“Call this what you will, but it has nothing to do with conservatism.” https://t.co/Eag34FWtKE
— Michael Gerson (@MJGerson) February 26, 2021
“They will learn that the Constitution can be shredded in the pursuit of raw power and that populism must be rowdy enough and transgressive enough to break a few windows and kill a few policemen.” https://t.co/Eag34FWtKE
— Michael Gerson (@MJGerson) February 25, 2021
“From the attendance of presidential hopefuls such as Cruz and Hawley, they will learn that exclusion and the maximization of White grievance are the future of the GOP, and that encouraging sedition is not a shameful disqualification for the Oval Office.” https://t.co/Eag34FWtKE
— Michael Gerson (@MJGerson) February 25, 2021
Have you noticed that the True Cons are just Democrats now?
“Asking Conservative Political Action Conference attendees for their views on conservatism is like asking arsonists to lecture on fire safety. For decades, the fondest hope of the kind of agitators attracted by this annual event has been a Republican president who shares the breadth of their grievance, the depth of their anger and the fervor of their conspiratorial delusions. In Donald Trump, they finally found their man. He will be welcomed this year — as he will be for the rest of his life — as the god-king of Crazy Town. …
Other GOP politicians are given a green light for demonization. White supremacists are confirmed and emboldened in their hatred. Not just the politics of the country but also the character of the country are poisoned. This is one reason that right-wing populists can never be true conservatives. …
From Trump’s deification they will learn that civility is for losers, that compassion is for suckers, that misogyny can be fun, that strength requires brutality and that racism makes for good politics. …
Call this what you will, but it has nothing to do with conservatism.”
Michael Gerson was George W. Bush’s speechwriter. It was Gerson and David Frum who came up with the phrase “Axis of Evil.” After writing that infamous “Unpatriotic Conservatives” article in National Review in 2003 which condemned the critics of the Iraq War, Frum is now at The Atlantic.
Now that I am hitting middle age, it seems like nearly everyone who represented conservatism in my youth has either lost power or gone over to the other side. For those who are interested in George Will’s columns on True Conservatism (he was a heavyweight in the 1970s), you can read him in The Washington Post. David French writes for Time. They are regular guests on CNN and MSNBC now where they have landed gigs as useful idiots who are used by the Left to condemn Republican voters.
The upper middle class preening and virtue signaling remains the same as it was back in the day. The difference is that now all the power is gone and no one takes these people seriously anymore.

It turns out that the secret of Donald Trump’s success is that he is perceived as sticking up for Republican voters. He doesn’t browbeat them or condescend to them. He looks like he is fighting back. The Republican base is just tired of wimps like David French and wants someone who will go for the jugular.

Conservative voters decided that intellectual conservatism was worthless. Donald Trump at least seemed to be listening to their concerns. In contrast, the Bushies were committed to the neoliberal agenda on open borders, globalization, endless wars and cultural and moral degeneration. While you could say that Donald Trump is a demagogue who just capitalized on these resentments and grievances, Trump voters sincerely hold these views and have felt ignored and put upon for decades.
Lately, I have been dropping in on these people for my own amusement to see how they are reacting to becoming even more politically marginalized now that Trump is gone. It is like looking through a window into the past. It is easy for us to forget that these people were once in charge.
Note: My problem with Donald Trump was always that he wasn’t populist and nationalist enough. He didn’t go far enough on policy for my tastes. He was lazy and didn’t have an ideological frame of mind and deferred to his Jewish donors and people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.
“Conservatives” conserve nothing.
“Conservatives” are Anti-White controlled opposition.
Allow me to go out on a limb here.
This is just an opinion; but an opinion from living 62 years on Earth and watching and voting for the Reagan era in the early days.
There is NO “Conservative Movement” without working-class Born-Again Christians.
Not Jews, not Unitarians, not Episcopalians. But average working-class men and women with families who believe the Bible is inerrant, and attend church every Sunday in places like Fort Smith, Arkansas and Kingsport, Tennessee.
They, more than any other demographic group in the US has held back the rising tide of sodomy, abortion, and transgenderism. The GOP used them as cannon fodder to win elections and now that their numbers and influence have waned in the early 21st century, they have been discarded like trash.
Preachers like Paul Washer are not invited to Conservative conferences like CPAC. (Listen to his sermons and you will know why.)
Just as there is no Germany without Germans, there is no American Conservative movement without the people who really wanted to conserve what is left of America: Born-Again Christians.
The message from Born-Again, fundamentalist Christians from the 1950s through the 1990s has always been this: Preserve what is good about America. Defend the tradition of marriage and the family. Crack down and disrupt (if not destroy) the porn and abortion industry. Prevent homosexuals and transexuals from teaching kids in public schools, etc. etc. etc.
Sadly, that traditional message is now viewed by the GOP and “Conservatives” as hate and bigotry which is why Christians are now “persona non grata” in places like CPAC.
Geir Gunderson writes:
“The message from Born-Again, fundamentalist Christians from the 1950s through the 1990s has always been this: Preserve what is good about America. Defend the tradition of marriage and the family. Crack down and disrupt (if not destroy) the porn and abortion industry. Prevent homosexuals and transexuals from teaching kids in public schools, etc. etc. etc”
I respond:
You left out one rather important other things these White Born Against Fundamentalist Christians from the 1950s to 1990s have always done;
Prostituted them selves to the Talmudist Zionists or just to the Js. These Born Against Fund Christians never seemed to care that actual Christians in the holy land were being marginalized and driven out, driven to disappearing. If it wasn’t for Russian intervention in Syria, parts of Lebanon, Christians might have been completely killed off in the Middle East, in Syria where the Christian religion first started. But does this seem to bother Southern American Religious Right Christians.
Not any more than the likes of Hollywood Js Harvey Weinstein mass opening anti White Southerner snuff film “D’jango Unchained” … on CHRISTMAS DAY.
These people are slaves of money and thus slaves of the Js.
As soon as you told us your age I knew you were going to say something dumb, I just KNEW it!
Checked this Mr. Gerson twitter also. He is not writing opinions, he is screaming like hell.
I am wondering, why such hysteria ? Those guys are not poor, they can happily retire with their millions. Living comfortable millionaire retiree life is not a cause for mass hysteria.
Or do they know something what we don`t ? For example, when they losing their grip, someone may come after them. With very bad intentions so maybe they are fighting not only for their positions but for their lives ?
CPAC? More like FAGPAC(Fake and Ghey Political Affairs Committee)
What were they in charge of?
The Bush administration
They were in charge of conserving the Left Wing Establishment’s gains.
I guess I am not following what the purpose of this article is considering #1 There is nothing left culturally to “conserve” and #2 CPAC is not conservative, it is a jewish neoconservative organization…no different than all the neocons you named. Were you trying to call Michael Gerson a conservative?
He was a big deal back when I was in college. He was George W. Bush’s speechwriter. I was just continuing to reflect on where those people have ended up 15 years later.
Bush may have been awful as one can get on foreign policy, but he was actually more socially conservative than Trump.
Bush never supported gun control or LGBT like Trump has. I also doubt that the GOP back then would have voted yes to a tranny cabiner member like they are about to do now.
The country hadn’t socially disintegrated as far as it has now when either horrible Bush was President. Had the globo-homo thing been as prominent in the late 1980’s – 1990’s or when GWB II was President they both would have been conserving gay “marriage”, transgender, globo-homo, wars for “Our Greatest Ally” etc. in the 1980’s. They are unprincipled scumbags, they always have been.
CPAC is a forum for warmongering psychopaths.
CPAC is another Republican grift just like their fundraising operations. It looks like it’s winding down though, it’s expiration date has passed. CPAC peaked when that other notorious Republican fraudster, Ronald Reagan was president in the 1980’s. The dupes who went enthusiastically to the CPAC dog and pony shows of the 1980’s are old now and many of them wised up to the fraud and drifted away over time.
Stick a fork in it, CPAC’s comedy show was always ridiculous and no one watches it now except for WP and NYT reporters who need a story to get angry about for their NYC readers.
F**. I actually so George Will walking toward me on Michigan Avenue in Chicago about 12 years ago. I knew what he was then (Instauration Magazine White Traitor of the Year), I should have just shoulder bumped him to the pavement and then lorded over George and demand to know why he had just struck me.
The photos list of fake White Cuckservatives, ZOG prostitutes and actually children of the devil Neo Con Js (Charlie Sykes, William Kristol, Max Boot) is a dishonorable American media hall of fame.
But we all know it hasn’t been anything like an American media since, when 1937 with Father Coughlan?
The American mainstream media including fake conservative, false opposition is….
CPAC is full of neocons.
Just lying kikes (redundant, I know) & their bow-tied, cardiganed goy whores accusing populist/working-class Whites of doing & thinking what they’re doing & thinking.
Conservatives go to the same universities as Progressives. They live in the same neighborhoods. Their children attend the same private schools. They travel the same cocktail circuits. It stands to reason they share the same low opinions about Working Class Whites and the same view of so-called People of Color as superior replacements.
I often have to wonder if any candidates that are groomed for public office go to some private meeting where the Usual Suspects decide which candidate looks conservative and will be Republican and which candidate looks progressive and will be Conservative.
It’s interesting how annoyed both sides are with Donald J. Trump. To them the White Working Class are stupid morons who would have never caught onto the scam if Trump’s rhetoric and outrageous promises had not opened their eyes to what George Wallace famously noted, “there ain’t a dime’s worth of difference between the Dimmycrats and the Republicons.”
I think Obama’s Iran Deal made the Likud faction of the Israel Firsters in the country so desperate that they decided to give him free rein, but he was clumsy and exposed just how much they run things around the world.