Biden Justice Department Continues To Persecute Julian Assange

Donald Trump wasn’t any better on this front.

Instead of pardoning Julian Assange and his own supporters like the QAnon Shaman and Baked Alaska who got themselves in trouble for his sake, Trump pardoned Kwame Kilpatrick, Lil Wayne and Kodak Black and a bunch of other scummy people with connections to Jared Kushner.

New York Times:

“WASHINGTON — The Biden administration has signaled that for now it is continuing its predecessor’s attempt to prosecute Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, as the Justice Department filed a brief this week appealing to a British court to overturn a ruling that blocked his extradition to the United States.

This week, human rights and civil liberties groups had asked the acting attorney general, Monty Wilkinson, to abandon the effort to prosecute Mr. Assange, arguing that the case the Trump administration developed against him could establish a precedent posing a grave threat to press freedoms. …”

This hardly comes as a surprise.

Look who is supporting Neoliberal Joe: the mainstream media, academia, the Pentagon brass, the Deep State, Wall Street, Hollywood, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, etc.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. They should pardon Edward Snowden. Not that I approve of his treason – I do not and condemn it in the harshest terms. Obviously no one can trust him with a security clearance ever again.

    But the Sovereign is sovereign thus gets to decide the exceptions, as Schmitt said. Zionist Jews got to be sovereign by pardoning the Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.

    So I think that Snowden’s revelations were useful enough to use sovereignty to pardon him. His punishment should be he has to work for some Internet Rights NGO and harangue Silicon Valley, Congress, and the UN about “online data privacy” or whatever.

    Joe Biden is a war criminal that is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people. Biden has voted for every single war he possibly could. Joe Biden wrote the PATRIOT Act and NSA legislation that were responsible for the abuses Snowden revealed.

    In any sort of just world, Joe Biden would be tried in the Hague and convicted of Crimes Against Humanity.

    If the Republicans win Congress in 2022, the must impeach Biden immediately.

    Stop Joe Biden before he kills again.

  2. What every major government knows re Julian Assange:

    – Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu openly bragged to Israeli media Assange is a Mossad asset, a pro-Israel tool … and indeed Assange is fanatically pro-Israel, anti-Palestinian, anti-9-11-truth

    – Zbig Brzezinski 29 Nov 2010 on US television PBS News Hour admitted Assange was intel, vid on GoogTube

    – Shared lawyer with Rothschilds, Rothschild sister-in-law posted Assange bail, ties to Soros too

    – Assange helped Rothschilds destroy rival bank Julius Baer in early ‘leaking’

    – People who trusted Julian are dead, Peter W Smith after giving Wikileaks files, Assange denies getting them; Seth Rich; Doughty Chambers Assange lawyer John Jones thrown under train, Assange & Doughty mum about this, Jones apparently learned Julian was a scam

    – ‘Living at Ecuador Embassy for years’ – ‘now in Belmarsh prison’ – easily faked, Assange moved in & out for photos, by intel agencies MI5 MI6 GCHQ

    – Got famous via CIA media pumping, NY Times, UK Guardian, outfits just about never interested in real dissidents

    – Long not de-platformed, banks transmit shekels for Julian etc, ‘your donations welcome’

    – Unknown how many dissidents Assange helped silence & kill, Assange a ‘rat trap’ for trusting whistle-blowers

    – Assange won’t mention USA Virginia fed judge bribery files that have blocked other extraditions

    – Weird Assange childhood with Aussie mind-control cult ‘the Family’

    – Assange de-legitimises real dissidents, people saying, ‘Wikileaks – NY Times – UK Guardian would cover it if it was true’

    – As big a faker as ‘Edward Snowden’ who first ‘leaked’ to CIA WashPost Bush to VP Dick Cheney biographer HA, then they realised that was too stupid, so they switched to Rothschild employee & ex-gay-p-rnography-seller Glenn Greenwald of ‘hairystuds’ … Putin hints out loud he knows Snowden is fake, he plays along in long series of US-Russia ‘deals’ on 9-11, Chechnya etc

    ‘Assange & Snowden are CIA ‘Rat Traps’

  3. “Assange is fanatically pro-Israel, anti-Palestinian, anti-9-11-truth”:

    Not true. He simply doesn’t hate Jews, does respect the rights (yes, ALL the rights) of Palestinians, and does not accept popular conspiracy theories about 9/11.

    ‘Living at Ecuador Embassy for years’ – ‘now in Belmarsh prison’ – easily faked, Assange moved in & out for photos, by intel agencies MI5 MI6 GCHQ”:


    “Assange & Snowden are CIA ‘Rat Traps’”:

    Your cited “reliable” source of information,, is a real rat trap.

  4. Hunter, thanks for not completely ignoring the persecution of Julian Assange, a true journalist and anti-war activist who is hated and demonized by the supposedly dissident far right even more than by the Establishment.

    • Failure to pardon Assange, who helped undermine Hillary in 2016, while pardoning scum like Jonathan Pollard, is one of the many grievous betrayals of Trump at the command of President Kushner.

  5. What has Julian Assange done to defend Whites? Nothing. All he did was expose govt corruption. Wow, like we didn’t know the govt was corrupt.

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