Gay, trans, queer, and non-binary people for too long have been marginalized by our system and society. I want these community members to know that you are not alone. Our office is here for you.https://t.co/N07cisJS7g
— DA Larry Krasner (@DA_LarryKrasner) March 29, 2021
I anticipate that progressive policing and prosecution of criminals is going to become a serious problem as the weather heats up. It is one of the six converging crises of the Biden administration and is “intersectional” in that it combines political correctness or wokeness with crime.
“PHILADELPHIA — Larry Krasner’s election in 2017 was a triumph for progressives nationwide: The man who had sued cops 75 times, represented Black Lives Matter, promised to end cash bail — and was widely seen as the most liberal district attorney candidate in the country — won.
Four years later, Philadelphia’s top prosecutor — and one of the leading figures of the country’s criminal justice reform movement — is under siege.
Homicides are skyrocketing in the city, and local officials are grumbling. A former assistant district attorney backed by the local police union is challenging Krasner in the May primary. And in recent weeks, the Philadelphia Democratic Party broke with years of tradition and declined to endorse the incumbent.
The primary battle is a test of whether the left can maintain its successful campaign electing progressive district attorneys amid an uptick in murders in cities around the country …”
“Prosecutors promising easier bail and fewer criminal prosecutions have swept to power in several big cities in recent years, but a backlash may be underway as crime spikes. Witness last week’s developments in Philadelphia.
On March 31 the Democratic City Committee voted not to endorse incumbent District Attorney Larry Krasner for May’s primary election. He won in 2017 after denouncing the city’s police and prosecutors as “both systemically racist” and has spent his time in office touting his efforts “to end mass incarceration” by bringing fewer charges and urging lighter sentences. But Mr. Krasner now faces a primary challenge from Carlos Vega, a former homicide prosecutor whom he fired.
In December 2020, Mr. Krasner filed 525 charges for violent crimes, compared to 757 in December 2017, the month before he took office. The decrease doesn’t reflect a safer city; nearly 500 people were murdered in Philadelphia last year, compared to 315 in 2017. Last year saw more than 2,200 shootings, and the vast majority of victims were black. Auto thefts have risen sharply, with some 9,295 vehicles stolen last year compared to 5,694 in 2017. “Victims are an inconvenient truth that Larry ignores,” Mr. Vega told Philadelphia Weekly in December. “He never talks about the victims.” Mr. Vega says he’s running “to make our city safer.” …”
What is progressive policing and prosecution?
- Defund the Police
- Demonize the Police
- Shackle the hands of the police
- Glorify criminals
- Let the criminals out of prison
- Always assume the criminal is a victim
- Demonize normal lawabiding White people
- Throw the book at normal White people who defend themselves
- Always take into consideration the political leanings of those who are being prosecuted (or not prosecuted like anarchist brats) because justice is woke and equity requires treating people differently under the law
Portland is the national poster child of progressive policing.
It is what we stumbled into when we went to Charlottesville for the Unite the Right rally. We assumed at the time that Charlottesville was like any other city in America. In the United States, every citizen is supposed to have an equal First Amendment right to assemble in public without being violently assaulted, but we discovered to our shock in 2017 that we had progressed beyond this. It wasn’t until the George Floyd riots last summer that the rest of the country was introduced to progressive justice.
Note: I know many of you are wondering if Larry Krasner is a Jewish District Attorney who was bankrolled by George Soros. Yes, the crime wave in Philadelphia is “intersectional” in that there is a Jewish Question angle to the crisis as well. You’re also “anti-Semitic” for wondering.
It is what we stumbled into when we went to Charlottesville for the Unite the Right rally. We assumed at the time that Charlottesville was like any other city in America. In the United States, every citizen is supposed to have an equal First Amendment right to assemble in public without being violently assaulted, but we discovered to our shock in 2017 that we had progressed beyond this.
Your phony narrative and talking points aren’t flying. What most of the American public saw was two fringes being violent towards each other, a woman dying after a car crashed into a crowd, and an inept President. The elections of 2018 and 2020 bear this out..
Poll: Majority of Americans Say Trump’s Charlottesville Response ‘Not Strong Enough’
Two-thirds of respondents want a domestic terrorism investigation
By Kyle Stewart
Posted August 17, 2017 at 12:37pm
A majority of Americans in a new poll say President Donald Trump’s response to the violence that broke out a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia was “not strong enough.”
Fifty-two percent of respondents in the NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll said Trump’s response should have been stronger, while 27 percent said it was strong enough.
Sixty-seven percent of the respondents said there should be an investigation into whether the car incident was an act of domestic terrorism.
“President Trump’s reluctance to label the fatal crash in Charlottesville as domestic terrorism is out of step with not only two-thirds of Americans, overall, but with people regardless of their race or political party,” Lee M. Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, said in a polling memo. “The president’s sentiments clearly do not line up with the American people.”
Most of these problems are simple enough questions. How to effectively crush black populations into submission? And mostly it’s done for their own good to have robocop come in a crack skulls. The data is in regards Philly.
Krasner’s limp endorsement of black chaos killed an extra 150 people in his own city in one year. Data is very very clear. A police force prepared to crush the zulus suppresses murder 35-40%. There is no argument against this.
Anyone got a stake?
Kasner is a Jew and Jews just want blacks to rampage and destroy so Jews can then come in and by city property for pennies.
Come on in the antisemitism pool friends! The water is fine.
Itz sweet to see “progressive” kike Krasnah getting the skids put under him.