Just in—
— Zach Everson (@Z_Everson) January 19, 2022
Jan. 6 Select Committee Subpoenas Nicholas J. Fuentes & Patrick Casey pic.twitter.com/k26YvBsD0G
They are all a bunch of goon marchers!
Just in—
— Zach Everson (@Z_Everson) January 19, 2022
Jan. 6 Select Committee Subpoenas Nicholas J. Fuentes & Patrick Casey pic.twitter.com/k26YvBsD0G
They are all a bunch of goon marchers!
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I don’t really like the little spic because he keeps changing his stance according to how much money he can make but I don’t want to see him go to jail. If he hasn’t been arrested by now, I don’t think ever will.
He didnt go inside. Unlike the mindless herd, which allowed the FIB to herd them inside. Hope he remembers to never talk to cops. Never.
So they cucked on every issue that matters and then got fucked by the very system they thought they were outsmarting. Dumbass republicans.
>unsupported claims about the election
I guess they believe if they say that often enough it means it’s true.
Assuming the ‘claims’ are about fraud or a ‘stolen election’, there was ‘support’ in that there were clear voting anomalies in several key states — since these were never thoroughly investigated and then evaluated before a body with standing (e.g. a court), it’s impossible to say whether the anomalies were evidence of fraud, or had a benign explanation — the media and political establishments worked together to persistently gainsay the ‘claims’, impugn the character and motives of those making them, and make sure the ‘claims’ were never formally resolved.
Zion Don lost by millions of votes due to trends that were reflected nation wide. These trends represent a uniform shift in sentiment that is impossible to mimic with fraud. The fact that we still have people here like you who think they were cheated is a testament to what a master conman Trump is.
P.S. the Jews control both sides of politics so even if it was “stolen” the significance is zero because power hasn’t changed hands. ZOG remains in control.
imagine having supported Trump in 2021
Imagine supporting Trump in 2017 after he hired a bunch of neocons and Goldman Sachs bankers.
Come to think of it.. Imagine supporting a Zionist billionaire from New York with a Jewish daughter and Jewish grandchildren in 2015. Imagine thinking that you’re sticking it to the Jews by supporting that hahaha
Fair. But while it’s embarrassing to have supported Trump in 2017 or 2018 after it was clear that he would have murdered every single one of his white supporters to save a single jew from stubbing his toe, there’s no excuse for having supported him years later.
If.i were Fuentes and Casey, I would invoke my Fifth Amendment rights, except when I threw Zion Don Sr, Zion Don Jr, and Guliani under the bus as the instigators of the J6 Fedsurrection.
@John Brown,
Of all possible user names, why in the hell would you chose the anti-white sociopath murdering abolitionist that set the spark for the American Civil War?
The only other usernames that would be more offensive are FDR and Winston Churchill imo.
I looked up John Brown. I think that a lot of Democrat extremists are John Browns.
Antifa have shooting “clubs” in honor it John Brown.
You never fail to inform and delight.
That’s something I must have in common with my dog. LOL.
Whomp, there it is. Whomp there it is. Patrick? Who TF names their kid Patrick? And who as a people have sold themselves to the enemies of Christ? And yes I am a racist and I am very proud of my hatred of the blood of those who persecute and torment the weak and the innocent.
All Irish must come under suspicion, all. The blood is morally deficient. Irish blood is willing to wage war and do harm to the weak and the innocent, just like the blacks and the Jews they ally themselves with.
The innocent are in need to protection if we are to live in a civilized peaceful world, wouldn’t you say? And the blood of those who persecute and torment the weak and the innocent must be condemned as less than human and shunned and segregated from the civilized. For the sake of peace.
Yeah, as if you really know Christ. You mean for you the “christ” of this world — Satan the Devil! What a joke! Are you a killer of Christ? You can’t even answer that! Under suspicion? By you? You are getting really deep now — get the shovels out. Are you going to shocked one day, you damnable liar! You probably support abortion as well. You obviously know nothing about the REAL Celts. Thank God!!
@banned——Why do you hate Muslims Mick? You hate the innocent. That is the definition of a Jew and a Christ killer. How did the Muslims take down building 7? How did they do it todd? You hate the innocent. You are a Christ killer, all Irish are. And you need to repent, fast. Time is running out retodd.
you are not a Christian if you hate the innocent. You are a Jew. Gotta it kyke/Mick/retodd.
Banned for Life,
The Irish take a beating on this website but I like them so I give this song for you and them. I hope this comes out right. My sister and I share a Windows 7 computer. Our older brothers get Windows 10 or 12 or whatever is the best.
Whatever anyone has done, THIS SENATE, THIS JEW GARLAND SHAM JUSTICE A.G. OFFICE, are ALL ILLEGITIMATE. They must be removed.
Dear Lord, SMITE the Deicide Merrick GARLAND; that all may see that thou only, rulest in the heavens, and none can say Thee, ‘Nay.’ In nomine Patris, Filii, et Spiritui Sancti. Amen.
Fr. John,
No one on this website belts out religious condemnations like you do. I have to admit that Pilot down below does have a point. Perhaps humans deserve what is happening or maybe more Christians should be praying harder.
You religious guys need to pray harder or something. Maybe some sacrifice like burning Ghiradelli chocolate bars might get God interested in helping out.
Christianity is not about praying. It is about protecting and defending the weak and the innocent. It is about being a moral civilized human being. And how that civilized human being is supposed to behave in order to preserve civilization for the good of all. All the prayers are reminders in how to behave and act correctly towards others, but if you have Christ in your heart you do not even need to pray.
Who said, “Pray without ceasing?” I think if you broiled a rack of lamb every night for God, he would still ignore you. You worship the Hebrew God.
This site is full of religious nuts and honeypots.
Only the hands of India doncellas are allowed to touch and process cacao.pods.