Study: Wokeness Is Paralyzing Blacks And Turning Them Into Helpless Victims

From their elite perches at Boston University and The Atlantic, Ibram X. Kendi and Ta-Nehisi Coates are convincing a generation of the most intelligent, educated and successful blacks that they are the helpless victims of omnipresent racism, white supremacy and systematic racism.


“Just 68 percent of Black respondents who read Coates’ paragraph agreed with the statement, “When I make plans, I am almost certain that I can make them work”—compared to 83 percent of those who did not, a statistically-significant effect.

In other words, even brief exposure to critical race theory narratives disempowers Black people. This reinforces previous research that found that heightened perceptions of racism caused harm to Black Americans.

Moreover, the effect is being amplified by politics and higher education. Black Biden voters were twice as likely as Black Trump voters to say that they personally experienced more racism under Trump than under Obama. And liberal Black Americans with a college degree were almost 30 points more likely to be offended by white people saying things like “I don’t notice people’s race” or “America is a colorblind society” than were Black Americans without degrees who identify as conservative.

There was, however, consistency on one front: Throughout my surveys, African-Americans see themselves as independent and resilient, while white liberals are more inclined to see them as weak and needing protection.

When asked whether political correctness was demeaning to Black people or necessary to protect them, 51 percent of Black liberals chose “demeaning” and 49 percent “necessary.” But white liberals chose “necessary” by a 62-38 margin. …”

Don’t laugh.

Der Movement has an identical sour-puss problem.

In our case, it is the people who similarly spin vast cobwebs of all-powerful, monocausal conspiracies. Jews are wealthy, influential, well organized and powerful and politically opposed to White interests (this is the grain of truth), but it is worse than that. The Jews and the globalists are so powerful that there is nothing that we can do about the problem. They have been ruling the world for centuries.

How many times have you heard the phrase “there is no political solution”? There is whole body of thought in Der Movement which has firmly established that we are incapable of persuading the public to come around to our views (this was true in the 1980s and 1990s) and so what we ought to do is to retreat to rural areas to wait out the Kali Yuga or the downfall of civilization or the inevitable race war. In reality, the public actually is catching up with us now on many of our concerns like immigration, political correctness or censorship and even growing alarmed by anti-whiteness. It just took longer than expected.

While it is true that things are bad, the situation is far from hopeless. There are also inevitably going to be good times and hard times. We’re going to have stretches of time when we are on the ropes like when Donald Trump was president and didn’t know what to do, but frustration is part of life. Character traits like integrity, fortitude and perseverance get you through the hard times.

The difference between people like us and the people who swallow Ibram X. Kendi and Ta-Nehisi Coates’s nonsense is that we actually are repressed. The elites actually are for real out to get us. In contrast, the American elite puts people like Ibram X. Kendi and Ta-Nehisi Coates up on a glorified pedestal. Blackness is an advantage in our current race regime which was created in the 1960s. It is probably not an exaggeration to say that no generation of blacks has had more opportunities and good will toward them in any country in all of world history than our current crop of sullen black professionals.

Note: Ibram X. Kendi and Ta-Nehisi Coates recognize these opportunities and are grifting off White guilt. The angry, sullen black man is their gimmick. See also Charles Blow who rewrites the same column.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Any black who thinks he’s oppressed and demands to live with his oppressors when he can go to 50+ black countries of his own is a fraud.

    • “It is probably not an exaggeration to say that no generation of blacks has had more opportunities and good will toward them in any country in all of world history than our current crop of sullen black professionals.”

      And yet… they STILL are ultimate failures, except in sports, and other non-intellectual pursuits.
      Their music is not music. Their fashion is ugly. THEY are ugly. And, on average, one standard deviation BELOW average Whites.

      They can NEVER be our equal. It’s time to return them to Africa, by any means necessary.

  2. This is why The Nation of Islam opposed Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement – because, as they said and say, ‘better to be independent and unequal than dependent and equal’.

    Indeed, this whole period of Southern Negro helplessness, and untold Black mothers who never work a day in their life – and who raise little gangsters who shoot each other up for kicks – is a product of New England Lunacy, reinforced to the hilt by by Jewry Inc.

    The Liberal White Supremacist, that term coined by Malcolm X, is exactly as he said : the great danger to the Negro Race.’

    He was right, Martin Luther King was wrong and it is about time we stop barking up the wrong tree.

    After near 7 decades of all this equalizing stuff, things still ain’t equal and Negroes, as a group, still ain’t anywhere near happy.

    The Olde Southern System was vastly more just, to everybody, than this mess.

    But, if we are not going back to the Olde Southern System, we must drop this paying folks to not work, forced integration, and ‘Affirmative Action’ quota systems.

    Blacks are more than capable of handling their own business, they’ve proven that in The South for near on a century. I say it’s time to let them go back to running themselves, for their own benefit, and stop looking to us to rectify their stuff.

    Learned Helplessness, and all the bratty whining that goes with it is the sum total affect of New England Egalitarianism on The Negro Race.

  3. There was, however, consistency on one front: Throughout my surveys, African-Americans see themselves as independent and resilient, while white liberals are more inclined to see them as weak and needing protection.

    Shit like this is where the “Dems are da real rayciss” meme comes from. There are few attitudes that Conservatives and Right Wing individuals find more contemptible than the paternalism consistently demonstrated by White Liberals, not just towards Blacks, but towards everyone who they believe is “oppressed” and “needs help.” It’s the White Savior complex par excellence. And its something College Educated White Progressives have been at for over a century. Its why they supported Prohibition and Smoking bans. These people really do think they can save others from themselves. Imagine having the arrogance and the audacity to assume that:

    1. Saving people from themselves actually works

    2. That you are somehow so much intrinsically better than another person that you can lecture them on how they must live their lives

    Whether they consciously know it or not, White Liberals implicitly assume that their lifestyle – if not themselves as persons – is superior to that of Black people:

    “If Blacks got the financial support they need to get out of the ghetto and attend college, and if their feelings weren’t hurt by racist language, they’d elevate themselves to our level and become just like us.”

    Biological determinism makes that scenario impossible, hence why White Liberals reject Der Movement so strongly. Our ideas stand in the way of their utopian schemes and dreams. We are an enemy to be removed from the realization of their perfect reality, where people of all races, genders, and creeds….uh, act like nice White people, go to their white collar jobs in green energy run urban and suburban areas, and drink Starbucks? I seem to remember a futuristic boat ride at Epcot showing something like that. It bored me to tears.

    Bottom line: The condescending paternalism of White Progressives has no place ™ in a White Ethnostate. If I want a paternalistic ruling class to lord it over us, I’ll take the Southern Planters or any of the old aristocracies of Europe. At least those men had honor. White, College Educated, Progressive, Upper Class Professionals seeped in Protestant Anglo culture might as well be Jews. They are some of the nastiest, most arrogant people you’ll ever meet. The Day of the Pillow for these people couldn’t come sooner.

    • Decolonize everything!!!**

      **except for your ethics and political philosophy. Those need to be completely in line with our White progressive worldview, which is perfect and universal.

      The funny thing about woke blacks like X Kendi is that their worldview is 100% White. Their brains are colonized.

    • @ dp84, they gave up thee real gospel, for their social gospel, they reject Jesus and have made themselves, their own god.

      • @Terry…

        Yes, my friend, in a nutshell it all boils down to what you said.

        Problem is that this undoing of things is so endemick that it is hard to see a turnaround in the offing.

        At this point, I think most Americans would prefer to be a God in a bad universe than a subject of Him in one good.

    • Because it’s a different subspecies. So simian. Look at the differences in Europe and Africa. Our eyes do not betray us.

    • @Orthodox…

      No, with all due respect – sitting around and waiting for The Good Lord to take care of our business is not a strategy.

      In fact, in The South, this is what the adults of the 1950s and 1960s chose to do – contemplate their navel and let the place go gradually to hell.

      They, or, at least, most of them, turned away from the problems and that is why the problems are so manifold and big today.

      But, yes, there are so many termites in the beams, we are going to have to build a new house, for the one we are presently inhabiting it beyond repair.

  4. Token schvartzes like Tahiti Coates and “Ibrahim X” don’t want anything to do with other Negroes, now that they have been taken out of the cotton fields and put in Massuh’s house.

    • Tahiti Coates and “Ibrahim X” are asking that eternal Negro question asked most infamously by the Dr. Rev. MLK Jr., patron saint of whore mongers and plagiarists: “Where all the White women at?”

  5. “How many times have you heard the phrase “there is no political solution”? There is whole body of thought in Der Movement which has firmly established that we are incapable of persuading the public to come around to our views (this was true in the 1980s and 1990s) and so what we ought to do is to retreat to rural areas to wait out the Kali Yuga or the downfall of civilization or the inevitable race war. In reality, the public actually is catching up with us now on many of our concerns like immigration, political correctness or censorship and even growing alarmed by anti-whiteness. It just took longer than expected.”

    There is no federal solution, and most Whites hate Nationalists. If you asked these people what is wrong and what should be done about it, they would simply want to stop the really progressive shit, and just roll things back to 2015 levels of wokeness. They are not Pro-White and nothing Pro-White will ever come out of the federal government, or this mass of Whites you think can be mobilized.

    debate this

    • @Terry…

      “There is no federal solution, and most Whites hate Nationalists. If you asked these people what is wrong and what should be done about it, they would simply want to stop the really progressive shit, and just roll things back to 2015 levels of wokeness. They are not Pro-White and nothing Pro-White will ever come out of the federal government, or this mass of Whites you think can be mobilized.”

      I agree that there is no Federal solution, other than dissolving the union.

      As to many Whites wishing merely to go back to the 2015 level of Wokeness, I might have agreed to this observation, (concerning Dixie) if you had asked me a couple of years back, but, now I do not – or, at least, not as far as The South is concerned.

      As a body of people, White Southerners have quickly moved into the conversation of : ‘this country is not working, how do we get to one that will?’

      Perhaps, however, up North the sentiments are like you say, sad to say.

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