How Western Sanctions Affect Me In Russia

I also suspected that Dugin would be thrilled with the sanctions which encourage autarky, deglobalization, de-dollarization and fall hardest on Putin’s opposition.


“So there are a lot of questions there. A military failure or even catastrophe is my impression too. The Traditionalists obviously don’t like that. They do, on the other hand, like the sanctions though. Dugin is really excited about those: McDonald’s is gone, all of these Western businesses are gone. There’s increasing management of the informational sphere, which he loves. Russia has broken off from Western finance, the disturbance of the global capitalist capital system, and flow of money and goods. Traditionalists like Dugin love all of those things. If that’s the ultimate outcome of a failed military campaign, I think he would still think the campaign was one of the best things Russia’s ever done — even if he wants to have Ukraine and would still like to see them bent under the will of Russia and pulled away from the West.

Everyone who follows him, including me, anticipated when the sanctions were announced that he’d be pleased by them. Just yesterday, for example, amid news about the internet being managed, he came out and said, “Oh, this is fantastic. This is great.” I think he’s probably in a stronger position now. I don’t think that you’re going to see — and this is one criticism of the sanctions — you’re not going to see everybody turn on Putin for this reason. In many cases you’re probably going to see them rally in defiance and embrace a new identity. That will be the one way that they can maintain some dignity in the face of some severe economic conditions. So that will strengthen him. And it will strengthen this cause: of creating this island, an island of Russia. What will happen with Traditionalists in the future? It’s ultimately very tied up with individuals, because this is not a mass movement. …”

Libtards are currently weaving Dugin into their Russia conspiracies. They want to scapegoat Russia for what they have done to rip apart the social fabric of their own countries.

Note: Obviously, I made up my mind about foreign policy because of George W. Bush and Iraq and our subsequent disasters in Syria, Afghanistan and Libya. It had nothing to do with Dugin or Russia. Dugin echoes though a lot of what rural Americans are already saying about coastal libtards. We’ve spent years describing this class of people who dwell there back East and on the West Coast

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There’s a huge tendency for WNs/alt-rightists/’traditionalists” to believe, stupidly, that gangsterism and dictatorship is somehow a step closer to what they want.

    Japan, South Korea, Israel, White South Africa, and pre-World War II USA are five examples of modern societies which managed to combine a traditionalist culture (including being ethno-states in most respects) with classical liberal political forms, such as elections (maybe limited by race, property, etc.) and the rule of law.

    Right now, Russian “traditionalists” are slaughtering fellow Slavs, and in so doing are turning their country into China’s cell bitch. Excelsior!

    • It is good that Russia has banned LGBTQ garbage and China is cracking down on sissy culture. We can grant them credit on that one thing without believing that Russia and China are a model worth emulating at home

      • Common sense about queers didn’t originate in a Russian Wheat field when the first man saw his first White girl and just had to know her biblically.

        This pearl of wisdom evolved independently in Central Appalachia too where this White boy resides. We do have our own Wheatfields here.

        We don’t have common cause just because we know gays ruin everything. Every dude whose ever been in a Wheatfield has figured it out.

        • Common sense about that is already rapidly being lost here and that is before jumping into World War III with Russia in which the enemy will be defined by its opposition to “trans” and other related garbage. What could go wrong?

          • Disagree fam. The price of Wheat has almost doubled and the acres utilized for wheat fields is exploding.

            Now more than ever more White guys are gonna see their first Wheat fields and the only possible putcome is redpilling.

            Just watch HW!

        • Where is anyone growing wheat in central appalachia? PA? KY?
          You do know the difference between wheat and corn, or wheat and hay, right?
          Also, what the price of fertilizer in central appalachia? Is it available in bulk?

    • “Japan, South Korea, Israel, White South Africa, and pre-World War II USA are five examples of modern societies which managed to combine a traditionalist culture”

      None of these have/had traditional culture. Japan and worst Korea are Americanized feminist garbage dumps with the lowest birth rates on earth. Israel is the gayest country in earth. White SA committed suicide, which shows how effective your Jewish philosophy of “classical liberalism” is. Pre-WWII USA was a modernist hell hole, as thoroughly documented by HW here at OD

    • There’s a huge tendency for Westerners to see the entire world only in a western context. Traditionalist China, of which Xi has embraced some things, and traditionalist Russia, of which Putin has embraced a number of things, are still profoundly different that any traditional western society. There are even significant differences between different western societies – take Catholic Spain versus Protestant England. Classical liberalism is pretty much unique to the Anglosphere. Dart also hammers home a very cogent point about your examples. The ones you cited were temporary conditions, nothing more.

    • A heavily-armed soon-to-be-NATO enemy being built up right on their doorstep. Russia should have marched in back in 2014. They need to get the job done.

    • The article you linked said “There is no insurgency, yet.”

      But there was an insurgency before.

      Remember the Harry Truman regime that created CIA and NATO also created the same Banderite anti-Russian proxy war insurgency in Galicia 70 years ago, and the Russians penetrated the secret Banderite organization and completely liquidated the insurgents. So there was peace in the Ukrainian SSR for thirty years, until the late 1980s when the U.S./CIA started going in again to create a new insurgency.

  2. “They want to scapegoat Russia for what they have done to rip apart the social fabric of their own countries.” You’re definitely right there but I think the true motivation for all this madness is to conceal the fact the federal government is a unsustainable massively bloated parasitical corrupt to the core organization and they’re trying to delay the inevitable of their credibility going down the toilet and rob the public before the public catches on to their criminality. Hunter Biden’s exploits are the tip of all the corruption going on in DC.

  3. “Japan, South Korea, Israel (…) examples”:

    Those are three of the worst possible examples, in ascending order of evilness. You claim Israel combines a traditionalist culture with liberalism, elections and rule of law. I say it is an unnatural, anti-traditional, materialistic, gangster state founded on myths and practicing genocide of the indigenous people of Palestine.

    “Russian traditionalists are slaughtering fellow Slavs”:

    They are not slaughtering. They are saving fellow Slavs, rescuing them very carefully from the teeth of the global Hegemon.

    • Anybody promoting Israel, Japan and South Korea and comparing it to 1930s America is just a new branding of neocon. The new neocons are the fake kosher “paleocons” – neo-paleos – humbugs. How could anyone be so stupid to fall for it?

    • May the b*tch rot in Hell. God, I know it’s true. She was a Jew, end of the blood of Serbia is on her hands.

  4. Organized crime bosses controlled many urban neighborhoods, businesses, unions and public officials in America from the late 1800s until the 1980s. Even though they were gangsters they still kept the peace and fostered a strong sense of community. Out of necessity dictators rule their countries with the best interests of the people in mind. Democratically elected leaders don’t give a damn about anything except getting re-elected. So I’m afraid you’re nothing but an imbecile, JRC.

    • Any form of government which does not have mechanisms to regularly bring in new blood at the top, will in the long run (and quite often the short run) be inferior to one that does. Aside from all issues of civil and political rights, dictatorships are like an organism incapable of evolution. You can have a relatively narrow electorate limited by race, class, or gender, but defined terms of office with succession via election is the best political system yet devised.

      • Dictatorship is defined by its unitary executive role, not by mode of succession. Dictatorships lack the “separation of powers” and decentralization of sovereignty that have made the USA and liberal European nations so garbage. Dictators can be elected, appointed, rise through coups, etc. Mode of succession and centralization vs decentralization of sovereignty are two separate issues. But even so, electoral systems are inferior to succession by appointment, due to the incentive structure of each. Elected leaders, and more particularly those in systems with short or limited terms of office, have every incentive to sell out. In fact the electoral republican model of government was designed for the purpose of allowing rootless plutocrats to act as shadow rulers, buying and selling empty suit politicians like they buy and sell stocks or commodities. Corrupt, sell-out politicians are a feature of representative republican government, not a bug. The dictator, on the other hand, has little incentive to sell out because selling out tends to only limit his power. Rule by rootless plutocrat is the most important factor in why you will very soon be a minority in the country you believed to be your own (followed by Europeans in all European states that have followed similar models).

    • That’s one of the based Russian Übermensch that is going to help Czar Vlad free the World from the shackles of International Jewry – duh.

    • “I don’t know what that sissy was talking about”:

      Yes, that’s how it (male or female?) struck me as well. An urban sissy, cosmopolitan consumer type, capitalist to the bone, perfectly in tune with the Fifth Column in Russia. He (or she) couldn’t care less about the existential struggle for the survival of Russia, only about how “the craziness” puts limits on the use of Mastercard and Visa to buy things not made in Russia, and on receiving foreign donations for the silly blog.

      • I’ve been watching they/them’s videos for the past few weeks. I thought it was funny when they/them said that they/them’s Mastercard doesn’t work outside of Russia. Even if they/them wanted to get out, they/them are trapped now

  5. The sanctions against Russia threatens all of us from higher gas and food prices. We are all victims of the regimes stance.

    • U.S. citizens worrying about higher prices for food and gas, instead of the war crimes they are committing (that are being committed by the U.S. in their name) is even worse than this urban-cosmopolitan Russian in the video, who doesn’t care about “all the craziness” (that is threatening the very existence of Russia) that is going on and is only concerned about limits being put on the use of his (or is it her?) Mastercard, because he might not be able to buy the foreign brands he prefers or might have to pay a little more.

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