As with Donald Trump’s executive order on bump stocks, this will be sent up like a balloon, challenged and shot down in federal court. Nothing is going to happen in Congress on gun control this session because Sen. Joe Manchin reiterated in an op-ed in The Washington Post this morning that he won’t consider weakening or getting rid of the filibuster under any circumstances.
“Here’s what Biden’s actions will do, according to a fact sheet from the White House:
Direct the Justice Department to propose a rule within 30 days to help stop the proliferation of ghost guns – firearms assembled from kits that often lack serial numbers and are difficult to trace.
Direct the DOJ to craft a rule within 60 days that clarifies the point at which a stabilizing arm brace effectively turns a pistol into a short-barreled rifle, subjecting that firearm to additional regulations.
Direct the DOJ to publish, within 60 days, model red-flag legislation, which lets law enforcement officers or family members ask a court to temporarily bar someone from accessing guns under certain circumstances. The White House says the model legislation will make it easier for states to pass their own versions of that law.
Direct the DOJ to issue a comprehensive report on gun trafficking. …”
Still though, it is disturbing that Joe is calling for a national red flag law. This would empower any of your shitlib family members to contact a court and have the police come to your house to take your guns away based on a hysterical accusation. Joe thinks that this is such a great idea which has worked out so well in Blue States that it ought to be done on a national level. As with low property taxes, this is an upside of living in Alabama. We don’t have to worry about this stuff. We read about it elsewhere.
“The President urges Congress to pass an appropriate national “red flag” law, as well as legislation incentivizing states to pass “red flag” laws of their own. In the interim, the Justice Department’s published model legislation will make it easier for states that want to adopt red flag laws to do so …”
Even if “assault weapons” were banned tomorrow, it would do nothing to stop mass shootings. We’ve already banned “assault weapons” before. There are also so many guns in this country that criminals will always be able to get their hands on one. This will only punish law abiding gunowners.
Mass shootings are a symptom of cultural degeneration. In Western Europe, they don’t have as many mass shootings. They have mass stabbings, acid attacks, terrorists running people over with cars, etc. The real question that needs to be answered is why is our society producing so many mentally ill, sociopathic people who are clearly suffering to the point where they are killing random people to draw attention to themselves. Why are there so many more of them now than back in the bad old days?
Note: Most of these suffering people don’t kill others. They kill themselves.
This is just unconstitutional submissive Blue State gibberish that will never find a home in Red or Violet-Purple States.
We are not giving up any of our guns, for precisely the reason why The Founding Fathers said they designed the 2nd Amendment – for use as a part of a well-regulated militia, this as a last measure remedy for a government that has run afoul of it’s function and The Constitution.
If the 2nd amendment has no application in the 2020s, then I do not know when it would ever have, for, objectively speaking, the United States’ Government is not only in almost a complete spiritual contravention against The Law, it is systemically in violation of practically every letter of the original 12 amendments of The Constitution.
To be clear, I share the same fear of shooters that Leftists do, I just respectfully disagree with them on what the greatest fear is.
To me, random shooters, who are rare in the well-armed South, are far less of a threat than is the government – not just The United States’ Government, but, sad to say, many state and city governments, more than a few of which are in Dixie.
Not only do I believe that the citizenry ought have AR-15s, I would think it laudable if my neighbours kept King Tiger Tanks in their yards, perhaps, a few armour-vehicle busting Stukas in the garage would not be bad, either.
Red flag laws ?
What happen to ‘due process’ ?
Uh, 4th amendment,
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated,….
The United States’ Government follow the Constitution?
Surely you gest, eh?
Upside to living in the Ozarks, home of hunters, fisherman, and Bass Pro shops, no gun legislation gonna be paid attention to here,heh
They will try to federalize it, via ATF and FBI.
Look to the large body of laws giving federal power over state issues.
Think, did Little Rock want school integration ?
You have so many misleading comments here to deceive your uneducated followers, so considering your willful ignorance or dishonesty, I’m not even certain you’re man enough to permit this comment to be posted. 1 Alabama never ranks among the top states Americans want to move to anytime. Most Americans have a negative stereotypical perception of the state. 2 There was a decline in mass shootings after the Brady Bill. The problem was there were so many loopholes in that law thanks to the NRA favoring politicians. 3 How are background checks and an effective Brady Bill punishing law abiding gun owners? You make no sense. 4 You blame “cultural degeneration” but Western Europe is more accepting of pornography, prostitution, homosexuality, secularism, decline in marriage. 5 If you think stabbings lead to as many deaths as mass shootings with automatic weapons, you need more education. Even with the influx of crime prone immigrants, Western European nations still rank as the safest countries next to East Asian ones. 6 Why not support both stronger laws on guns and the mentally ill? 7 Most Americans agree with President Biden more than you and your followers. You’re in the small minority..
Biden Seeks Assault Weapons Ban and Background Checks
By Annie Karni and Catie Edmondson
Updated April 7, 2021
About 71 percent of Americans — including a slight majority of Republicans — favored banning high-capacity ammunition magazines, while 69 percent, including half of Republicans, backed an assault weapons ban.
At least do some research before making fake comments.
“About 71 percent of Americans — including a slight majority of Republicans — favored banning high-capacity ammunition magazines”
Polls (skewed as they are) are not legislation.
Legislation does not supersede the constitution.
“1 Alabama never ranks among the top states Americans want to move to ”
For the same reason they don’t want to move to S. Chicago or E. St. Louis.
“Most Americans have a negative stereotypical perception of the state. ”
Media generated false perspective.
“favored banning high-capacity ammunition magazines”
With the advent of 3D printing and home CNC milling, the point is moot.
” your uneducated followers”
Aren’t WE pretentious.
Mass Shootings are mainly niggers gunning each other down. When a white goes berzerk he tends to just have more clinical aim.
The fundamental problem with gun crime in the US is controlling blacks. By all means you go ahead and storm door by door the nests of blacks in the cities and confiscate their firearms. Be my guest, you first! It’s steadily getting worse in Europe where blacks Arabs and Pakis have ak47s stashed in mosques and drug dens BTW.
“problem with gun crime in the US is controlling blacks”
controlling blacks ???
I’d sure like to know how that is done.
“6 Why not support both stronger laws on guns and the mentally ill? ”
If you take guns away from law abiding citizens, only criminals will have guns.
Switzerland has the same gun crime as the rest of Europe. The rest of Europe has strict gun control laws, while everyone has a gun in their home Switzerland.
If you take guns away from law abiding citizens, only meglomanics in government will have guns. History shows meglomanics use their guns on populaces that won’t obey their dictates.
Gun crime is very low in White areas. Also the mass shootings you see, account for very few people killed. More people are killed by hands and feet than guns.
Mass shootings are exploited as propaganda by the mainstream media, because they want their masters to have all the guns, and the populace they rule over defenseless against their abuses of power.
Because Americans will be able to 3D print guns in their living rooms very soon. If they try to regulate the 3D printers, they will 3D print unregulated 3D printers, and then print guns and sell them on the black market.
@Common Sense…
Outstanding reply, Common Sense – truly!
@Vampire Chick…
“1 Alabama never ranks among the top states Americans want to move to anytime. Most Americans have a negative stereotypical perception of the state. ”
After a 60+ year barrage of Mainstream Media propaganda aimed at the state of Alabama, it’s citizens, it’s leaders, it’s culture, and it’s history, is it any wonder?
@Vampire Chick…
” 2 There was a decline in mass shootings after the Brady Bill.”
That is not the criterion upon whether to evaluate gun control.
@Vampire Chick…
“5 If you think stabbings lead to as many deaths as mass shootings with automatic weapons, you need more education. Even with the influx of crime prone immigrants, Western European nations still rank as the safest countries next to East Asian ones. ”
Yes, M’am, Western Europe is so safe that it has no cultural security, it’s native population is being replaced, it’s economy has been shipped out, no freedom of speech, and, to boot, since The CCP-Obama Pox have lost the right of free movement.
But, of course : you think that is a recommendation why we ought give up our weapons.
@Ivan — Bravo !!
Thank you, Old Enough to Be My Baby Sister!
An additional point to make is that in places like London, police are so stretched thin by the “lower level” crimes that they no longer respond to them unless a physical injury has resulted. By using a distorted metric, it can be claimed crime is being reduced. That still doesn’t make it true. Crime is skyrocketing in all Western countries, especially since last summers BLM riots.
@Vampire Chick…
“6 Why not support both stronger laws on guns and the mentally ill? ”
Because the Left has expanded the list of mental illness from 42 to over 300 in the last 20 years, most particularly The Left thinks anyone not on The Left is mentally ill.
If we use mental illness as a barometer for why a citizen ought be deprived of his right to bear arms, no one will be able to get one, except someone like you.
For that reason we don’t support it.
@Vampire Chick…
“At least do some research before making fake comments.”
At least wait until someone can respond to you before you publically decorate yourself for having dispatched someone.
Fuck it, I’ll bite.
“At least do some research before making fake comments.”
You mean like this one?
“About 71 percent of Americans — including a slight majority of Republicans — favored banning high-capacity ammunition magazines, while 69 percent, including half of Republicans, backed an assault weapons ban.”
This stat is plainly false on it’s face and quite laughable (but if you would, do cite a source, at least for entertainment’s sake). The only “Republicans” that would support something like this are Never-Trumper RINO sissies like Mitt Romney, or milquetoast fags like Lindsey Graham. They are a tiny minority of Republicans, and not very representative of Conservative voters’ values on the 2nd Amendment. I can anecdotally say that even some lifelong Democrat voters I know, after seeing the corporate-sponsored chaos from BLM/Antifa last year, are now very open to expanding gun rights and self-defense.
How about this one:
“7 Most Americans agree with President Biden more than you and your followers. You’re in the small minority.”
Is that why the Democratic Party had to rig their nomination process TWICE against Bernie Sanders and his supporters (2016 and 2020) in favor of their corporate establishment candidates (Clinton, Biden)? Is that why big tech had to purge all dissent against Biden, the coronavirus lockdown measures, mail-in voting, election fraud, and call anyone criticizing the election a Russian asset? Is that why almost all Right-wing content creators were purged from big tech platforms, where they then they went after free speech alternatives like Parler, Gab, and Telegram? They did all this because most people really do support Biden? As Biden would say: “C’MON MAN!!! What you think I’m smokin’ crack cocaine?!”
She posted the article headline and date for you tards to check for yourselves but I doubt reading skills are the strongest here.
@Vampire Chick don’t take this website too seriously. I’m sure most people like Vegan WWE Fan and I come here for interesting excerpts and to laugh at the comments. Most of the comments are probably by wingnuts who are familiar with wet sheets and padded walls if you haven’t noticed. I saw Switzerland mentioned and that’s a common tactic by the NRA and their wild members. I’ll follow your lead and post excerpts because I don’t think full links are allowed here?
Business Insider:
Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership — here’s why it doesn’t have mass shootings
Aug 5, 2019, 7:23 AM
Swiss laws are designed to prevent anyone who’s violent or incompetent from owning a gun.
People who’ve been convicted of a crime or have an alcohol or drug addiction aren’t allowed to buy guns in Switzerland.
The law also states that anyone who “expresses a violent or dangerous attitude” won’t be permitted to own a gun. Swiss authorities have a list of about 2,000 individuals they suspect of being willing to commit shootings. All of them are frequently approached by authorities, along with psychologists, and are forced to hand over their weapons immediately or are barred from purchasing new ones.
Gun owners who want to carry their weapon for “defensive purposes” also have to prove they can properly load, unload, and shoot their weapon and must pass a test to get a license.
Around the world, stronger gun laws have been linked to fewer gun deaths. That has been the case in Switzerland too.
Concealed-carry permits are tough to get in Switzerland, and most people who aren’t security workers or police officers don’t have one.
As of 2015, the Swiss estimated that only about 11% of citizens kept their military-issued gun at home.
Switzerland still has one of the highest rates of gun violence in Europe, and most gun deaths in the country are suicides.
Associated Press:
Voters in Switzerland approve stronger gun control laws by nearly two-thirds despite resistance
May 19, 2019
Switzerland’s public broadcaster said more than 63% of voters nationwide agreed to align with European Union firearms rules adopted two years ago after deadly attacks in France, Belgium, Germany and Britain.
Pre-vote polls suggested most of the major political parties — except for the populist Swiss People’s Party — were in favor, with support strongest among Socialists and Greens.
“Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership — here’s why it doesn’t have mass shootings”
Why doesn’t Switzerland have a mass shooting problem like the USA, despite Switzerland’s high rate of gun ownership? It should be plainly obvious for any big-brained overly-indoctrinat– *cough* I mean overly-educated liberal such as your self. It can be answered in 3 simple words:
Because. They’re. White.
If you’re still paying attention to this thread, the majority of people left on social media platforms like YouTube, do NOT approve of Biden, or gun control. The same ratio (9:10) can be found on almost all of The White House channel videos, even as far back as the first video they uploaded: Biden’s inauguration.
President Biden Delivers Remarks on Gun Violence Prevention
The Inauguration of the 46th President of the United States
As somebody who was repelled by the political correctness of the Democratic establishment, Richard Spencer’s secular anti-Christian fundamentalism and Jared Taylor’s erudition inspired me to do some reading and that brought me to this blog and others. I see a few valid points, but I also see some opinions that make me accept that the status quo is the lesser evil than what some throwbacks here want. I still hold some politically incorrect views, but I speak for most people when I say this site makes us reiterate our moderate beliefs and may cause some to become even MORE progressive.
Congrats on reminding me I reject your agenda for the same reason I reject BLM and have fun staying powerless and bitter while the world moves on!
The world is moving on to the decline of American and European power (both good things) and the rise of Asian power (also good). Your progressive nonsense will be a thing of the past in a post-Western world. The defeat of western progressivism is already baked into the geopolitical cake, in no small part because western progressive policies are suicidal and unsustainable.
“I speak for most people when I say ”
The majority is often wrong.
The Framers were aware of this, making changes to the Constitution a rigorous process.
Western Europe was disarmed right before the state flooded France and UK with blacks and browns. The timing was cohencidental. The drop in crime in the US during the tail end of the Clinton era was mostly about letting mayor’s beat down blacks to a submissive pulp. Europe is now getting a black crime wave. It just started to catch up after the 2011 riots in London.
ERPO = ex parte hearing. You have no idea they are in court talking about you. Then one day the cops show up and demand your guns. Don’t want to give them up? Gary Willis was killed for just that. https://thenewamerican.com/law-abiding-gun-owner-killed-during-red-flag-confiscation-raid/
“one day the cops show up and demand your guns”
Well on our way to the Turner Diaries.
They will never admit it’s the culture and certain races that are behind most of the gun violence. Instead of punishing the people responsible, they punish everyone so they don’t have to admit the truth.
“they punish everyone so they don’t have to admit the truth.”
Hey, we’re all gentiles, so there’s no difference, in (((their))) opinion.
Yes, but some gentiles are more equal than others.
Don’t you find it strange and more than coincidental that all these mass shooting events happened right around the time of Biden’s gun control proposal? They all fit the same pattern, the shooter kills a bunch of people and himself for no reason and nobody knows why. Why didn’t this stuff happen with Trump?