We could be a month away from this.
Sure, it is unlikely to happen given the nature of the crime and Trump’s lack of a criminal record, but this whole case was contrived by Alvin Bragg to “get Trump.” The same is true of all the other cases. Now that Trump has been found guilty by a New York jury, do you show restraint or go all the way?
“Today I invite you to contemplate the idea of Donald Trump in prison come the conclusion of his sentencing hearing in a Manhattan courtroom on July 11. (To recap for the one poor raggedy prisoner just emerging from two weeks of solitary confinement, Donald Trump was found guilty by a Manhattan jury on Friday on 34 felony counts of being The Worst and Most Unavoidable Person in the World, as per the long-stated goal of elected prosecutor Alvin Bragg.) …
You will notice that my argument that Trump is unlikely to get jail time is based on his status as a nonviolent first-time offender of a victimless and uniquely frankensteined-together novel “crime.” I have avoided arguing that it is due to civic norms like “it would look bad for Democrats to throw the opposition candidate for president in jail just before the election.” So now it’s time for me to point out that, yes, it would look absolutely terrible for the New York court to put Donald Trump behind bars for a jumped-up misdemeanor offense that usually results in fines, precisely because the way such crimes are typically treated would make a disproportionate sentence here look nakedly political. (Also, it would shake the country to its core during the late stages of a presidential election, which is no small thing — the logic here is overdetermined, as they say.) Although the court in theory is supposed to take no notice of this — and remember, the court should offer either a fine or a suspended sentence because that is standard practice, and no other reason — I do trust they understand the problematic optics here. … ”
I assume Judge Merchan will give the mob what it wants.
Donald Trump will be incarcerated on the eve of the Republican convention. It will spark a constitutional crisis. We are approaching the climax of this slow moving crisis era.
Note: I hope that doesn’t happen. I have spent the last year trying not to think about how much disruption the outcome of this election could cause in my own life.
I hope it happens. Make America Angry Again.
> I hope it happens. Make America Angry Again.
Will it? Maybe if it sparks a crash of the Wall Street rigged casino for billionaires, which could end up exposing the Imperator as Gen. Butt Naked and thus trickle down to wake up zombies at the gas-pump and grocery store. BTW, if you have a 401K invested in the casino, you can borrow 50K from it at a low interest (maybe even zero) rate and use it to buy land or something of real value. One thing you can bet on is that all 401Ks, etc will be looted when the Ponzi scheme is exposed in full. The Chinese are already selling off treasuries like crazy and buying massive amounts of gold. Not just the Chinese government, but many millions of individuals also.
If Trump goes to prison, that’s another one hundred million votes the Democrats won’t get. When will they learn that witch hunts make the victim more, rather than less popular? Had they left Trump alone, he likely would have just gone away organically.
Love Trump, or hate him, one must admit the legal battles are just votes handed to him on a platter. He doesn’t need to say a thing. The legal battles are doing all his campaigning for him.
They can’t leave him alone, just like Ahab couldn’t let that white whale be. It doesn’t bode well for the Pequod and all who sail in her.
Biden Expected to Sign Executive Order Restricting Asylum
The move, expected on Tuesday, would allow President Biden to temporarily seal the border and suspend longtime protections for asylum seekers…… NY times
Yeh, now That it’s 5 months to the election
“Donald Trump will be incarcerated on the eve of the Republican convention. It will spark a constitutional crisis. We are approaching the climax of this slow moving crisis era.
Note: I hope that doesn’t happen. I have spent the last year trying not to think about how much disruption the outcome of this election could cause in my own life.”
Those in charge care nothing about your life or mine, They push thermonuclear war; you think they care about jail ??
> Those in charge care nothing about your life or mine, They push thermonuclear war; you think they care about jail ??
Point taken. Absolutely true.
“this whole case was contrived by Alvin Bragg”
Oh HW, you know better than that.
That knuckle dragging moron doesn’t have the wits to issue a summons.
Mark Pomerantz is the nose behind the curtain (and his ‘associates’).
Always look behind the curtain, you’ll find who’s mostly likely calling the tune.
Mark Pomerantz, notice where his kippah goes ?
How would your life as a lower middle-class tax donkey in some backwater AL town be disrupted by a sham election between two hand-picked Zio-Stooges?
You lack imagination
Millenials are all a bunch of Drama Queens.
I hope so.
I don’t care for Trump. I am mainly interested in the blowback to his incarceration not starting a shitstorm that ends up disrupting my life
But isn’t a complete disruption of the judaised system ultimately what the Far Right wants? Because the system we are currently living in offers absolutely salvation for Whites. We are definitely not voting our way out of our eventual extinction which is the trajectory we are on now.
They plan to rule in perpetuity so that no CPUSA (D) preezy of the steezy suffers under this precedent?
If we voat moar harderer for the Grand Old Politburo (R) we’ll get ’em this time.
Darr, derp, drool
Need to be on the lookout for another Jan. 6th style psyop.
I’ve said for a long long time now that the best thing Trump can do for us is to be crucified like a big orange boomer jesus to accelerate the balkanization of the country to 88 miles an hour. We could skip generations of slow boiling time straight to constitutional crisis.
> I’ve said for a long long time now that the best thing Trump can do for us is to be crucified like a big orange boomer jesus to accelerate the balkanization of the country to 88 miles an hour. We could skip generations of slow boiling time straight to constitutional crisis.
Excellent, ISA. Accelerate to 88 mph to cover those 14 miles!
@Exalted Cyclops,
Trump’s only chance to go down in history as anything other than the biggest grifter to sit behind the Excelsior Desk would be as a martyr that ignited the secession/Balkanization of the jew SA.
We live in interesting times.
I also believe that they will make desperate attempt to save freedom and democracy.
What turns out so ugly that even moderate left will freak the shit out of themselves. And this will be the end of the regime.
Whole story will play out like Soviet 1991 coup. Ours brought tanks to the streets to save democracy from autocrats.
And they scared shit out even from the party members. Comfort communism is one thing but straight back to stalinism….well no. So Soviet communism collapsed and now is US turn.
It is fascinating watching things unravel but at some point it will be impossible to continue feeling detached because it will probably affect nearly all of us. But yeah, he is almost surely going to prison and that’s when things will get really chaotic.
” it will probably affect nearly all of us. ”
It already is, massively,
If Mr. Yrump IS uncarcerated, this wull be his Landsberg Fortress moment.
Rabbi Don couldn’t write a coherent thousand word essay let alone Mein Kampf.
That observation is indeed true. Also a perfect example of Enshittification at work. It’s kind of like a complaint of C. J. Hopkins which I greatly enjoyed which riffed on what an absolutely crappy Hitler the Orangitler was:
Here I voted for Hitler and all I got was this shitty boomer. Hell’s he’s even worse than the fake-Hitler from the fake-muscal Springtime for Hitler (and Germany). The radioactive bastard offspring of Mel Brooks and Shelson Adelson in WEF garb as ‘Kang Cyrus’.
OF COURSE the U.S. is crazy enough to put the candidate of one of its twin parties in prison to determine the result of the presidential (s)”election” process about five months in advance. Anything evil is possible for the global hegemon, including full-scale nuclear war. The Empire with its diverse “homeland” population or collection of almost 400 million human resources has been driven absolutely mad by its immense haul of stolen wealth, stolen from the workers of the world. The insane U.sury S.ysytem has been bombing Russia for months, for years now, and tomorrow its chief colony and military proxy “Israel” is holding a march through East Jerusalem that will culminate in another mass storming of the Al Aqsa mosque by the Jews. Israeli Minister of National Security Ben Gvir says “We will begin the march at the Damascus Gate and we Jews will go up to the Temple Mount. We need to hit them (the Palestinians) where it is most important” where it hurts them most, by storming and occupying the mosque. All this insanity, all these lies, all these wars, all this evil is the result of the love of money, the very nature of the capitalist class-and-usury system of private profit, personal greed and aggrandizement.
“trying not to think about how much disruption the outcome of this election could cause in my own life”:
You will find that the “middle class” are ultimately expendable. The fifty or so families at the very top of the system will be secure in their bunkers and bug-out places when the world burns including the “middle class” who were pleased with their place in the system’s pyramid.
“You will find that the “middle class” are ultimately expendable. The fifty or so families at the very top of the system will be secure in their bunkers and bug-out places when the world burns including the “middle class” who were pleased with their place in the system’s pyramid.”
I’ve been saying this for a looong time; we mean nothing to them.
Courts and judges have always been an excellent political weapon.
Absolutely. Merchan is an ideologue – a true believer of Church of Woke dogma. The only way he’ll not sentence Cheetohead to jail would be the overlords (who pull his strings) ordering him not to. If the overlords want Cheetohead in jail, Merchan will gladly send him there. The rabid mob of Church of Woke ladies all want bad orange man behind bars as well. Will Llords Soros, Fink, Noseferatu, et al appease their mobs? Time will tell.
“I hope that doesn’t happen. I have spent the last year trying not to think about how much disruption the outcome of this election could cause in my own life”.
There is a fine line between not dwelling on negative thoughts and living in denial. I don’t think that you live in denial but a Hell of a lot of Americans do. It’s disgusting, disappointing, sad that so many Americans don’t see the danger of political prosecutions of top level politicians. Then again, most people didn’t care about the political prosecution of Jan 6 defendants while George Floyd rioters get their charges dropped and paid reparations for being inconvenienced by the police getting in their way while they loot and burn.
Most people are NPC’s whatever the circumstances. The ones who know what’s coming and have been preparing for it for years will do their thing when the time comes. You’ll generally find them at the range, not on blogs.
Remember: Presidential candidate Eugene Debs was thrown in prison on a false and unconstitutional charge of sedition during his fifth presidential campaign. In the 1904, 1908 and 1912 elections, his SPA (Socialist Party of America) candidacy received, I believe, the third highest number of votes, exceeded only by the two mainstream Republican and Democrat candidates. The Elites decided something had to be done to destroy the socialist movement that was growing year by year. Debs tried to manage his campaign from prison, but he received fewer votes than before, and less than 4% of the total votes cast. He would probably have received ten percent or more. if he had not been arrested, tried and jailed with a ten-year sentence.
America is becoming no different than the so called “banana republics”, where you imprison, exile or assassinate your political opposition. As long as the dwindling White majority has nothing but the GOP to fall back on our enemies will get away with it.
Supreme Court can hear this case any time they want to, assuming Zognald’s attorneys file the requisite petitions.
I don’t think they will. For the same reason Dump refused to testify at his trial. He was a dead dog politically until the first case was filed in Georgia. He is riding to the nomination on the clown world persecution/ martyr hoax.
In my Saul Goodman days whenever my client on bond lost at trial the judge would immediately revoke his bond. That the prosecutor has not requested nor the judge ordered this on his own shows how fake this case really is
To the White mind, it doesn’t seem like they would be dumb enough to put Trump in jail. But these people don’t have White minds. They WANT blood and chaos in the streets. They WANT to fight Whites in a war. Unless some deep state suits pull rank on this spic, he WILL JAIL TRUMP. He’s a fucking COLUMBIAN! Hello!
This may be just political theatre, they may have no intention of destroying him.
He may get a slap on the wrist, a bit of probation and community service.
He’s already used his ‘persecution’ to raise over 100 million dollars.
However, if they really do want to destroy him, it’s because he said the quiet part out loud too many times, and they’re scapegoating him for all America’s woes, not because they have major disagreements with him on policy, basically he’s a neocon cloaked in populist rhetoric.
Or, perhaps they’re going after him because of what he symbolizes to the tens of millions of dumb Americans who love and hate him rather than for what he is.
If they do destroy him, I suppose it could tear America apart.
However, this kind of thing happens in the developing world all the time, in Brazil, Russia, India, even in Italy, heads of state have their political opponents jailed, imprisoned, but life goes on, typically, it rarely leads to civil war or secession.
So I guess what I’m saying is, don’t hold your breath.
But the American empire does appear to be nearing collapse, so a political feud could help bring it down faster.
Christian and white nationalists, traditional conservatives and populists will probably have to wait till after the USA collapses to have a real say in things.
People and societies rarely change course fundamentally prior to catastrophe, change requires a catalyst.
I understand the dread of disruption, but the alternative is the calm of despotism. That’ll disrupt our lives (and our children’s lives) plenty, just over a much longer timescale.
“Flashback: Barack Obama Offered Jeremiah Wright Hush Money During 2008 Campaign”
So when are the Repubs start going after past Dem presidents/government officials/etc? Looks like it is now open season, no bag limit. What is holding them back? Deep state?
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
“It’s less than ideal. But the fact that we have a former president who is having to answer to charges brought by prosecutors does uphold the basic notion that nobody’s above the law, and the allegations will now be sorted out through a court process…Having been president of the United States, you need a president who takes the oath of office seriously. You need a president who believes not just in the letter but in the spirit of democracy.”
— Barack Obama, possible future convicted felon for the same crime and former president (#44) in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
correction: “for the same crimes”
Evangelical Trumptards that still shill for the tangerine con man that bleeds pissraeli blue and white, here is your hero on his “Christianity.” ROFLMAO!
So besides putting anti-semites in prison, Zion Don was interviewed by quack “Dr. Phil, and Trump says we desperately need legal immigration, that the Biden administration is being run by fascists, and that he is the best president for black people since Abraham Lincoln.
Btw, Trump’s campaign released a list of potential VP running mates, and it was as bad as expected. Oddly, Nimrata was not mentioned.
At some point we will have to go into the streets.