This is as damaging of an exchange in a Congressional hearing as you might ever see.@RepStefanik has done our country a profound service by exposing the rank hypocrisy of university administrators when it comes to enforcing their own rules to protect Jewish students. https://t.co/c0Xs5uTUPc
— Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) December 6, 2023
Antisemitism has no place on campus — or anywhere in America.
— Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) December 5, 2023
@HouseGOP applauds, Talia, Bella, Eyal, and Jonathan for standing against vile hatred at their colleges and for speaking out at the Capitol today in defense of the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution. pic.twitter.com/clyUYZ5uZV
This morning, I joined @HouseGOP and Jewish college students to highlight the troubling rise in antisemitism on our college campuses. pic.twitter.com/w9bh0jf6Qm
— Congresswoman Jen Kiggans (@RepJenKiggans) December 6, 2023
There has been brazen antisemitism taking place at Harvard.
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) December 5, 2023
Students are calling for “intifada” and chanting “from the river to the sea.”
That means the mass murder of Jews and the destruction of Israel.
President of Harvard Claudine Gay REFUSED to answer whether this… https://t.co/AWKQ5RC3dF
Today, brave college students shared moving and deeply disturbing accounts of antisemitism on their campuses. Let me be clear, antisemitism has no place anywhere in America. We must stand firm in support of Jewish Americans. https://t.co/lMGMtmH1ne
— Dale W. Strong (@RepDaleStrong) December 5, 2023
It’s so tough to be a Harvard student these days. Pretty much the most oppressed, marginalized segment of society. They need our urgent support pic.twitter.com/XwAlsFkAGE
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) December 6, 2023
The top priority of Republican voters is the hostile climate of antisemitism that Jewish students encounter on Ivy League campuses where there is too much criticism of Israel.
How are we supposed to vote for these whores?
I notice on OD’s banner it’s a sea of American and Israeli flags.
Why do they bother with American flags ?
You don’t. I couldn’t give six million shits about this election. Nothing changes.
The Jews got their own country, nobody is forcing them to stay here and feel unsafe, or feel threatened and if the Jews professing fears and anxieties of persecution were genuine they would be heading for the exits in no time flat. Just so you know.
” if the Jews professing fears and anxieties of persecution were genuine they would be heading for the exits ”
It’s all about special privileges for the chosen.
If you do a real deep dive into European history,
you’ll find that contrary to the mass narrative of persecution, jwz were granted special privileges in most countries.
Like the ability to charge suffocating levels of interest, while gentiles couldn’t loan, even at modest rates.
What a dirty trick to have an userious monopoly!
“The Jews got their own country, nobody is forcing them to stay here and feel unsafe.”
Why the Jews would discard fanatical extremely loyal stupid servants like you? If the Jews didn’t rule and exploit you other group would replace them.
“House Republicans Fight Antisemitism On Campus”
How ? by calling Antisemites criminals and Antisemitism a Crime ?
” calling Antisemites criminals and Antisemitism a crime”
That’s the next step.
I was wondering why they got rid of McCarthy exactly, he would of fellated Isthisreal and nothing would be different.
Anti-war/genocide protests against our greatest ally is not freedom of assembly, got it. Whatever, they think people don’t see this for its obvious hypocracy. What was the Animal Farm line, some apartheids are more equal than others. Imagine the Boers of South Africa getting these affirmations for their right to exist, SA would be a great nation but the people we need to stand for made sure they were destroyed.
The Gaza conflict has been the most massive “mask off” moment in my lifetime. I don’t know what is better, this or Hakeem Jeffries getting wrestled by Schumer.
The TOP PRIORITY, being addressed by TOP MEN. The Gay Old Pedos are out to claim Genocidin’ Biden’s Golden Shekel award. At least they’ve made it more than obvious that they don’t give a rat’s ass about their voters. The boomertard Hagee heretics are probably cheering, but few others are – apart from the real TOP MEN – the ones who control the fake-money machine.
So, Biden used Charlottesville as his burning desire to run for President (if I remember correctly). He apparently did not believe there were good people on both sides in Charlottesville that day. Some of the protesters in Charlottesville actually chanted instead of “You Will Not Replace Us!”, “Jew(s) Will Not Replace Us!”. Wow! That was the “unpardonable sin” being uttered in Charlottesville the night before the protest and things like this gave law enforcement the justification they needed for standing down and allowing Antifa, BLM and other Leftwing radical groups to block/attack/throw things at the Unite the Right people who were trying to enter into the park they had a legal permit for and this brawl in the streets gave the Leftwing administrators the excuse they needed to shut down the protest concerning Robert E. Lee before it was even scheduled to start. (It was a government setup from the get go.)
So, now at the centers of some of the most prestigious institutions that produce the worst of these Left wing radicals they are advocating things much worse than “Jews Will Not Replace Us!” and basically Biden is ruling over a country that has “Charlottesvilles” occurring now on a daily basis. Biden should resign immediately. He is a total failure. His reason for running for President has been totally rebuked and there are multiple “Charlottesvilles” for him to chase after every day. (Are there good people on both sides?)
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
If “God” don’t save it, nothing will!
Joe Biden For President: America Is An Idea
Joe, there were NOT fine people on both sides at Charlottesville that day. But you have it backwards liberal Joe. The fine people were on the side of the South. You deranged, woke, anti-South Commies are NOT fine people. You and George Soros are not fine people, etc, etc. And your anti-South predecessors were not fine people: Lincoln/Sherman waged total war against civilians in the South (just as the nation of Israel is waging total war against trapped civilians in Gaza today) and forced them back by military action into a Union (Yankee Empire) that they no longer wanted to be a part of and they have been help captive against their will for the last 160 years.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
I don’t see things getting better for the jews from here on out until they get kicked out of the US, their 110th society to be expelled from. I just hope I live long enough to see it.
Speaking of the almighty, Pope Noseferatu of the ADL (Church of Woke magisterium) hath decreed ex-cathedra that the two words “God’s Mercy” is an “anti-semitic trope”. Guess all the CZ churches best get with the program lickity-spit. We know damned well that the Gay Old Poliboro will be assuming their customary position (kneeling before the great Schlomo-shlong) – lead my Mister Mikey – very soon.
We just have to voat harder and harder …. from the river to the sea.
A bunch of crying and whining over resistance statements like “intifada” and “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. It takes a huge leap of imagination to take statements like those and state they are statements of “genocide”.
The only ones committing genocide are what Jews are doing to Palestinians. It’s like a rapist claiming to be the rape victim.
The Jews have already lost generation Z and they are panicking. Once the boomers and older Gen X die off, Israel will have no allies. The entire planet has turned against Israel and their genocide of Gaza.
The Jews intend to ethnically cleanse Gaza, don’t let them get away with the idea that Jews are facing genocide. Next time Zionists and Zionist Jews tell you that Jews are facing threats of genocide, throw it back in their faces and tell them that it is the Jews who are committing genocide of Gaza and the West Bank. Settlers murdering Palestinians and stealing their homes in the West Bank. The IDF bombing and murdering women and children in Gaza.
H Hunter,
I have a “Christmas in the Holy Land 2023” blog ready to go. Please look over, unless you say “Nay” I post tomorrow early evening.
Silver linings……
White and Jewish oligarchs bombarded us with an unrelenting tsunami of mass immigration from the undeveloped world for 6 decades, for the cheap labor and to atomize/deracinate us.
But turns out brown Catholics, Muslims and pagans from the 3rd world aren’t as sympathetic towards Jews as white evangelical cucks are, especially after said brown people have been educated at woke unis who view Zionism as a form of neocolonialism.
Should’ve seen that one coming, guys, lol.
You made your bed…
And now America is in a much weaker position in the world than it was after WW2.
Yellow and brown people are going to rule the world, and something tells me they’re not going to sympathize with Jews as much as white evangelical cucks did, especially when Jews are committing a genocide in Palestine.
I’m gonna be Laughing Out Loud on the day Israel fully reaps what it has been sowing in the west, Palestine and around the world for decades.
Let me tell you, the west isn’t going to change.
We’re gonna stay the course.
We’re not gonna come to our senses in time, nationalism and populism won’t save us.
Instead, we’re on a highway to hell.
The silver lining is, some of our enemies are gonna get dragged into the inferno with us.
> White and Jewish oligarchs bombarded us with an unrelenting tsunami of mass immigration from the undeveloped world for 6 decades, for the cheap labor and to atomize/deracinate us. But turns out brown Catholics, Muslims and pagans from the 3rd world aren’t as sympathetic towards Jews as white evangelical cucks are, especially after said brown people have been educated at woke unis who view Zionism as a form of neocolonialism.
Should’ve seen that one coming, guys, lol.
Interesting point. Also true as far as it goes. You have to remember that they also view all whites as ‘colonial oppressors’ and will therefore justify ‘revenge’ in the form of rape and murder. Your skin color is your uniform. They will not be asking you polite questions about whether you’re a Christian Zionist when they appear in your neighborhood with outlawed full-auto weapons provided by our government and backed by whites in the police and military to take your house so some diversity can occupy it. Since they tend to be very low IQ, they’ll likely be commanded by Jew-antifa officer/commissars, just as in the Russian civil war era (1918-1922). The whole communist/capitalist dialectic is yet another scam.
I made a more detailed comment on Unz about this racket, and an astute reader there provided some excellent clarification of my initial observation. “Communism” and “Capitalism” (as actually practiced) are just two sides of the same debased shekel. Let devil-spawn in your house and you’ll be in trouble. Every. Single. Time.
Roughly, or conceptually speaking…
…fiscally, the contemporary left serves the state 1st, and corporations 2nd…
…the contemporary right serves corporations 1st, and the state 2nd…
…socially, the left serves BIPOC 1st, and Jews 2nd…
…the right serves Jews 1st, and BIPOC 2nd.
Hitherto, the left let’s the right dominate fiscally, the right let’s the left dominate socially. They tend to like it that way, it’s our ruling class’s consensus.
This consensus isn’t absolute, but it’s there.
Neither side is nationalist and populist, both sides are cancerous.
I believe as the American empire goes down in flames, both sides may become more extreme, and turn on one another, out of desperation.
Neither side is good, both in their moderate, and in their extreme forms, both sides are equally rotten.
Both sides serve special interests which often, but not always overlap, they don’t serve the people.
They serve the state, and corporations on the one hand, and minorities on the other.
When a people are strong, their government serves them primarily, when a people are weak, their government serves special interests.
Gradually westerners have allowed our governments to be taken over by hostile special interests.
Hitherto these special interests have more or less worked together to screw us, like crime families may put their differences aside to work together, but under certain circumstances they may go to war with one another.
Another thing, I don’t blame capitalism or socialism, and communism is a misnomer, communism has Never existed on a large scale Anywhere in the world.
Capitalism and socialism are both better than corporatism and statism.
Ideally we should have the right balance of capitalism and socialism.
The problem is corruption.
We don’t have much capitalism and socialism, instead we have corporatism and statism, a government that expands, enriches and empowers itself and corporations at the people’s expense.
You could call what we have corporate fascism as opposed to fascism.
In fascism government serves itself, corporations And the people, whereas in corporate fascism it just serves itself and corporations.
Both capitalism and socialism can be combined with nationalism, capitalism and socialism aren’t necessarily globalist.
I have little-to no faith in modern politics.
I used to tell people to vote for 3rd parties and independents instead of the duopoly, but many, if not all of them are shills too.
My only hope politically is to live to see my enemies eat each other.
What is modern politics in a nutshell?
Both parties are shills for The Bigs; Big Brother, Big Business, Big Pharma and the military.
Their major difference, insofar as there is any, is cultural.
The left fetishizes BIPOC and LGBT.
What about the right?
Are they white, Christian or at least civic nationalists?
Of course not.
The right is captured by Christian Zionism, an apostate/heretical doomsday cult.
They fetishize Jews and Israel.
They believe Jesus is going to reign on earth through the Jews and Israel after Armageddon.
And so we have AIDS on the left and cancer on the right.
I’m looking forward to watching AIDS and cancer devour one another in the coming months and years.
This is my consolation.
My suggestion is, don’t take sides.
Sit back, relax and grab yourself some popcorn.
What did I tell ya. It’s gonna be like this. We almost had the student and youth nationalist movement rehabilitated until that Catholic Nick Fuentes and other Papists came along, mucked it up, pretended to rep it, and then issued a fatwa Declaring Holy War on Jews and Israel just weeks before the massacre of Oct 07th. So, now they are hunting all anti-semites on College campuses, including the right wing cuz, crying for Hamas and yelling at “Duh, Jews.”
Sadly, for “Duh, Jew” reasons, the rest of you followed lock step in joining the Gay Papist Inquisitor and his IRA-Lite symp, Keith Woods, in allying with Hamas against “Duh, Jews,” and crying over Brown Moslem savages and their children who want to kill you. Dissident Rightists flagellated themselves with sackcloth over them hoping to own “Duh, Jews,” thinking they would be popular with spics and niggaz. Can someone say high school autistic dork cosplay?
In turn, the Zionists looked for allies, saw none on the Dissident Right, went to the RINOs and GOP Establishment alone and got the only seat at the table. Now, the GOP sees no reason to listen to anybody but Zionists, and the Zionists see no reason to listen to the Dissident Right. So, now your present for Christmas from the Republicans is non stop anti-semetism Hanakah.
In a Europe however, the Dissident Right aligned with the Zionists, got a seat at the table, and toppled Leftwing governments, cuz the people, like here, actually got sick of Brown Moslem savages and the Leftists who cried over them. But unlike here, the Dissident Right there aren’t into high school autistic dork cosplay. So, say hello to Prime Minister Wilders and goodbye to Brown Dutch people, but here, say hello to a Confederate sympathizing Speaker from Louisiana only saying goodbyes to anti-semetism.
All you “Duh, Jews” people brought this upon us. But for most, you just get to watch it. Some of us now gotta live with this and anytime we pop in at GOP HQ and say “what about the Confederates,” they all look and say, “Go fellate Nick Fuentes.” In reply, “But, Nick hates the South and rednecks, is a Papist and only cares about toppled monuments for clout chasing.” They all wave their hands and say “Whatever, anti-semite. Here, the FBI, wants to talk to you.”
It looks like “Duh, Jews” people have properly psyoped themselves and the rest of the White Nationalist Dissident Right. As Ironic Sock Puppet warned, the next step is rounding up all the AF-Hamas supporting people on Occidental Dissent. I guess we’ll all get to meet in person in the gulag. Thank you.
Note how our “friend” and (((fellow white man))) defines “supporting Hamas” exactly the same way as the Zionist overlords and their step-n-fetchits do. Any criticism of “Our Greatest Ally” is now “supporting Hamas”. Some “Ally”. They had no problems murdering Americans on the U.S.S. Liberty in broad daylight for 90 minutes then ordering their whores to a) abort the rescue mission being prepped by the nearest carrier (LBJ – an act of Treason, FYI); and b) lie, cover-up and whitewash the entire event (Jewsmedia, John McCain’s daddy – treason runs in the family, congress, et al). Even calling for a ceasefire or expressing any opposition to mass slaughter of civilians is now “supporting Hamas”. “Our Greatest Ally” has killed civilians in Gaza with no restraint whatsoever. If you object even slightly to the lawless regime in Sodom-on-Potomac’s ‘Genoicidin’ with Biden program, you’re a “supporter of Hamas”. Got that?
Next we get the following load of bullshit:
> In a Europe however, the Dissident Right aligned with the Zionists, got a seat at the table, and toppled Leftwing governments, cuz the people, like here, actually got sick of Brown Moslem savages and the Leftists who cried over them. But unlike here, the Dissident Right there aren’t into high school autistic dork cosplay. So, say hello to Prime Minister Wilders and goodbye to Brown Dutch people, but here, say hello to a Confederate sympathizing Speaker from Louisiana only saying goodbyes to anti-semetism.
Every single “Dissident Right” party Schlomo refers to are fake and/or controlled, as Tom Sunic explains in this article. AfD, Wilders, Meloni, and even Orban are all fake or controlled opposition. Not a damned thing will be done about the implementation of Cudhove-Kalergi (= genociding whites), first of all because the EUSSR controls all members, who gave up their sovereignty to an unelected Politboro in Brussels. The structure of the EU is quite similar to that of the old USSR. The EU Parliament, like the Supreme Soviet, is a rubber-stamp legislature. All actual decision making is done by the Council (= Politboro) and the Commission (Central Committee). Majorities of all three are selected by the Oligarchy, as are all judges. Voters in the respective okrugs decide nothing of importance (like immigration). Yet again, the liar spews his falsehoods. Orban is an add case (perhaps controlled rather than bogus like Meloni) who is allowed to defy directives to a degree. As the old boss of the USSR noted: Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.
As I mentioned before, Victor Orban has not taken any steps to a) leave the EUSSR; or b) leave NATO (the EUSSR’s muscle). Although the US base in Hungary is apparently closed, they have plenty of woke thugs in neighboring Germany to ensure that the empire’s Hotel California rule is enforced should Orban get any ideas. Hungary is not a sovereign state, but yet another Okrug of the EUSSR.
Schlomo then finishes off his screed with more accusations about us supporting the Fake-and-Gay Papist Inquisitor (Fuentes), who is probably on the FBI payroll. I’ve been here for a while and Fuentes has few if any fans here. If you’re too stupid to see that this is obviously the work of someone from one of the many hasbara troll farms – who are paid with money taken at gunpoint by your governments to spread lies of this nature – then you’re really not tall enough for this ride.
The enemy’s behavior is consistent:
1. They always lie.
2. They always project.
3. They always double-down.
Such behavior is “righteous” according to their Holy Book, the Talmud. While the Koran and the accompanying Hadiths have their problems, their sheer Satanist evil pales in comparison with the Talmud.
I see, Exalted Cyclops finally got his talking point from Russia’s agent in the Vatican, Pope Francis. So let me respond.
“Note how our “friend” and (((fellow white man))) defines “supporting Hamas” exactly the same way as the Zionist overlords and their step-n-fetchits do. Any criticism of “Our Greatest Ally” is now “supporting Hamas”.”
No, its not criticizing Israel, its supporting Hamas. Complaining about Gazans getting blown up cuz they won’t leave a Hamas military area but not complaining about parasailing fighters to deliberately murder men, women, children, and the elderly is proma facie supporting Hamas.
There are over a billion Moslems, at least 20% of whom support what Hamas did and at least 90% of Gazans support what they did. Gaza wog calls his mom, “hey, I killed 12 Jews, including a mother, a grandmother and a kid. You would be so proud mom!” Liquidating such a human animal is just the first step of 200,000,000 (20%) steps.
Or one of Hunter’s links shows some wog brat picking up a wounded cat and smashing it against a building’s wall until its brains splatter for fun, just moments before an Israeli missile blows apart the building and collapses the wall onto the brat and he gets splattered. Thats who lives in Gaza. Sorry not sorry.
“Schlomo then finishes off his screed with more accusations about us supporting the Fake-and-Gay Papist Inquisitor (Fuentes), who is probably on the FBI payroll. I’ve been here for a while and Fuentes has few if any fans here.”
Really? Could have fooled anyone cuz its nothing but Fuentes talking points. So, either you are all Gay Papists like him or the Mexican is copying you guys hoping to steal your fan base cuz Nazis and Commies are cool. Which one is it?
Also, all the successful parties, which are now preparing to actually implement your dreams are controlled opposition?? Except, the proof is in the pudding. The Gay Papist as accomplished nothing but gain attention like the clout chaser whore he is, talking the same talking points as you guys, who also have accomplished nothing, cuz Duh Jews. Except that now groups, including the Zionists, are starting to implement your goals. But, because Duh, Jews, its all fake? Whatever.
Then you go down a road talking about the EU saying Wilders, AFD, Orban, etc cant do anything because the EU Parliament is just a rubber stamp. None of the people you mention hold power from the EU Parliament. They hold power from their own nation-state Parliaments and their governments don’t hold power from the EU. Thats a strawman argument you made. At any rate they are going to implement your dreams, and do it with the help of the Zionists. The Horror!
As to decrying Orban as controlled opposition because he won’t leave NATO, I can only say thats a Russian Anti-NATO talking point. NATO is literally the military White imperium all you guys dream of, except its not performing due to Leftists and Gay Papists. Thats what we are trying to change in NATO. And its going to work. Sadly, you guys won’t have any say in that process cuz you took your ball and went home to fish cuz “Duh, Jews.” Which to be fair, is sad.
“parasailing fighters deliberately murder men, women, children, and the elderly (….) Gaza wog calls his mom, ‘hey, I killed 12 Jews, including a mother, a grandmother and a kid. You would be so proud mom!” (….) one of Hunter’s links shows some wog brat picking up a wounded cat and smashing it against a building’s wall until its brains splatter for fun, just moments before an Israeli missile blows apart the building and collapses the wall onto the brat and he gets splattered. Thats who lives in Gaza:
You are either disingenuous or very misinformed, apparently with poor reasoning and discernment. I’m surprised you didn’t also amplify the recent Anglo-Zionist propaganda push being carried by corporate mass media: that “dozens of Israeli women and young girls were brutally gang-raped and mutilated by Hamas.” I’m surprised you that didn’t mention the rapes, and that “dozens of Israeli babies were beheaded and later found hanging by their feet on a washline” and that an Israeli baby was baked in an oven by those evil Hamas “animals.”
Here is a different viewpoint for you to consider: that there is an “industry” of unscrupulous, dishonest groups and individuals producing false evidence and claims of “Hamas” atrocities that are being amplified by Western governments and mainstream media. Multi-millionaire and billionaire supporters of Israel, mostly in the U.S., are rewarding these groups with large donations for “finding evidence” of atrocities: https://thegrayzone.com/2023/12/06/scandal-israeli-october-7-fabrications/ “Founded by a serial rapist known as the ‘Haredi Jeffrey Epstein,’ Israeli rescue group ZAKA is responsible for some of the most obscene post-October 7 atrocity fabrications, from beheaded babies to mass rape and mutilation, and a fetus cut out of its mother’s womb. Secretary of State Tony Blinken and President Joe Biden have each echoed ZAKA testimonies about Hamas atrocities. Marred by allegations of financial fraud, ZAKA is leveraging October 7 publicity to raise unprecedented sums of cash. Its rival, United Hatzalah, has also spun out bogus tales such as babies baked in an oven as it closes in on a $50 million fundraising goal. During an October 31 Senate hearing on Israel’s war in Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken offered his rationale for rejecting a ceasefire. Blinken conjured up a gruesome scene intended to illustrate the savagery of Hamas and the impossibility of negotiations with such an organization: “A young boy and girl, 6 and 8 years old, and their parents around the breakfast table,” Blinken intoned. “The father’s eye gouged out in front of his kids. The mother’s breast cut off, the girl’s foot amputated, the boy’s fingers cut off before they were executed.” The Secretary of State concluded, “That is what this [Israeli] society is dealing with.”
Note that some of the photographs of women mutilated by Hamas are identical to photos still on the internet of mutilations by Mexican drug gangs, taken a few years ago. Sometimes these fabricators are sloppy, lazy, or too much in a hurry, like with the White Helmets documentary of gas attacks in Syria (when “the evil dictator Bashar Assad gassed his own people”) where one of the dead child actors opens her eyes and looks around thinking the photo session was over, and the editors didn’t notice it or bother to edit it out before posting to the internet. Maybe they think who cares if we’re sloppy and exaggerate or lie, because it’s still red meat for our side and “people will believe what they want to believe.” But you should not believe what “they” want you to believe, You should always want and struggle to know the truth.
The Hamas “commanche raid” you describe chiefly targeted Zionist military. Even some of the freed Israeli civilian hostages commented on the professional behavior of some Hamas soldiers. Once the wall was breached other groups followed. These and Hamas did indeed take civilian hostages and killed some random civilians as well (just like your own people do all the time Schlomo) – though most of the retards attending a rave on the Gaza border who died ended up being incinerated by hellfire missiles fired from IDF choppers. Hamas is a very low-budget operation and has nothing which is capable of the total incineration of vehicles like the US-made Hellfire.
So the much-vaunted and ballyhooed invincible IDF was seriously caught with its pants down. Whose fault is that? OD’s? Nasty white nationalists? There is additionally some evidence – including from the über-Zionist Jonathan Pollard – that a stand-down order was issued just before the attack. If so, it raises all sorts of questions about the whole business, especially as Hamas was initially raised to prominence by Mossad funding to counteract al-Fatah.
Zionists regard it as a mitzvah to liquidate any non-Jew (human-shaped animals according to the Jew holy book) and they especially like eliminating the Christian ones (See Russia from 1918-1935 for details, the bombing of the old Christian church in Gaza plus countless other examples). So how are they different from Hamas at its very worst? If anything, given the total indiscriminate slaughter of civilians from “the world’s most civilized people”, the Zionists are even more barbaric than the Muslims at their worst.
Zionists are not and will never be allies of whites. They are not mere Jewish nationalists, but Jew supremacists. Even leftoid Jews are zionists. There are at most two-percent of the secular leftist jews who genuinely oppose Zionism on moral (non-Talmudic) grounds. Most of the Jews making public displays marching for Palestine are merely trying to redirect the rage of their brown golem back upon their favorite targets – whites – most of whom are too gaslighted to comprehend the target Schlomo painted on their back.
Other than some mention of the wicked and pernicious influence of Jews, which is has been well documented for literally centuries, Fuentes has little in common with OD. One thing Fuentes fails to note is all of the white step-n-fetchits serving as golem and useful idiots for Jews – operating on both the “left” and the “right”. That’s because it might cause some to question his own mission. Recent events have shown both “communists” and “capitalists” united in their support of endless wars to benefit jews. I flatly regard Talmudists like yourself as Satanic spawn and you merely prove my point with every post.
As for the fake-ass nationalists you praise like Wilders, Meloni, et al. They’ve accomplished zero in terms of removing or even resisting the replacement of their own people – an operation funded almost entirely by the Jews who they fellate at every opportunity. They’re every bit as worthless as Hagee and his Darwin-Award version of Churchianity, who are concentrated among the Protestants who you seem to think represent true Christianity, which is a largely dead religion in the ruin of the west regardless of the denomination. The Catholics (Papists) are finished as well, thanks to the Pedo-Pope and the lavender mafia who control the institutional church on behalf of their globalist masters – not all of whom are jews (though the majority are).
As for NATO, which is the Empire of Lies’ muscle to keep the zeks in the EUSSR open-air gulag from breaking free, you’re lying yet agin. Russia has its own problems with jew oligarchs, but things are better for Russians than the zeks under the ZOG empire’s jackboot. The war in the fake-and-gay country Jewkraine was launched against Russia in 2014 by NATO. Russian intervention last year was to prevent Jews and their Azov-Nazi golem – at least as retarded as ‘Christian Zionists’ – from exterminating the Russians living in Dombass and Lugansk. As with ‘Muh Izrael’, Jewkraine – a major money-launder for Shitpants Joey and the criminals in Sodom-on-Potomac (including most of the Gay Old Poliboro) – is supported by Jews, ZOG, their many white step-n-fetchits and golem, and retarded ‘Christian Zionists’ alike. Go back to your Gay-Zionist troll farm.
The biggest problem whites face are the traitors and sellouts in their own ranks. Jews are hard-wired to evil and have been that way for two-thousand years or more. By their willingness to take the offered ticket – to trade actual gold for Jewish shit spray-painted as gold – they’ve enabled their own enslavement and even extermination. That’s where the real battle lies. I’m being nice to you by calling you a Hasbara troll. You could be something even worse.
The woke left and the cucked right have so much in common.
The woke left serves the state and corporations, the cucked right serves corporations and the state.
They both serve aliens, the woke left serves BIPOC and LGBT, the cucked right serves Jews and Israel, not we the people.
Both sides are hostile alien entities.
Somewhat OT, but the Z-man has an amazing review of the latest “debate” by the Gay Old Politboro’s traveling clown-show, which he very fittingly describes as The Night of the Cobra. It was quite pajeet of him. Even better than Apoo on The Simpsons.
I don’t believe you could find a better argument for a third party than these bunch of scum bags. They don’t represent white Americans, they don’t represent anybody except a few decadent elites. And as Hunter has pointed out, the Fox Network crowd is old and stuck in the past. The same can be said of the jerks who are more interested in giving money to The Ukraine and Israel than they are in the well being of their own society.
“Fighting “Antisemitism,” Like “fighting fascism,” is the other Jewish neurosis.
It’s another fight that’s not ours, and doesn’t belong here, along with all of the other squabbles brought her by the mud flood.
American Universities are the laughingstock of the whole world.