A thread on the folly of the anti-CRT bills and the danger of banning ideas. First, let's get one thing perfectly straight. Not one of the anti-CRT bills I've read bans Critical Race Theory. Not one. So right from the start the public is sold a bill of goods. /1
— David French (@DavidAFrench) June 11, 2021
For example, the conservative legal movement has long litigated to DECREASE state control over the liberty of public employees, contractors and grantees.
— David French (@DavidAFrench) June 11, 2021
The new right is legislating to INCREASE state control. Well, better hope you keep state control. /9 https://t.co/R7eL0zcQEg
University professors, lawyers and post-graduates are High PMC. Public school teachers are Low PMC. Some of these teachers are true believers while others are just doing their jobs like cops. These zealots want the right to “educate” your children to hate themselves for being White, to hate their country and civilization and to sow confusion about sex and gender roles.
“Thousands of teachers and other educators held protests across the U.S. Saturday against the actions of “at least 15 Republican-led states” that aim to restrict teaching about racism in class, the Washington Post reports.
Driving the news: There were demonstrations in at least 22 cities for the “Day of Action” to raise awareness about moves to limit students’ exposure to critical race theory, which links racial discrimination to the nation’s foundations and legal system, per Axios’ Russell Contreras.
Organizers of the Zinn Education Project initiative say they want to send a message that they won’t lie to students about past and present racism in the U.S. …”
After decades of neglecting public education and letting progressives seize control and inject their poison into these institutions, conservatives have finally picked the right target. It remains to be seen whether any of this will stick or whether it will be shot down by the conservative legal movement.
“The backlash is sparking a backlash of its own.
On Saturday, thousands of educators and others gathered virtually and in person at historic locations in more than 20 cities to make clear that they would resist efforts in at least 15 Republican-led states to restrict what teachers can say in class about racism, sexism and oppression in America.
Organized by local educators across the country in association with several social justice organizations, the National Day of Action is meant to raise public awareness about the legislation and to send a message that they will not lie to students about the country’s racist past and present. …
Ever since the May 2020 slaying of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis sparked a national social justice protest movement, many public schools have attempted to introduce and expand lessons on the systemic racism that has existed since the nation’s founding. …
Saturday’s National Day of Action was organized by the Zinn Education Project, a nonprofit group that provides learning materials based on the approach to history highlighted in Howard Zinn’s best-selling book, “A People’s History of the United States,” which emphasizes the role of working people, women, people of color and organized social movements in shaping history. …”
If the entire public education system was defunded or abolished tomorrow and we had to revert to home schooling or private schools, our civilization would be better off than it is now. Ignorance is preferable to having your child indoctrinated in garbage from the Zinn Project.
At the same time, American schools are less and less capable of teaching their students actual basic skills like reading, writing and maths. Yet, they/them-college grads want to expand their bullshit curriculums and trainings in school. They are zealots but also simply a racket.
Home school your kids and have them learn a trade instead of going to college.
How many parents can do that ?
Many with two jobs struggle, just to meet bills.
@Arrian Agreed. Not everyone wants to do manual labor or “trade” as a profession. You can’t learn engineering or other sciences at a high school level, and most parents aren’t capable of teaching it.
We all had the opportunity to at least start home schooling and perhaps keep it up after the lockdowns.
Republicans did not promote that message – their message was “Open up and get back to work and open the schools!”
Another opportunity wasted. So called “conservatives” could not wait to get their kids back into public education indocrination systems or into the arms of daycare workers who whisper sweet CRT into their ears.
Owning the libs. Really?
“Organized by local educators across the country in association with several social justice organizations”
Soros et al.
I’m thinking this is just a big distraction like Brexit. Lots of energy expended and nothing will change other than resisters will be punished. If you have children plan on home schooling. The answer is group home schooling were educated parents take turns teaching the kids. Schools are panicking as their funding is based on enrollment. Keep them that way.
High school chemistry lab can be delayed until college. I feel fortunate to have gone to a high school that offered organic chemistry but it can wait. The math part of chemistry is more important anyway. Physics can be done online. Math is better online.
“The answer is home-schooling.” Until that becomes illegal like in some European countries and Sweden.
The Public School System is infested with WHITE GENOCIDE curriculum…
Has been, for about 5 decades and ever increasing.
Everything we are experiencing has been dribbled in over 120 years. Now that they are nervous they are lead footing the accelerator.
The thing that angers me, viscerally, about these “protests” is that AS WE ALL WELL KNOW, the average, normal, day-to-day teacher in small town fly-over country does not want to teach this nonsense. Neither do the school administrators. Yet, they also know that if they come out and actively protest CRT (as in, publicly denouncing CRT and supporting the initiatives to ban it) that they will be the next victims of cancel culture. None of these ordinary “3 Rs” type teachers want to lose their jobs or be smeared in the press, so they remain silent. I’d even wager that there are tens of thousands of POC teachers across the country who have an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of their stomach at the idea of teaching white kids to hate themselves and teaching the POC students to hate the while kids and their families.
This is a perfect example of just how powerful the PRESS and institutional academia is in this country, and how they have complete control over the narrative, simply by having complete control over the “National mood” and public discourse.
This small group of vocal activists they are advertising in this article do not represent the vast majority of educators across the country. Therefore they shouldn’t be allowed this disproportionate and biased press coverage. Yet the MSM will amplify their voice and offer the illusion that they are the “brave” educators who are “risking” their reputations to speak for the “unheard” who would otherwise be joining them in a loud chorus of harmonic agreement over this issue if it weren’t for “systemic racism” and “the patriarchy” striking fear into them and shutting them up.
It’s entirely laughable and insane.
“It’s entirely laughable and insane.”
Yeah, that pretty well sums up the state of this country.
The reason we are leaving this movement is because no one really gets back to what matters. These distractions have us losing.
We will Vote for whoever gives us opportunities for Land and Soil.
” had to revert to home schooling or private schools”
Now there’s a slogan with some substance to it.
Americas academic achievement is the lowest of any major industrial power. Kids graduate without any viable skills for trade. At least teach some trades.
CRT is more mental clutter to clog the minds of gentiles, besides being a toxic concept.
Teachers are obsolete (also libtarded),
It’s time to move to e-learning and professional video tutors.
To teachers, go get a real job, that matches your qualifications, walmart is hiring.
Reform public education.
Give parents vouchers. Let them become informed consumers and choose where their kids go to school. Let those who want their children to learn how blacks flew around pyramids, all 86 genders, the newest pronouns and finger painting be free to send their kids to schools that teach those subjects. Let parents who want their children to learn grammar, chemistry, physics, algebra and biology be free to send their kids to schools that teach those subjects.
Let these stupid evil people get openly pushing this go public. It makes it much easier to know who to resist. Even many progressive parents hate this ideology. Also, all people, picking fights with parents is the dumbest thing of all. After how stupid educators acted during the coronavirus, they lost a lot of cred with parents.
“perfect example of just how powerful the PRESS and institutional academia is”
Again, the urgent need for WHITE MEDIA.
“It’s entirely laughable and insane.”
NO, it’s tragic.
Instead of CRT, we need to teach CJF, …… CRITICAL JEW FACTS.
Teachers are professional child abusers. They ought to be prosecuted and given life sentences in the gulags.
WHO pays for WHAT the colleges are teaching? There is an obvious agenda here, it’s not a disconnect.
You are paying for it indirectly.
How it works:
Wealthy people give tax deductible donations to the colleges, to avoid paying tax to the government, who otherwise could have used that money for things like infrastructure, health, defense, etc. The colleges then use that money for political purposes. They brainwash impressionable young people with anti-White politics, instead of teaching them job related skills. Using government funding for political puposes is tax fraud. If you or I did it, we would be prosecuted. If ordinary people committed tax fraud on the same level as the universities, they would have to pay all of the money back, they could even be sent to prison.
It’s an earned privilege won by the blood of our white ancestors.
I am telling you all this stuff emanates from the Jew hatred of Christ. This is the hate that needs to shoved right in the Jews faces and in the face of fat bitch Heidi Beirich too.
The public school system is jew run Marxist anti White indoctrination centers.
Schools hate true scholars and smart students. They want everyone as stupid as their favorites.
Politicians especially the conservatives are totally worthless in this struggle. They actually want these violent radicals to survive and “keep the scare on” so these fat cat conservatives can keep receiving lots of money by duping their followers in the false hope that they are actually going to do something to get rid of all these anti-White Marxist/Communist/Anarchist/etc radicals.
Pence could have stopped these insane decadent sjws from ever coming to power and after Pence failed Trump could have declared martial law and wiped them out … but the political games continue…
Christ is coming to rule as a KING (a King of kings and not some lying politician) and until then we need a blood and soil king who actually loves our white citizens and wants the best for them and not these bloated “out-of-state” anti-White, anti-South, “carpetbagger”, do-nothing money-hungry politicians who are just after making profit off people’s frustrations and fears. And the Left is even much much worse.
Our beginning was Jamestown in the South and it was founded BEFORE 1619. Some of us are descended from these settlers who were here BEFORE 1619. Actually 1619 was the year of the first Thanksgiving (not the Yankee version of Thanksgiving that most keep today) and it involved actual prayer and not food. This is a country founded by White people from Europe — so just get over it you anti-White communist liars and get lost!
Secede now!
May God Save the South!
The South is Gone. Let’s stop the cheerleading. Our boys are still racialists but there is no where to go.
Proximity, while we were whining about liberals.