I noticed that cool guy Anand Giridharadas was subbing for Mehdi Hasan on his show. Cool Guy Anand is most famous for his essay in The Atlantic that Joe Biden is FDR and that we are at the dawn of a new progressive era. Now that we are in November, we can see the take hasn’t aged well. I had a lot of fun ridiculing cool guy Anand back in the spring. I also called Joe Biden’s peak.
Note: I like to watch these people and share these clips here because they amuse me. Just look at this utterly alien and out of touch urbanite bugman. This is the face that progressives show the country on television.
Why is Anand in this country. Hearing him even say “white” in reference to us is angering. If blacks and Jews telling us what to do wasnt bad enough, we have to add weird Hindus whose opinion about FDR or anything else in this country they can only pretend to actually know or care about. Indians didn’t like the Brits meddling in their country and they don’t like to hear admonishments about their treatment of Muslims. Why not take their own advice and stay out of others politics and countries.
Street-shitters don’t care about consistency & fairness; like all hyper-aggressive mud monkeys, they only care about the fact that they hate Whitey, and now that they’re here, they can express that hatred politically, right in our own country,
They think we’re all pushovers, even their shitlib race traitor “allies”: see how he smirked down on them for earnestly reading the (((CRT))) books as they sip “Sauvignon Blanc”.
The only response to these scum is to stand up to them.
Don’t know it he was being sarcastic or literal but sauvignon means “wild vine” in French, not saviour. Another language tip for this smug asshole: Anand Giridharadas, Mehdi Hasan and all the rest of those vile, crazy names translate into: filthy wogs who need to go back to their shithole countries immediately and STFU.
Another tip for this smug prick and the rest of his Indian (dot, not feather) cousins: China has big territorial designs upon his shithole country. They are laying claim to thousands of square miles of land along their mutual border. India is counting upon the U.S. to fight against China if India is attacked. With the condition the U.S. is in and the direction of national failure the U.S. is headed that is not a good bet to place.
Welcome, @ ¡Jeb! I knew you’d be here sooner or later..
@ Too croak, or not too croak, that’s what they should ask themselves, then do it.
Yes and yes again.
The US Surgeon General has that same alien look and the same bugman mannerisms. Is it any wonder that people are reluctant to trust someone like that who seems hostile to them?