If you watched Chuck Todd and the shows this weekend, you may have noticed that these people were talking down Joe Biden again, pushing “far right” narratives about his collapsing poll numbers and contributing to the murder of American democracy. It was disgusting.

That encircled map has my parents and Grandfather straight in the eye of the tornado with myself included because I cant leave them. Growing up you never really thought about being in a blue state because your surrounding neighborhoods in the suburbs were red strongholds. There would be the occasional school bussing programs which never worked out well for the black and brown kids because the Italian, Irish and Dutch kids and their parents made no doubt about their views.
It seemed to be this way forever and then fifteen years ago all those decades of stability just crumbled. Where there was no crime now you started hearing about breakins and robberies. Now after school you see caravans of rowdy black and brown teens loudly marching through the neighborhoods to get back to theirs with fights breaking out every week. Neighbors are afraid to yell at them or pull out the garden hoses as they once did for fear of being labeled racists. Communinty board meetings and neighborhood events no longer exist because of the major influx of Indians and Pakistanis who want nothing to do with the old timers and whities. The question I always ask is when do people stop fleeing. At what point to people make a stand. No one is talking breaking the law or violence just the courage to stand up for themselves and their people
Even with the taking over of the much milder Omicron variant, 45% of Democrat voters still want the un-vaccinated put into concentration camps:
We are going to transition into climate change hysteria in the spring. Biden should be able to recover. The Irish love the green new deal, because of the color.
When your own openly turn on you your days are numbered.
Biden should not be President because he is mentally impaired and getting worse. Than again, he isn’t running anything his (((controllers))) are
Ron Klain is the Jared Kushner of “Biden’s administration.”
One parting thought. Kabala Ha’aretz, the erstwhile Veep…. is 10x worse.
Better a senile old White Man, than the bitch from hell, #2. (Hitlery was #1 in that slot).
Just wait until the 2022 elections…. just a little longer…. line upon line, precept upon precept.
Don’t think that Harris, itself, wouldn’t mandate FEMA camps for the purebloods, and martial law.
She married a Kike, didn’t she? What worse state of existence could one have? Well, sodomite rule… but we already have that, all over the place, yes?
Sodomy and their free reign in any society is the mark of a civilization about to collapse into anarchy…. one need only say two words to confirm that fact: Sodom and Gomorrah.
Or the rise of Christendom/God’s Israel, and the reign of Biblical law.
“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one…..”.
“I am arguing that the evangelical testimony of historical sanctions that was available to the nations round about ancient Israel is still in operation. [Deut. 28)….. Christian Reconstructionists assert that this covenantal tool of evangelism is still operating, and that it still impresses lost sinners” [and that] …they will inevitably be confronted with the reality of God’s sanctions in history. They cannot escape it.” – Political Polytheism, 146-7.