Poll Watch: Joe Biden Trails “Generic Republican” By 10 Points In New Politico Poll

If the Democrats succeed in their effort to stop Dump 2024, they could end up losing the White House in a landslide. Joe Biden and Donald Trump are equally disliked by Independents. They would vote en masse for a nice guy “generic Republican” though who isn’t as polarizing and tiresome.

The Hill:

“A poll published on Wednesday found that almost half of those surveyed said they would vote for a generic Republican candidate over President Biden if the election was held now, but he would face a close race against former President Trump.

In a hypothetical match-up, the generic Republican candidate beat Biden by almost 10 percentage points in the new Politico-Morning Consult poll. When asked how they would vote, 46 percent of respondents said they would vote for the Republican candidate in the 2024 presidential election, while 37 percent said they would vote for Biden. The remaining 16 percent had no opinion or didn’t know.

The respondents were more evenly split when Biden was matched against Trump, with 45 percent saying they would vote for the current president and 44 percent saying they would vote for his predecessor. Biden was also statistically tied in the poll when placed up against former Vice President Mike Pence. …”

This will probably never happen though.

49% of respondents in the poll would vote for Trump in the primary.

Most Republican voters love Trump because he drives libtards insane. He is the biggest middle finger available to those people. Unfortunately, we saw last time around that Dump is too lazy, corrupt, incompetent, treacherous and self absorbed to ever get anything we want done. Should he ever return to the White House, he will focus exclusively on destroying everyone who ever crossed him like Jeff Sessions or Brian Kemp and elevating people who suck up to him and flatter him like Lindsey Graham.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I have really grown to hate Richard Spencer…What exactly does Spencer believe in anymore?

    I would love to pummel this creepy character in a debate….I actually think Spencer is highly intelligent…but I am smarter than Spencer by two orders of Magnitude…..

    NATO is the enforcer of the global homo empire….who cares if the Native White Working Class is pro-Putin and generally pro-Russian…Why?…Are we suppose to worry about the wrath of Jews?…The Hindu Brahmin Class …Preet Bharra….in America? Hillary Clinton? And this is really Spencer’s point….

  2. If the choice is Trump vs. Joe, Biden wins. For a cogent expression of why, and a clear eyes examination of both the promise of Trump-styled nationalist-populist policy as well as the myriad weaknesses of its avatar, DJT, see https://amgreatness.com/2022/01/25/donald-trump-and-the-future-of maga/. The author hits all the points both you and I have hit on Trump, positive, negative, and in reality.

    No one but the true believers wants a repeat of Trump I, because it was both exhausting and ineffectual. Time to grow up and fight to win. Clear out the traitors inside the executive branch, use the existing statutory and constitutional power of the presidency to force Congress to confirm cabinet appointees and pass presidential legislation, including drastically cutting back on the jurisdiction of the federal courts, including the Supreme Court. Take no prisoners. Fight or die.

  3. In the end it will always be the dems or reps unless some pro White candidate comes along and defeats them both.

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