New York Times: Google Podcasts Is A Buffet of Hate

The definition of “hate speech” is anything that woke progressive activists who represent 8% of the population find objectionable. If it is not good enough for the famously tolerant New York Times newsroom, no one else in the country should be allowed to download and listen to the content. There needs to be a hall monitor in charge of censoring rightwing podcasts.

New York Times:

“He had already been banned from Twitter, but on his podcast he could give full voice to his hateful conspiracy theories.

The podcaster argued that the man in Atlanta who had confessed to killing eight people at massage parlors last week, including six women of Asian descent, was the one who had truly been victimized — the casualty of a supposed Jewish plot. …”

Systematic racism IS NOT a bigoted, hateful and hypocritical anti-White conspiracy theory peddled by the establishment. Blaming the Atlanta shooting on “white supremacy” wasn’t “misinformation” either. Real “journalists” investigated the matter and concluded that “anti-Asian bias” was the cause.

“Your heart goes out to the guy,” he said. The remarks, emblematic of a longstanding online network of white supremacists and pro-Nazi groups, weren’t hidden in some dark corner of the internet, but could be found on Google Podcasts, the search giant’s official podcast app that was released for Android in 2018 and expanded to Apple devices last year.

Many provocative podcasts, including several hosted by fringe and far-right figures, exist on nearly all the platforms. But the decision to ban Mr. Jones signaled a new willingness among leading services to take action against content they consider beyond the pale. … “

Obviously, the rules should be set by White college-educated professionals with cosmopolitan values and progressive politics who are unelected technocrats and who are the most left-leaning swath of the American electorate. They should determine what is “beyond the pale.”

“For Ms. Hoffman, the health of the ecosystem depends on finding some balance between free expression and safety.

“I really believe the openness of podcasting has been key to its success story so far, and will be in the future,” she said. “But there have to be some guardrails.”

Who is Keri Hoffmann?

Why should a person like that be setting the “guardrails” and determining what can and cannot be said by a content creator on the internet? Do the endless daily diatribes against Whites coming from the legacy media fall inside or outside of these “guardrails”?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I take it as a good sign that the NYT and the rest of the Lügenpresse as well as the Left Wing Establishment are playing this wack-a-mole game, apparently without permanent success either. There must be a serious amount of support for White racial awareness and White advocacy as well as skepticism of the Government’s ludicrous, anti-White diversity claims for there to be this many “hate” podcasts, videos and websites.

  2. Why the fuck is anyone still using Google? Google is the NSA.

    If we were living in the world of the book 1984, with its TV sets that were created to send party proaganda and spy on the masses, you’d all still be using them.

  3. If “racism” were absurd, then liberals could just laugh at it. But racial realism is not absurd. It rings true, even to liberals themselves. That’s why they are afraid of it.

  4. There have been bans from different podcasting hosting services. I can think of two off-hand. Soundcloud banned Fash The Nation several years ago and Spreaker banned Nordic Frontier about a month ago. It’s only going to get worse. Ultimately dissident podcasting will have to develop alternative means of distribution. Speaking for myself combining rss and torrent appears to offer the best solution.

    Many torrent clients can already fetch files from rss feeds containing torrent files. Everyday I look at my qbittorrent app on the desktop and see what content has been posted since the last time I looked. I then decide what to download. It’s easy-peasy. Podcasting can work the same way. The content creator creates a torrent file of the content. He then posts the torrent file on a rss feed webpage probably in a blog format. Subscribers then see the new content in their torrent clients and decide to download the content or not. The creator and the subscribers host the content. Big supporters of the show could continue to seed the back catalog of earlier content.

    To complete the loop by making content directly accessible on mobile devices requires a podcasting app that can also read rss feeds containing torrent files.

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