Played out https://t.co/mpFSo5M78l
— Occidental Dissent (@DissentOcc) July 14, 2021
Elie Mystal is the personification of the whining professional black. See also the world’s biggest victims which is a list that includes Jussie Smollett, Bubba Wallace, Oprah Winfrey, Charles Blow, Don Lemon, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ibram X. Kendi, Joy Reid and the Rev. Al Sharpton.
“It now appears likely that I will be part of the first generation of Black people to do worse than my parents and leave a crueler world for my children than the one I inherited. …
Thanks to their efforts, my generation was born into more opportunity than any generation of Black folks in the history of the New World. We haven’t squandered it. My Black generation has enjoyed unprecedented social and cultural influence. Some of us have achieved wild economic success. We even got to see the very first Black president …
My Black generation is doing everything we can think of to stop this. Our activists have used every tool available to start entire movements, like Black Lives Matter, to halt this onslaught of white rage. Our thinkers and writers are on fire: People like Nikole Hannah-Jones, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Michelle Alexander, and so many others, are producing the works that leave the white supremacists so unable to compete in the marketplace of ideas that their only resort is to try to ban these Black intellectuals from the marketplace. Black voting power is so strong and energized that white Republicans have decided to turn their backs on democracy all together. We are fighting.
But we are also losing, primarily because the mass of white Americans has become inured to shame. Just look at where we are with police brutality. The pervasiveness of the camera phone has, finally, shown white people the police brutality Black people have always endured. White people now can see with their own eyes what really happens when we are stopped for “driving while Black.” They can assess with moving pictures the difference in how police respond to groups of Black protesters versus how they respond to mobs of white insurrectionists.
But white people still have a stranglehold on national political power in this country, and they are unmoved. Despite all the protest and activism my generation can muster, despite the occasional big speech from a Democratic president, there is no bevy of new civil rights legislation. …”
*checks notes*
Elie Mystal has never been a slave.
Elie Mystal has never lived under segregation.
Every institution in the country including the Southern Baptist Convention throws itself at the feet and grovels before blacks like Elie Mystal.
Trillions of dollars in wealth has been transferred to blacks like Elie Mystal.
“Racism” is held to be a greater sin than murder or adultery in this country.
Blackness works to the advantage of people like Elie Mystal on their resume.
Never before in all of world history has any group of blacks ever been better off or held in greater esteem and social status than Elie Mystal’s generation which is put up on a pedestal.
Systematic racism exists … AGAINST Whites.
Institutional racism exists … AGAINST Whites.
The Big Lie in this country is that the system is oppressing blacks.
“Journalists” give blacks like Elie Mystal nothing but good press and cover up everything they do that makes them look bad like racially motivated hate crimes.
What have they done after reaching the pinnacle of social prestige? They have whined and sulked. They have come to take their current status for granted. The world won’t always revolve around their ilk.
Note: Even if we grant that blacks are entitled to equal rights, they already have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They are entitled to nothing else. They do not deserve to be treated better than anyone else.
Africans only exist in the U.S. because of deliberate importation (and domestic breeding) for profit-making business enterprise. This is the inevitable long-term result of what long-dead people chose to do for their short term personal advantage (people live and die in the short term). The U.S. is a cosmopolitan, now global. business enterprise not a real, natural, ethnically- (or even racially) homogeneous country. That is the fundamental fact and reality.
Shlomo knew exactly what he was doing when he imported slaves to the US.
No point in crying over spilt milk or using “long-dead people” as a justification for destruction of the White race. Unless, of course, you’re Anti-White.
Why doesn’t that fat coon just go away, he’s embarrassing himself. He has it better than most Whites in this nation because everyone from the media to the govt pander to their every whim.
“Our thinkers and writers are on fire: People like Nikole Hannah-Jones, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Michelle Alexander, and so many others, are producing the works that leave the white supremacists so unable to compete in the marketplace of ideas that their only resort is to try to BAN these Black intellectuals from the marketplace.”
Oh yeah: it’s these geenyus commie coons who’re getting banned from the internet, the jewniversities & televitz; they’re the ones getting financially destroyed for daring to criticize Mr. Charlie.
What a liar this nigger hog is.
They always give the same speech:
“I’m blackety, blackety, black. I’m blackety, blackety, black. I’m blackety, blackety, blackety, blackety, blackety, blackety, blackety, black”.
They have no thoughts, they have nothing to say, they are an empty vessel which makes the loudest noise when struck. The best of them are barely literate but they are good at mimicry. They are followers led around by the nose by people even worse than them, The Usual Suspects, and they are too stupid to even know it.
The blackety, blackety, blacks are the least interesting, most unoriginal, complaining, whining people in the world. No one would pay any attention to them were it not for the fact that they are useful idiots in the more than century old war against White people.
Stratospheric egomaniacal self-esteem based on nothing but running, hopping & rap mumblings. A race of literal retarded savages who actually imagine that they set the standard for deep thought. Remember that old Damon Wayans character of the nigger “intellectual” jailbird who spouted big words he had no understanding of in hilarious gibberish?
His father Elie Mystal Senior was a racist.
In March 2007, another county legislator, Elie Mystal, said of Latino day laborers looking for work, “If I’m living in a neighborhood and people are gathering like that, I would load my gun and start shooting, period.”
It is easier to see the faults in others than it is in ourselves or our dads.
Self-awareness, as we have long known, does not figure into the negro’s standard package of character traits.
Along with a dozen other human attributes.
No one knows the full extent that black antagonism drags down our society.
The stress, diversion and waste of resources have a terrible ‘undermining’ effect on this nation. In the race of civilization, we are chained and shackled.
““It now appears likely that I will be part of the first generation of Black people to do worse than my parents and leave a crueler world for my children than the one I inherited. …”
I guess we ALREADY have EQUITY.
What is being peddled, therefore, via CRT, and BLM, is JEWISH SLAVERY to TALMUDDIED Minds, who think they are SUPREME above us all. [NOT!]
DttJWO. (figure it out)
The spectacular failure of the three black England players in the Euros penalty shootout and the subsequent diversion of attention onto their ridicule is the best counter example imaginable. The players were handed immortal glory on a silver plate but still managed to drop it with a loud and cringy clatter. Yet everyone must pretend they didn’t see what they saw.
Re the Liberal Larry translates biden video – Now, THAT was hilarious!
They should fear a “Whitelash”. They’re in large part responsible for it. My only question: When is it going to happen?
““I’m blackety, blackety, black. I’m blackety, blackety, black. I’m blackety, blackety, blackety, blackety, blackety, blackety, blackety, black”.”
Reminds me of this scene from CB4. Chris Rock has been accused of minstrelsy a few times if memory serves. Lol.