Ryan Long: When Your New Identity Is Supporting Ukraine

We all care so deeply about Ukraine.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Most people that are followers usually follow the crowd no matter what. They would rather be liked than to be right.

  2. That guy looks as if he was walking around Stuyvesant Town/Peter Cooper Village on First Avenue in NYC! I know it very well.

    A few years ago I wanted to live in a beachfront condo and be a part of everything that was going on around me. Now I just want to build a tiny log cabin off the grid somewhere in the backwoods of Tennessee, Georgia or Alabama. No more social media, no more pills, no more being placed at the mercy of The Beast.

    So, is Lady Spencer ironically supporting Ukrainian “independence”?

    • Spencer is supporting Ukraine as part of his larger plan of supporting the American Empire as a force of creative destruction; kill off as many whites as possible so that only the “strong survive.” How you can equate strength with Jewish and liberal approved criteria is beyond me but such is the effect of unhinged resentment. Functionally Spencer is antiwhite.

      The psychological source of his about face is Spencer’s experience during the Charlottesville trial. For a few years after August 2017 Spencer was still relatively cogent but as the trial’s date grew closer, Spencer’s composure grew increasingly erratic. He had to blame someone for having his life ruined, so he blamed basically the entire wider Alt-Right. For post-trial Spencer, we were all just weak, lower or middle class losers being resentful, essentially the same as Trump voters. Nothing we ever said was legitimate. The Jews were right. Jews are actually “based” now for him; they kill whites. Spencer was reduced to our level by the trial, which he didn’t deserve because Spencer is such a remarkable specimen, far greater than us, and he couldn’t handle it. So, everyone in the world like us needs to die off.

      Spencer could save his life to an extent by issuing a formal apology on national television for his entire past and becoming a high brow Picciolini, but he can’t bring himself to apologize because he still thinks he rules the world, and guys who rule the world can’t apologize. It’s remarkable that a 44 year old man who has children that at least theoretically depend on him no less still “thinks” in terms of juvenile Nietzschean “power” platitudes.

      • A few years ago, I remember him raging in a chat about how he had created the Alt-Right and would now “destroy” it. I just ignored it because he was going through a divorce and was under a lot of stress from the Charlottesville lawsuit. I lost contact with him about a year ago after I made fun of Mark Brahmin’s ridiculous made up religion which is a rip off of Afrocentrism

        • It’s funny, I remember very clearly how the alt-Right existed well before Spencer jumped on the bandwagon. He scoffed at it. Then it seemed that’s where he could get more publicity, so he declared himself alt-Right. And he could show, “look, I used the phrase ‘alternative Right’ once in the past, so I created it!” The media loved to use that, as Spencer was a bad face for the alt-Right. The truth is “alt” or “alternative” was something many came up with here and there over the years, because it was what the Left used. “alternative” this and that. So various people tried the word for the Right as well. But the alt-Right was created in the Donald forum on Reddit and on 4chan. That’s where the “memes” were invented. From there it migrated to Twitter where people like Ricky V made it bigger, by attacking neocons, National Review types, who were foolish enough to respond. Spencer had nothing to do with that. He only had some of the alt-Right opinions and none of its culture. He was always on his own rail, for example being pro-EU and anti-Brexit, because “the EU can be a White empire,” and “the EU brings Polish wo… people to Britain, and that is TRUE cultural enrichment.” He actually called mass immigration of Slavs to Western Europe cultural enrichment. Wife’s influence I guess.

        • Don’t worry about Spencer, take a look at yourself:

          You have convinced yourself that supporting an enemy country during times of war, will make you popular here.

          • 1.) We’re not in a war with Russia.

            2.) I’m not supporting Russia. There are people who are supporting Ukraine. There are people who want to establish a No-Fly Zone in Ukraine and ship billions of dollars worth of weapons into Ukraine and send Migs from Poland into that country. There is no one, however, who is saying we need to be in a military alliance with Russia or fighting on Russia’s side. There are only people wise enough to stay out of it.

      • My opinion is that Spencer doesn’t apolgize because he’s not like Picciolini. Picciolini is a brainwashed man or if you prefer a bipolar who flipped from the far-right to the neoliberal far-left. Fortunately it’s one of the few. Instead Spencer is simply an egocentrc, wounded in pride because his creation, alt-right has been damaged after Charlottesville. The difference is that Spencer is still on our side, even if in his original way, with the Brahmin’s religion for white and other kind of stuff that i disagree with but he’s not a lefty woke. Instead Picciolini is a bipolar or brainwashed personality that flipped from an extreme to another.

  3. Good lord, this effeminate man known as Spencer just flat out hates nationalists. He even refers to “America First” as a slur.

    • Now and then you find some people in nationalist circles who seem to attack other nationalists more than anything, and in time that urge only intensifies. Spencer is more successful than most of them, but he still leans that way. They were typically on a lower rung in school, and joining a subculture they think they’ll get women because of new rules, based on who knows more about the ideology. But they run into two facts: First, they don’t know more, there are plenty others with more knowledge and who are more grounded in reality. Second, women in the subculture still follow the same rules as always, they prefer the “alpha” men above all, and men with friends and all the other things you need in a normal life.

      The resentful types have a lot of free time to work in the subculture, so they can get positions, like being locally in charge of something. They’ll hold on to a title tooth and nail, even if someone more competent comes along. To them, this is their life. It becomes more about them than the cause. In nationalist circles, the resentful types will inevitably try to score points by being closer to the media, so they can attack others as “racist” and “extremist”. They pushed hard for the neocons after 9/11. They try to gather people who join out of dislike for immigration, but who know nothing more than that, so they fall into the neocon trap, “it’s us against Muslim Iraq ‘cuz the immigrants are Muslim, you know, so we must also worship Israel and hate ‘nazis’.” (Never mind the neocons and Washington were allied with almost every single Muslim state, just not the few anti-Israel ones.) The resentful types gather the people who join but who only read the newspapers, and they gather misfits, to turn against the better men in the subculture.

      Another example of such a person was the British “johnjoytree” (imagine choosing that username) who got a moderator position at SF and then was online every hour of the day, trying to get women’s attention by banning “sexist” men, praising Jews and neocons and hating “extremists,” making threads about “what would you like to change in White Nationalism”, deleting the well-written posts that take a long time to write to make people give up, deleting the last posts in a thread to get the last word and then locking the thread, banning people, etc. Until he died of cancer. You know you get more sick if you live with a constant dark and bitter mind.

  4. What’s wrong with being pro-putin? Vladimir is not a lisping Fag like Spencer.

    Hollywood is pro-homosexual pederast Jew Zelensky…So I am Pro-Putin…

    God Bless Vladimir Putin!!!!!

  5. Richard Spencer BEFORE this year, when he was being honest about what Ukraine is:

    (1) that Ukraine is a fake, made-up “nation”: Spencer wrote: “Ukraine (a fake country anyway, which became a neocon/neoliberal project five years ago)”

    (2) that it didn’t exist until the Bolsheviks created the Ukrainian S.S.R.: Spencer wrote: “Wasn’t aware that ‘Ukraine’ existed in 1932”.

    (3) that the Ukrainian SSR was made out of ethnically Russian lands, and Galicia (Ukraine proper) was still part of Poland: Spencer wrote: “much of 1932 Ukraine included newly attached Russian lands but EXCLUDED West Ukraine (source of nationalism)”

    Obviously he decided not to be honest anymore about Khazarkraine.

  6. When your new identity is the Ukraine, India and Saudi Arabia flip middle fingers while singing in the rain.
    Kind of hard to be the masters of the universe with no petrodollar.

    (sad trombone)

    • Notice the “Nazi” blood-and-soil flags at this huge Sodomite event held in Kiev a few months ago:

  7. I see Tricky Dick is still vying for a CNN consultant job. Maybe Brian Stelter can have him join the team.

  8. Is Spencer Trump mark11? His position on something just changes like the weather. And then there was THAT punch! A true alt right warrior would have either blocked it, or given five more back in return, like a real man.
    I know, I’ve done it. Stand up for yourself and your principles, and fight back. Be NO faggots underdog.
    You believe what you believe, regardless of how trendy it may or may not be on the day.

  9. Too bad he couldn’t have been a contestant on The Apprentice. He could have learned the grifting trade at a master’s feet.

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