Conservatives are becoming more and more radicalized, especially since the election of Joe Biden. Many of them think the election was stolen from Donald Trump, COVID is a hoax, that there is an impending communist takeover, and that China runs our country. Almost 40% of Republicans think that political violence “may be necessary if elected leaders fail to act.” But does this actually benefit us? For the most part, these people would be classified within the “Anti-Elite” faction of GOP voters. Most of them would not even be classified as “American Preservationists” and they’re certainly not White Nationalists.
Unfortunately, many well-intentioned people in our camp will see this and make something out of it that it isn’t. Keith Woods talked about this on a recent video. Hyper-partisanship in regards to our current two-party system is actually very stabilizing (and I would also add beneficial) for the ruling class. There seems to be a tendency by many in our movement who think that blackpilling conservatives is our path to victory because it will just spontaneously lead to a revolution against our current power structure. To do this, one runs into the same problem that many did during stopthesteal and that is you have to project a nationalist/populist ideology onto conservatives. I think it’s very sad that Ashli Babbit was shot and that many other people are going to have their lives turned upside down in the aftermath of January 6th. With that being said, pretending that this was any sort of pro-white event or even a “white uprising” is flat-out wrong.
Most likely, the radicalization will culminate in another pseudo populist who will be the successor of the Trump faction of the GOP. My prediction is Ron DeSantis but I could be wrong. He seems to have the support of many fake nationalists as well as many boomers. I thought they would at least try and lure us with Josh Hawley or Tucker but if they can get Groypers and the Alt-Lite backing someone who literally signed an Anti-Semitism bill while in Israel then I guess they don’t need anyone who can even pass as adjacent to us.
Can Republicans actually make opposition to COVID lockdowns an issue in 2024? Could we still be hearing about this by then? It seems absurd but they might. Besides taking online classes and wearing a mask while I get a haircut, my life has barely changed in the last year. The town I live in is pretty much normal. I’m getting on an airplane tomorrow and as far as I know I won’t be forced to take a vaccine beforehand. I’m sure there are millions of other people in Middle America who are also confused when they hear rightwing hysteria around the issue. If republicans want to blame Donald Trump for not shutting down the border 15 months ago and proceeding to let like 100,000 small businesses die then I might consider taking them somewhat seriously. However, I don’t think that will be a message we will be getting from the DeSantis campaign.
I think part of the problem is that many or the people who belong to the “Q” movement, the many in the blog world, the patriot movement, and others who are the loudest about things, live in blue states, suburbia, or in or near blue cities. Many of them complain about things that I, and as you mentioned about yourself, that don’t really seem to bother us much. Here in the Ozarks, other than these stupid masks, which you have to wear indoors, everything is open and functioning. And many people are beginning to ignore that too. I’m finding that living in fly over country, has it’s benefits.
Re Hunter’s snipe at DeSantis above – It is damn hard for anyone to get anywhere in politics without one of the kosher certificates, you otherwise mostly get destroyed
Look what is happening to last year’s Dem darling, New York Gov Cuomo, after he ‘refused to apologise to the Jewish community’ for his ‘anti-semitic’ efforts trying to make NY Jews obey the covid rules … of course it’s ‘un-related’ that old ‘me too’ groping stories about Cuomo are suddenly blasted in media
Voters understand this is the reality, so there is forgiveness of those who – like Trump, DeSantis etc – put on the small hat at the old Jerusalem wall
But there are two kinds of kosher approvals –
the Globalist Soros version
the Zionist Nationalist Netanyahu version
Biden-Harris have the first, Trump has the second … most of the European nationalist ‘right wing’ etc leaders, also have the same as DJT
People get confused about this, because Jewish elites have a literal religious rule not to go after each other personally in public … they mostly only argue through proxies
Netanyahu has legal problems in Israel … from Soros allies … Netanyahu’s gentile European friends denounce Soros … etc
Netanyahu’s son Yair broke the rules and started openly meme-ing against Soros, much to the delight of Andrew Anglin etc … but that is not the way it usually is done
Not me.
When conservatives become radical like the left, I’ll call myself a conservative. Until than, they’re useless as tits on a bull.
I think DeSantis is more useful than Hawley.
Hawley doesn’t motivate anyone outside of the populist movement. DeSantis can get both them, Normiecons, and Freedom Caucus types. And even the groypers, despite him not being very groyper-esque.
Don’t forget Kristi Noem ; both Normiecons and fake nationalists love her too
At least she would be nice to look at while the Titanic sinks below the waves.
This is all meaningless.
You’re right, Powell. Why should we care about any of those Establishment career politicians or the gimmicks they create to get themselves elected? They aren’t ever going to lead any pro-White revolution. But having said that I don’t see any hope going into “survivalist” mode either. Spending all your time and money preparing for a zombie apocalypse is no way to live.
“Can Republicans actually make opposition to COVID lockdowns an issue in 2024? ”
Considering they are now talking about Covid-19 as “endemic” – it is never going away – are “we” going to be “locked down” forever? No more public gatherings? Internal vaccine passports? Useless masks forever?
If so, yes, the GOP can run on those issues in 2024 and probably win.
By the way did we flatten the curve yet or are the hospitals still overflowing with Covid-19 and dumping the bodies in the back ally because there is no more room in the cemeteries? Because I was promised rotting corpses in the streets, not just some minor uptick in deaths of 70-90 year olds with one foot in the grave already.
As for the “Q” and “Infowars” demographic …
… believing in a cabal of Jeffrey Epstein types seems far more rational to me than a) Christian miracles b) anthropomorphic catastrophic climate change c) biological equality d) and International White Supremacist Structural Racisms.
Surprise – the “mainstream media consensus” of ABC, CBS, and NBC broke down and entertainers like Infowars took a chunk of their demographic. Now there is a new consensus.
Re: “Hyper-partisanship in regards to our current two-party system is actually very stabilizing (and I would also add beneficial) for the ruling class. There seems to be a tendency by many in our movement who think that blackpilling conservatives is our path to victory because it will just spontaneously lead to a revolution against our current power structure”:
I agree with that much.
“Most likely, the radicalization will culminate in another pseudo populist”:
But even a “real” populist would still be just a reformer. Populism is mere temporary reformism, not revolution. Populism is a dead-end sidetrack and distraction from revolution. It is at best an invigorating pruning that makes the system grow back even stronger.