Poll: Americans Agree Country Living Is Better Than Urban and Suburban Living

Even more than race, I am convinced it is living in a suburb or a big city that drives people insane and transforms them into shitlib degenerates. This is obvious from the polling data across all Western countries. The “far right” is concentrated in rural areas and small towns.

Yahoo News:

“Fewer than one in five Americans live in a rural area these days, but far more would like to. When asked what type of community they would prefer to live in if they could live any place they wished, nearly half of Americans pick the country — far ahead of either the suburbs or a city.

Most people who live in small towns and rural areas seem to like where they live: 52% would continue to live in a rural area if they could live any place they wished. But nearly half of suburbanites would also prefer to live to live in the country, compared to just 22% who would prefer to live in a city. City dwellers are more divided, but the country is their top place to live, too. …”

Life is terrible here.

You don’t want to move here.

CLNS Media Network:

You Will Have More Space

Long gone will be the days of being cooped up in a city apartment. Experience all that the countryside has to offer. It is estimated around ninety-seven percent of the landmass occupied by the United States is considered rural. Expect to have ample space.

Looking for a location more picturesque? Dreamt of raising livestock or owning lots of animals but have never had the space? Rural America is the solution. You can grow your own crops too; not something that is doable in bustling cities abundant with skyscrapers! 

Cheaper Cost of Living

Cities are expensive; there is no doubt about this. Housing is cheaper in rural areas. There is a higher percentage of homeowners in these areas. Swap renting a property in a city by purchasing one instead. Get more for your money by exploring the options available. 

When buying a rural property, use a USDA loan from reputable companies like The Home Loan Expert to do just that. Ideal if you do not have a lot of wealth to your name; get yourself on the housing ladder with zero-down-payment mortgages like these. 

Quieter Pace of Life

Rural America is not just for retirees or those with families. Rural neighborhoods are quieter and have less pollution than cities. Fewer cars on the roads mean fewer carbon emissions being produced. 

Feel safer with lower crime levels; with fewer people around you, you are less likely to fall victim to crimes associated with living in a city. There is also a higher percentage of police officers per capita. 

Remote working opportunities enable office workers the chance to move out of cities. Nearly half of all US adults expressed an interest in living in a smaller town or rural area following the pandemic. Get ahead of the crowd and explore housing options sooner rather than later. …”

COVID has made it easier to work remotely.

It was jobs and shopping that attracted so many people to the suburbs. As work and commerce moves online, it makes less and less sense to live in one of these places.

Note: Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen has a simple rule in life for men. Don’t live where you can’t walk outside and piss.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Americans Agree Country Living Is Better Than Urban”

    Just the opposite of 100 yrs. ago, then ppl couldn’t wait to get off the farm.

    Wonder if ‘integration’ and ‘diversity’ have anything to do with this?

      • Any place where the nearest Catholic church is at least 5 to 15 miles away is a pretty good place to live. You won’t have ethnic Catholic politicians trying to raise your taxes, or passing stupid annoying laws to accomodate non-Whites.

  2. ” jobs and shopping that attracted so many people to the suburbs. ”

    Not exactly. They were drawn to cities, then ‘integration’ pushed them to suburbs.
    Now, they are moving to exurbs.

    ” Don’t live where you can’t walk outside and piss.”
    Hey, for blacks and browns, that’s the front door of any business, urban or otherwis3.
    I’ve seen it, many times.

    • I agree “exurbs” is a more accurate term than “country” or “rural.” Truly rural “open” living space is becoming extremely rare, with the U.S.’s exploding population approaching 400 million people (including all the undocumented), already surpassing Indonesia and soon to rival India for overpopulation.

      What all these millions of urban-suburbanites are really moving to are the EXURBS, where they continue their rootless cosmopolitan “culture.”

      The upper class tends to own both city houses AND country houses, at least one of each, and beach houses, mountain houses, and overseas houses, while millions of the poor are now homeless. Owning land or owning a farm has become even more of a status symbol as per capita living space shrinks, traditional family farms disappear and corporate GMO cash crop plantations metastisize. “Woe to you who add house to house and join field to field till no space is left” Isaiah 5:8

      “Was the earth made to preserve a few covetous, proud men to live at ease, and for them to bag and barn up the treasures of the Earth from others, that these may beg or starve in a fruitful land; or was it made to preserve all her children?” Gerrard Winstanley

      • Maybe in the East. The Northwest is wide open. You need to keep a full tank of gas when possible because you can easily go 100 miles without a gas station in many places.

      • “Owning land or owning a farm has become even more of a status symbol as per capita living space shrinks, traditional family farms disappear”

        I absolutely agree.
        No one should be allowed to own more farmland than their family can farm.
        Megafarms are too dangerous, too much concentration of power.

        It’s the new barony.

        • Some people lease the land to farmers, who farm it. As long as it’s white, it’s a good idea.

          I think most people would love to live in a rural area, but most jobs are in the cities. Very few jobs in rural areas. But look at Honda, they built a plant long ago, in Marysville, Ohio, a bedroom community outside of Columbus. More rural than anywhere in Columbus.

  3. I decided long ago that I wouldn’t live anywhere where I couldn’t see cows. No cows, too many people. Lots of cows here! I grew up in open range country in Arizona, and now live in the Ozarks of Missouri. My motto, “less people more cows!” Cows usually smarter too….

  4. There’s no such thing as country living. Sure, people in the US can live in the country, but they’re living a suburban lifestyle, they depend on stores, deliveries, and above all, cars for essentials. I doubt anyone lives entirely independent, with subsistence agriculture. The last Californian Indian died around 1909, I think: the last hunter and gatherer, the last country liver in the US. Whenever I see ranchers living in the “country” in the media, they are so obviously wealthy, yet they cry about how the feds are targeting them. They might have a rapport with large animals, they might know how to fix fences, but they are wealthy suburbanites to the core. It’s larping. Read the great American novel The Power of the Dog, by Thomas Savage, about a Western ranching family, to see what I’m talking about.

  5. My family originally came from NYC but also had a small house located in the foothills of the White Mountains in northern New Hampshire. Covered bridges, a small white wooden church in the town square, a general store that dates from 1832, a forest that turns bright red, yellow and orange during the fall…..you’d be hard pressed to find a more rural or picturesque location. At night the only light came from a neighboring spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Our closest neighbor was over a mile away. They lived in a large yellow farm house that had been in their family since before the French and Indian War. In fact their house was briefly on the front lines of that conflict! And our town was well over 90% white. In fact its population and demographics were almost identical to what they were in 1790!

    But that was not for me. I prefer places like Boca Raton and Huntington Beach. But I don’t think I’ll ever become too liberal or decadent!

  6. Well, it’s a welcome change from 25 years ago when all the college kids in the midwest just couldn’t wait to move to crowded, no parking space for your car, expensive Wrigleyville neighborhood in Chicago. I can’t stand not being able to get in the car and in 5 minutes be out in the middle of nowhere.

    One group that LOVES urban living are all the Chinese I run into, these idiots don’t really get America, they go move right into the urban jungles full of violent black youths and drug addled, mentally ill street people and wonder why they get beat up on the street.

  7. “Don’t live where you can’t walk outside and piss.”

    More Scythian wisdom.

    I love that Hank Williams, Jr., video, especially the part where the good ol’ boys use their honest, god-fearin’, outside-pissin’ cipherin’ to construct a digital communications network that enables the (((recording industry))) to make billions by flattering bumpkins with that slop.

    • I agree with you about the rank (total, and stinking) hypocrisy of the “COUNTRY” (impies rural, authentic rooted-in-the-soil people) music, commercial products and advertising industry, and how bad the music is, but not with your position of urban landlordism.

      Hunter says that “Even more than race (…) living in a suburb or a big city that drives people insane and transforms them into (liberal) degenerates.” I think it is lack of natural contact with the soil and settled community rooted to the soil – and the “love” of the soil and lifelong agrarian labour (“by the sweat of thy brow thou shall eat bread until thou return to the soil” the Scripture says) – that allows people to worship money instead of God, and run the urban-suburban-exurban rat race to get ahead of others and “do it to others before others do it to you.”

      As an urban landlord in a major city (“City of Brotherly Love” with high rents, homelessness, and extreme inequality of housing) you may have some appreciation of large and impressive houses. (For a truly rural man, the purpose of life is outdoors, a house and barn or shed are merely shelter from rain and snow, and should be kept minimal.) This essay on Obama’s mansions – “Houses of dead and crooked souls” – is excellent:


      • To be honest, I don’t what “landlordism” is. I have little familiarity with or understanding of that kind of—what is it? Marxist?—term, jargon, whatever it is.

        How you’ve concluded I’m an urban landlord is unclear to me; but aside from small items such as the computer on which I’m typing this, the only property to which I have title is my car. I suppose I could rent out the passenger seats.

        Were I truly appreciative of large and impressive homes, I’d think myself lucky, indeed, but I’m afraid such aesthesia is another thing of which I’m not possessed. Many years ago, I spent an evening or two in the middle-class Harrisburg PA house of a man who was a paperhanger by trade and who, on his coffee table, had, well, a coffee-table book about the mansions of—Newport, was it? That’s in Rhode Island, I guess, but I’m too ignorant to know for sure. Non-Aryan that I am, I could only envy him his Aryan sensitivity to their splendor. (If you’re the same Marxist “anonymous” with whom I exchanged comments here, some months ago, about Aryans in Central Asia, then you’ve concluded not only that I’m an urban landlord but that I’m an Aryan, as I gather from your having used the word “we” when you were speaking of Aryans in one of your comments addressed to me at that time.)

        If I’m correctly recalling something I read decades ago in a brief history of the Medici family, then one of the Renaissance artists—Donatello, was it?—was given fancy clothes and, maybe, a fancy apartment by one of the Medici, who enjoyed and admired his work; but he, the artist, fell into his old way of dressing and living. The life his patron had tried to provide him simply wasn’t for him; the splendor he helped create for the lives and homes of others was not for him to live.

        “For a truly rural man, the purpose of life is outdoors, a house and barn or shed are merely shelter from rain and snow, and should be kept minimal,” you say. Maybe that’s accurate. I have nothing in common with such persons and, thus, really don’t know. I try to be polite and kind to them, as I try to be polite and kind to everyone; and I hope to be treated politely and kindly by them, as I usually have been. I would characterize them scornfully as “bumpkins,” as I did in my original comment, above, only in reaction to blog posts like the present one, in which Mr. W., our host, attempts, as he often does, to deny dignity to the urban life, which simply is not for him. I’m pretty much a bumpkin myself, for that matter.

        I will be blunt: I have nothing at all in common with Marxists and found nothing of value in the article you linked.

        • Thanks for clarifying. I remembered you had seemed to defend rental property ownership and rents. Your comments are clear and intelligent, always worth reading.

          • I don’t recall what I might have said about rental property ownership and rents, but yes, I would defend them—or at least not oppose them.

  8. Anyplace that has a low population of people is a good place, especially if your neighbors can’t be seen.

  9. When I moved to a different department/job a few years ago that was exclusively a work from home position, I immediately started looking for a rural place to move to. I grew up and lived in the Chicago land area my entire life. No need to say more.

    For comparison, the suburb I moved from was roughly 2 sq. miles with 14,000 people. The county I now live in is around 1300 sq. miles but only has 5700 people. For that matter, Crook County (Cook County – the Illinois county in which Chicago resides) is only 945 sq. miles but has 5.3 million people. The move was one of the best decisions I ever made.

  10. As an unfortunate city dweller I can confirm that every White person here who is on the right or even a moderate is starting to realize the country lifestyle is better. I always wanted to move back to the Southland and live in my ancestral homeland. I was thinking of relocating to Arkansas Alabama Mississippi or Tennessee.

  11. My realtor friend here in WVa says a lot of NYC kikes are buying property here in WVa for when TSHTF – of course they buy it sight unseen and don’t realize a lot of the land here is accessible only by mountain goat – we get a good laugh out of it – he’s racist af like me.

    • WVa is one of the best states in the country with great people, I have been there many times. I am familiar with the background of your story and it gave me a good laugh. Self reliance isn’t part of the creed of those people else they wouldn’t be living in NYC.

      They believe they will be able to pay the locals, for whom they have nothing but disdain to do what ever they want and therefor maintain a gilded life in the mountains. They are waiting to swoop down like modern carpetbaggers and buy the wreckage of the country for pennies on the dollar after the dust settles. They have, more than any other group – and there is stiff competition here, much of the work to ruin the country. They intend to grow fatter off the ruin.

  12. It’s always ironic how these ‘enviromentalist’ shitlibs always reside in the most built up inner city areas imaginable……..and know nothing about the countryside. It’s another dimension to their hypocrisy in general.
    They pretend to support green causes……..whilst advocating for half of the third world to invade our nations, which will inevitably create the need for more roads, buildings, infrastructure, pollution, etc.
    I’ve always been consistent:- I’m an environmental leftist, but a social Conservative.
    I know a degenerate leftist who supports green issues, the cousin of a friend of a friend………but hates visiting places that are actually green. Too quiet, he says…….
    Being in the country is great, provided theres access to essential services and social activities. I live near a medium sized town.

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