"Claiming that the West was trying to 'cancel Russia,' the Russian leader laced his speech with derision for the 'political beau monde' in Europe and the United States, and for the 'slave-like' Russians who supported it."https://t.co/aTlh0oHuQe
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) March 16, 2022
I have translated and added subtitles to the latest video speech by Vladimir Putin from two hours ago. Please don’t let it go in vain – I want everyone to see what a speech of true fascism looks like.
— Michael Elgort ???????? (@just_whatever) March 16, 2022
No further comment needed, it’s all here, in his speech pic.twitter.com/QEzsG9BODX
The sanctions are helping Putin consolidate power and purge libtards from Russia.
“Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a speech Wednesday that Russia should undergo a “self-cleansing of society” to get rid of the “bastards and traitors” as thousands of Russians tried to flee the country amid its invasion of Ukraine.
“The collective West is attempting to splinter our society, speculating on military losses, on socioeconomic effects of sanctions, in order to provoke a people’s rebellion in Russia,” Putin said in a video address shared on Twitter.
“But any people, the Russian people, especially, are able to distinguish true patriots from bastards and traitors and will spit them out,” he said of those who did not back the Kremlin.
“I am certain that this necessary and natural self-cleansing of society will only strengthen our country, our solidarity, togetherness, and our readiness to answer any calls to action,” Putin said.
Putin said he was not “judging those with villas in Miami or the French Riviera” or those “who cannot live without foie gras and mussels or so-called gender-based rights” as long as they were “mentally” with Russia.
“The problem does not lie in this, but I repeat, the fact that many of these people inherently, mentally, live elsewhere and not here with us, with our people, with Russia,” Putin said.
“This is, in their opinion … a belonging to the higher caste, the higher race,” he said. …”
Ominous words.
Obviously, we should be joining forces with Adam Schiff and George Soros and Lindsey Graham to the rid the world of this evil dictator.
If only we had a leader like Putin that would rid our Republic of traitors and ZOG operatives. Unfortunately, ZOG operatives control our govt and politicians.
Someday, perhaps it will be described that way, instead of “bastards and traitors”.
You can stsrt cancel culture by yourself. Take random shitkib next to you and get him canceled. Eastern European nationalism works this way.
“ZOG operatives”. Putin is a die hard Chabad ally that has White Nationalists and especially anti Semites locked away or killed. If you criticize that 8 out of 10 of the oligarch allies are Jewish, Putin will have you taken away. His first statement was the invasion of Ukraine was to eradicate “Nazis” and “European Ethno nationalists”.
If you are reading this, Putin would arrest you
LOL. Putin did shock the world when he pointed out the large number of Jew Bolsheviks and Jew Communist-Socialists in Russia. That’s hardly Chabad, sonny.
If this is the case, how else can you get rid of this leftist sickness other than to meet it head on and either remove them physically or attempt to re-educate them? Hell, 90% of so called “conservatives” in the US need to be re-educated because they have completely swallowed the leftist load and don’t even know it.
Putin Poodle also and yallgaepoodles says:
March 14, 2022 at 10:48 pm
From article referenced by Checkmate above:
“ Russia and China should control the Gold and Oil trades now. They will be the price-makers. We will be the price-takers. They are about to change the denominator in the global forex markets from the USD (inside money) to gold/oil (outside money).
What we have to realize now is that real price discovery for gold and oil are going to shift quickly away from London and Chicago and towards Shanghai and Moscow. Expect announcements from Russia and China deepening the relationship between the MOEX and Shanghai for coordinating metals and energy futures trading to improve liquidity on both exchanges.
It’s the right play, honestly. (Really?)
Biden going it alone against Russia on banning imports of Russian oil is a move to destroy the U.S. energy markets and our economy. It is pure scorched earth policy. (<—— who put these policies in effect including shutting down all domestic production in America? It appears that the “Patricarchy of Mose” are moving and setting up shop in the East!)
What was it Checkmate said about the “A-brahamic Patriarchy? : https://identitydixie.com/2022/03/09/how-the-empire-dies-part-1-introduction/#comment-16711
Best to just let the Alt Lite hysteria over Putin die down on its own – they’re a little slow – it took them about a year to realize that Trump was actually the opposite of what he claimed to be.
Hunter was calling out Trump right after his inauguration, if memory serves.
In that case he is no different than all US politicians.
The Russian poet Anna Akhmatova said this about the Russians in her time who fled Mother Russia as the Nazis closed in from one side, and Stalin and his NKVD police closed in from another. I wonder if Putin was thinking about this poem when he said this today.
Requiem by Anna Akhmatova
Not under foreign skies
Nor under foreign wings protected –
I shared all this with my own people
There, where misfortune had abandoned us.
Mountains fall before this grief,
A mighty river stops its flow,
But prison doors stay firmly bolted
Shutting off the convict burrows
And an anguish close to death.
Fresh winds softly blow for someone,
Gentle sunsets warm them through; we don’t know this,
We are everywhere the same, listening
To the scrape and turn of hateful keys
And the heavy tread of marching soldiers.
Waking early, as if for early mass,
Walking through the capital run wild, gone to seed,
We’d meet – the dead, lifeless; the sun,
Lower every day; the Neva, mistier:
But hope still sings forever in the distance.
The verdict. Immediately a flood of tears,
Followed by a total isolation,
As if a beating heart is painfully ripped out, or,
Thumped, she lies there brutally laid out,
But she still manages to walk, hesitantly, alone.
Where are you, my unwilling friends,
Captives of my two satanic years?
What miracle do you see in a Siberian blizzard?
What shimmering mirage around the circle of the moon?
I send each one of you my salutation, and farewell.
Another sign: The “Russian Amish,” the Old Believers, have returned to Russia in recent years from their long sojourn in South America and other distant places. They are leaving their farms in foreign countries to return to the true home that is in their heart. I call it ethnocentrism, a law of nature.
Hunter, the reason why we need to align with David Frum, Eli Lake, John Podhoretz, Eliot Cohen, Elliot Kaufmann, David Rothkopf, George Soros, Bill Kristol….I mean the reason why we need to align ourselves with global Jewry and Israel to save the Aryan race is because Putin and his political strategy are promising to save “weak” men. You see, men who want to fight, want to be the head of the household, want to stand up for their own racial kin, want to marry women and have a family without being figuratively castrated….these are all weak characteristics. Real men do the opposite of all that, real men are nearly indiscernible from bugmen, and it’s all this weakness and weak males, not merely incels that have caused us to…become multicultural, liberal, self flagellating, circumspective…all those….strong….characteristics that we need to get away from….
Oh wait, no I mean we need to have a race of Ubermenschen that wantonly murder the nonwhites, and then after they are gone constantly kill off the “weak” whites, whoever they may be or however you would categorize them at that point, and while doing this we will magically solve all the mysteries of science on Earth and then colonize the Universe. Maybe we will enslave the women like the incels because of how Ubermenschen we are or maybe we won’t because that would be what incels would do so we will still have feminism and sexual rights….we’ll figure it out. By the way, my name is Richard Spencer, I am a 44 year old manchild living in a state of terminal misplaced resentment because I couldn’t put my money where my mouth was when it mattered, though I talked a big game for a long time, and I also extremely smart. I went to the University of Chicago for awhile. So all you guys I used to know are going to die off, I will make it happen through my Twitter presence, because I was sued and you weren’t! You guys NEVER paid a price. You were never investigated by law enforcement, fired, arrested, imprisoned, canceled impoverished. You all got off easy!
Putin is actually going to reinvigorate the West and through a general Schmittian nonsense the Aryan Blonde Beast will reawaken itself in a country of 57.8% whites who aren’t breeding, are culturally beleaguered, and where #BLM is state doctrine. We will soon wake up one morning and publicly do away with all of 2020. It never happened. We will not “become who we are,” but we will remember who we are! We are…..well I don’t want to say whites because I hate almost all of you, so I will defer to Mark Brahmin to explain the coming Apollonian Master Race
I’m a really serious guy!
The world according to Richard Spencer
What’s your favorite drink, Lady Spencer? The Cosmopolitan? The Mo-heeto?
@other anonymous:
There may be at least three different “anonymous” (screen name) commenters here (only Hunter would know for sure) – besides “A”nonymous and Anon and a few other variations, all expressing different views, which is confusing. I am choosing another screen name. I will not be “anonymous” again. Sorry for any confusion.
Re: “I will not be ‘anonymous’ again:
Now: “Merthyr Rising, 1831”
“Celtic people are all Communists (…) the love of the Welsh for Socialism (is) one of their most well-known qualities,” said Keir Hardie, member of Parliament, 1907
@Merthyr – This is getting very confusing….
Which one of you is the deluded commie true-believer who hates ordinary White people? I now like to simply skip right over that “anonymous” when reading comments, so any clarification would be greatly appreciated.
Elgort couldn’t accuse Putin of having lied about anything in that speech so he engages in the usual jew name-calling instead. Kikeface!
Well, Comrade Putin, I hope you’re right.
Because Francis Fukayama (The End of History), just about every retired 4-star general in the United States (all 25,000 of them), & 99% of the vaunted, always right American media (even Fox News) are crowing that Russia, the Russian army, & you, are done, defeated (or about to be), kaput, & either dead or awaiting transport to the International Tribunal at the Hague, for your war crimes trial, a la Milosevic. Maybe your army is doing slightly better than Comrade Stalin’s in the opening round of the Russo-Finnish War in 1939, but Finland did not have NATO & the American Global Empire sending vast amounts of the most deadly anti-tank & anti-aircraft weapons known to man to its armed forces, which also, unlike Ukraine’s, were not trained by CIA para-military operatives & other American military units in advanced sniper & guerrilla warfare for 8 years before the war. Nor did Finland have what amounts to “totaler krieg” economic warfare waged by America & its European vassals against the USSR.
OTOH…your doppelgänger Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa didn’t turn out the way the military experts in Britain & the USA were predicting, during September, October & November of 1941.
Who is treacherous scum? Who? Remember the fruit does not fall far from the tree.
When Putin speaks of treacherous scum, I think he is talking about Jews.
Are there any Irish in Russia? Who else could it be?
Anyone George Soros is opposed to, must be pretty ok.
It’s a badge of honour when this old fart is speaking out against you. He’s inadvertently raising you up a step or two.
Just to remove all/any doubt: Michael Elgort (Twitter/just_whatever) is a Jew — link
link — Every real nation is a people of a common blood and descended from the same ancestors. A nation — from the Latin word meaning to be born — can have no other meaning. — Sam Francis
link — Sunny Isles Beach, known as “Little Moscow” has 3 chabad centers, at least 5 synagogues, and zero orthodox churches. … In his speech today Putin described the community of Russians with villas in Miami who “can’t get by without so called gender freedoms” as a potential 5th column.
Wikipedia/Sunny Isles Beach, Florida/Demographics — Also, as of 2010, the six main ancestries of the population (excluding Hispanic ancestry) were 9.4% Russian, …
Traitors and Bastards he called (((them))).
The tabs leaving Russia. A self cleansing.
I seriously heard a Navy Seal on some TV talk show saying we don’t need to worry about Russia because in a few generations they will be no more because they are not reproducing in sufficient numbers. He noted Putin has tried natal policies to boost the ethnic Russian birth rates but they were a failure. So I looked up ethnic Russians in Russia proper. It said 87 percent. When I looked up Whites in America is said 57%/ So which is more? 87 or 57? Who is really in danger of extinction in the generations to come.