David Brooks is in a dark and foreboding mood tonight.
“In the early 1990s I was a roving correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, based in Europe. Some years it felt as if all I did was cover good news: the end of the Soviet Union, Ukrainians voting for independence, German reunification, the spread of democracy across Eastern Europe, Mandela coming out of prison and the end of apartheid, the Oslo peace process that seemed to bring stability to the Middle East.
I obsess about those years now. I obsess about them because the good times did not last. History is reverting toward barbarism. We have an authoritarian strongman in Russia threatening to invade his neighbor, an increasingly authoritarian China waging genocide on its people and threatening Taiwan, cyberattacks undermining the world order, democracy in retreat worldwide, thuggish populists across the West undermining nations from within.
What the hell happened? Why were the hopes of the 1990s not realized? What is the key factor that has made the 21st century so dark, regressive and dangerous?
The normal thing to say is that the liberal world order is in crisis. But just saying that doesn’t explain why. Why are people rejecting liberalism? What weakness in liberalism is its enemies exploiting? What is at the root of this dark century? Let me offer one explanation. …”
Liberalism is dying.
I’ve given this matter a great deal of thought over the previous two years and have reconsidered some of my previous positions. I find myself constantly in the position of having to defend embattled liberal norms. The attacks are coming from what most people would consider the “liberal” side.
The “liberal” side …
- Opposes the First Amendment
- Opposes the Second Amendment
- Opposes the Fourth Amendment
- Opposes the Tenth Amendment
- Opposes the Constitution which is a relic of “white supremacy”
- Opposes the filibuster
- Opposes the Senate
- Wants to pack the Supreme Court
- Wants to abolish the Electoral College
- Supports vaccine mandates and badgering and hounding the “unvaccinated” into unemployment
- Supports creating a Jim Snow racial caste system
- Rejects “ugly freedoms” which have been “weaponized” by the “far right”
- Supports draconian censorship
- Supports the surveillance state
- Opposes world peace
- Demands absolute conformity
- Topples statues of Thomas Jefferson
Is any of this really “liberal”?
Justin Trudeau is the head of the Liberal Party of Canada. He has essentially declared himself to be a dictator. He is seizing private bank accounts and arresting peaceful demonstrators. Canada has become a totalitarian police state under Trudeau where churches are set on fire, where statues of Sir John A. MacDonald and Winston Churchill are vandalized and toppled, where people are arrested for attending religious services and congregating with their friends without state permission.
While the term “liberal” is associated with Justin Trudeau, it is Trudeau who is creating an illiberal culture and implementing deeply authoritarian policies. Meanwhile, it is his “illiberal” and “authoritarian” opponents who are defending free speech, religious liberty and the civil liberties of the Freedom Convoy. The Trudeau dictatorship in Canada isn’t really “liberalism” so much as it is woke progressivism in action. In fact, you could say that the defining features of this ideology is that it is anti-White, anti-Western, anti-Christian, elitist, technocratic, illiberal and authoritarian. This isn’t easy going, tolerant, live and let live “liberalism.” This is snitch on your family member or a local business to the Inquisition.
Words seem to be rapidly losing their meaning. The term “fascism,” for example, has been used to describe people who oppose abolishing the counter-majoritarian features of the Constitution. “Racism” is now the idea that White people shouldn’t be discriminated against. “Liberalism” has come to mean intolerance, conformity and authoritarianism in practice. “Jim Crow 2.0” is the state of race relations in Georgia. “White supremacy” is now so vague that it can be used to describe pretty much anything.
“Liberalism” is losing altitude because it has become strongly associated with all sorts of deeply divisive, unpopular leftwing causes in the public mind. It doesn’t mean the same thing that it meant to previous generations. The fact that the “liberal” side supports censorship while the “illiberal” side supports free speech illustrates the decoupling that is happening. “Liberals” don’t believe in liberal values.
The “far right” accepts and even champions a lot of what used to be considered small-l liberalism like the natural rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. No one is saying slavery should come back. It seems to me that the major divergence is along the axis of social liberalism over a number of toxic issues related to race, sex, culture and gender. These battles are more over antiracism, modernism, cosmopolitanism, multiculturalism, feminism, transgenderism, Wokeism and so on – all of which have been incorporated into Liberalism – and their negative consequences than anything else.
In the 19th century, liberalism existed comfortably alongside white supremacy, patriarchy and nationalism. Liberalism wasn’t focused on radical cultural liberation. It was focused on basic civil rights and economics. As the Victorian era came to an end around World War I, 20th century liberalism rejected 19th century liberalism in the cultural, political and economic spheres. Now it seems like 20th century liberalism is similarly decomposing and fading from view like its Victorian predecessor.
Is this the end of small-l liberalism? Even folks here don’t want to get rid of the First Amendment and Second Amendment and comply with vaccine mandates and live in a totalitarian society.
Brooks is such rot. Yes the 1990s were the peak of civilization. Yes David…everyone knows that Beck and Radiohead were the best.
The Clinton wars of 1990s where not the top of civilization. The 1980s had some optimism at least on the surface!
Why anyone pays attention to brooks, I dunno.
He’s just another barking jevv, so much noise and no sense.
Liberalism, leftism, progressivism….whatever you want to call it, goes against the laws of nature. It creates the conditions which bring about its destruction.
Oy vey! What a faggot Brooks is. We are at the end game of a global plan for a Talmudic Slave state hatched about 1880. If you can’t address that just piss off.
“game of a global plan for a Talmudic Slave state hatched about 1880.”
Dude, the plan goes back before the time of Christ.
The old testament, torah, outlines it all.
Brad said to David: “I am the darkness that will kill your democracy.”
“There’s no one best way to live, so liberals celebrate freedom, personal growth and diversity.”
Oh, but there ARE superior ways of living: being straight with a family is vastly better than being prancing faggots or nigger gang-bangers headed for early graves, or bitter feminist wine aunts who bought the lies of the (((Abzugs, Freidans & Steinems))), but are too proud to admit that they’ve been had. The old liberalism may have allowed perverts & malcontents to live their own way in PRIVATE, but never were they allowed & encouraged to rub their filth in the faces of the sane and the vulnerable young protected by law like they are now.
“Then we need to fortify the institutions that are supposed to teach the democratic skills: how to weigh evidence and commit to truth; how to correct for your own partisan blinders and learn to doubt your own opinions; how to respect people you disagree with; how to avoid catastrophism, conspiracy and apocalyptic thinking; how to avoid supporting demagogues…”
Of course when Brooks says “we” need to learn to doubt our opinions, respect our enemies, etc. he means right-wing Whites, not muds, fags, Cultural Marxist race traitors & kikes like him.
(((David Brooks))), Monsieur Bo-Bo himself, bemoans the loss of his Globo-Pedo paradise of the 90s, aksin’ the crazy-assed gods
What the hell happened?
The answer is right there before him, yet he fails to see:
“Jewish Lightning” struck Larry Silverstein’s Twin-Towers on Sept. 11, 2001. It’s taken many a long time to start coming out of the stupor, but some are starting to notice a really bad smell emanating from folks like Monsieur Bo-Bo. It’s not unlike the one coming from Old Shitstain or Cankles.
“Liberalism” was never liberal, unless you go back to the days of Lord Chesterfield. It was seen as a practical way to govern social intercourse, not the lip service to fanaticism you see in Jefferson. Although one must concede there were some idealists born prior to the Second World War who had some benevolent intentions towards the common people. David Brooks, of course, has none of that benevolence. He is truly a demoniacal little kike who simpers on about our “institutions” with a smirk. This is your PBS conservative spokesman! Men were yeomen farmers IN ORDER TO EAT AND HAVE A MODICUM OF INDEPENDENCE. These kikes are “social critics” – of America’s “crimes.” What the American people are interested in hearing about, are not the crimes of the people who ruled America 175 years ago, but the crimes of these malignant Zionist interlopers TODAY.
Why would a person like David Brooks place any value on the reunification of Germany? It would make sense to value it in an ethnic nationalist context, but Brooks and his fellow liberals fully oppose ethnic nationalism, so why place any value at all on German unification? David Brooks believes that entire populations can just be replaced without any negative consequences and that borders are more or less arbitrary and ought to be porous, then says that German unification was good. Just absurd.
Liberalism is dying because liberal intellectuals are all paint chip eating boomer brainlets like David Brooks or Thomas Main who lack the ability to even recognize the incoherence of their own thoughts.
The new abortion laws are scaring the crap out of the Jews. We have reached peak Jew and the Jews know were this slippery slope leads to, their expulsion, their removal and their picking themselves up and find a new people to prey upon. People, God people do not like the way of the Jew, and do not like the harm the Jew way brings to so many innocent people. The Jew way is being given a big thumbs down and it is scaring the living crap out of them.
What’s scaring the snot out of Brooks and his ilk is the fact that White Christian conservatives don’t have abortions; leftists do. And, thanks to their Anti-White propaganda, former White Christian Zionists and Jew Worshippers are cooling off to the Neo Con agenda.
I was listening to Mark Levin who ended up in hysterics when he got unanticipated pushback from a White make conservative fan who opposed intervening with Russia over Ukraine. The caller was told “to get off the phone, ya big jerk” when, completely baffled by Levin’s spin of America as an indispensable “force for good” versus Putler Russian Evil, bluntly asked Levin if he wanted war with Russia?!
I don’t expect lot star-spangled, red white and blue American pogrom against Jews initiated by Whites who, in my opinion, are too atomized and individualist to act collectively against them.
The East Asians, Hindus, Blacks, and “Latinx,” OTOH have learned collectivist activism from The Masters themselves. But they aren’t as stupid or easily led as they were thought to be. They know which palefaces are at the top of the pile and it ain’t country corn-pone White Christians or the White Christian working class in the small cities or ungated, diversified suburbs.
Yeah, they’ll pay lip service to the structural White Supremacy theme that the media pushes, thinking they’ll get some freebies from the Democrats, but they recognize self-serving blather from their so-called “allies” when they hear it.
White normies conservatives will just get increasingly wary of (((Our Fellow White People))) and start engaging their critical thinking skills by verifying what propaganda they hear from these people before they trust them.
Instead of engaging in street activism and pamphletting neighborhoods, the best service sites like this one can do is present them with easily verifiable evidence about the motivations of the people like Dennis Praeger, Mark Levin, and Ben Shapiro muscling their way to the leadership of any White resistance.
That way they can take whatever information and organization tactics that are useful to them without engaging in any subconscious Faustian Bargains with these people who will only steer them to the dead ends of Civic AKA Kosher Nationalism leading to endless Zionist Wars for which we would expect to supply White soldiers as cannon fodder.
My suggestion? Push an Anti-Interventionist Abroad foreign policy and a return to one hundred percent self-sufficiency at home even if it means nationalization of certain industries that are vital to the existential survival of Americans.
Everything shitlibs do is for one basic objective: vanquishing their enemy, and they will not let the confrontation with their own internal contradictions get in the way.
They want to destroy us and we should respond in kind, liberal norms be damned.
It’s dawning on the shitlibs that they may really lose their power and control no matter how much they dress themselves up as the “good guys”, aka “liberals”.
Why is Liberalism dying? If you have to ask, you’re part of the problem.
“20th century liberalism rejected 19th century liberalism in the cultural, political and economic spheres.”
Liberalism has accomodated itself very nicely to laissez-faire economics. European socialists and European conservatives share the same economic worldview.
The “dark century” was the 20th century with it’s revolt against civilizing norms for philosophical gibberish which leads to the darwinian collapse of any society that embraces them.
I also thought the 20th century was an evil dark century. How the 21st century turns out is still an open issue. I am optimistic for victory however.
” revolt against civilizing norms”
Like race-mixing.
Because it have never will never or do not today work
Liberalism is the weak running a society built by the strong into the ground, it always end in a 1861 or a 1934 and as always history will mimic
Today’s liberals usually suffer from some type of mental illness.
The peoples of the world want liberation from the tyranny of the Anglo- Zionist empire.
None of this is surprising from the perspective of an outsider observing the rise and fall of human civilizations over time; e.g., from a hypothetical, Spenglerian viewpoint of, say, a satellite having been in orbit over Earth throughout time spans that have covered many hundreds of years, one civilization after another.
In each case, this external observer was able to watch a civilization, with its own, distinct style and character, begin to form and express itself. Every civilization is very much a separate organism with its own life force and social consciousness. The initial stages are embryonic. Common languages, arts, music, architecture, technologies, values, ideals and laws begin to present themselves and take root. City and then nation states coalesce. Internal wars are fought, at first over territory but then over the very nature of the culture of the civilization itself (we are here…). The civilization reacts to the discordant intrusions like a body versus a virus and begins to reassert its essential character (…if not here).
The culture distorters are identified. The culture wars are resolved, once and for all, with the isolation and expulsion of the distorters, leaving the civilization finally free to unite itself under one flag. Thus, no matter how dark it may look now, from the left or right, Western Civilization is ascendant. Its glory days, when there will be neither left nor right but only the culture of the civilization itself in its purest, most-developed form, are yet to come.