Once again, I’m posting this here for my own purposes. I did this after the first 100,000 and 200,000 cases resolved in the United States. Now we are up to 300,000 closed cases. The deaths to recoveries ratio is improving. It is still nowhere close to the 0.1% CFR of the ordinary flu though.
Cases: 739,932
Deaths: 39,015
Closed Cases: 107,300
Active Cases: 631,623
Recoveries: 68,285 (64%)
Deaths: 39,015 (36%)
Cases: 877,672
Deaths: 49,736
Closed Cases: 134,783
Active Cases: 742,889
Recoveries: 85,047(63%)
Deaths: 49,736 (37%)
Cases: 1,055,455
Deaths: 61,112
Closed Cases: 205,535
Active Cases: 849,920
Recoveries: 144,423 (70%)
Deaths: 61,112 (30%)
Cases: 1,315,897
Deaths: 78,299
Closed Cases: 300,019
Active Cases: 1,015,878
Recoveries: 221,720 (74%)
Deaths: 78,299 (26%)
40,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 in a little over two weeks! Active confirmed cases have almost doubled too. We are only 22.7% of the way through the first wave.
Note: I don’t think the enormity of the medical catastrophe that is unfolding here has settled in yet. We’re going to easily blow past the 1957 and 1968 flu pandemics before it is even summer.
I’ve been in contact with a number of specialists and if you can ride out two weeks without requiring ICU you ain’t gonna die. The disease is a marathon. My specialist said rather like Whooping cough which lasts 100days. If you are gonna die you are in ICU around 10th day. If you don’t slip into helplessness by that time you’ll slowly get better. Although that’s a relative term. It’s like being hit by a truck several times. Just make sure you are fit. And don’t worry.
I am dying of covid-19. Please … bring me a toothpick.
“40,000 Americans have died from COVID-19”
That’s about the population of a medium sized town. The size of the town’s here along the Red River average around 25-35k people. It’s like the entire population of Gainesville, or Sherman, or Denison, or Bonham, or Paris had died, to put it into perspective for me. Some of these counties, on both sides of the river, barely have 40k residents altogether.
I’m sure many OD readers know of similarly sized towns as well, and it might bring the significance of the death toll home to them, also.
Wherever it’s concentrated, this virus is fairly destructive. Especially in particular communities and locations. That’s why it’s best not to have it come to a town near you. Or neighbourhood, as the case may be.
Scene: Cumberland Mall, Atlanta. On the day it reopened after the state’s lockdown
My heart swells with patriotic pride as we celebrate our victory over the invisible enemy.