Not me.
I haven’t moved anywhere.
After watching this video, I thought it explained a lot. The unique conditions of modern Western society has driven lots of women, particularly those who live in liberal big cities, bat shit insane.
This young woman was so much happier after she moved to Norway, found a man and was able to live out a more natural existence. It resonated with me as a natural conservative. Anyway, I thought I would share this given how recent news over the past few months has been so depressing.
Note: I would love to visit Scandinavia. Seems like a wonderful place.
She says she “suddenly had the strong feeling of being home.”
In Welsh, we say “hiraeth,” which is impossible to translate perfectly, but has the sense of longing for home, even a home that we have never seen, but we belong there, the land and place that is in our blood.
I call what you describe as a past-life hangover, and I would not be surprised if something deep down in her gut guided her back to her real home.
I call it ‘fleeing the sewer’.
Sounds a little bit like saying Here-ish.
Not exactly but almost like a borrow word from English Gloucestershire slang.
More-ish meaning I like that and want more.
Mike Enoch often relates how strongly his late mother felt about her connections to Norway and her fellow Norwegians, even though she wasn’t born there. His mother was very liberal in her politics yet could not deny obvious racial and ethnic affinities. She felt more comfortable amongst her own people, related by blood.
Whites reveal their racial preferences by who they choose to life amongst, while furiously and righteously fighting to prevent other whites from doing the same.
(((The Modern World))) has drive them insane.
Speaking of Enoch his twatter account has been locked for the last two weeks. I guess the commie antifa mods there couldn’t have him debating the holocaust narrative and winning arguments almost every time with every zog shill he has on there attacking him
Gives me another reason not to use twitter and thats a good thing because between black twitter, j-left, republican, celebrity, muslim, boomer, and k pop twitter that site is a absolute cancer and viewing it is strongly advisable not to
I noticed that too, re Enoch’s Twitter. I thought perhaps he had put it into a private mode? His was one of only a few remaining I would check regularly. “Lost” my Twitter account in early 2019. You are correct; Twitter has become an absolute cancer. The Anti-White hate is soul scorching.
“(((The Modern World))) has drive them insane.”
(It’s also financed and built social structures the are entirely contra-natural.)
This is extremely common among all non-Anglo-Saxon white liberals in America. Only the WAPSs are truly 100% self hating.
I think a lot of Whites will be shuffling around The Western World over the coming decades, and, perhaps, in this country, too.
Speaking for myself, my wife and I are studying Hungarian and will be buying another house there, to spend our summers, or, perhaps even more time each year.
The truth of the matter is that, with the passage of each year, it is less and less joy to live in my own country, Dixie.
Hard to see someone, and or something, you love go down the tubes. The principle cause of this is that most Southerners are becoming increasingly senilic about who we are and what we stand for.
I’ve never enjoyed people who do not know who they are, and I certainly do NOT enjoy a group of them, even IF they are my brothers.
No, especially IF … they are my brothers.
“I think a lot of Whites will be shuffling around The Western World over the coming decades,”
I think America could loose most of it’s highly skilled ppl to migration. Leaving the rest of us to endure a Brazilian society, but worse.
Correction….Scandinavia used to be a wonderful place. And many parts of it still are, but the rot, shall we say, has set in. The cancer can still be cut out though, if some have the will to do it.
My friend told me its a good 10 years away from becoming as bad as Sweden is with its progressive liberalism and antiwhite socialism
Muslims breed like rabbits you get a few in and before you know it you got a growing caliphate and their best and brightest are becoming lawyers passing hate speech regulation and making sure they benefit the most over native born Norwegians its sickening but this is how they operate
Alaska might not be a bad idea.
Yes, anywhere in The North will always be heavily slanted towards white if only because darker-skinned folks, as a rule, as not fond of serious Winter.
The anomalous demographics of Milwaukee and Minneapolis do not change this fact.
The cities, in the North, have the wealth and infrastructure to support massive orc colonization.
Rural areas, not so much.
With section 8’s ‘diversity program’ , no place in America will be safe, as they are paying minorities to relocate to such areas.
There are malevolent hand-rubbing forces constantly studying demogragraphic maps to see where they can do the greatest harm.
Yep, they did it to Springfield, MO. Specifically targeted because it was the whitest city of its size in the country.
Alot of us don’t have the luxury to pick up and move. For some it is work or kids in school, but more importantly for many of us it is a parent. I can’t go anywhere and as much as I respect and love seeing what this girl did, I simply don’t have that option nor will I have it anytime in the near future……
So like you Brad, I’m still in the same place and refuse to give up the fight and hope
She will have her own fights to fight soon enough
My sentiments exactly I wouldn’t be able to afford to live there the plane ticket alone is 10 grand and rent isnt cheap either I bet, heard Nordic countries have high taxes too but I’m happy that she was able to
If there do have high taxes its probably because it’s socialist based but hopefully not totally corrupt socialism wonder what the benefits are
Almost forgot to mention getting citizen ship might not be so easy either could take years
“plane ticket alone is 10 grand and rent isnt cheap”
You can find tickets <1000$.
Yes , Norwegian housing is very expensive, along wi most everything else.
I believe he was more making the point that picking up and moving to a Scandanavian country… Any foreign country that isn’t third world in fact is beyond most people’s means. And he is correct.
I’m sure I could gather all my resources and do it. But I can’t. I’m not leaving my dad sick stubbornalone because he refuses to leave his grandfather’s house, in a neighborhood I grew up in which has turned almost exclusively Indian in the nicer half we live in, to Hispanic and black on the other side. He could move to Florida, North Carolina or Utah. But he doesnt want to and I don’t blame him.
Our ancestors worked their asses off to give us everything we have. Abandoning it is not an option nor is abandoning your loved ones
There are more of us out here who are willing to share the Farm.
This is where I’ve lived, and this is where I’ll die.
Also, there’s one thing to remember.
Something that has been known for centuries, at least since the days of the late medieval swordsmanship manuals written 500-600 years ago —
In combat, the fighter who opens the fight retreating usually loses. Retreat creates a mindset of defeat and surrender, it’s the offense that creates the aggression leading to victory.
Not sure if our race can win its freedom by running, running, running all the time.
Running away is not retreating. No, Sir – running away is what occurs after the defeat occurs.
As for me and my wife, we are unable to get our Southern Brethren to see what is going on, because they don’t want to.
They don’t want to, because that would entail a fight and they don’t want that.
Because we understand this, we are going to be hedging our bets – keeping a house here, but, maintaining another in a Pro-White country that has no intention of not fighting.
Both my wife and I are growing increasingly tired of being stuck in a dying civilization that won’t defend itself. We simply cannot stand the smells of death & surrender.
Where will you go, then? The only White countries where there’s no flood of brown immigration are the Eastern European ones. Which are:
1. Very difficult to move to permanently. As in, you’d better be rich.
2. Quite alien in a number of regards. Also worn-out, dirty, run-down, and heavily polluted.
3. On another kind of suicide watch, with their birthrates at practically nil, meaning it’s no better than a White area here. It may last for your lifetime, but there are plenty of areas like that here, too. Your descendants will face something eventually, no matter where they go, though.
I’ve actually lived for quite some time in a foreign country. Probably a total of about a year and a half, though it was broken up with brief returns to the USA. I can tell you that after a while, the longing to hear and speak your own language in daily life becomes quite overwhelming. You are deeply and constantly aware of your foreignness, that you’re a stranger in a strange land. There’s more, too, but I don’t want to write a novel here.
Thank you for your comment.
I do not find the countries of The Visegrad Alliance ‘alien’. In fact, once you know these people, there are a lot of haunting echoes to what older Southerners were like, when I was but a boy.
As to making a living – it’s less difficult with technology, nowadays – because with many jobs you can work them at home and be thousands of miles away.
As to pollution – you can pick your locales with care and not suffer it.
As to being in a foreign country and missing some things, like the sound of your own tongue, I know that feeling well, because I suffered it a lot the first time I left.
However, if you go with a spouse, and you have done your proper linguistic work, it is much much less of a burden.
As to being aware of ‘foreignness’, outside of this country, I hate to tell you this, but, in this country I feel very very foreign, like a ghost from another century.
I lost my respect for American Culture a long time ago, and, sad to say, my feelings about the system followed afterward.
To be clear, I still know many great, deep and thoughtful people, like yourself, but, overall, the situation is very very bad, so much so that most of my dearest friends, for decades, have been Eastern European & Latin immigrants.
As a traditional god-fearing and straight-talking Confederate Southern Man, who has a abiding interest in mankind and culture, I feel very very out of place here.
That said, I will divide my time between here and there, and see how that plays out.
There’s always a chance that my Fellow Southerners will experience a renaissance of interest in themselves, even though that is not terribly likely.
Thank you so much for the heartfelt and excellent comment!
@Captain Schill…
Yes, you can fight, as many of us do, but, I see no sign that the ruling elite of this country, or big business, have any intention of straying from the path they have been on for a very long time.
And, given that they have most of the power, it does not bode well.
The only possible resolution is massive social upheaval, like a super depression.
Even then, I doubt ppls ability recognize the truth and solve the real problems.
Just scrounge money to get another tattoo.
” any intention of straying from the path they have been on for a very long time.”
Not until they are knocked off their rails, by natural forces.
“I see no sign that the ruling elite of this country, or big business, have any intention of straying from the path they have been on for a very long time.”
‘Not until they are knocked off their rails, by natural forces.’
Yes, it does look like they will have it no other way.
@Ivan I couldn’t agree more, and I believe that fact is why depression is so prevalent today. Even in youth, if you are remotely aware of the meaninglessness of our current society, it breeds despair. This despair has been felt since around the early 90s, when the effects of corporatism and mass immigration first started to be felt. We didn’t know why we were all so melancholy, ie the birth of grunge, but we knew something was wrong and hope was not in large supply.
I also agree with @Ironsides in principle. Sure in war a tactical retreat can be valuable when done properly as Lee could have still won the war if not for day 3 at Gettysburg. But the effects on the troops from retreating are irrefutable. And in a non war situation Ironsides is right . The moment you start giving these people ground it’s all over. Look at so called conservatives over the past 30 years. They do nothing but concede, retreat and seek a middle ground. Which they never get. You reach a point when your troops and resources can’t afford another fall back and you roll your dice and make your stand.
That is where we are
I agree that the situation is depressing. I’ve felt its weight for many years. The shadow of my people’s annihilation lurks everywhere.
The people talking about moving to the extreme climates of Alaska remind me strongly of the Eskimos. A weak tribe driven into the undesirable, extreme, marginal areas of the world by the stronger, more aggressive ones.
The horrific thing, of course, is that the tribes driving us out aren’t even doing it by overcoming us militarily. They’re literally doing it simply by whining and browbeating on their part, and deadly mental impotence and surrender on the part of the Whites. Actually defeated, swept away, ethnically submerged or cleansed by a swarm of lazy, inefficient, unarmed dolts. Fleeing to the Arctic in the face of our own weakness, not the foreigners’ strength.
So while I understand the only way to survive is to make a stand, I don’t know how that’s to be done.
How does one rekindle the fire in the hearts of millions who are already utterly defeated, to the point of bending the neck to the ax in willing meekness, and not even after a desperate struggle? Who walk to the block unbound and unforced, and lay their head on it willingly?
And there’s so little time left to figure out how.
#1. “I agree that the situation is depressing. I’ve felt its weight for many years. The shadow of my people’s annihilation lurks everywhere.”
#2″The horrific thing, of course, is that the tribes driving us out aren’t even doing it by overcoming us militarily. ”
#3 “So while I understand the only way to survive is to make a stand, I don’t know how that’s to be done. ”
#1. It is very depressing. I think what triggered a hard menopause for me was this very thing. No, my change of life had nothing to do with running away and cheating on my wonderful wife, but, about meditating away my hostility towards the enemies of The South, this so that I would not unduly burden my wife, or do a dishonourable and ungodly thing.
Well, I made it through to the other side and have fully regained my equalibrium.
Still, watching someone you love go through the dying process, especially one that is protected, is an excruciating thing.
#2. The Southern White Race has many gifts and blessings, but, being vigilant about abstracts and responsive to systemic manipulations ain’t among them.
I believe strongly that Modernity does not favour White Southerners, because we, as a whole, are a straightforward and honourable people.
Southerner prefer honest things like deer-hunting, gardening, and mowing the lawn. These things do not lie.
Yet we live in times when what is straightforward and honourable are not in vogue.
#3. You may well know how it is done, but, if you are not joined by even 1% of your brethren, it’s a moot point.
I liken this to having had some friends who were hellbent to destroy themselves, and, no matter which angle you took on their heads, when talking to them, you could never talk them out of it, nor could you get them to see what promise their lives had.
They did not want to see it or hear about it.
In my area I am known as one of the very last Confederate flag insignia wearers, and when my Black Neighbours have inquired why, they were shocked to hear that my flying our flag has absolutely nothing to do with them, but, everything to do with making my own White Southern Brethren as uncomfortable as humanly possible with their desire to walk out on our race and civilization.
In the end, however, like you I have no choice but to accept my own impotence at changing the situation.
We have to respect the right of Southerners to throw themselves, and ourselves out, and to wallow cowardly under the yolk of a bullying tyranny.
@Captain Schill..
“@Ivan I couldn’t agree more, and I believe that fact is why depression is so prevalent today. Even in youth, if you are remotely aware of the meaninglessness of our current society, it breeds despair. This despair has been felt since around the early 90s, when the effects of corporatism and mass immigration first started to be felt. We didn’t know why we were all so melancholy, ie the birth of grunge, but we knew something was wrong and hope was not in large supply.”
I totally agree with you that the reason 53% of Americans (second only to France in the world) have to take at least one psychotropic drug a day (not to mention intoxicants) to get by is because they are breathing in the cultural and spiritual air of a country that has been ransacked from top to bottom.
This is no time for the soft at heart. I know I am thankful to The Good Lord that, even though I am a friendly and loving man, I have the hide of a porcupine and the spirit of the Mockingbird.
i agree with you that the despair started to become very evident in the 1990s, especially in small towns and rural places.
Yes, grunge was an incredibly negative music, and, though, as a professional musician I admired it’s artfullness, I used to wonder to myself what sort of a hellhole Seattle had to be to inspire such a vibe.
That said, I think you are right that it was not just Seattle, because the country loved hearing the suicidally negative Kurt Cobain sing about his angst.
What a great songwriter, yet, when I listen to him, part of me cringes at hearing his state of mind.
Thank you so much for your comment!
If we cannot inspire the country to change, then, at the least, we can be honest with ourselves about our collective failure.
Subconsciously, she says,
“Yeaaaaah, no nggrs !”
I felt exactly that throughout the whole video-confessional of hers.
At first I wondered if she was going to be honest, but, after a while I came to realize that she does not know she does not wish to live at The U.N.
The programming is too heavy for most people to get through, and so they live unknowingly with their frustrations, ever bamboozled by the anesthetic spider webs injected into their minds by their oppressors.
“Alot of us don’t have the luxury to pick up and move. ”
True, for the vast majority of Americans.
Norway is infamous for that disgusting canned fish dish called surstormming I haven’t tried it but after my friend described it i don’t plan too, he said he rather starve then eat it again. Norway does seem like a really beautiful country rich towering mountains, big lakes some hate there long winter months but i don’t I’ll take harsh cold winter over sweltering unbearable heat any day.
Norway could be on its way of the new “Swedenistan” if they don’t repel there Islamic invaders or the long nose tribe tho
Socialist liberals.
Over a trillion in national fund from oil royalties, yet high taxes and importing orcs.
Kooks, with massive wealth to waste.
Weggies are not very bright people,
having lived around many.
I will not Run, but We are running. Our Proper Peace is not acceptable.
You, I, and some others may not be running, but, it does not change the fact that we, as an overall race of people with a civilization, are standing by as it is being dismantled.
Personally, I’d rather live in a thriving White Culture foreign to me, than live in my own, if all my own chooses to do is live under continual vivisection and tyranny.
Same here. My wife is originally from the Balkans. I have yet to go there, but I experience the culture around her family. I would seriously consider moving there. It’s not an easy thing to admit that. I love this country, especially the South, but as the days go by, this nation becomes less and less familiar to me.
It breaks my heart, that’s for sure.
” this nation becomes less and less familiar to me.”
Vat, vou vink kosher stew ain’t good enouvink for vou ?
The only thing that links me to this cesspool of evil is that my grandfathers are buried here. Honestly, I wish they had never come here in the first place.
Re: “I wish they had never come here in the first place”:
My ancestors should have stayed in Wales and solved the problem there. Now their vacated space has been filled by English elites buying second and third homes, and by foreign immigrants.
@SC Rebel…
“Same here. My wife is originally from the Balkans. I have yet to go there, but I experience the culture around her family. I would seriously consider moving there. It’s not an easy thing to admit that. I love this country, especially the South, but as the days go by, this nation becomes less and less familiar to me.
It breaks my heart, that’s for sure.”
Thank you for your comment and affirmation, SC Rebel.
The truth of the matter is that, though few have the experiences to know it, historic Southern Culture, or, at least, something akin to it, is much more alive in places like Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, and Hungary, than it is here.
We, Southerners, are presently on a 6 decade capitulation streak, the result being that much of what we were, good, bad, and indifferent, is on life support.
I bet that, like me, you are one of the few that even notices what has gone on, or, at least, will address it.
In the end, a civilization is like a house – you cannot abandon it for years at a time and then come back and expect it to be standing.
When I left my childhood home of Raleigh, in the mid 1990s, it was in part because it had been overrun by non-Southerners – impatience, impolitenss, unfriendliness, and dog-eat-dog mentality coming with them.
The other part was that Raleigh had become so big, that the sidewalks just buzzed tension, everywhere I went.
In my last years there I took to doing my exercise bicycle ride after 10 at night – just to be free to ride around all the nice neighbourhoods and trees, without feeling the pressure and anxiety.
When my daddy died, I shocked my friends by telling them that I would be moving out to the boonies in Eastern North Carolina.
They thought I was mad – leaving a place with hip movie-theatres, cool coffee shoppes, and every kind of shopping man could devise.
Maybe I was mad, but, when I resettled in the little town of Washington, on The Pamlico Sound, I immediately felt like I should have been there my whole life.
It was beautiful, quiet, yet filled full of friendly, eclectic, and, yes, very Southern People, who made me feel very welcome.
I met my wife there, too – she the greatest blessing of my life.
Unfortunately, the United States having wrecked The Rural Southern Economy, led my wife and I to a 12 year exile in New England, though, we were fortunate to be able to return to Eastern North Carolina 5 years ago, and now live in a small town surrounded by forest, fields, and churches.
No, we have no cool coffee shoppes where I presently live, and shopping is a while away, but, it is very beautiful here, calm, natural, and people, all in all, are carrying on much as they did in 1960, (+cell phones) which very much suits us.
So, yes, the experience of the young lady in this video pretty much describes my life.
Big cities are fascinating places to visit, but, no place to live, because they not only are places where it is easy to lose your humanity, even if you do manage to preserve it, it is difficult to enjoy.
“Raleigh had become so big, that the sidewalks just buzzed tension, everywhere I went.”
Don’t worry, this debt driven , deficit supported frenzy will come to an abrupt end, in massive poverty.
“The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!”
Poverty might be just the right ticket, Arian, as this would put the focus of folks on other more important things.
Thank you for your comment!
Very nice ……..
Nice , if you have a fat trust fund or daddy sending several 1000 euros each month.
All of us could live like that, if we could write drafts on some fat German bank acct.
In the end, though isn’t this just a retreat to the suburbs? Diversity will follow you to Norway, too, in the end.
“In the end, though isn’t this just a retreat to the suburbs? ”
Section 8 can’t follow you across international borders and there are some countries that don’t subsidize orc diversity (Norway is not one of them).
There are some ways to escape this social insanity.
I laughed at your comment, Hunter, that women have been driven bat shit insane by Western liberalism in big cities. That comment is homerun with the bases loaded level. I have lived it and dated such women. They started out as ” fun” back in the day when younger. Basically these were the sexy, loose, party chicks. Many of them have aged living single with two dogs they call ” their kids” looking like washed out Hillary Clinton supporters.
Diversity also destroys their minds with all the problems it brings. It really has become a vile staple of big city living. These white chicks are brainwashed blaxxx are forever victims while looking over their shoulder not to get raped or mugged by one…or several. These same women look to live in ” good” areas while begging not to seem raycisss. It’s all a mind destroying walking contradiction while of course voting Democrat. Have to kill them babies after all while pretending homosexuality has no real life physical, Spiritual and mental consequences.
No wonder why so many of them are nuts. Some get lucky, meet a nice guy, have a couple of kids and get out of uber expensive city and surrounding burb living.
I look at this new case in Minneapolis with the black guy dying with the white cop leaning on him too long or the Georgia case and think: How many thousands of white women and men suffered the racial consequences because of this demonic obsession with black people? Yes Fox News, you vile pigs are part of the anti white agenda, too. beside the usual media suspects. Why zero media discussion on whites being killed or assaulted by blacks? Why no headlines of : “White cop killed by black criminal?”
No wonder why white women-and men- are so screwed up. We can’t even be honest or else you lose a job or get treated like a serial killer.
Moving to a far less diverse, far less media hyenas and far less liberalism will ” mysteriously” cure the ills. Be it a town in America or Norway or Russia, do it. This life moves incredibly fast post 35 years of age that it will just blow you over with its speed. Wasting it in obscenely expensive, anti white, butt buddy cities is throwing away the precious little time we have on this earth.
Yes, there are many small towns in the US where people have more traditional views and lifestyles. I’ve seen it in supposedly more liberal states like my own Minnesota. The urban uberwoke vote crushes the culturally conservative rural side. That doesn’t change the views of the people who are outvoted. Help maintain the islands of sanity in the ocean of lunacy, if you’re able to do it.
As much as I’d love to escape to eastern Europe, it’s impossible for me to do, but even if I had the means:
-Its cowardly
-Its shameful to break ties with immediate and extended family to be with distant ancestors
-I am not a European culturally, only on a biological level, which matters a lot
-The only place Ill ever truly be able to fit in and call home is here in the south. Even as this place is destroyed.
Lastly, there is no running, if things arent fixed in the states they wont be fixed in Europe.