Watch his demonic face recoil when he says the word “Christian.” #BanTheADL pic.twitter.com/WYvDGM6R7t
— Andrew Torba (@BasedTorba) September 8, 2023
The word “Christian” is like sunlight in the face of a vampire. I was waiting for him to burst into flames. ? https://t.co/viPILKldj3 pic.twitter.com/IFH1tixODl
— Andrew Torba (@BasedTorba) September 8, 2023
As I told @NicolleDWallace, I want to be crystal clear. We don't want to kill Twitter. I've never said Musk is an antisemite and the platform itself is not inherently antisemitic. More here ?? pic.twitter.com/L4L1gaczvn
— Jonathan Greenblatt (@JGreenblattADL) September 8, 2023
Fact checking Jonathan Greenblatt's latest interview
— Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) September 8, 2023
As part of his damage control tour, head of the ADL Jonathan Greenblatt appeared on MSNC for another softball interview. He made a number of misleading and false statements in this interview. Let's take a look:
Claim 1:… pic.twitter.com/xJNYcTHir4
Among other things, ADL wanted this platform to permanently ban Trump, even though roughly half the country voted for him.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 8, 2023
What exactly does banning Trump have to do with fighting antisemitism!? pic.twitter.com/HODfgYR1CW
Beautiful words by @KeithWoodsYT on the civilizational importance of the fight against the ADL. pic.twitter.com/zQUk7lbeDZ
— Jean-François Gariépy ? (@JFGariepy) September 8, 2023
Elon Musk’s Ugly War with the ADL | National Review https://t.co/Sahcc1pd6I
— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) September 7, 2023
The ADL is the real victim here.
Beware the Jewish Mitosis. Greenblatt will be the scapegoat, and a new Jew will replace him promising the goyim that he’s “a real, true, trustworthy Jew.”
Only see his face and understand a lot
The 1st Amendment is arguably the greatest systemic civilizational advance in human history.
Without it, Americanism, in any guise, becomes an historical footnote.
Currently, the greatest threat to the 1st Amendment is The Left, above all that portion of Organized Corporate Jewry which seeks to entirely refashion America to suit itself.
Jews cannot be exempt from criticism, and Jews cannot be allowed to dictate national dialogue.
We, collectively and individually, all must be subject to criticism.
As to Mr. Greenblatt : when he cites the history of the ADL, he makes a specious argument, because, historically, the ADL fought to protect individual Jews from hateful actions, whereas, now, that motive is overshadowed by the use of it to forward a Neo-Liberal Corporate anti-White American Gentile hegemony over this country.
We all must fight this and we all have a role to play, whether it is airing our opinions online, or expressing our perspectives to family, friends, and neighbours.
No more political correctness.
No more tyranny under the guise of seeming not hateful or sparing someone’s feelings.
Dave Chapelle is leading the way with this, he refusing to stop making his his very effective racist humour.
> … when he cites the history of the ADL, he makes a specious argument, because, historically, the ADL fought to protect individual Jews from hateful actions
Au contraire. The ADL was formed to allow a rich jew pedophile to escape justice for his rape and murder of a 13-year old white girl – which nearly happened. Even in the year of Leo Frank’s trial (1914), the system in Georgia was corrupt enough that the politicians and judges could be bought off with Jewish money. The citizens ultimately took justice into their own hands and hanged Frank for his crime – which was far more merciful than what Mary Phagan experienced at the hands of Leo Frank. The ADL’s purpose is to ensure than no Jew is ever prosecuted or punished for any crime carried out against a goy. They are a criminal organization. They and all of their supporters should be destroyed completely.
@Exalted Cyclops…
Thank you, as per usual, for your strong and extremely well-informed reply.
You have stated the facts about Leo Frank; that he was a wretched character who committed horrendous crimes.
Though God alone can provide justice, if any lynching was ever justified, then this one was.
As to the ADL being formed to help Jews escape from capital crimes committed against Gentiles, I have never heard such a notion.
So, I researched it, and, yes, it seems that there are others with this view.
I am going to continue to ponder it, particularly in light of your last sentence, which, in my current view, is precisely what has been the historic motivation for Jewish support of the ADL.
Be well.
Hello Ivan,
According to Talmud, Leo Frank did nothing wrong. Nor did Epstein. Talmud rejects any goy authority over Jews and very explicitly claims jews can do anything they want to goyim – including murder. While it is true that there are non-elite jews who haven’t even read the Talmud, the ones in charge of Kosher Nosetra operate the ‘organization’ according to its principles – which are Satanic – and enforce omerta against non-elite jews who make too much noise and will even order executions upon those who disobey the code after they’ve been “made”. The Talmud, which is the actual jew holy book, postdates Christianity by about five centuries. Anything found in the Torah must be filtered through Talmud. The pharisees Christ was constantly attacking in the gospel accounts were operating under a kind of proto-Talmud. Hence “The Synagogue of Satan”.
You might want to read this informative article on the subject from the Jewish-born Unz, who is definitely on the Kosher Nosetra’s enemies list. As far as I can tell, Unz was never a “made” man in the organization.
@Exalted Cyclops…
Thank you for your thoughtful, and, as per usual, extremely well informed remark.
Yes, The Torah is filtered through what The Rabbis have opined about it, in ‘The Midrash’, or, if you will, the extensive elaborations built upon it.
One aspect of this complex exegesis is, as you imply : the need to pursue Jewish Tribal survival and well-being, if necessary, then by Machiavellian means.
Thank you for interacting with me and teaching me. The depth of your understanding is something everyone can benefit by.
Brad, totally OT, but several years ago I bought a 1970 Glomerata at a Salvation Army thrift store for a couple of dollars. I have totally run out of book space. I will mail it to you with my compliments if you want it.
Christ the Palestinians the unborn. You deserve to be hatred, you persecute and torment the weak and the innocent. Get it through your thick skull, you fzxcking Jew retodd.
Roberta O’Browning,
You type a post thats only three lines long, and you’ve made about three errors. Please check for mistakes before pressing ‘post comment’.
Thank you professor, you are so much better than me aren’t you Christ killer?
Yes, I’m so much more gooderer! 😉
Evil is not better than good retard killer? Hating the innocent is evil, and you and your tribe do hate the Muslims and the Chinese or anybody else your Jew masters tell you to.
I”m glad that its guys like Matt Walsh, Keith Woods and Jean Francois Gariepy doing the rhetorical jousting with Greenblatt, as they are the more level headed about their approach.
Given the opportunity, guys like Enoch and Anglin would have totally fucked this up with retard tier autism, or long winded explanations of prussian blue and oven technology.
Elon is going to be interesting to watch.
“I”m glad that its guys like Matt Walsh, Keith Woods and Jean Francois Gariepy doing the rhetorical jousting with Greenblatt, as they are the more level headed about their approach.
Given the opportunity, guys like Enoch and Anglin would have totally fucked this up with retard tier autism, or long winded explanations of prussian blue and oven technology.”
The only downside is that Keith Woods thinks it’s important to get jews onboard for this anti-ADL thing.
I’ll give you 3 guesses how that’s going to turn out,and 2 of them don’t count.
They’ll make sure all Greenblatt has to do is apologize TO THE JEWS and he gets off with a slap on the wrist,gets to keep on shaking that money tree on the goyim.
The #BanTheADL thing looked amazing in the beginning but it’s going precisely nowhere now. I mean,you won’t have to see retard tier autism or oven explanations,but at the same time,you’re still not going to see the ADL banned,fined,sued,sanctioned or humbled and you’re going to waste a bunch of time and effort on a Tea Party style distraction for a week and then it’ll blow over and never come up again.
Saying #BanTheADL in the future will be on the ADL’s hate symbol list and all platforms will algorithmically suppress the phrase from that point forward.
Greensplat just pulls out his jew card and has automatic entry to every network’ s controlled access point. While all gentiles get mute.
“ADL is the real victim here”
“Oy vey, we suffer so”
“Hey goy, here’s a quarter, load my bags of gold on this jet to tel Aviv”.
Greenblatt looks like he has frog DNA
Rodentine DNA is more like it. Pepe is an OK frog, Micron is a POS frog.
Serpent DNA.
So they’re talking now? This is all so stupid.
Green shit public enemy number 1
Keith Woods’ article on #BantheADL