New Rising: CDC Reverses On Masks, Legacy Media Jumps Back To COVID Panic Porn Desperate For Views

The big ask here is for vaccinated people to wear masks because vaccinated people can shed the virus and spread the Delta variant of COVID to the unvaccinated.

The political play here which was telegraphed last week by David Frum and Brian Stelter who were pushing the narrative before the CDC changed its guidance on wearing masks is that “Vaccinated America Has Had Enough.” The New York Times is also pushing the narrative that “Vaccinated America Is Angry.” The goal is to polarize the electorate along the lines of vaccinated vs. anti-vaxxers and stir up resentment among the vaccinated to help the Democrats in the midterms. They have nothing else to run on except the “January 6th insurrection” show which no one but shitlibs cares about.

It is important to be aware of the fact that the “vaccinated” are two distinct groups of people. There are shitlibs who have distinct cultural views on literally everything and who were disappointed that life was returning to normal and normal Americans who have been vaccinated who aren’t ideological about the issue and who got vaccinated to move on with their lives and try to help others. Now those people are being told that they have to start wearing masks again to piss them off for purely political reasons. The virus hasn’t suddenly become more lethal over the past two months.

What has changed over the last two months? It is Joe Biden’s sagging approval rating on virtually every issue except withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. For the most part it’s still nogs in large cities. They want to blame hayseeds and yokels for this problem but the reality is urban areas will start suffering again when the weather turns.

  2. Your graph of daily deaths is inaccurate in that the first wave in 2020 was actually higher and the peak came earlier than shown, because testing was still not being done or was not widely available.

    However the graph trajectory of infections and deaths in many un-vaccinated and almost un-vaccinated foreign countries is the reverse of the U.S.’s falling slope. Infections and deaths are still rising to a new, higher peak in un-vaccinated countries now, in mid-2021, due to the extremely transmissible Delta strain that cannot be contained by masking and other simple public hygiene measures.

    • I looked at that data set. It shows Blacks are slightly behind Whites and Hispanics but they are catching up now on their share of vaccinations; Asians have been way ahead; and Whites ARE a problem in some states (such as Tennessee) where they have less than their share and unlike Blacks they are not catching up to the other groups. And you can guess why: The anti-vax conspiracy theory idiocy!

      • If you are reading this, avoid the groid, they bring the plague. Anon can’t do quantitative reasoning.

      • You are misrepresenting the information Schlomo

        “Overall, across these 40 states, the percent of White people who have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose (48%) was roughly 1.3 times higher than the rate for Black people (36%) and 1.2 times higher than the rate for Hispanic people (41%) as of July 19, 2021.”

        Antivaxx is a black problem. One that left wingers can’t own up to. These are not slight lags they are systemic problems with blacks. It’s seen in Europe too.

  3. Republican Panic Porn: CDC Director Now Says ‘New Data’ Shows Breakthrough Cases in Vaccinated People Can Spread as Much Virus as Unvaccinated. —NBC

  4. I bet one of the reasons the government and the media are making such a big deal out of COVID is the fact that the LGBTQ are high risk because of their weakened immune systems and lifestyle.

    • If you have HIV you are a queer Hero if you catch a cold you are Hitler.

  5. Like I said on another post, they’re going to milk this for all they can because they know the people have become totally submissive and will do what ever they’re told.

    • The idiots who watch the mainstream news are getting crazier. I had someone go off on me in a waiting room, some other patient, and I wasn’t even talking to her. The front desk asked me if I had the vaccine, and I said no. So this lady gets up and starts yelling in my face about “You’ll be dead!! At least I won’t be dead!!”. Told her to mind her own business.

      It just might be the other way around, lady.

  6. The new socialist government of Peru will be doing the exact opposite of the healthcare cost-cutting and school-reopening Biden administration: Peru will not resume face-to-face public schooling until the beginnng of next year, and then with mandatory universal vaccination and all possible safeguards in place; the Peruvian people’s health will now be a first concern, the new President Pedro Castillo said in his inaugural speech today: “Physical and mental health will be a priority during my government, and I will strengthen hospital care. At the end of my term, I will have delivered a hospital to each region of the country.” What a contrast with the do-nothing, privatization of healthcare policy of the defeated fascist Fujimori admnistration!

    After winning the election handily, and a three-months-long post-election struggle with the U.S. and U.S.-supported opposition tactics to overturn the results or delay him assuming office, Pedro Castillo finally became Presdient of Peru today. This is the first time Peru has had an indigenous peasant, and a socialist President. The U.S. may be losing control of Peru and much of Latin America. Socialism is coming back in Ecuador and Brazil if the people can have their way. President Obrador of Mexico has just suggested replacing the U.S.-run OAS (Organization of American States) with an new Latin American union free of U.S. influence.

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