The so-called “far right” has its own version of wokeness. We have long talked in terms of people being “redpilled” and contrasted them with “normies” who are asleep.
In the “far right” version, the colorblind conservative and libertarian normies are hopelessly deracinated, degenerate and atomized individualists who are asleep in a world that is lorded over by an evil Jewish oligarchy that bamboozles White people through its control of the media and which is undergoing rapid racial and cultural demographic changes which will ultimately destroy Western civilization. These naive people are misled by mainstream conservatives who are suckers who are sleepwalking them into the future. They are ill prepared for the disaster that awaits them and their children and grandchildren.
White people live under systemic antiracism. Every single institution in our society is explicitly against White people and especially White men. White people are taught from birth that something called “racism” is the greatest moral failing and that we should be ashamed of our wicked ancestors and that unlike all other groups we do not have a legitimate identity or collective interests. “Masculinity” is said to be toxic. Patriarchy is oppressing women rather than ordering the family toward natural and divine ends that promote social harmony and human happiness and flourishing. Morality is a laundry list of -isms and -phobias which have been conjured into existence by academics and spread through our culture by the media. History is nothing but a series of crimes committed by White people against Jews and noble non-Whites. Gender is a “social construct” that can be changed as the mood strikes.
Far from progressing toward MLK’s colorblind utopia, Whites are becoming a degraded minority in their own countries due to mass immigration. We have grown soft and have been led misled by weak leaders who have squandered our birthright. The future of White America can be seen in Third World countries like South Africa where this declining anti-white dystopia has already been institutionalized. Race and sex are immutable biological realities. The “far right” version of being “woke” is understanding all of this and accepting that Whites need to throw off their decadent leaders and reassert themselves again before our children and grandchildren and our entire race slide even further toward this dystopia.
Such has been the conventional wisdom in the “far right” (the people who don’t automatically adopt every stupid leftwing fad out of sheer cowardice) for the last thirty years. The “far right” hasn’t changed at all in its fundamental beliefs. What has changed is that we have steadily moved closer to this looming dystopian future and more and more White people are figuring out that it is becoming increasingly difficult to disagree with our diagnosis of the direness of the situation. The frog is really starting to boil now and the old mood of White complacency is giving way to a new mood of White anxiety.
“Rod Dreher asks “What are they preparing us for by teaching non-white people to fear and loathe whites?” It’s a good question, and the answer is something to fear.
Once only on social media, now commonplace on the legacy outlets, we encounter near-constant pleas to kill white people, or cancel them, or push them aside. A white friend married to the same Asian woman for decades was cursed at in front of his grandchildren as a fetishist. Late night “comedy” shows openly enjoy speculating what violence Derek Chauvin will suffer in prison. A Barnard College instructor discussed gassing whites in a coming race war. It is completely acceptable in our public discourse to say such things, almost fashionable under grievance theology.
Coupled with the sentiments toward white people is a similar theme against men in general. Twitter from time to time will burp up hashtags like #WorldWithoutMen, with tweets that range between funny-not funny jokes about how women can get by with “more batteries” to outright calls for violence. We can’t help it, having been assured “all men are part of a patriarchal system that stamps all over women,” one big Handmaid’s Tale of woe. Not really much room for practical improvement like when we were just asked to help with the dishes. …”
In retrospect, the George Floyd riots and the rollout of systematic racism by the political establishment last summer was the moment when the “awakening” happened. Millions of White people changed in that moment. It dawned on them for the first time what their future was actually going to be like.
“Seeing color as an essential part of identity is what America spent 160 years fighting against. The progressive reversal is little short of a confession that that idea, including the civil rights movement and Dr. King, et al., failed. Their answer is to declare a mass of Americans must be downgraded, if not eliminated, for others to progress. We will never otherwise get black Americans to make up 13.4 percent of everything, they say as if that goal rivaled the moon shot in the national mind. …”
The mainstream Right bought into all the pretty little lies about colorblindness and was conned into believing it was true and was quite literally taken for a ride by MLK and the reverends. Now, they are being ejected from their collective delusion into this raw new world of reverse Jim Crow. They are protesting the unfairness of it all with complaints like “this isn’t what I signed up for” because they took colorblindness as an ideal at face value rather than recognizing it as a tactic to disarm Whites.
Note: Conservatives are supposed to be realists who are skeptical of ephemeral utopias and vicious attacks on tradition. Conservatism, Inc. made sure that there was “no place” in the conservative movement for anyone who had healthy conservative instincts about the long term trajectory of “antiracism” and its claims. MLK’s Dream would come true as long as we all wished hard enough that it were so.
Wow HW, what a concise and insightful commentary.
Says so much, with sharp clarity.
You keep topping yourself. 🙂
HW has quickly recharged his batteries after that grueling family road trip. Next stops: Biloxi, Tallahassee and Key West!
I still say George Wallace should have been elected president in 1968 then we would have avoided so much trouble.
I totally agree with that, though, even better would have been for Ulysses S. Grant to surrender at Appomattox, so that we would not still have to be going over and over these issues, 150+ years later.
The sooner we reconfederate the sooner the vast majority of Americans can get down to the business of being at harmony with their respective communities.
Yeah, he scared the shit out of them, especially in 1972 when he was winning the Dem primaries in Northern states. How convenient that he got taken out by a “lone” gunman.
Wallace was taken out before the gunman, by President Nixon, in fact.
Have you heard about that?
With Southern Whites and Northern ethnics Wallace would have given Nixon a good run for his money.
I’m talking about 1972, not 1968 when he ran as an independent.
Absolutely. But we still might have had a chance with Buchanan in 1992. But better Wallace in 1968.
Not allowing Jewish slavers or their ships to dock in N. American ports would have avoided so much trouble. Martin Luther warned our ancestors very clearly.
If elected, GW would have gotten either 1. The JFK Treatment or 2. The Nixon Treatment.
A very good article Hunter. After the Nigga nightmare that was the summer of 2020, some of my older relatives are starting to inch toward a “racist” worldview. They are not WN, yet.
The left is taking their war on Whiteness to ridiculous levels. A case in point from my neck of the woods that you may find interesting: this year tiny Corydon in Harrison County, Indiana is have a Juneteenth celebration at (circa 1816) the Old Capitol site. Per the 2010 Fed census, the town of Corydon has a population of 3,122 people and was 96.7% White. Negroes were only 0.7% of the population. Harrison County had a pop of 39,364 and was 97.1% White. There are so few Negroes in the Corydon area that it appears that the Juneteenth celebration is sponsored by an American Indiana and Western Art museum. But dey gonna have dey Juneteenth, fo all da Whypipo ta come and learn at. This would be funny if it were not real.
@ thee host of this site, went above and beyond., these last two articles, truly thee leading southern intellectual of this generation.
“Seeing color as an essential part of identity is what America spent 160 years fighting against. The progressive reversal is little short of a confession that that idea, including the civil rights movement and Dr. King, et al., failed… ”
The Civil Rights movement led by MLK and the NAACP Jews hasn’t failed. The color blind society they professed to believe in was just a lie. It was always about seizing power.
Those who bought into “colorblindness” were always idiots and cowards. Some of us never bought into it because we see that blacks are vastly different from Whites in all the ways that contribute to the ability to build and maintain civilized life, so “colorblindness” is willful blindness, and willful blindness is reprehensible. In short, it’s immoral not to be racist. The “colorblind” worms helped make the US into the shithole it has become.
“We have grown soft and have been led misled by weak leaders who have squandered our birthright. ”
It should be stated that there were brave individuals who stood up to try and stop this. David Duke and Pat Buchanan are among them.
With so many Whites reacting to the new wave of critical Race theory now I do believe the tide can somewhat be turned.
If Conservatives are concerned with being hardened realists then it would be natural to become a race realist. (A term bandied about by Jared Taylor.)
What is TAC?
Multiculturalism/diversity was meant to destroy, not advance. All races are not created equal as anyone with eyes can see. WE are not created equal in intelligence.
Yes, “Diversity” is a scam. You can’t preserve true diversity by mixing everyone together. It was always meant to destroy Whites.
The American people were completely misled by so called conservatives, who were always more interested in appearing not racist than leading their voters.
Excellent poece.
The white anti-race regime is being destroyed by a cultural contradiction: the illusion that race doesn’t matter has only been sustained by white hegemony. As white dominance has been weakened, the falsehood becomes more apparent to all; eventually the regime will collapse as contending racial groups fight to replace the receding white control.
The mainstream Right bought into all the pretty little lies about colorblindness and was conned into believing it was true and was quite literally taken for a ride by MLK and the reverends. Now, they are being ejected from their collective delusion into this raw new world of reverse Jim Crow. They are protesting the unfairness of it all with complaints like “this isn’t what I signed up for” because they took colorblindness as an ideal at face value rather than recognizing it as a tactic to disarm Whites.
I never heard the name “Jim Crow” while growing up but I soon started hearing the name “Jesse Helms”…
“Compromise, hell! That’s what happened to us all down the line — and that’s the very cause of our woes. If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
— Jesse Helms
Martin Luther King repeatedly refers to his ‘non-violent movement.’ It is about as non-violent as the Marines landing on Iwo Jima.
— Jesse Helms
“I think most Americans would feel that the participation of Marxists in the planning and direction of any movement taints that movement at the outset . . . . Others may argue that Dr. King’s thought may have been merely Marxist in its orientation. But the trouble with that is that Marxism-Leninism, the official philosophy of communism, is an action-oriented revolutionary doctrine. And Dr. King’s action-oriented Marxism, about which he was cautioned by the leaders of this country, including the president at that time, is not compatible with the concepts of this country.”
— Jesse Helms
Dr. (Martin Luther) King’s outfit … is heavily laden at the top with leaders of proven records of communism, socialism and sex perversion, as well as other curious behavior.
— Jesse Helms
“weak, morally sick wretches” … “incredibly offensive and revolting conduct” … homosexuals, lesbians, disgusting people marching in the streets, demanding all sorts of things, including the right to marry each other”
— Jesse Helms
“The [Washington] Post caters to homosexual groups. Just about every person down there is homosexual or lesbian.”
— Jesse Helms
“I thought it [the Civil Rights Act] was very unwise. It was taking liberties away from one group of citizens and giving them to another. I thought it was bad legislation then, and I have had nothing to change my mind about it.”
— Jesse Helms
…the single most dangerous piece of legislation ever introduced in the Congress.
— Jesse Helms referring to the Civil Rights Act of 1964
I reject that criticism because this is indeed another kind of holocaust, by another name. At last count, more than 40 million unborn children have been deliberately, intentionally destroyed. What word adequately defines the scope of such slaughter? [After 9/11] the
American people responded with shock, sadness and a deep and righteous anger — and rightly so. Yet let us not forget that every passing day in our country, more than three thousand innocent Americans are killed [through abortion]
— Jesse Helms
“White women in Washington who have been raped and mugged on the streets in broad daylight have experienced the most revolting sort of violation of their civil rights. The hundreds of others who had their purses snatched last year by [Black] hoodlums may understandably insist that their right to walk the street unmolested was violated.”
— Jesse Helms
“The [Blacks] cannot count forever on the kind of restraint that’s thus far left him free to clog the streets, disrupt traffic, and interfere with other men’s rights.”
— Jesse Helms
It is interesting to note that the Nobel Peace Prize won’t be awarded this year. When one recalls that Martin Luther King got the prize last year, it may be just as well that the committee decided not to award one this year. Perhaps it was too difficult to choose between Stokely Carmichael and Ho Chi Minh.
— Jesse Helms
“Crime rates and irresponsibility among [Blacks] are a fact of life which must be faced.”
— Jesse Helms responses in TV editorials at WRAL-TV in Raleigh during the Civil Rights movement, which he also described as filled with “moral degenerates.”
“Mr. Clinton better watch out if he comes down here. He’d better have a bodyguard.”
— Jesse Helms In response to a question about a possible visit by President Clinton to Fort Bragg.
“[Voters] sent me to Washington to vote no against excessive Federal spending, against forced busing of little schoolchildren, and to vote no against the forces who have driven God out of the classroom.”
— Jesse Helms
I didn’t come to Washington to be a ‘yes man’ for any president, Democrat or Republican. I didn’t come to Washington to get along and win any popularity contests.
— Jesse Helms
“Your tax dollars are being used to pay for grade school classes that teach our children that CANNIBALISM, WIFE-SWAPPING, and the MURDER of infants and the elderly are acceptable behavior.”
– Included in fundraising letter sent by the Jesse Helms campaign in 1996.
Quite a karmic kick in the teeth for the “victorious ” Western all-lies for their alliance with international jewry. That deal with the synagogue of satan really backfired, eh?