I’m pleased to see that this story has been covered so broadly.
It used to only be the “far right” that discussed stories like this one because conservatives were afraid of being called “racists.” Now, there is a much greater willingness and even eagerness to discuss anti-whiteness. We have people like Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo to thank for this.
If all White people are “racist” by definition and “racism” is systematic, then there is nothing that anyone can really do to avoid being called a “racist.” It is gospel on MSNBC and CNN that everyone who works in conservative media is a “white supremacist.” If you are going to be called that anyway and saddled with the charge, why bother to twist yourself into a pretzel and play their stupid game?
The woke professional class is also far more explicitly racist than anyone else in this country. They openly hate White people. Actual racism is a problem in this country. It is spreading like a virus through the professional class and has sparked a rebellion even in the bluest precincts.
Needs a discussion of BuckBreaking and the entire BLM scam will unravel. Do you hear me script writers on Tucker? Do a special on Buck breaking IBDM. Lol. Just play the drops of the morons who made the documentary discussing white slavers raping black male slaves. It’s twisted stuff.
“. It’s twisted stuff.”
As is most media.
“This website does not support violence. Do not promote, suggest, glorify or incite violence in the comment section.” Read your own column, Brad. Then tell me Civil War II is not needed.
The rabid Anti-Whites are really our best friends now, bless their hateful hearts. They’re waking up more Whites than Pro Whites did for the past 25 or 30 years.
Parasites know more about me and my health than any doctor because they’re with me 24/7. They also want me to stay alive. So I recently called for an assembly of my parasites. I contacted the known ones and asked them to let the countless unknown ones know about it too. We hopefully will have this meeting a week from today. The delegates will be tasked with recommending a holistic health plan centered on dietetics, which I plan on following. I urge all of you to open discussions with your own. We might, just might, be able to destroy the medical industry once and for all.
….and somehow I still know White people too naive to realize it’s time to pick a side.
The “good” whites will side with the correct thinking people and be eaten alive. I am a “bad” white and proud of it.
Some of my family members and friends are “good” whites, and the thought of what awaits them saddens me. But there are always casualties in war, and you can seldom save the fool from his folly.
” woke professional class is also far more explicitly racist than anyone else in this country. ”
Yes, they live in gated communities and distant all WHITE developments.
Monumental hypocrisy !
“They’re waking up more Whites than Pro Whites did for the past 25 or 30 years.”
WHITES don’t care, until they are the immediate target of a racial threat. No concern for the racial harm to other WHITES.
Speaks very poorly of the WHITE character.
@Arrian – I see that all the time. Always an excuse why some other White person is not worthy of support. I even see it on this forum. Racial solidarity is essential to our survival — racial solidarity with people who are willing to choose the White side. Of course, you can’t save those who don’t want to be saved. But one doesn’t have to join in on the attack of Whites they find unsympathetic.
Tucker is a pure GOP propagandist. Nothing but racial resentment harvesting of votes as we have seen for decades. Tucker is the enemy.
No Tucker isn’t the enemy. That’s absurd. He’s literally the only bastion of MSM that voices any of our positions. He’s holding it all on his shoulders while we sit idly by commenting on blogs.
Video comments turned off. FOX doesn’t want anyone saying that Donald Moss, the author of this academic terrorism, is JEWISH.
I looked into that and couldn’t find any evidence
Search for “On Having Whiteness ” written by Donald Moss. This abstract was first published May 27, 2021, and the entire “research ” will be found in the current issue of the Journal of the American Psychanalytic Association.
Here is paragraph from On Having Whiteness: “My grandmother reminded me of my obligation as a Jew. She said that I was twice indebted: to her for the blood she had once given me and to Abraham for everything else. She said these debts must be honored. Until they are honored, she sai, dying was not within my rights. She said, “You are our only revenge. You are our Hitler. Promises have been made. The dead are watching and must not be disappointed.”
Perhaps Mr. Moss has written similar things on multiple occasions, and there are some variations floating around, but here is a full sourceable quote. You can search for the book title online, find PDF and jump to page 46 and it’s right there. I typed the title into DuckDuckGo search engine and a free PDF of “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Man” is the third result that pops up. Or you can pay $39 to White-hating “fellow white” (((Donald Moss))) to buy a paper copy of his book and turn to page 46…
«My grandmother reminded me of my obligations as a Jew. She said I was twice indebted: to her for the blood she had once given me and to Abraham for everything else. She said these debts must be honored. Until they are honored, she said, dying was not within my rights. She said: “You are our only revenge. You are our Hitler. Promises have been made. The dead are watching and must not be disappointed.”
She said the machine will work forever. In America, every part can be replaced. Every vital fluid can be found, everything kept clean. What has been done once can be done again. What has been achieved can be repeated.
She said: “You will die only by an act of will. As long as you are alive, Hitler has lost.” All of these things were encouraging.»
—Donald Moss, “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Man: Psychoanalysis and masculinity” (Chapter 4, page 46)
Nota Bene: You must search for the full title of the book I quote at the bottom, viz. “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Man: Psychoanalysis and masculinity” to get to the search results page and link I mention.
Well, there are two types of White people. White Jews and White Christians.
You tell me which ones are the parasites???
Jews aren’t White.
Most Jews look White to your average Joe Blow so that argument is stupid.
Alot of Jews on TV say they are White unless they get in trouble then they use their Jewish ethnicity as a victim of anti-Semitism.
White Christians have no luxury of ethnic protection even though Christians have been persecuted for thousands of years.
White Christians need to push for protection status just like all other ethnic groups or else these attacks will continue until Christ returns.
The NWO Jews don’t like to be called White because they get lumped in with the Anti-White agenda.
Example, they blame White people for Slavery when in reality White Jews started Slavery not White Christians.
You basically proved my point. People with sallow skin, frizzy hair, dark eyes, and curved noses don’t look White to me. Jow Blow is stupid, and doesn’t even know who is White and who is not. This is why Joe is lost on the fact of jewish media control. Blacks are stupid….they consider jews to be another branch of White. This is how jews count themselves as white when it is to their advantage, and don’t when it is not. If you are White, you should absolutely not be saying that jews are a type of White people. They are a Semitic/Turkic mix at the root.
Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black. It is the Jews who always need us to leech off of. When in the history of time has there ever been a self sufficient kyke state? Oh Israel you say….. BAHA…….. stop making me laugh clown.
Whites have to stop apologizing for being White and when called a racist, take it as a complement.
Jew parasite accuses its gentile hosts of parasitism? Now I’ve heard everything.
My first question to Moss or to any member of the people of the lie who accuses anyone of parasitism: Project much?
A couple of days ago, I saw a sign in front of a church where I live that said: Jesus overturned the tables of the moneychangers. That was all it said. I was so excited to think that they were actually naming the Jew. I really hope so. Let’s get it on a roll folks. I don’t know if they were attempting to name and shame the Jew but I sure hope so.
Almost all doctors are scumbags and by literal definition parasites. Most of them don’t care about your health they just want to make lots of money for themselves and big pharma.
I also don’t care for their savior and their basic bitch morality complex. Don’t even get me started on prescription eligibility and doctors right to deny you treatment The whole rotten system is corrupt