The panic among many Wall Street hedge-funds has arguably been the biggest storyline of 2021. Melvin Capital lost 53% in January amidst the $GME surge. The vast majority of Americans seem to be cheering this on. But Nick Fuentes is now wondering if the recent populist insurgency against Wall Street is misdirected because it is taking attention away from the COVID lockdown.
This is an very odd take. Does he think that both of those sentiments are mutually exclusive? On top of that, much of the resentment towards COVID lockdowns isn’t from some conservative or libertarian opposition to a lockdown in general. Many are against it because, in the United States, the lockdown seemed specifically designed to hurt small businesses and help big business. On top of that, Wall Street got bailed out and suffering Americans didn’t.
But why should this be a surprise? It was executed under Donald Trump, arguably the most pro-Wall St president in history. He literally bragged about the DOW reaching $30k when millions of Americans had lost their jobs. Billionaire wealth has increased dramatically during these last four years. The main focus of Trump’s economic policy seemed to be empowering and increasing the wealth of oligarchs. Again, why would this not remain true when it came to his COVID policy?
If Nick wants to talk about the economic hardship brought on by the COVID lockdowns, he has nobody to blame more than Zion Don. Unfortunately for Nick, this is the figure he chose to attach his movement to.
In the last couple weeks, I haven’t heard much from those in the Alt-Republican “America First” sphere. It seems they are drifting into irrelevancy the more Donald Trump fades away from public consciousness. I don’t think this will be bringing any new life into their movement.
There is video of Mr. Good Optics barking his undersized incel ass through a megaphone encouraging the Capitol siege as it was happening.
He won’t get out of this unscathed. And it couldn’t have happened to a smarmier little bitch.
I don’t think Lil’ Nick would be able to survive ten minutes in prison, at least not without becoming Big Tyrone’s shower room bride.
I like Nick. I like what he has to say. He doesn’t play games or talk politico-babble.
We don’t have anyone speaking out about what is happening to us. We have NO one in government representing us. Either you think he is on our side, you don’t.
The Hedge Funds are vacuuming up the shattered remnants of a murdered retail sector crushed by lockdown and online retail/delivery operations.
Fuentes is just being a wierd contrarian here.
I think Castizo Nick is struggling to remain “edgy” and relevant, Cap’n.
I don’t think the millenials are worried about what boomers think. He may not be important to you, but he has the support of the younger people, who don’t have your money and stability in life.
“he has the support of the younger people”
Wow, what a brainwashed group of cargo cultists you Fuentards are. At the peak of his popularity—which was in late 2019—Fuentes had the support of maybe .00001% of younger people.
It’ll be hilarious when you all realize you’ve been sold a heapin’ helpin’ of false hope from that tiny homo. The coping will be off the charts.
Surprised Fuentes hasn’t gone into hiding after his catboy got arrested, maybe this little twink has friends in high places?
“It seems they are drifting into irrelevancy the more Donald Trump fades away from public consciousness. ”
Be careful! People said much the same about Barry Goldwater but his platform eventually triumphed in 1980 with Reagans victory.
Additionally Pat Buchanan appeared to fade after 1992 & 1996 but Trump shrewdly picked up key elements of paleo-conservatism and added them to #MAGA.
The full impact of Trumpism may not be felt for another decade and it is vastly premature to write off #MAGA
What lock down is he talking about? Everything in my area has been open since early last year. It’s the same almost everywhere else in the country, too.
If there is any misdirection, it’s from Nick and his fellow conservative media focusing on fighting against non-existent lock downs and turning masks into a culture war issue, so people will not demand economic relief.
Just listen here.
“in the United States, the lockdown seemed specifically designed to hurt small businesses and help big business . . . It was executed under Donald Trump, arguably the most pro-Wall St president in history . . . If Nick wants to talk about the economic hardship brought on by the COVID lockdowns, he has nobody to blame more than Zion Don.”
Wait a minute. Weren’t you FOR lockdowns? I seem to recall that you were much more concerned about COVID than most of your readers. In fact, you criticized Trump for LIFTING the lockdowns!
Aren’t you being disingenuous?
As for the GameStop issue, I am starting to wonder:
(a) Was the hit to hedge funds only temporary? Will they bounce back, bigger than ever? If so, it could end up being like a gambler who, one time, wins big, and thinks that he’s “beaten the house.” But if he continues gambling, the house slowly but surely wins it all back and much more.
(b) Related to the above, was it all a scheme just to get more people addicted to gambling on the stock market — the most J**ish of all casinos?
Larry Fink’s Blackrock – Trump’s personal bankers, that Trump put in charge of handing out Covid-19 bailouts, has made hundreds of millions off of the short squeeze.
The average redditor that is “HODLing” has made $0.00 and won’t make a dime until they sell, as that is how stocks work.
The U.S. has arguably the worst Covid problem in the entire world, and it is proven (by genomic studies of the constantly mutating virus) to have been the direct source of infection (not China) for most of Africa, all of Latin America and some parts of Europe.
Lockdowns, social distancing, quarantines and mask-wearing are very old, low-tech, proven methods that work in all countries with the will to really apply them, which does not include the U.S. and other hyper-capitalist countries where the profits of big business take precedence over public health, and where in fact, there is no real public health system. Half-way measures do not stop this extremely infectious virus from spreading through the “herd.” This disease could have been exterminated with some sacrifice of the elites’ treasure, but let it become endemic, vaccination is profitable. The more new diseases the better!
“The U.S. has arguably the worst Covid problem in the entire world…”
“Lockdowns, social distancing, quarantines and mask-wearing are very old, low-tech, proven methods that work in all countries with the will to really apply them, which does not include the U.S. and other hyper-capitalist countries where the profits of big business take precedence over public health, and where in fact, there is no real public health system. Half-way measures do not stop this extremely infectious virus from spreading”
You’re quickly becoming my favorite commenter on this site.
Although, I would say the elites want to get back to regular capitalism. This Pandemic has shown the flaws in our shitty society. So there’s one thing about this pandemic that has become created.
*regular ways of doing things. I should say.
*So there’s one positive thing about this pandemic has given us.
Normally I’m very critical of the guest writers that HW allows to post articles here. But Vladimir Walsh and Marcus Cicero are definitely the exceptions!
Is “Vladimir Walsh” your real name?
Both the “Amnats/Conservatives” and “Wignats” are wrong (but right in some meager ways).
China has problems. The Han Chinese population is a problem that can’t be critiqued due to antiracist/anti xenophobic enforcement in our society (Conservatives and Amnats don’t talk about the racial and ethnic and just focus on the Chinese government itself out of fear). The government, despite all of its authoritarianism, cannot actually punish people for what types of food they eat, the markets that allow such low sanitary conditions, and change the Han Chinse culture that brought this about (which fits the racist stereotype of Chinese/Asian people) and improve food regulations and “wet markets.” (other Asian countries are worse). There have been multiple viral outbreaks that have come out of China. This includes, SARS1, H5N1/Bird Flue, Swine Flu, and now Covid. Etiology, or the origin of the disease, is probably the most important thing there is or the situation will repeat itself in the distant future. And the Chinese government has clearly learned jack shit. The government didn’t get serious and swept it under the rug to keep the economy going. However, when it became apparent to retards that you can’t sweep a disease away for “muh economy,” they got serious. Although, they probably didn’t learn the deeper lesson that the economy and healthcare are interconnected and affect each other. So Wigants are frankly wrong that China has no blame. Although most Amnats/Conservatives often use it as a cheap racism to ignore their own group failings (and Wignats are right about that in that respect. although still wrong that there are some racist points about Chinese people eating bats and the failing of Asian groups and their food regulations).
The Wignats are right that the Europeans are worse. They too, also keep the economy going and try to sweep it under the rug (with Donald Trump). Instead of taking serious steps that run actually in line with a lot of Nationalist thinking. Migration, quarantine, isolation, are effective ways to dealing with disease to ensure containment on a massive global scale, stemming for the earliest days of man who distances themselves from another to try avoid contracting whatever they have. The disease should’ve never reached the home front under a Nationalist xenophobic country that is willing to use Isolationism and autarky to maintain the safety of its nation with a world ravaged by plague. Period. I doubt this would happen even under Amnat or Wignat rule, because I have yet to see Nationalists even come up with these solutions themselves and champion them (they should’ve given their ideological beliefs. but it’s a low bar for Nationalists).
I swear if we had a Zombie viral outbreak we’d be fucked.
The half measures were the worse of both of worlds, as @ anonymous above me said, the economy is destroyed yet you did nothing to really deal with the disease.
And this gets into a bigger flaw of the West. The worship of Freedom above all else. And people unwillingness to sacrifice during a time of crisis to ensure the disease is destroyed, and desire to return back to normal. The lockdown protests across Europe, etc, stems from Liberalism. The concept of hardship is neglected. The concept of collective action is neglected. Liberalism is the worship of comfort and not doing what is required. This allows the disease to linger on while we stumble on about our rights and a healthcare system (if you even want to call it that) breaking under the sheer weight of cases.
And the Capitalists, along with the West, Europeans are unable to change the mode of production and adapt to the changing environment and crisis in question. They lack the ability to be flexible with the economy. They’re rigid and stubborn. The lack of money, while quarantine, forces people to want to go outside to make a living, which leads to the Conservative/Amnat Covid backlash of denialism to begin with…like idiot Fuentes (which again defeats the purpose you set out to deal with the disease). You condemned them to death essentially, economically speaking (which Nick/Amnats/Conservatives have a point about this). All because you think the State is bad and shouldn’t provide anything with Libertarian “muh bootstraps” ideology. Providing aid economically would require a competent State and government that has access to bank accounts to simultaneously put money electronically for people. Better yet, a nationalized bank linking your SSN. Rather than just mailing checks vis snail mail and hoping it gets to recipients. This gets into Federalism, banking, and the level competency a government has. If you’re going to try to send aid to 300+ million people as quickly as possible, you better know what the fuck you’re doing and method you’re going to use to administer those checks. Meticulousness and detailed logistics to carry out policy is what separates the stupid ideologues from those who actually has the ability to seriously govern. It’s nice to have some ideological beliefs, but it’s another thing to have a detailed plan about how you’re going to carry it out, point-by-point. This is what it means to govern.
Also the experts like Fauci (failed to give proper steps to dealing with this disease with travel ban etc) failed to be honest with their population in order to horde the N95 masks for healthcare workers by giving misinformation about masks. They did this because they have no trust in the population (understandably so because the population stupid and bought a bought up all the toilet paper). But this has the backlash to make people not trust people like Fauci. There’s a problem with the population being stupid and selfish, and the experts who have no trust in the citizenry. The lack of competency at every level of society is not the only problem, but the breakdown of society and “every man for themselves.” America is nothing more than a giant shopping mall for individuals. Consumerism is all that matters. The land of obesity.
There has been a failure at every level of American society- even down to its essential core values. In China, it is only partially so. Neither are good enough for me.
Since Trump is no longer worthy news, Nick the spic is trying to reinvent himself again. Guys like Nick have no real ideology. His main goal is to make money off the naive.
Have any of you guys ever listened to Nick Fuentes? Not what the media says about him, but what he says…it’s like you can’t get down to the basics of what’s wrong. Sorry, but Paleo-Conservatism isn’t going to save the white race.