Are we the Blame America First crowd?
Yes, America is like a drunk that keeps waking up in a pool of his own vomit. Every single time it happens the same elites ask incredulously why they should be held accountable for their own behavior. In reality, it keeps happening because we have some bad habits we are unable to shake.
- The exact same people who were responsible for our previous foreign policy disasters – Serbia, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan – have guided us into our current disaster in Ukraine.
- Millions of refugees have poured out of Ukraine. If this sounds familiar, it is because the “Homeland” has been a dumping ground for refugees from all our previous adventures for decades. We’re set to take in 100,000 Ukrainian refugees although that number will doubtlessly rise
- Joe Biden and congressional Republicans are poised to sign off on a significantly larger defense budget. If this sounds familiar, it is because the top line of the defense budget only trends in one direction. Wealth is sucked away from the “Homeland” and redistributed to the Beltway
- Oh … yet another conflict in a far flung part of Eurasia where we have a moral duty to intervene. Have you heard that one before? It hasn’t been six months since we left Afghanistan
- Oh … yet another color revolution which has destabilized another foreign country in Eurasia. Have you ever seen that before?
- The United States is pouring weapons into a country to cosign a proxy war which is killing Russian soldiers. Have we ever gone down that road before?
- Turn on your television and Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are cheerleaders for yet another war. Have you ever seen that before?
- We can’t address our massive domestic problems because we are distracted by a foreign policy crisis. Has that ever happened before?
- We have to sacrifice as a show of solidarity with the corrupt elites who provoked this unnecessary crisis. That has never happened before either.
We are cursed by militarism and imperialism. We are cursed by a globalist elite which is bent on world domination and is incapable of minding its own business and tending to its own affairs at home. It is always meddling in some distant part of the world, destabilizing foreign countries, creating crises and feeding off those crises. And so, we live in Groundhog Day where the same pattern repeats itself over and over again while our cities decay and fill up with refugees while the Beltway flourishes.
“Far too many conservatives remain critical of U.S. support for Ukraine, despite Russia’s obvious aggression. Ask them why, and you’ll likely hear much criticism of past American misadventures abroad. What you won’t hear is a coherent approach to the Ukraine crisis or even future U.S. foreign policy.
I sought out this minority perspective at a conference on Thursday titled “Up from Chaos,” featuring prominent Republicans such as Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), Rep. Thomas Massie (Ky.) and Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance. Instead of making a compelling argument for their views, most speakers instead provided a good explanation for why they have found little support in Congress or the country.
The conference’s opening video set the day’s context. “Russia has invaded Ukraine, the world in chaos, and Washington’s decades-long, failed bipartisan foreign policy is to blame,” it proclaimed. Virtually every speaker echoed this “blame America” attitude, attacking the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and interventions in Syria and Libya as misguided failures. They rightfully contend that these acts squandered American power, damaged American prestige and emboldened America’s adversaries. But they wrongly use those errors as justification to ignore the perilous situation before us. …”
What’s your alternative?
- Withdraw from NATO
- End the American Empire by withdrawing American troops from this spiderweb of bases which have been set up all over the world
- End the Pentagon. Just axe it.
- Abolish the “intelligence community”
- Gut the Deep State bureaucracy
- Cut the military budget by hundreds of billions of dollars
- Reorient the military to securing our own borders
- Stop destroying foreign countries and creating endless refugee crises
Perhaps the corruption in Washington that has built up around being in a permanent state of war since World War II could have been dealt with using a scalpel at some point in the past. This is no longer the case. More extreme measures are needed to retake control of our military and foreign policy.
Uncle Sam needs to get sober, go on a strict diet and check into rehab. This crisis in Ukraine illustrates why an intervention is needed. He is out of control. He won’t stop. He is addicted to wars in Eurasia. He is even rambling on about regime change and wars to spread “democracy” there again.
Solution: Nationalize the “Fed”, Blackrock, Vanguard and everything they own. Put the directors (the ones we know of anyway) on trial for fraud and Treason.
The USA once tried to be neutral and avoid entangling alliances but after it morphed into this godless, spiritually, morally corrupt Yankee Empire and got involved in the world wars it has become the most “entangling” part of international alliances today trying to force their godless insane lifestyles and views of morality on weaker nations like a homo raping/corrupting a young child.
Until recently, I resented the fact that other nations (England, France) did not come to the aid of the South during Lincoln’s War to Deprive the American Southern States of Their Independence (known as the American Civil War). Now, I am glad the South owes nothing to other nations and if we should secede we should continue to do so and the only alliances we need to make is first with God and then with nukes. (if the Yankee Empire is not nuked out existence first, the South needs to secede from the Yankee Empire and divide the nuclear arsenal so the South will be able to defend itself against aggressions from other nations.) I encourage young intelligent Southerners to become nuclear physicists and related positions. We will need a lot of nuclear fire power to defend ourselves as time goes on until Christ returns.
The alternative is supporting whatever is bad for the USA, until it ceases to exist as a political, economic, and cultural entity.
The host of this site, with sharp eyed perception, could not have laid it out more, clear and understandable than he did, that being said, the sobering truth is, It’s too late now, we couldn’t stop this train, even if we collectively wanted too, the alternative suggestions listed above, though they are all wise and sensible, their not going too happen, too do so would require, a different system, a different economy, a different people, the satanist that rule, have a vested interest, in maintaining this babylonian dystopia, we all know this, the republic lost its way 1860-1876 and in the years since, we have been, terribly misled, Jesus will bring this evil kingdom down, exactly how? I don’t know, he may use other nations too do so, time will tell, we must continue too prepare, be ready when the time comes, too step up.and do our part, the moment the empire falls, we take it back, if we can’t take it all, we take what we want to God willing, His story, the saga of man, does end very well, but that is a subject matter for another time, so all in all, the southern republic, take no side, with the ruling factions of power in Russia or the ukraine, too the common folk over there, we wish you well, we are praying for you and the end of the war, too the satanist who have wrought this evil, I hope the last thing, you and your dark master see, before you all, are cast into the lake of fire, is the southern battle flag, gently swaying in the lord’s cool breeze…….
Vote moar harder doesn’t work. What is needed is a modified Cloward-Piven strategy designed to overload and crash the usury-based economic system. Throwing enough sand in the gears to the point that it all grinds to a halt – resulting in things like all of the badge-gang (and other) pensions being sucked into the maw of Blackrock. Once this happens, the regime’s muscle will walk off, all the EBT cards will stop working and all the various payments will dry up. That’s the only way to remove the Schlomo-monkey off our collective backs that I can see at this point. Ugly as hell to be sure, but necessary.
Conservatives are just as guilty as the liberals in letting this nation go to hell. In many cases they helped the destruction by sitting back and hoping to vote their way out of it.
Washington was in a permanent state of war even before WW2. The ones after just get more publicity.
I like the expressions on the faces of those soldiers in the photo in response to the presence of their “commander in chief”. I wonder if thoughts of mutiny/desertion are crossing their minds?
Jeff Bezos and his shitty jew supremacist publication The Amazon Post need to be dealt with once and for all.
The good news is, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and basically the rest of the world are calling out America for this crap. Russia literally told the EU to “lay off the American bourbon.” The ruse will be up when all of East Ukraine is annexed, or otherwise controlled by Russia, which is what the military situation on the ground looks like as of today. I doubt the sanctions will go away, which will make things hard for Middle Whites, but American influence on the world stage is gone and is never coming back.