Georgia is already a Jim Eagle state.
We’ve recent hit a critical mass. “Hate” has gone mainstream.
Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema sided with George Wallace, Bull Connor and Jefferson Davis when they killed the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.
“The progressive New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez believes the Republican-led pressure on political systems is so great that there is “a very real risk” democracy will cease to exist in the US within a decade.
The leftist Democratic politician derided efforts by Republican legislatures around the country to restrict voting rights as the “opening salvos” in a war on democracy, which she said could result in a return to the Jim Crow-era disenfranchisement of racial minorities. …”
NY: You’ve used a phrase “if we have a democracy ten years from now.” Do you think we won’t?
I think there’s a very real risk that we will not. What we risk is having a government that perhaps postures as a democracy, and may try to pretend that it is, but isn’t.
NY: What’s going to bring us to that point? You hear talk now about our being on the brink of civil war—that’s the latest phrase in a series of books that have come out. What will happen to bring us to that degraded point?
Well, I think it has started, but it’s not beyond hope. We’re never beyond hope. But we’ve already seen the opening salvos of this, where you have a very targeted, specific attack on the right to vote across the United States, particularly in areas where Republican power is threatened by changing electorates and demographics. You have white-nationalist, reactionary politics starting to grow into a critical mass. What we have is the continued sophisticated takeover of our democratic systems in order to turn them into undemocratic systems, all in order to overturn results that a party in power may not like.
NY: The concern is that we will look like what other nation?
I think we will look like ourselves. I think we will return to Jim Crow. I think that’s what we risk.
NY: What’s the scenario for that?
You have it already happening in Texas, where Jim Crow-style disenfranchisement laws have already been proposed. You had members of the state legislature, just a few months ago, flee the state in order to prevent such voting laws from being passed. In Florida, where you had the entire state vote to allow people who were released from prison to be reënfranchised after they have served their debt to society, that’s essentially being replaced with poll taxes and intimidation at the polls. You have the complete erasure and attack on our own understanding of history, to replace teaching history with institutionalized propaganda from white-nationalist perspectives in our schools. This is what the scaffolding of Jim Crow was.
Of course AOC is not about race…therefor, Native White Americans must not be about race…
Hilarious. Here we are deep in the Jim Snow era, with the usual suspects calling the Russians “snowniggers” every day, and they’re stuck in the 1950s, when St. Emmett Till was martyred for his TNB. Coming from AOC is especially funny, as she grew up in a nasty barrio in the Hamptons.
Civilized human beings need a buffer from predators, AOC. There is nothing wrong with protecting the innocent from the predators, from those who live off of and prey upon the innocent. Agree or disagree AOC? I am speaking specifically of the Jews and the Irish.
When have the Irish ever “preyed upon” you, Brownie? Oh, that’s right, you’re not innocent. You’re a wicked godless anti-White troll. (Tomorrow it will probably be the English.)
Jewocracy is the current/future regime…and
AOC, by her own admission, is
a sephardic Jew.
Then she’s the consummate definition of TRAIF.
Wouldn’t it be simpler to refer to her as a dumb spic?
Please be true please be true please be true! If I had a nickel for every time I hear a Democrat these days act this dramatic, I would be richer than all the Jews combined!
In a sane and normal society, AOC would never have been voted in to congress. You can’t blame her, you have to blame the idiots that are allowed to vote and voted her in. There should be an IQ test to vote with a minimum score of 100.
Exactly. She and all the others like her are merely symptoms of this country’s degraded, dumbed-down population.
So Pidgeon Toed Big Ol’ Brown Sucking Titties has fully recovered from mutual maskless niggra tranny bar dancing face puffing South Florida Covid 19.
She seems mostly natural, the eye brows are real and the milkers. But those two big buck teeth. No one has natural teeth like that. Those are veneers. Probably the natural teeth rotted out. Her teeth and gums overall are a complete mess.
She doesnt seem to be a rich girl. A rich girl would be less natural but with much better teeth. I would guess, not elite enough for them to let her in the Senate.
Imagine being her submissive bf and having to listen to that retard flap its horse lips day in and day out. No milkers in the world are worth that.
If any of you find out the location of this new Jim Crow, could you please let me know so I can move there?
“We’ve recent hit a critical mass. “Hate” has gone mainstream.”
Oh yeah? Then where is my “Whites Only” drinking fountain, HW?
First its the jet packs we were promised would be here in the future if we all studied hard and learned our times tables.
We were gonna have a moon base and robots to do our chores.
Now AOC and the Dems have been promising the imminent return of Jim Crow but I still gotta share a drinking fountain with the spooks.
Big fucking disappointment this whole White privilege thing has been.
I’m joking and trolling. I think it is hilarious that they believe this. I’m in Georgia right now, a Jim Eagle state, getting a pizza
Return of Jim Crow???
Dear God, please… ASAP.
Just found this article on one of the only GOOD Presidents….
The Democrats actually fooled people into believing that America was back in the 1960s during 2020? That’s pretty sad if you ask me. You’d think Trump playing his little Trade War with China which sparked Covid-19…a Global Pandemic would have got people interested in God, Faith, and caring about people of different backgrounds. However that didn’t happen….it just divided people more than ever between people who care vs people who don’t care about anything but themselves. The Republicantards are now a bunch of generic Libertarians which I have no respect for. What a nasty bunch of Sinners. So lets talk about the Democrats pure from a political / election perspective. Why would the Democrats be stuck on Black Lives Matter which they know turns so many White voters off. Why don’t they talk about an issue like Universal Basic Income, Medicare for All, and stopping the Corporate Republican inspired inflation that’s going on? Seems pretty simple…talk about issues that bring more people into voting for Democrats. Who knows you might keep the White moderate and populist vote. Deo Vindice !
Jim Crow? … she’s behind the times …White people are now flying high high like a bird in the sky with Jim Eagle…
ABBA – Eagle
They came flying from far away
Now I’m under their spell
I love hearing the stories that they tell
They’ve seen places beyond my land
And they’ve found new horizons
They speak strangely but I understand
And I dream I’m an eagle
And I dream I can spread my wings
Flying high, high
I’m a bird in the sky
I’m an eagle that rides on the breeze
High, high
What a feeling to fly
Over mountains and forests and seas
And to go anywhere that I please
As all good friends, we talk all night
And we fly wing to wing
I have questions and they know everything
There’s no limit to what I feel
We climb higher and higher
Am I dreaming, or is it all real?
Is it true I’m an eagle?
Is it true I can spread my wings?
Flying high, high
I’m a bird in the sky (I’m an eagle)
I’m an eagle that rides on the breeze
High, high
What a feeling to fly (what a feeling)
Over mountains and forests and seas
And to go anywhere that I please
And I dream I’m an eagle
And I dream I can spread my wings
Flying high, high
I’m a bird in the sky (I’m an eagle)
I’m an eagle that rides on the breeze
High, high-igh
What a feeling to fly (what a feeling)
Over mountains and forests and seas
High, high
I’m a bird in the sky (I’m an eagle)
I’m an eagle that rides on the breeze
High, high-igh
What a feeling to fly (what a feeling)
Over mountains and forests and seas
And to go anywhere that I please
@ vote Democrat, then sign off with ” Deo Vindice”, truly puzzling !?…….
Yep… just vote moar harder goyim