Poll: Americans Are Deeply Divided Over “Trans Athletes”

“Trans” is one of the many issues on which progressive activists have dragged Joe Biden and the Democrats out onto dangerous cultural terrain.


Note: Fortunately for them, Republican politicians are unable to look at these numbers and capitalize on the issue.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I think it is hilarious so yeah, I approve. Disrupting wahmens spaces has never been so easy or amusing. A really good reason to home school too.

  2. I have to agree with KT-88. Women, the foot soldier of the JEW, supported this shit back when they thought it was merely an attack on white men. So comeuppance is a bitch with a #6 nose. Enjoy, cunts. And yes, private school can’t be trusted, particularly as the school gets larger or you approach high school. Home school your kids all the way.

    • “Women, the foot soldier of the JEW, supported this shit back when they thought it was merely an attack on white men.”

      You assign all kinds of intellectual motivations to this when in fact it was all just “daddy hate” by wild girls. Lots of white women also voted for Trump. The problem is along with letting blacks vote all the Fake Americans imported since Hart Cellar steal the political voice of the real American nation.

    • The cancer was far more developed in the 90s out in Oregon when I moved there than it was in the midwest. Growing up the high schools in Illinois were like those in a John Hughes movie, and the girls who got knocked up vanished and were whispered about by virtually all the other kids in a very disapproving manner. When I went to Oregon in the late 90s I was surprised to encounter already by that early date multi-generational white fatherless households. They even had the gall at work to give baby showers to women knocked up with bastards. I noticed there generally was a “California” origin to these families as well. The hippie thing was spreading outwards of San Francisco since the 60s like a slime mold.

  3. The above commenters (@KT-77 and metrosucks) are prime examples of the supremely childish, foul-spirited, potty-mouthed, profanity-loving, woman-hating males who never become men. Midgets in all aspects, they embody the weakest link in the White race: those male-in-name-only degenerates who are the real cause of the disintegration of the traditional family structure.

    Incapable of fulfilling their biological imperative to lead their wives and their families – or anyone, or anything, for that matter – this is type of male who pursues their childish interests, such as gaming or sportsball, and impotently blame everyone and everything EXCEPT themselves for the state of our race. The males who proceeded them in the generational timeline, were at least capable of attracting a mate. Lacking in any ability to exert leadership and masculine authority, this was the type of male who would abandon the woman he married for the first whore that seduced him. Those who did not abandon their wives and children, attempted to exert some power by behaving as petty tyrants in their own homes. I was around in the good old days – I saw it happen to the mothers of children I grew up with.

    Healthy women FLED from this type of domesticity; mistakenly in pursuit of fulfillment in the worlds of commerce and education, where their suggestible and vain natures were soon exploited, and then ruined. Ironically, the growth-stunted male-boy hates White women – who are his natural complement – the more magical agency his fantasies endow her with…. Somehow, these women today are all-powerful; super agents of the destiny of the White race, rivaled only in imagination by one of the other forces that easily defeated these males – Jewish power and influence.

    If the two of you want to know what’s really behind the destruction of White women, look in the mirror.

  4. “The above commenters (@KT-77 and metrosucks) are prime examples of the supremely childish, foul-spirited, potty-mouthed, profanity-loving, woman-hating males who never become men. Midgets in all aspects, they embody the weakest link in the White race: those male-in-name-only degenerates who are the real cause of the disintegration of the traditional family structure.”

    OK Boomer. That’s so rich I don’t know where to start. Men are those that take orders from you? Be a man! listen to me! I know you better than you know yourself. I have a boomer mother.

  5. Trannies are overall going to be beneficial, because they will push women out of things like sports, employment, and education. There isn’t really any area where women can outcompete men, even mentally ill men who wear dresses and take female hormones. And in the end, trannies are less socially damaging than feminism is.

    The TERFs are right that tranny ideology threatens to reverse many of the “gains” of feminism, but that’s a good thing.

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  1. Poll: Joe Biden’s Policies Are Blamed For Inflation – Occidental Dissent
  2. American Medical Association: Remove Sex From Public Birth Certificates – Occidental Dissent

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