Why Aren’t We Like South Korea?

Why aren’t we like South Korea and Taiwan?

Imagine the meltdown that liberals of every stripe (conservative, lolbertarian, progressive) would have if we controlled America’s borders from deadly viruses like most East Asian countries.

Tucker Carlson and Infowars would have a meltdown about this.

South Korea is for the South Koreans.

Taiwan is for the Taiwanese.

Vietnam is for the Vietnamese.

China is for the Chinese.

As a result, almost no one has died from the coronavirus.

Regardless of the form of government, it is taken for granted in East Asia that mass immigration and race replacement is undesirable. Liberalism isn’t the hegemonic ideology. In this country, mainstream conservatism is controlled by a tiny oligarchy of Jewish private equity and hedge fund billionaires who made the call to “ride it out” and treat the virus like it was just the flu.

Let it rip was their policy preference. Who cares if anyone dies? We can always compare it to the flu and import a younger workforce. The weak and elderly aren’t productive economic units anyway.

Note: Letting it rip would disproportionately kill off Boomers and the Silent Generation which are the oldest, whitest and most reliably Republican constituencies. If the GOP thought about the long term though, it wouldn’t be importing a Third World electorate.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The GOP is not an independent political entity. It’s an administrative unit intended to bolster the illusion of civil legitimacy in government. Two wings of government administrators, one oligarchic bird.

  2. The Koreans will inherit the earth.

    We are such a bunch of slobs about this stuff.

  3. Letting it rip would disproportionately kill off Boomers and the Silent Generation which are the oldest, whitest and most reliably Republican constituencies.

    Recent polls have suggested Trump trails Zombie Joe by 10 points among voters 65 years or over. Who knows? The Boomercaust may end up delivering a Trump second term.

  4. You can’t have the systematic thoroughnes necessary to control an epidemic in a mongrel nation.

  5. Jewish open border ideology was hell-bent on spreading the virus to every white nation, and of course when JYC became the epicenter they screamed bloody murder about any restriction travel from the environs of Long-Nose Island. If whites had avoided this disease, the Jews would be screaming the rest of the world suffers because of racist border control.

  6. America the biggest shit hole in the world. Don’t worry about the dead plenty of african niggers waiting in the wings.

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