    • Well, the French case was an Algerian fishmonger.

      So it’s probably some dirty wog disease, regardless.

    • Not really, the wife of the guy who had it works next to a bunch of Chinese nationals.

  4. Everyone is in on the conspiracy except you and I at this point HW.

    The good news is that the murder hornets are attracted by conspiracy buzz.

  5. @Southron,

    I counter your “Compartmentalization”…

    “Normalcy Bias”.

    Service Economy gon service.

    How’s that working out for you?

    I’ll need some ketchup with those fries.

  6. National Institutes of Health funded this gain of function research under Fauci at the Wuhan lab who predicted in 2016 that the next president would have a pandemic on his hands. All you fluthers have the wrong conspiracy. The question isn’t whether or not the virus is a serious threat or not (it is), but rather where did it come from? From a Chinese lab with funding under Fauci. It was manipulated. The only question is why it was released. Was it an accident, or an intentional bioweapon. Don’t know yet. But there’s a conspiracy here, you’re just looking in the wrong place.

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